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storming of the Bastille

"Parisian" revolution began in response to food shortages, soaring bread prices, 25% unemployment, and fear of military repression -inadvertently saved National Assembly

Legislative Assembly

-France became a constitutional monarchy with a unicameral Legislative Assembly -completely new group of legislators replaced the National Assembly in the new government -dominated by Jacobins -declared war on Austria

René de Maupeou

-French lawyer, politician, and chancellor of France, whose attempts at reform signaled the failure of enlightened despotism in France -abolished the Parlement of Paris; created a new and docile Parlement of royal officials; began to re-tax the privilege groups

War of the First Coalition

-French revolutionary forces were soundly defeated by the Austrian military -Only the conflict between eastern monarchs over the division of Poland saved France from defeat

Flight to Varennes

-Louis XVI tried to escape France but failed -forced to accept a constitutional monarchy

Reign of Terror

-Most notorious event of the French Revolution -Louis XVI convicted of treason and executed on January 21, 1793 -"Republic of Virtue" emerged as new political culture under Robespierre to inculcate revolutionary virtue

Thermidorian Reaction

-Opposition to Robespierre mounted in July, 1794 -ended reign of terror -constituted conservatism

Paris Commune

-Revolutionary municipal gov set up in Paris, which effectively usurped the power of the Legislative Assembly -led by Danton

National Assembly

-Third Estate declared itself the true National Assembly of France -voted to abolish feudalism in France and declared equality of taxation to all classes -ended serfdom

Tennis Court Oath

-Third Estate swore to remain together until it had given France a constitution

Women's march to Versailles

-Women pushed the revolution forward in October when shortages of bread persisted -Incited by Jean-Paul Marat, 7,000 women (along with the Paris national guard) marched 12 miles from Paris to Versailles demanding the king redress their economic problems -National Assembly also moved to Paris and was intimidated by the Parisians

National Convention

-abolished the monarchy; installed republicanism -based on the ideas of Equality, Liberty, Fraternity

Committee of Public Safety

-became an emergency gov to deal with internal and external challenges to the revolution; closely collabed w sans culottes


-became the advanced party of the Revolution in the Legislative Assembly and led the country into war -more moderate than the Mountain and predominantly rural

Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen

-became the constitutional blueprint for France -Enlightenment philosophy: classical liberalism -"Citizen" applied to all French people, regardless of class


-became very influential on the National Convention -Predominantly from the working-class; extremely radical -responsible for most massacres and scared that National Convention was too moderate

Louis XVI

-brought an army of 18,000 troops to Versailles -dismissed Maupeou and repudiated Maupeou's laws -France nearly bankrupt during his reign -summoned an Assembly of Notables

Identify the causes and effects of the Thermidorean reaction.

-brought the end of the Terror and another attempt at constitutional government. -NOT the government secretly asked the brother of Louis XVI to return to France and become king.


-came to dominate the Legislative Assembly -closed women's political clubs

Abbé Sieyès, What is the Third Estate?

-claimed the Third Estate should have the power in France -stated nobility should be abolished -believed the Third Estate represented the vast majority of French society -brought the ideas of Rousseau's Social Contract to the forefront

Civil Constitution of the Clergy, 1790

-created a national church with 83 bishops and dioceses -biggest mistake made by the National Assembly -clergy forced to take a loyalty oath to the new gov, deeply dividing France over the issue of religion

Thomas Paine, Rights of Man

-defended Enlightenment principles and France's revolution -triumph of liberty over despotism

Estates General

-feudal assembly that represented the Three Estates -main issue dividing the three estates was how the Estates General should vote -controlled by First/Second Estates

Olympe de Gouges, The Rights of Woman

-following official Declaration in each of its 17 articles, she applied them to women explicitly in each case

Brunswick Manifesto

-issued by Prussia and Austria and threatened to destroy Paris if the royal family was harmed -Marked the beginning of the "Second Revolution"

Declaration of Pillnitz

-issued by Prussia and Austria in 1791 -really a bluff intended to slow down the revolution and rid himself of French émigrés

What made the French Revolution so significant?

-it was the most momentous upheaval of the whole revolutionary age -It replaced the "old regime" with "modern society"

Conspiracy of Equals

-led by Babeuf; formed to overthrow the Directory and replace it with a dictatorial "democratic" gov which would abolish private property and enforce equality -Regarded as a precursor to modern communism.


-more radical than sans culottes -seized & arrested 31 Girondist members of National Convention and left the Mountain in control

second estate

-nobility -Experienced a great resurgence since the death of Louis XIV in 1715. -allowed to tax peasants for their own profit.

Edmund Burke, Reflections on the Revolution in France

-one of the great intellectual defenses of European conservatism

"Great Fear"

-peasants attacked manor houses in an effort to destroy the legal records of their feudal obligations


-radical republicans; urban class led by Danton and Robespierre -believed the Girondins would ally with conservatives and royalists to retain power

Jacques Hébert, Hébertistes

-radical social democrat who led the "angry men"—Hébertistes were his followers -Had been responsible for deaths of 2,000 people at Nantes where they were loaded on barges and deliberately drowned -Paris Commune was thus destroyed.

Lazare Carnot

-reorganized the French army -levee en masse (conscription)


-restored with the power to approve or disapprove the king's decrees -nobility of the robe

During 1793-1794, Robespierre and the Committee of Public Safety owed much of their influence to the support of

A group of small property owners and wage laborers in Paris who were concerned about high food prices

Whose ideas did the economic policies of the French Revolution's Constituent Assembly most closely follow?

Adam Smith

Law of Suspects

Alleged enemies of the revolution were brought before Revolutionary Tribunals that were created to hear cases of treason

Which of the following alienated the most French Catholic clerics and believers?

Civil Constitution of the Clergy

The organization appointed in 1793 by the French Convention to conduct the government of France was named:

Committee of Public Safety

Cult of the Supreme Being

Deistic natural religion, in which the Republic was declared to recognize the existence of God and the immortality of the soul

83 departments

France became a centralized national gov based in Paris once the feudal institutions, parlements, estates, provincial law codes, and tariff and tax bodies were replaced by them

ancien regime (Old Regime)

France prior to the French Revolution


French nobles who fled France beginning in 1789, influenced Prussia and Austria to declare the restoration of the French monarchy as their goal

Georges-Jacques Danton

French revolutionary leader who stormed the Paris bastille and who supported the execution of Louis XVI but was guillotined by Robespierre for his opposition to the Reign of Terror

The policy of extending the French Revolution beyond France's borders was most closely associated with the

Girondin party

What period of the French Revolution is depicted in the image above?

Great Fear

Assembly of Notables

Louis XVI summoned them, hoping they would either approve the king's new tax program or consent to remove their tax exemptions

Jacques Necker

Louis XVI's director of finances tried to raise taxes but was dismissed

September Massacres

Mobs slaughtered over a thousand priests, bourgeoisie, and aristocrats who opposed their program; many were in prison

Why was the Declaration of the Rights of Man and Citizen significant?

NOT taxes could be raised only by the king.

Describe the impact the French philosophes had on the onset of the Revolution.

NOT their ideas did not lead to the French Revolution

The Directory

New constitution written in 1795 which set up a republican form of gov -middle class controlled the government; this became the Directory's major weakness as it's support came from a narrow band of French society -all economic controls were removed which ended the influence of the sans-culottes

"Temple of Reason"

Notre Dame Cathedral -Catholics were now firmly against Convention

"Age of Rousseau"

Reign of Terror, execution of Louis XVI, Committee of Public Safety, Thermidorian Reaction

The sequence of events that led to the French Revolution of 1789 is best summarized by which of the following?

Royal financial crisis, convening of the Estates General, storming of the Bastille

The first political use of the terms "right" and "left" was to describe the

Seating arrangements in the French National Assembly chamber during the French Revolution

The "Age of Montesquieu"

Tennis Court Oath, Storming of the Bastille, abolition of feudalism, limited monarchy

Which of the following views is consistent with the interpretation above?

The Revolution eliminated guilds, seigneurial rights, and other obstacles to French agricultural and industrial advance

Which of the following caused the deepest and most persistent internal opposition to the French Revolution?

The enactment of the Civil Constitution of the Clergy

Many historians divide the French Revolution into these three distinct stages:

The moderate, the radical, and the reactionary stages

When the French people drew up cahiers (lists of grievances) in 1789 for the Estates General to consider, which of the following would NOT have been likely?

The nobles wanted an expansion of royal power.

How was the Consulate, with Napoleon Bonaparte as the First Consul, may be thought of?

a form of enlightened despotism.

The Great Fear of 1789 was:

a general agrarian insurrection provoked by rumors of brigands roaming the countryside.

Law of Maximum

a planned economy to respond to food shortages and related economic problems

Describe the economic background on French society leading to the French Revolution

a poor harvest in 1788, very high bread prices, business depression, and unemployment.

The Oath of the Tennis Court was

a virtual assumption of national sovereignty by the Third Estate and its supporters

The National Assembly in France (1780-1791) did all of the following EXCEPT

abolish private property

During the Reign of Terror:

about 40,000 people, mostly peasants and laborers, were executed.

In France the noble owner of a manor retained certain rights from the feudal age, including:

all of the above

What saved the infant French Republic, in 1792-1793 when it was at war with all of Europe?

all of the above


became new paper currency; former church property used to guarantee value

How did the king respond to the fall of the Bastille on July 14,1789.

by accepting the position of the self-styled National Assembly.

First estate

clergy; the clergy and the nobility contributed little to the life of the country.

third estate

commoners -taille: land tax -tithe: church tax

What did the French Constituent Assembly do to secure the public debt and to pay the current expenses of government?

confiscated all church property.

The Civil Constitution of the Clergy of 1790:

created, in effect, a French national church.

cahiers de doléances

each estate was instructed to compile a list of suggestions and grievances and present them to the king

Describe how Napoleon, as First Consul, combined what he considered the best aspects of the Revolution and of the Old Regime.

equal rights for women and female suffrage.

The women depicted above are marching on Versailles to seek relief from which of the following causes of the French Revolution?

famine and hunger that were ravaging France

Reforms carried out during the Republic of Virtue phase of the French Revolution, 1793- 94, include all of the following EXCEPT

first use of guillotine

Advocates of women's rights like Olympe de Gouges:

fought for the application of the Rights of Man and Citizen to women.


general referendum

Lettre de cachet

gov could imprison anyone without charges or trial

"refactory clergy"

half the French priests refusing to accept oath

Revisionist historians

have questioned the existence of a growing social conflict between the bourgeoisie and feudal nobility

Louis XVI of France convened the Estates General in 1789 for the first time in over 150 years because

he wanted approval for taxing all landowners in the realm

Which of the following factors led most immediately to the convening of the French Estates-General in May 1789?

impending bankruptcy

The Committee of Public Safety did all of the following except:

launch a program to suppress Christianity in France.

Maximilien Robespiere

leader of Jacobin at one time, slowly gained power until he ruled France like a dictator; period of his rule became known as the Reign of Terror; executed people for virtually no reason at all.

Why did the king's—Louis XVI's— flight in 1791 and his hostile attitude disorient the revolution?

left the country to be ruled by a debating society.

Louis Saint-Just

major leader alongside Robespierre

Jean-Paul Marat

mermaid -was stabbed by Charlotte Corday

Coup d'Etat Brumaire

new constitution established beginning the Consulate Era.

One of the reasons that the French Revolution was so significant was that, unlike the revolutions of Russian and China in the twentieth century, it

occurred in what was in many ways the most advanced country of its day.

In France, on the eve of the revolution, how was land distributed?

often leased in small parcels to peasants


open revolt against Convention

Equality, Liberty, Fraternity

popular phrase of the national convention

Marie Antoinette

queen of France (as wife of Louis XVI) who was unpopular; her extravagance and opposition to reform contributed to the overthrow of the monarchy; she was guillotined

The most recent "revisionist" view of the French Revolution

rejects the Marxist materialist and economic interpretation

Early in the French Revolution, the National Assembly agreed to peasant demand for an end to all things feudal in order to

restore law/order

King Louis XVI of France made a serious blunder when he

restored the parlements to authority

Describe how the Third Estate interpreted the proposed meeting of the Estates General, when in September 1788, the noble-controlled Parlement of Paris ruled that the forthcoming Estates General should meet as three separate orders

saw this as an unprovoked class insult by the nobility against it

Mary Wollstonecraft, Vindication of the Rights of Woman

similar to Gouges

The government of the Directory was controlled by:

substantial property owners

The lists of grievances, or cahiers de doléances, brought by members of the Estates- General to Versailles in 1789 called for

tax equity

A major reason the French national debt could not be carried was:

tax exemption/evasion

During the era of the French Revolution, the Thermidorian Reaction

terminated the Reign of Terror after the execution of Robespierre

Why did France go to war against the Habsburgs in April 1792?

the Girondin faction in the French assembly favored international revolution.

All of the following are accurate EXCEPT

the Revolution failed to end the legal inequities between the classes

Who controlled the government of the Directory and who did it become increasingly dependent on?

the army

Explain the reasons for resentment against the privileged estates.

the bourgeoisie felt shut out of many government offices and honors

Sieyes's What Is the Third Estate? argued that

the clergy and the nobility contributed little to the life of the country.

The Old Regime of pre-1789 Europe consisted of three estates, _____.

the clergy, the nobility, and everyone else

Identify the major factors in the financial collapse of the French government on the eve of the revolution.

the current upkeep of armies and navies and public debt

lèvee en masse

the entire nation conscripted into service as war was defined as a national mission

The 1790 Civil Constitution of the clergy provided for all of the following except:

the funding of each clergyman's salary by his parish.

The Terror came to an end largely because:

the military successes of the French made them less willing to put up with the dictatorial rule and economic regimentation.

The achievements of the Jacobins included all of the following EXCEPT

the redistribution of all land among the peasants

Maupoeu wished to do away with the old parlements of France because

they blocked tax reform by declaring new measures unconstitutional.

The print above, commemorating the women's march on Versailles in October 1789, shows that

women helped revolution

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