APAH Final

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russian movement/soviet borrowed ideas from cubism expressed modern life-its dynamism, its new and disorienting qualities new form of art designed for social purposes, especially soviet causes wanted to be constructors of a new society


Opened in nyc 1913, exhibition for modern art foundational event in development of american modernist art hostile response from the press, very controversial, morally depraved got its name bc it was held at the 69th regiment armory exposed americans w/ showcase for their work caused people to reconsider nature and purpose of american art

Armory Show

17th cen

Baroque (time)

emphasis on the individual emphasis on emotion over intellect love fantastic and exotic love of nature idealistic and rebellious-revolutions pantheism=the theological view that all of nature is invested w/ diving, go to nature to find god

Beliefs of Romanticism

reason is the solution to all problems all men are equal all men have natural rights church was viewed as a source of superstition, ignorance, subservience deism=god as watchmaker, created the world and set it to run on its own man should follow god-given reason rather than momentary passion, man solves his own problems

Beliefs of the Enlightenment

objects reduced to geometrical forms follows in footsteps of cezanne breaks w/ renaissance tradition of perspective shifting perspective/multiple perspectives two forms -analytic cubism-many points of view at once, limited colors -synthetic cubism-collage effect, richer colors, more decorative


crazy art for a crazy world arose out of disgust felt after wwi mocks values of a culture gone mad believed enlightenment reasoning caused destruction, humanity needs anarchy, irrational, intuitive dada=child's hobby horse in french-random and absurd undermine assumptions about art


purely abstract geometric shapes often only primary colors, black, and white rejects loose and emotional aspects of expressionism major artist: piet mondrian (dutch) cubism to the extremem

DeStijl (The Style)

primarily german result of increasing social and political tensions generally gloomy and foreboding bold, undisguised brushstrokes and vivid colors theme of alienation and loneliness reaction against and impersonal and and anti-human world


pavilion system, including central pavilion in the form of a classical temple front and two balancing pavilions at ends classical temple facade in center-creates focus high podium paired columns-rhythm -classical I I I I I I -baroque II II II II balustraded roof-balustrade=railing supported by posts stately appearance-new official french taste

French Baroque Architecture

church commission vs middle class commission religious vs secular large scale vs small scale dramatic vs still

Italian vs Dutch Baroque

the society vs the individual classicism vs nature rational vs emotional ideological vs the sublime and picturesque linear/sculpturesque vs painterly the historic vs the exotic

Neoclassicism vs Romanticism

subconscious dream-like imagery juxtaposition of incongruous objects freudian "realistic" style but unrealistic subject aimed to release the unconscious mind in order to achieve another reality


catholic response to protestant reformation council trent jesuits inquisition-instill fear art as a tool to convert


other school of expressionism the blue rider-concern w/ spiritual effects of color abstract style allowed artists to portray spiritual values (in opposition to corrupt materialism)

der Blaue Reiter

one branch of expressionism saw themselves as a bridge to the future -moving from the barbarism of the past to the modernity of the future used bold colors and slashing strokes influenced by primitive art especially in africa -more honest and direct than european art started by ernst ludwig kirchner and others

die Brücke

"wild beasts" bold colors simplification 2d usually joyous scenes french


led by ignatius loyala society of jesus catholic missionary group famous for founding schools and indoctrinating students traveled across europe and the rest of the world

jesuit order

expansion of dutch econ let traders, artisans, soldiers commission and collect art calvinists disliked vulgar displays of wealth-favored small, low key works ie portraits, still lifes, genre scenes, landscapes differs from italian baroque w/ giant frescoes and religious subjects affordable art, prints cheapest bc lots of copies, portraits most expensive produced paintings for anonymous market, wanted to appeal to wide audience artists adapted to changing conditions, responsive to market demands marketed in different ways-people who visited their studio, art dealers, exhibitions, auctions specialization to what was popular

patronage in the dutch republic

meditated on various theological topics ie hell, christ's crucifixion encouraged to use all of your senses to experience

spiritual exercises of st. ignatius

photography that objectively portrays the reality of the world, w/o manipulating it after it has been produced typified by high contrast, sharp focus and aversion to cropping modernism-inspired emphasis on the underlying abstract geometric structure of subjects

straight photography

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