APA Ethics Code

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APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.03 Informed Consent for Assessment

-obtain informed consent for assessment unless *mandated by law *consent implied as part of routine institutional assessment *purpose is to evaluate decision-making capacity -obtain consent in language comprehensible to all parties -obtain consent for use of interpreter if needed

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.01

-only provide services, teach, and conduct research within the boundaries of their competence -obtain knowledge regarding demographic/cultural issues, populations, areas, technologies, or techniques as necessary

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.12 Credit for Work

-only take credit for work to which you have substantially contributed -publication credits reflect amount of work performed -student listed as principle author on any work based on their dissertation

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.09 Animal Research

-procedures involving animals should be supervised by psychologist trained in animal research -minimize adverse consequences to animals in research -only subject to distress/pain when justified by rewards of research and no alternatives exist -surgery with anesthesia only -killing is done quickly and humanely

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Guideline 3 (Accountability)

-professional activities are aimed at promoting human welfare

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.08

-provide prompt opportunity for information about research -clarify confusing points -if information is withheld, take steps to minimize harm

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.04

-reach agreement about compensation at beginning of relationship -fees should be consistent with law and not misrepresented -if services are anticipated to be limited, discuss with recipient ASAP -if non-payment, inform recipient before using collection agency or legal measures

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.05

-refrain from entering multiple relationship when it would compromise psychologist's objectivity, competence, or effectiveness -if potentially hazardous multiple relationship arises, take steps to resolve it -if law required multiple roles, make these roles clear to all parties

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.02

-responsible for any public statements used to promote professional practice/products/activities -do not compensate press employees in exchange for publicity -paid advertisements must be clearly recognizable as advertisements

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Guideline 1 (Providers)

-service unit should have 1+ psychologist available (as many as needed) -non-psychologists must be supervised by a psychologist -psychologists stay current on professional knowledge -psychologists practice within competence, and should meet requirements for change in specialty -develop innovative theories and procedures

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Guideline 2 (Procedures)

-set procedural guidelines; reviewed annually -explain fee structure at outset -maintain accurate, current, pertinent records; do not use for competitive advantage or personal gain

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.10

-terminate therapy when it becomes clear that client no longer need or is being harmed by continued service -may terminate therapy if therapist is threatened/endangered by client or client's significant other -provide pre-termination counseling and suggest alternative service providers unless precluded by the client's actions or third-party-payers

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.04 Release of Asessment Data

-test data: raw and scaled scores, client responses, and psychologists notes -test data released to client unless release would cause substantial harm -if no client release, only release data as required by law

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.02 Assessment Methods

-use appropriate measures with established reliability and validity in the population of interest -use assessment methods appropriate to the individual's language preference and competence unless use of an alternative language is relevant to the assessment issues

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.09

-when entering any contractual relationship make provisions for resolution of client care in event that contractual relationship ends -welfare of client comes first

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.09 Assessment Services to Other Professionals

-when offering assessment services to other professionals, accurately describe purpose, norms, validity, reliability, applications and special qualifications -select scoring and interpretation services based on validity

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.04

do not require students/supervisees to disclose personal information unless the requirement is clearly identified in course material or information is necessary for evaluation/assistance when personal problems may reasonably prevent competent performance or pose threat to others

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.05

do not solicit testimonials from current therapy clients or other persons who because of their particular circumstances are vulnerable to undue influence

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.08 Appropriateness of Assessment Measures

do not use base assessment or intervention on measures that are obsolete or inappropriate for purpose of examination

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.03

do not withhold records needed for emergency treatment due to non-payment

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.06

during consultations with colleagues, do not disclose information that could identify another party; only disclose what is pertinent to the consultation

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.06

establish a timely, specific process for giving feedback to students/supervisees evaluation should be on actual performance of relevant program requirements

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.05

if one believes a colleague has committed an ethical violation that cannot be resolved informally (e.g. potential for substantial harm to others), refer offender to state/national ethics committees, state licensing board or appropriate institutional authorities *(does not apply if violates confidentiality rights)

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.04

if one believes a colleague has committed an ethical violation, try to resolve by bringing to attention of offender *(this response is only appropriate when informal resolution is acceptable and intervention does not violate confidentiality rights in the situation)

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.03

if responsible for education/training, take reasonable steps to ensure accurate syllabi regarding subject matter, evaluation criteria, nature of course experiences present psychological information accurately

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.01

if responsible for education/training, take reasonable steps to ensure programs provide appropriate knowledge, experience, and meet requirements for licensure/certification or other goals as appropriate

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.02

if responsible for education/training, take reasonable steps to provide current, accurate description of program content, training goals, stipends/benefits, and requirements

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.04

include in reports only info relevant to the purpose of the communication; confidential information only shared when professionally necessary

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.02

informed consent in research: provide info about *purpose, duration, procedures *right to decline participation *foreseeable consequences of declining.withdrawing *forseeable factors influencing choice to participate *prospective research benefits *limits of confidentiality *incentives for participation *whom to contact with questions

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.05

informed consent not required if causes no distress or harm and involves: *study of normal educational practices *anonymous questionnaires, naturalistic obeservation, or archival research where no risk for adverse consequences or broken confidentiality *study of factors related to job or organization effectiveness where there is no harm to employees *is otherwise permissible by law

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.02

maintain confidentiality in al record-keeping make advance plans to maintain confidentiality after withdrawal from a position or practice

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.11 Test Security

maintain security and integrity of test materials and techniques in accordance with law, contractual obligations, and Ethics Code

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.12

make reasonable efforts to plan for facilitating services in the event that they are interrupted by death, illness, unavailability, relocation, retirement or patient's relocation or financial limitations

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.05

may disclose confidential info with consent of client (or LAR) may disclose without consent when mandated by law or allowed by law to: *provide professional services *obtain professional consultation *protect the client or psychologist *obtain payment

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.05 Sexual Relationships with Clients

no sexual relationships with current clients

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.07

no sexual relationships with persons over whom one has supervisory authority

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.01

obligation to protect confidential information in any medium; extent and limits of confidentiality may be regulated by law or institutional rules

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.03

obtain informed consent before recording voice/image unless research includes naturalistic observations in public places with no possible identification of participant or design includes deception (obtain consent after)

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.03

obtain permission before recording voice or image

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.02

permissible to perform services for which one has not been specifically trained in an emergency as long as other services are not available

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.04

practice should be based on scientific and professional knowledge

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.04

protect prospective participants from adverse consequences of withdrawal if participation is for course credit, offer alternatives

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.01

provide accurate information about research proposals and obtain approval (where required) before conduction research

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.06

psychologists should cooperate with ethics investigations, proceedings and requirements of APA and/or state associations

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.08

psychologists should not deny anyone employment, advancement, program admission, etc. based on his or her being the subject of an ethics complaint

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.07

psychologists should not file ethical complaints with reckless disregard or willful ignorance of facts that would disprove allegations

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.05 Construction of Assessment Measures

psychologists who construct assessment measures/techniques should use appropriate psychometric techniques

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.06

refrain from initiating activities in which personal problems prevent competent service if personal problems arise, take appropriate measures (e.g., consultation, limiting or suspending professional duties)

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.06

refrain from professional relationships where interests (personal/professional/etc.) could impair objectivity, competence or effectiveness or expose the other person/organization to harm

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.15 Reviewing Research

respect confidentiality of authors when reviewing materials submitted for presentation/publication/proposals

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.06

take reasonable steps to accurately report services provided, fees, charges, or payments in reports to payers or sources of research funding

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.04

take reasonable steps to avoid harming clients, students, supervisees, research participants, organizational clients, and others minimize harm where forseeable and unavoidable

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.03

undertake ongoing efforts to develop and maintain competence

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.07

when agreeing to provide services at the request of a third party, clarify role to all parties involved at outset of treatment, including: *role of psychologist *identifying the client *describing the probably uses of services provided or information obtained *discussing limits of confidentiality

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.02

when ethics code conflicts with laws/regulations, try to resolve the conflict. If unresolvable, follow the law.

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.09

when indicated, cooperate with other professionals to serve effectively and appropriately

APA Ethics Code: Standard 7.05

when indiv or group therapy is a course requirement, students must have option of therapist unaffiliated with program faculty evaluating academic performance should not provide that therapy

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.03

when organizational demands conflict with ethics code, try to resolve in a way that permits adherence to ethics code

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.03

when promoting workshops/seminars/non-degree-granting programming, provide info about intended audience, services provided, presenters and fees

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.04

when providing public advice/comment through the media ensure comments are based on psych literatuce and practice, consistent with Ethics Code, and do not indicate that a professional relationship has been established with the recipient

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.07

when psychologist pays, is paid by or splits fees with a colleague, should be based on services provided, not the referral itself

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.13 Original Data

do not publish as original previously published data

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Definition of Psychological Services

* evaluation/assessment, diagnosis * intervention to facilitate functioning in individuals/groups/organizations * psych consultation * psych program development * admin and supervision of psych services * evaluation of psych services

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.06 Sexual Relationships with Close Others of Clients

-No sexual relationships with close relatives, guardians or significant others of clients -do not terminate therapy to circumvent this standard

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Scope

-Supplement to APA Code of Ethics -Aspirational statements to improve quality of psychological practice

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Definition of Provider

-Two categories of providers 1. psychologists with doctoral degree 2. other providers of psychological services

APA Ethics Code: Standard 2.05

-avoid delegation of work to parties with conflict of interest -only delegate to others who can perform the work competently, and ensure this is the case

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.01 Forming Professional Opinion

-base professional opinions on comprehensive exams with info and techniques sufficient to substantiate findings -if this is not possible, document efforts made, results found, and limit extent of opinion -if exam not necessary, this should be explained along with info on which the opinion is based

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Guideline 2 (Policies)

-compose psych service unit in way most appropriate to needs of community -compose a written description of roles, objectives, and scope of services, review annually -avoid diminishing or violating rights of others -conform to relevant statutes; challenges made according to legal protocol -make available information regarding additional human services

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.10 Erroneous Data

-do not fabricate data -if errors in published data, correct them

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.11 Plagiarism

-do not present another person's work as your own

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.14 Verification of Research Findings

-do not withhold data from colleagues seeking to verify through reanalysis -may charge for costs of sharing data -protect confidentiality of research participants -if requesting data for verification, use only for that purpose unless written consent for other use

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.10 Communicating Results to Client

-ensure results are clearly explained to individual -if disclosure is precluded, explain this to the other party

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.11

-give everyone involved information about: *nature and objectives of services *probable uses of service provided and info obtained *who is the client *who will have access to info *limits of confidentiality -provide results and conclusions ASAP -inform individuals if they cannot be given this information

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.01 Therapy Informed Consent

-inform patient ASAP regarding nature of therapy, fees, third-party involvement, and limits of confidentiality -inform patient of developing nature of treatment, potential risks, alternative treatments, voluntary nature of participation -inform client if therapist is trainee and give name of supervisor

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.06 Interpretation of Assessment Results

-interpretation should take into account the purpose of the assessment, as well as other test factors, test-taking abilities, and personal characteristics of the examinee

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.06

-make reasonable efforts to avoid offering excessive or inappropriate financial or other inducements for research participation when such inducements are likely to coerce participation. -When offering professional services as an inducement for research participation, psychologists clarify the nature of the services, as well as the risks, obligations and limitations

APA Ethics Code: Standard 8.07

-no deception unless justified by study's scientific, educational or applied value and there is no feasible alternative -never decieve about physical pain or severe emotional distress -explain deception ASAP or by conclusion of data collection -allow withdrawal of data by participants

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.08

-no sexual relations with former clients for at least 2 years after termination and when can demonstrate that there is no exploitation

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.07

-no therapy with person with whom they have had sexual relations in past

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.10

-when providing service, obtain informed consent in language that is understandable -if legally incapable of consent, provide explanation and seek assent, consider individual's preferences/interests, get consent from legally authorized representative -if court-ordered, inform individual of nature of services -document oral consent/permission/assent

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.03 Group Services

-when providing services in a group setting describe at outset the roles/responsibilities of all parties and limits of confidentiality

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.02 Therapy with Closely Related Persons

-when providing therapy to closely related persons, make clear at outset who are the clients and the nature of therapists relationship to each -if therapist may have conflicting roles, take steps to resolve the conflict

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.03

do no knowingly engage in behavior that is harassing or demeaning to others based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, language, SES

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.01

Do not make false/deceptive/fraudulent statements public statements = paid or unpaid advertisements, product endorsements, grant applications, licensing/credentialing applications, brochures, printed atter, directory listings, personal resumes, comments in electronic media, statements in legal proceedings, lectures, and published materials

APA Ethics Code: Standard 9.07 Qualifications in Assessment

Do not promote use of assessment techniques by unqualified personnel, except in supervised training

APA Ethics Code: General Principles

Five ASPIRATIONAL general principles A. Beneficence and Nonmaleficence B. Fidelity and Responsibility C. Integrity D. Justice E. Respect for People's Rights and Dignity

APA Ethics Code: Preamble

Psychologists should -commit to increasing knowledge of behavior and people's understanding of themselves for the improvement of individuals, organizations and society -honor civil and human rights, promote freedom of inquiry and expression in research, teaching and publication -help the public make informed decisions

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.07

do not disclose info that could identify a recipient unless taken reasonable steps to disguise the person/organization and have consent from person/organization to disclose, or legal authorization

APA Ethics Code: Ethical Standards

Specific rules for ethical practice Section 1: Resolving ethical issues Section 2: Competence Section 3: Human Relations Section 4: Privacy and Confidentiality Section 5: Advertising and Public Statements Section 6: Record Keeping and Fees Section 7: Educating and Training Section 8: Research and Publication Section 9: Assessment Section 10: Therapy

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.02

do not engage in sexual harassment

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.01

do not engage in unfair discrimination based on age, gender, race, ethnicity, culture, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, disability, SES, or other basis

APA Ethics Code: Standard 5.06

do not engage in uninvited solicitation of business to those vulnerable to undue influence does not include provision of disaster or community outreach

APA General Guidelines for Providers of Psychological Services: Psychological Service Unit

any unit that provides mostly psychological services and has 1+ psychologists and supporting staff (may be part of lager organization or may be independent) Sanctioners: direct recipients of psychological services (individuals, public/private entities) and any individual or entity that has interaction with a psychologist functioning in a professional capacity

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.05

bartering is only acceptable when not clinically contraindicated and not exploitative

APA Ethics Code: Standard 3.08

do not exploit anyone over whom one has supervisory, evaluative, or other authority

APA Ethics Code: Standard 10.04 Clients Already Receiving MH Services

consider welfare of client when deciding whether to provide services to someone receiving services elsewhere

APA Ethics Code: Standard 1.01

correct or minimize known misuse or misrepresentation of one's work

APA Ethics Code: Standard 6.01

create, maintain, disseminate, store, retain and dispose of records and data to: *facillitate provision of later services *allow replication of research design and analyses *meet institutional requirements *ensure accuracy of billing/payments *ensure compliance with law

APA Ethics Code: Standard 4.02

discuss limits of confidentiality with professional relations at the beginning of the relationship

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