APA quiz

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***How do you write an organization as an author?

-1st write out organizations full name, the first time it is used and include the acronym. -Use the acronym for any subsequent uses of the source

***What symbol is used to separate authors?

& (ampersand)

***Users, in this case student, are the ultimate authority in assessing the effectiveness of an online object lesson, tool (Brizee et al. , 2009). <---Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations? And why?

-parenthetical style -summarized source, thats why no page number -Lists the 1st authors name then et al. and the year at the end of the sentence in parentheses.

***in text citation what does "et al." mean?

-stands for (and others) indicating the first author has 3 ore more co-authors, the remaining co-authors will be listed in your references page. -the al. (always has a period after the l)

***U.S. Census Bureau (n.d.) U.S. and word population clock. U.S. department of commerce. Retrieved July 3, 2019, from https://www. census.gov/poplock/ <--- Example of what type citation?

-website -note the author is an organization, -the U.S> census bureau( no date was included - so n.d. in place of date -retrieval date included before the URL

According to Jones (1998), APA style is a difficult citation format for first-time learners. example of?

-when paraphrasing an idea from another work. -dont have to have page numbers just author and date

What are the four major sections in the essay?

1. Title page 2. abstract 3. main body 4. references

***Why create a reference page?

1. list of all the sources used in your paper 2. provides the read detailed information

There are 5 levels of APA section Headings which are?

1: center, bold, title 2: flush left, bold, title 3: flush left, *bold italic*, title 4: Indented, bold, title, period 5: indented, *bold italic*, title, period

***One major detail highlighted in an APA citations is the date sources was published (Levernez, 1998, p. 189) is an example of what?

-parenthetical citiation -paraphrase source

***Increasing hydration is important preventing obesity (Wright, as cited in Brgadon, 2013).

-parenthetical style

Jones (1998) found a variety of causes for student dissatisfaction with prevailing citation practices (paras. 4-5). is an example of?

Direct quotations from sources that do not contain pages

True or False a Student paper should not include any author note?


***In text citations is?

how you indicate how you use your use of sources w/in the body of your paper

(Jones, 1998, p. 199) or (Jones, 1998, pp. 199-201). are examples of what?

in text citation with the pages

Beneath the authors name in the title page is what?

institutional affiliation (indicate location where the authors conducted the research)

***What needs to be cited?

- 1. Exact words or other material used direction from other sources. " " 2. Paraphrased or summarzied passage that reflect the thinking of other scholars 3. Data & facts gathered by others 4. Ideas & theories from other scholars

*** (Levernez, 1998, p. 189). <--- Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations? And why?

-Parenthetical Style -Paraphrase Source -Citation is the date was published -The source information is in parentheses at the end of the sentence -Period always go after the parentheses

authors note 2nd paragraph should include what?

-any change in affiliation or any deaths of the authors

authors note 3rd paragraph should include what?

-any disclosures or acknowledgemenst such as study registration, open practices and data sharing, disclosure of related reports and conflicts of interest & acknowledgement of financial support & other assitance

***What is needed in a webpage or website to be cited?

-author -date -title of work -site name -URL or retrieval date -URL

*** What is needed when you cite a book?

-author name -year -title of book ITALICIZED -Publisher Name -DOI or URL

Beneath the institutional affiliation is what?

-author note which is divided in several paragraphs

***What is the typical template of a periodical is?

-author's last name and first name initials -date -articles title -title of italicized periodical -volume# - issue # -pages # -DOI (digital object identifier) or URL

***Brown, L.S. (2018). Feminist therapy (2nd ed.). https.//doi.org/10/07777/000 <--- Example of what type citation?

-book -cited was in its 2nd edition so that the information was also included in the parentheses immediately after the books titled. -DOI in hyperlink

***John Johnson wrote that individual freedom "should not take precedence over social welfare" (as cited in Doe, 2011, p.4) <--- Example of what type of in text citation?

-citing information from another source

Next line of the abstract page includes what?

-concise summary of key points -research topic, research questions,, participants, methods, results, data analysis & conclusions.

authors note 4th paragraphs should include what?

-contact information for the corresponding author

***A starting place to discuss alternatives to tenure track employment is literature about "alternate academic" careers ("#Alt-academy,"2011). <--- Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations?

-parenthetical -no author listed -to format the shortened title, put quotation marks around it with the comma inside them

***In Text Citations, when you have 3 more authors, how would you cite it?

Cite the first author's name followed by "et al."

On the abstract page what is on the first line?

center and bold & the word Abstract

***Levernez (1998) observes that " by including the date whenever a source is mentioned, writers provide what most social scientists would agree is vital information regarding the value of citation" (p.189). <--- Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations? And why?

-Narrative Style -Direct quotation, the page # is included at the end of the sentence -Name is incorporated in to the sentence directly followed immediately by the year of publication in parentheses

How do you place long quotations?

-Place in a free standing block -1/2 inch from left margin -indent the first line -maintain double space -parenthetical citation should come after the closing punctuation mark

***If you have a source without a person author list, you can put what in place of the author and you believe the source to be still credible what can you use?

-Title of the work shortened or in full in the place of the author's name

***How do you cite information from another source?

-To have the originator of the quote and the sentence. - Then in parentheses, include "as cited" in with the source information you have.

***Mccauley, S.M., & Christansens, M.H. (2019). Language learning as language use : A cross-linguistic model of child language development. ~Psychological Review~, 126(1). 1- 51. https://doi.org/10/307/rev0016 <--- Example of what type citation?

-academic journal (-there are two authors) -authors name began with last name followed by first initials with a period after each initial -Date is typically just the year but for newspaper and magazine you may need to include day and month. It goes in parentheses with the period outside the parentheses. -First letter of the first word capitalized and the first letter after a colon (:) capitalized, end with the period. - ~Italicized the title of the periodical with each significant word capitalized followed by comma. -Italicized volume number, and if there is an issue number, include but DO NOT italicize but in parentheses followed by a comma. -page range followed by a period -add URL or DOI as a link

What are the requirements for a title page (general apa guidelines) in an essay?

-double-spaced - 1 '' margins in all sides -page Header

How is the author's name typed in the title page?

-first name, middle initial, last name ( do not used titles ex: Dr.)

if you are directly quoting or borrowing from another work in text citation you must what?

-include page number abbreviation "p." (for one page) or "pp." (for multiple pages) before listing the page number(s) -Use an en dash for page ranges.

***What is needed to cite an edited book chapters and entries in reference works??

-name of author -chapter you cite -date -title of chapter or reference entry -the word Ed in parentheses -Title of book -page numbers of the chapter in parentheses -the publisher -DOI

*** The Association of Department of English (ADE, 2011) found that the four most common required courses. <---Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations?

-narrative style -no author listed

*** Brizee et al. (2009 remind educational website developers that users are the ultimate authority in assessing effectiveness of learning object. <---Example of what type of style and what kind of citation for incorporating in text citations? And why?

-narrative style -summarized source, thats why no page number -Uses narrative style citing 3 o4 more authors, in which the source is embedded in the sentence itself.

*** what are two methods in incorporating in text citations?

-narrative style and parenthetical style

In a student paper (general apa guidelines) what is a required in the title page?

-only page number

***If you have a source without a person author list, first check what to use it as the author?


In a professional paper (general apa guidelines) what is required in the title page?

-paper title -page number

Abiding by APA's standards as a writer will allow you to what?

-provider readers with cues they can use to follow your ideas, locate information - allow readers to focus on your ideas -establish your credibility

A student paper require what in a title page?

-title -author's name -institution affiliation -Course # & name -instructors name -assignment due date

A professional paper require what in a title page?

-title -author's name -institution affiliation -author note

***List 5 things how a reference page should have?

1. Start on a new page with a page number after the body of the paper. 2. double space all text 3. References title should be placed at the center top of the page and in bold 4. Sources should be organized in alphabetical order by last name. 5. The 1st line of a source is aligned to the left and the remaining lines are indented. (hanging indent)

***Three main reasons why we use citiation?

1.) Give credit to others for their ideas 2.) Shows that you are in a conversation with other scholars & ideas. (establish writing authority) 3.) Citation systems are designed to help your audience or readers located your sources easily

If you refer to the title of a source within your paper, capitalize all words that are how many letters long or greater within the title of a source?

4 -Ex: Permanence and Change.

How are keywords listed in the abstract?

Indent, type Keywords in italicized, then list your key words

***In Text citations, when you summarize a source as a whole, do you need to include the page number?

No, you don't need to include that

What font name and sizes can you use in APA?

San serif fonts include -10 pt (lucida sans unicode) -10 pt (comptuter mondern) -11 pt calbri -11 pt arial -11 pt Georgia -12 pt Times new Roman

***What are periodicals?

Types of source of variation a periodical is a category of source that includes journals, magazines, newspaper, newsletter & blogs.

*** APA always requires what for in text citations?

author and publication date

***Both narrative style and parenthetical style require what in their in text citations?

author's name and date

authors note 1st paragraph should include what?

authors name, symbol for the ORCID iD, URL for the ORCID iD

How should you type your title page?

boldface, upper and lowercase letters centered in the upper half of the page

All text on the titled page and throughout the paper should be what spaced?

double spaced

Exceptions apply to short words that are verbs, nouns, pronouns, adjectives, and adverbs when it comes to doing what?

no capitalization ex: Writing New Media, There Is Nothing Left to Lose.

APA uses seriation in the body text to help authors do what?

organize and present key ideas Ex: numerals, bullets, letters,

title of a paper flush left in all capitals and the page number flush right is what kind of paper?


***All sources you cited in your paper appear in alphabetical order and list and the end of the paper is called what?

reference page

what's another name for page header?

running head

She stated, "Students often had difficulty using APA style" (Jones, 1998, p. 199), but she did not offer an explanation as to why. Example of what?

short quotation using direct quote

According to Jones (1998), "students often had difficulty using APA style, especially when it was their first time" (p. 199). Example of what?

short quotation with using signal phrase

What format should your abstract be?

single paragraph, double spaced, no more than 250 words

only contains the page number flush right is what kind of paper?


If you are referring to an idea from another work but NOT directly quoting the material, or making reference to an entire book, article or other work, you only have to make reference to the author and year of publication and not what?

the page number in your in-text reference.

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