APES Chpt. 12 and 13 MC

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An the following except energy-efficient building might include all of (a) building materials with low thermal inertia. (b) a green roof. (c) southern exposure with large double-paned windows. (d) reused or recycled construction materials. (e) photovoltaic solar cells as a source of electricity.


As countries become more developed, the demand for (a) commercial energy sources increases (b) subsistence energy sources increases (c) nuclear energy sources decreases (d) commercial energy sources decreases (e) fossil fuels decreases


Nuclear power plants produce electricity using energy from the radioactive decay of (a) uranium-235. (b) uranium-238. (c) uranium-239. (d) plutonium-235. (e) plutonium-238.


South-facing windows are an example of (a) passive solar design (b) active solar energy (c) geothermal design (d) thermal inertia (e) wind power


The above bell-shaped curve representing global oil production is knows as the (a) Hubbert curve (b) peak oil curve (c) bell curve (d) production curve (e) Allen curve


What is one benefit of using geothermal energy rather than kinetic energy of water to generate electricity? (a) geothermal energy does not cause flooding (b) geothermal energy is available in any location (c) geothermal energy a specific locale (d) geothermal energy does not require any water (e) geothermal energy never releases dangerous gases


Which country is the world's leading producer of hydroelectricity? (a) China (b) Brazil (c) United States (d) France (e) South Africa


Which is not a low level radioactive waste? (a) spent fuel rods (b) radioactively contaminated clothing (c) tools used in nuclear plant maintenance (d) rags used to clean water from the reactor (e) contaminated protective gear worn by nuclear plant workers


Which of the following is the most fuel-efficient mode of transportation in terms of joules per passenger-kilometer? (a) Train (b) Bus (c) Airplane (d) Car with one passenger (e) Car with three passengers


Which represents the correct sequence of increasing energy resource use in the United States from the late 1800s to the 1950s? (a) Wood, coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric (b) coal, hydroelectric, natural gas, oil, wood (c) wood, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric, coal (d) wood, coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric (e) coal, wood, hydroelectric, natural gas, oil


Which source for biodiesel production utilizes the least amount of energy to produce the greatest yield of fuel per hectare of land? (a) algae (b) switchgrass (c) corn (d) soybeans (e) sugar cane


If both the LCD television are on for 4 hours per day for one month (30 days) how much less energy does the Energy Star television use during that time? (a) 400 kWh (b) 100 kWh (c) 120 kWh (d) 12 kWh (e) 1.2 kWh


One of the biggest limitations to the wide scale use of the geothermal energy is the need fro (a) large amounts of water (b) a suitable site (c) an area with warm water temperatures (d) a cooling system (e) a large amount of land


Renewable energy sources are best described as (a) those that are the most cost-effective and support the largest job market. (b) those that are, or can be, perpetually available. (c) those that are dependent on increasing public demand and decreasing supply. (d) those that are being depleted at a faster rate than they are being replenished. (e) those that are reusable, and therefore eliminate waste energy released into the environment.


The efficiency of the transfer of energy from a fuel to electricity is approximately (a) 3 percent (b) 35 percent (c) 50 percent (d) 65 percent (e) 97 percent


The region of the United States that has the highest solar radiation per day is the (a) the upper Midwest (b) the desert southwest (c) the temperate grasslands (d) the coastal plains (e) the deciduous forest region


What is a benefit of flex-fuel vehicles? (a) increase gas mileage (b) lower cost fuel (c) smaller net CO2 emissions (d) the ability to run on both gasoline and E-85 (e) use of arable land to grow ethanol sources


What is the best way to increase the efficiency of traveling by car? (a) increase the gas mileage (b) increase the number of passengers (c) reduce the number of miles traveled (d) purchase a less expensive vehicle (e) use a different energy source


Which energy source can provide the greatest amount of electricity generation in the United States because of its abundance? (a) oil (b) coal (c) nuclear (d) hydroelectric (e) natural gas


Which is the largest component of energy generated from renewable sources in the United States? (a) wind (b) biomass (c) hydroelectric (d) solar (e) nuclear


Which is the largest dam in the world? (a) Hoover Dam, United States (b) Three Gorges Dam, China (c) Itaipu Dam, Brazil and Paraguay (d) Cragside Dam, England (e) Guri Dam, Venezuela


Which of the following is not associated with the surface extraction of coal? (a) Low death rates among miners (b) Land subsidence and collapse (c) Large piles of tailings (d) Underground tunnels and shafts (e) Acid runoff into streams


Which type of energy is utilized to produce tidal power? (a) radiation (b) kinetic energy (c) solar energy (d) potential energy (e) heat energy


Which type of energy resource uses heat from radioactive decay deep within Earth to heat water and spin turbines? (a) tidal power (b) geothermal energy (c) biomass (d) hydroelectric energy (e) solar energy


Which would be the most energy efficient? (a) nuclear power (b) coal (c) oil (d) onshore natural gas (e) offshore natural gas


Why is petroleum the primary fuel used for transportation in the United States? I. It has a high energy value per unit volume II. It has quick start and stop times for providing energy III. It produces a low amount of pollution per Joule (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II only (e) I, II and III


A community has 200,000 homes and 1 percent of those homes have Plasma televisions. How many kWh of excess energy are being consumed in a year (365 days) by the household that use plasma televisions rather than Energy Star LCD televisions? (a) 350,000 kWh (b) 524,000 kWh (c) 818,000 kWh (d) 1,168 kWh (e) 4,906,000 kWh


A radioactive isotope has a half-life of 40 years and a radioactivity level of 4 curies. How many years will it take for the radioactivity level to become 0.25 curies? (a) 80 (b) 120 (c) 160 (d) 200 (e) 240


Based on the curve, finding new petroleum reserves (a) will greatly increase the amount of time it will take to use up all available reserves (b) will greatly decrease the amount of time it will take to use up all available reserves (c) will slightly increase the amount of time it will take to use up all available reserves (d) will slightly decrease the amount of time it will take to use up all available reserves (e) will have no effect on the amount of time it will take to use up all available reserves


Electricity is delivered through interconnected transmission lines known as (a) the power grid (b) the cogeneration grid (c) the electrical grid (d) the turbine network (e) the energy network


If ANWR (the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge) yields a projected peak amount of approximately 330 million gallons of oil per year and the United States uses roughly 110 billion gallons of oil per year, what percent of the oil used per year would ANWR provide? (a) .003 percent (b) .03 percent (c) .3 percent (d) 3 percent (e) 30 percent


If an average refrigerator uses 500 watts of energy per hour and your energy cost is $0.11 per kWh approximately how much does the energy used by the refrigerator cost per month? (a) $1.30 (b) $13 (c) $40 (d) $55 (e) $132


In 1969, M. King Hubbert published a graph known as the Hubbert curve.This graph shows (a) the amount of nuclear fuel available in North America. (b) the amount of nuclear fuel available in the world. (c) the point at which world oil production will reach a maximum and the point at which we will run out of oil. (d) the point at which world oil production will increase. (e) the coal reserves found in the United States, China, and Russia.


In the use of coal to produce energy, which does NOT decrease the energy efficiency of the process? (a) extracting the coal from the ground (b) waste heat (c) cogeneration (d) energy required to build the power plant (e) the removal of the waste products


More than 75 percent of U.S. renewable energy is provided by (a) biomass and wind energy (b) wind energy and geothermal energy (c) biomass and hydroelectric energy (d) hydroelectric energy and geothermal energy (e) solar energy and hydroelectric energy


Petroleum products are primarily used for (a) production of kerosene as a fuel source (b) extraction of tar and asphalt (c) gasoline for transportation (d) production of petrochemicals needed for industry (e) production of plastics


Put the items below in the correct sequence for using wind to generate electricity 1- a generator converts mechanical energy into electrical energy 2- wind turn the wind turbine blade 3- a gear box transfers mechanical energy to a generator 4- electricity is transferred to the grid (a) 1-2-3-4 (b) 2-1-3-4 (c) 2-3-1-4 (d) 2-4-3-1 (e) 4-3-2-1


The curves predict that oil production (a) will increase exponentially for the foreseeable future (b) will increase, decrease, then increase again (c) will reach a peak, then decrease (d) will remain constant (e) is not affected by the amount of oil reserves


The primary sources of renewable energy in the United States are (a) solar and wind energy. (b) hydroelectricity and tidal energy. (c) biomass and hydroelectricity. (d) geothermal and tidal energy. (e) wind and geothermal energy.


Tidal power can only be generated (a) during the day (b) in locations with high radioactivity (c) in locations with a large difference between high and low tides (d) if there is a technological breakthrough (e) when the Mood is directly overhead


When supplies of a particular energy type are finite, it is knows as a (a) renewable resource (b) potentially renewable resource (c) nonrenewable resource (d) nondepletable resource (e) perpetual resource


Which of the following best describes U.S. energy use? (a) Transportation is the largest end use of energy in the United States. (b) Transportation is fueled mainly by coal. (c) Electricity generation is the largest end use of energy in the United States. (d) Electricity generation is powered mainly by nuclear energy. (e) Industry is the largest end use of energy in the United States


Which of the following is not an example of a potentially renewable or nondepletable energy source? (a) Hydroelectricity (b) Solar energy (c) Nuclear energy (d) Wind energy (e) Geothermal energy


Which of the following sources of energy is not (ultimately) solar-based? (a) Wind (b) Biomass (c) Tides (d) Coal (e) Hydroelectricity


Which would not save energy? (a) using Energy Star electronics and appliances (b) using public transportation instead of private vehicles (c) replacing fluorescent bulbs with incandescent bulbs (d) applying sustainable design principles to new construction (e) charging electricity customers according to a tiered rate system


A sample of U-235 has a half life of 700 million years. What fraction of the parent material will remain after 2800 million years? (a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) 1/8 (d) 1/16 (e) 1/32


LED bulbs are six times as efficient as incandescent bulbs. If a household replaces ten 100 watt bulbed with LED bulbs, how many watts could be saved? (a) 175 watts (b) 400 watts (c) 600 watts (d) 833 watts (e) 1,700 watts


The energy expenditure value of traveling by car is 3.6 MJ/passenger-kilometer. The value for traveling by train is 1.1 MJ/passenger-kilometer. For one person making a trip of 1,000 km, the train is (a) not more efficient (b) approximately 1/3 more efficient (c) approximately 2 more efficient (d) approximately 3 more efficient (e) approximately 30 more efficient


The environmental impacts of cutting down a forest to obtain wood as fuel for heating and cooking could include I. deforestation and subsequent soil erosion. II. release of particulate matter into the air. III. a large net rise in atmospheric concentrations of sulfur dioxide (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II (e) II and III


The fact that global transfer of energy from fuels to electricity is about 35 percent efficient is mostly a consequence of (a) the Hubbert curve. (b) the law of conservation of matter. (c) the first law of thermodynamics. (d) the second law of thermodynamics. (e) the law of limiting factors.


Utility companies can best reduce peak demand events by (a) building power plants with larger generating capacity (b) implementing rolling black outs (c) keeping an ample supply of coal on hand (d) allowing customers to pay lower prices for energy when peak demand is low (e) using renewable sources to generate peak electricity needs


What percent of the U.S. energy needs are served by nonrenewable energy sources? (a) 7 percent (b) 60 percent (c) 84 percent (d) 93 percent (e) 99 percent


Which energy source is considered nonrenewable? I. Solar energy II. Nuclear energy III. Fossil fuel (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and II (d) II and III (e) I, II and III


Which energy sources is Sun-driven? I. wind power II. biodiesel III. geothermal (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II (e) I, II and III


Which is NOT a benefit of green roofs? (a) A green rood serves as insulation for the structure (b) A green roof has a cooling effect on the structure and its surroundings (c) A green roof improves the overall air quality of the surrounding (d) A green roof captures water (e) A green roof is very heavy


Which is NOT a fossil fuel energy resource (a) coal (b) oil (c) natural gas (d) uranium (e) petroleum


Which is not a disadvantage of using nuclear energy? (a) radioactive waste disposal (b) reactor accidents (c) possible terrorist use of nuclear weapons (d) the amount of CO2 released by the reactors (e) mining uranium


Which of the following demonstrate(s) the use of passive solar energy? I. A south-facing room with stone walls and floors II. Photovoltaic solar cells for the generation of electricity III. A solar oven (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and III (e) II and III


Which of the following energy sources is responsible for the largest fraction of electricity generation in the United States? (a) Natural gas (b) Coal (c) Uranium (d) Oil (e) Wood


Which of the following is not a nonrenewable energy resource? (a) Oil (b) Coal (c) Natural gas (d) Wind (e) Nuclear fuels


Which of the following statements best describes the role of renewable energy in the United States? (a) It is the dominant source of energy. (b) It is the largest contributor of greenhouse gases. (c) It is a large contributor to the transportation sector. (d) Its largest contribution is to the electricity generation sector. (e) It is never sustainable


Which of the following statements best describes the sources of energy in U.S. energy consumption patterns? (a) Most of the renewable energy is used in the industrial, residential, and commercial sectors. (b) Most of the electricity generated in the United States comes from nuclear energy. (c) The industrial sector is heavily dependent on coal and renewable energy. (d) Fossil fuels continue to be the major energy source for all sectors. (e) The transportation sector uses the greatest amount of energy.


Which source of biofuel cannot currently be used at a large scale because of its high cellulose content? (a) corn (b) soybeans (c) sugarcane (d) switchgrass (e) algae


Which would not be classified as biomass? (a) straw (b) animal dung (c) charcoal (d) uranium (e) wood


A study of small wind turbines in the Netherlands tested the energy output of several models. The results for two models are shown in the graphs that follow. Which of the following statements can be inferred from these data? (a) As wind speed increases, energy output decreases. (b) The annual energy output of model 1 can exceed 6,000 kWh. (c) As energy output surpasses 50 kWh per week, noise pollution increases. (d) Model 2 is likely to cause more bird and bat deaths. (e) Model 1 is more cost-effective.


Currently, most high-level radioactive waste from nuclear reactors in the United States is (a) stored in deep ocean trenches. (b) buried inYucca Mountain. (c) reprocessed into new fuel pellets. (d) chemically modified into safe materials. (e) stored at the power plant that produced it.


Governments can encourage energy conservation by I. raising taxes on fossil fuel use II. offering tax credits to replace old appliances with new energy-efficient appliances III. investing in smart grid technology (a) I only (b) II only (c) I and III (d) II and III (e) I, II and III


In order to best achieve energy sustainability, humans must consider which of the following strategies? I. Building large, centralized power plants II. Improving energy efficiency III. Developing new energy technologies (a) I only (b) II only (c) III only (d) I and II (e) II and III


The countries with the largest supplies of coal are (a) China, Indonesia, United States, India (b) India, Brazil, Russia, China (c) Russia, Indonesia, China, Brazil (d) Canada, South Africa, Russia (e) China, United States, Russia, India


The order of grades of coal from lowest energy content to highest energy content is (a) anthracite, lignite, bituminous (b) anthracite, bituminous, lignite (c) lignite, anthracite, bituminous (d) bituminous, lignite, anthracite (e) lignite, bituminous, anthracite


Uranium-235 is considered ideal for use in nuclear reactors because (a) it is a widely distributed resource (b) it is a stable isotope (c) it has a high EROEI (d) it produces minimal radioactive waste (e) it is high fissionable


Which of the following statements regarding petroleum is correct? I. It is formed from the decay of woody plants. II. It contains natural gas as well as soil. III. It migrates through pore spaces in rocks. (a) I,II,and III (b) I and III (c) II only (d) I and II (e) II and III


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