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If an incandescent light bulb used for lighting has an efficiency rating of 5 percent, then for every 1.00 joule of electrical energy consumed by the bulb, which of the following is produced? 0.05 joule of heat energy 1.05 joule of light energy 0.05 joule of light energy 0.95 joule of light energy 1.05 joule of heat energy

0.05 joule of light energy

How many units of energy return to space from Earth and its atmosphere?

100 (theres a picture that goes along with this I can't upload it)

An ecosystem has an ecological efficiency of 10 percent. If the producer level contains 10,000 kilocalories of energy, how much energy does the tertiary consumer level contain?


In what year was the fraction of energy supplied by coal the greatest?



2nd layer of atmosphere; extends from 10 to 30 miles up; location of ozone layer; absorbs 95% of Ultraviolet radiation; temperature increases with altitude increase.

How many units of energy do greenhouse gases contribute to the greenhouse effect?


The amount of the earth's surface that is covered by the combination of salt water and fresh water is approximately


This question is based on the following table of organisms in an ecological community. The X in a cell indicates that the organism is eaten by the consumer in the first column. Which of the following pairs of organisms has two ecological relationships, both competition and predation? a. Hawks and snakes b. Spiders and shrews c. Spiders and grasshoppers d. Spiders and snakes


Use the following choices to answer the question: A. producers B. decomposers C. primary consumers D. secondary consumers E. tertiary consumers Question: At which trophic level do organisms perform a function that produces oxygen as a waste product?



A biological community of interacting organisms and their physical environment.

chemical change

A change in matter that produces one or more new substances

food web

A community of organisms where there are several interrelated food chains

Which of the following is NOT an example of a physical change? water evaporates from a lake A plant converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrate ice cubes are formed in the freezer a tree is cut down confetti is cut from pieces of paper

A plant converts carbon dioxide into carbohydrate

food chain

A series of steps in which organisms transfer energy by eating and being eaten

limiting factor

Any biotic or abiotic factor that restricts the existence, numbers, reproduction, or distribution of organisms.

Which of the following represents a positive feedback loop in the Arctic that is associated with anthropogenic climate change? Arctic Ocean ice melts --> ocean surface water temperature increases --> more ice melts Arctic Ocean ice forms --> ocean surface water temperature increases --> more ice melts Arctic Ocean ice melts --> ocean surface water temperature increases --> more ice forms Arctic Ocean ice melts --> ocean surface water temperature decreases --> less ice melts Arctic Ocean ice melts --> ocean surface water temperature decreases --> more ice melts

Arctic Ocean ice melts --> ocean surface water temperature increases --> more ice melts

This is a greenhouse gas that is exclusively anthropogenic

CCl2F2 (chlorofluorocarbon)

positive feedback loop

Causes a system to change further in the same direction.

Refer to the following terms to answer the question: A. Nitrification B. Denitrification C. Nitrogen fixation D. Assimilation E. Ammonification Question: This process has plants converting inorganic nitrogen compounds into organic compounds, such as amino acids


This region of the world is currently experiencing the largest average annual temperature increase because of anthropogenic climate change:


Which letter correctly identifies the part of the hydrologic cycle that is most directly affected by impervious (impermeable) building materials, such as concrete and asphalt?


n a range of tolerance, each population has a point beyond which no member of the population can live. The area where organisms have the ability to tolerate the conditions is called the A) zone of intolerance B) zone of physiological stress C) aquatic zone D) optimum range E) zone of saturation


Which of the following is not a characteristic of ecosystems? Abiotic components Recycling of matter Distinct boundaries A wide range of sizes Biotic components

Distinct boundaries

Use the following choices to answer the question: A. producers B. decomposers C. primary consumers D. secondary consumers E. tertiary consumers Question: At which trophic level are dragonflies that consume mosquitos that feed on herbivorous mammals?


Which of the following ecological concept includes all of the others? Ecosystem Species Kingdom Community Population


This US federal law contains an amendment that allows private landowners to modify their property under a habitat conservation plan:

Endangered Species Act

Law of Conservation of Energy

Energy cannot be created or destroyed

Ecologists designed an experiment to detemine if nitrates or phosphates are more limiting to algae growth. They divided a lake in Canada into two equal-sized sections by a vinyl curtain. Then they fertilized each sub-basin of the lake, one with nitrates and carbon, and the other with phosphates, nitrates and carbon. Then they measured the amount of phytoplankton (plant plankton) in the lake on each side. The side of the lake with phosphates added showed a greater rate of photosynthesis. Question: Which of the hypotheses below would be valid for this experiment?

If phosphates are added to one side of the lake, then there will be more phytoplankton growth on that side

This regulation addresses the issue of stratospheric ozone depletion:

Montreal Protocol

greenhouse effect

Natural situation in which heat is retained in Earth's atmosphere by carbon dioxide, methane, water vapor, and other gases

Of the following ecosystems, which has the LOWEST net primary productivity, measured as kilocalories of energy produced per square meter per year? Temperate grassland Open ocean Estuary or marsh Agricultural land Taiga (boreal forest)

Open ocean

As part of a school project, a group of high school students will attempt to determine whether increasing the species diversity of the edible plants in pastures used for grazing livestock will provide an economic benefit to ranchers. Which of the following hypotheses, if supported by experimental results, best demonstrates an economic benefit to the ranchers?

Pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the highest net primary productivity

As part of a school project, a group of high school students will attempt to determine whether increasing the species diversity of the edible plants in pastures used for grazing livestock will provide an economic benefit to ranchers. Which of the following hypotheses, if supported by experimental results, best demonstrates an economic benefit to the ranchers? Pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the highest soil pH Pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the lowest water infiltration rate pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the lowest diversity of bird species Pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the highest net primary productivity pastures with the lowest diversity of plant species will have the lowest rate of insect predation

Pastures with the highest diversity of plant species will have the highest net primary productivity

Small inputs of this substance, commonly a limiting factor in aquatic ecosystems, can result in algal blooms and dead zones.


An energy transformation occurs and results in increased disorder

Second law of thermodynamics

The hydrologic cycle is driven primarily by solar energy lunar tides mechanical energy chemical energy solar tides

Solar energy

Which of the following would most likely have the greatest positive impact on the quality of the natural environment worldwide? Stabilization or reduction of the size of the human population Discovery of new reserves of fossil fuel in coastal areas Increased life expectancy in more developed nations Increased agricultural production on marginal desert lands Increased reliance on food from ocean ecosystems

Stabilization or reduction of the size of the human population

In the nitrogen cycle illustrated above, nitrification occurs in which of the following steps?

Step 3

Which tree species grows best with full sunlight?

Sweet Gum

Which of the following is true about the region of the Earth's atmosphere known as the stratosphere?

The highest concentration of naturally occurring ozone forms in this layer

Which of the following is true about the region of the Earth's atmosphere known as the stratosphere? It is the layer of the atmosphere in which nearly all weather takes place It is the warmest layer of the atmosphere because it is closest to the Sun Most of the atmospheric water vapor is found in this layer The highest concentration of naturally occurring ozone forms in this layer It is characterized by steadily decreasing temperature with altitude

The highest concentration of naturally occurring ozone forms in this layer


The layer of greenhouse gasses is found in this part of the atomosphere

1st law of thermodynamics

The principle of conservation of energy. Energy can be transferred and transformed, but it cannot be created or destroyed.

net primary productivity

The rate at which producers capture solar energy and convert it to chemical energy by photosynthesis

A solution contains more hydroxide (OH-) ions than hydrogen (H+) ions. Which of the following would best characterize this solution?

The solution is basic

Region that is largely responsible for the weather experienced at the Earth's surface


To explore what scientists generally agree about, you would most likely turn to

a journal like Nature or Scientific American


a scavenger, such as an earthworm, that feeds on dead plant and animal matter

Ecologists would make use of which of the following tools in their study of nature? geographic information systems software satellite digital images controlled experiments all of these choices field research

all of these choices

Which of the following is a way that humans alter the water cycle? alter weather patterns by clearing vegetation increase runoff by clearing vegetation from the land increase flooding by disturbing natural flood controls all of these choices withdraw large quantities from streams, lakes and aquifers

all of these choices

Energy input is

always equal to energy output

Although levels of CFC's in the atmosphere are much lower than those of CO2, CFC's are still potent greenhouse gases because they

are much more efficient at absorbing thermal radiation

Although levels of CFC's in the atmosphere are much lower than those of CO2, CFC's are still potent greenhouse gases because they...

are much more efficient at absorbing thermal radiation

High quality energy is constantly

becoming low quality energy

Large ecological regions with characteristic types of natural vegetation and distinctive animals are called


Humans strongly affect the hydrologic cycle through all of the following except

boiling water

The matter and energy laws tell us that we can recycle

both matter and energy

The two ways in which humans have most interfered with the carbon cycle are

burning fossil fuels and removal of forests and brush.

Which cycle has a direct effect on the natural greenhouse effect?

carbon cycle

inorganic molecules

carbon dioxide, nitrous oxide, phosphate, calcium carbonate


certain autographs produce complex organic molecules

The most important factor in determining which biome is found in a particular area is


Which of the following not only results from greenhouse warming, but also contributes to additional warming of Earth (i.e., is a positive feedback loop)?

decreased size of Arctic snowpack

Of the following organisms, which occupies the lowest trophic level?


The energy present in sunlight is _____ energy.


Energy is always conserved. This principle is stated in the

first law of thermodynamics

Aerobic respiration requires

glucose and oxygen

The National Hurricane Center studies the origins and intensities of hurricanes over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and attempts to forecast their tracks, predict where they will make landfall, and assess what damage may result. Its systems analysis involves inputs from a closed system and outputs from an open system inputs and outputs within a closed system inputs, outputs, and changes within an open system changes within a closed system outputs only within an open system

inputs, outputs, and changes within an open system

The National Hurricane Center studies the origins and intensities of hurricanes over the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and attempts to forecast their tracks, predict where they will make landfall, and assess what damage will result. Its system analysis involves...

inputs, outputs, and changes within an open system

Pure water has a pH of 7 because

its H+ concentration is equal to its OH- concentration

Energy is transferred from one object to another as the result of a temperature difference.

kinetic energy

Which energy concept best matches this statement: Matter in motion has energy.

kinetic energy

After a severe drought, the productivity in an ecosystem took many years to return to pre-drought conditions. This observation indicates that the ecosystem has

low resistance

Open oceans produce the largest share of Earth's biomass because the net primary productivity (NPP) of the ocean is....

low, but the incredibly large expanse of the oceans means there are enormous numbers of producers such as phytoplankton

Isotopes are forms of an element that differ from one another by having different

mass numbers

Which of the following is a green house gas emitted by cattle?


Consider this scenario: The temperature of your skin increases, which leads to an increase in perspiration. Persipration evaporates from your skin, cooling it. The temperature of your skin decreases. This is an example of (a)

negative feedback loop

Which micronutrient is required by humans in the largest amounts?


The major reservoirs of nitrogen and sulfur in the biosphere are correctly identified by which of the following?

nitrogen in the atmosphere, sulfur in the rocks

Which of the cycles listed below does NOT include an atmospheric component?


The two major processes involved in the carbon cycle are

photosynthesis and respiration

In order to make one plastic soda bottle, approximatley 100 liters of crude oil are used (including raw materials for plastic, fuel, etc), 100 kilograms of steel, 100 liters of water, and various amounts of other materials. Which of the following best describes this situation?

plastic bottles have a high resource productivity no

A group of cats known as Felix concolor, living and interbreeding in one area at the same time is known as a(n)


The warming of the oceans that causes less carbon dioxide to be soluble in them, and at the same time, leaves more carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which causes increased warming of the atmosphere and oceans is an example of a

positive feedback loop

Fragmenting one large park or preserve into many small parks with human habitation in between them is most likely to lead to which of the following? decrease in the proportion of edge habitat increase in population size of top carnivores reduction in species diversity increase in gene flow within species stabilization of microclimates

reduction in species diversity

Fragmenting one large park or preserve into many small parks with human habitation in between them is most likely to lead to which of the following? stabilization of microclimates reduction in species diversity decrease in the proportion of edge habitat increase in population size of top carnivores increase in gene flow within species

reduction in species diversity

Question: At which trophic level are eagles that consume fish that eat algae?

secondary consumers

Consider a power plant that uses natural gas as a fuel to generate electricity. If there are 10,000 J of chemical energy contained within a specified amount of natural gas, then the amount of electricity that could be produced would be

something less than 10,000 J , depending on the efficiency of the generator

range of tolerance

the limits to the abiotic conditions that a species can tolerate

Refer to the description of the experiment below: Ecologists designed an experiment to detemine if nitrates or phosphates are more limiting to algae growth. They divided a lake in Canada into two equal-sized sections by a vinyl curtain. Then they fertilized each sub-basin of the lake, one with nitrates and carbon, and the other with phosphates, nitrates and carbon. Then they measured the amount of phytoplankton (plant plankton) in the lake on each side. The side of the lake with phosphates added showed a greater rate of photosynthesis. Question: Which of the factors below is the independent variable in the experiment? the two sub-basins separated by the vinyl curtain the location of the lake the amount of phytoplankton growth the phosphate added to one side of the lake the nitrates and carbon added

the phosphate added to one side of the lake

A wooden log that weighs 1.00 kg is placed in a fireplace. Once lit, it is allowed to burn until there are only traces of ash left, weighing 0.04 kg. Which of the following best describes the flow of energy?

the potential energy of the wooden log was converted into the kinetic energy of heat and light

ecological efficiency

the proportion of consumed energy that can be passed from one trophic level to another

The 10% rule of energy transfer in food chains is due to the competitive exclusion principle the second law of thermodynamics the first law of thermodynamics the law of gravity the second law of conservation of matter

the second law of thermodynamics

Global climate change occurs because increasing concentrations of greenhouse gases in...

the troposphere absorb outgoing IR radiation

Time delays in feedback systems allow changes in the environment to build slowly, until the changes reach a(n)

tipping point

Which of the following is a green house gas that is emitted into the atmosphere by transpiration? water (H2O) methane (CH4) nitrogen gas (N2) carbon dioxide gas (CO2) phosphate (PO43-)


The Second Law of Thermodynamics states that

when energy changes from one form to another, we always end up with lower-quality energy than we started with

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