APES Final Exam 200 Question Review

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Which component of a landfill impedes water flow and can trap metal ions? a. clay liner b. leachate c. solid waste d. methane e. toxic metals


Which of the following correctly lists the 6 "criteria" air pollutants as specified under the Clean Air Act? a. Pb, SO2, NOX, CO, PM, and tropospheric O3 b. Tropospheric O3, SO2, NOX, PM, Pb, and CO2 c. SO2, NOX, Hg, Pb, PM, and O3 d. SO4, NOX, CO, PM, Pb, and tropospheric O3 e. SO2, NOX, CO, Hg, PM, and tropospheric O3


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding CO? a. It is a product of respiration b. It is an odorless, colorless gas c. It is a product of incomplete combustion d. It is a common vehicle emission e. It can be a dangerous indoor pollutant


Which of the following is NOT a risk factor for chronic diseases in developing countries? a. childhood obesity b. unsafe water supply c. lack of indoor plumbing d. indoor air pollution e. lack of continual food supply


Which of the following is a biotic factor? a. Producers b. pH c. water d. humidity e. energy


Which of the following is a carcinogen? a. asbestos b. lead c. atrazine d. thalidomide e. DDT


Which of the following is an anthropogenic source of nitrogen oxides? a. Motor vehicles b. Forest fires c. Nitrogen fixation d. Lightning e. Planting of legumes by farmers


Eutrophic lakes a. have very low productivity as a result of acid rain. b. have very high productivity as a result of high levels of nutrients. c. have low nutrient levels. d. are formed by glaciers. e. usually have absolutely no fish.


Freshwater accounts for percent of total water in the world. a. 1 b. 3 c. 10 d. 20 e. 33


Which of the following is a secondary pollutant involved in photochemical smog? a. Stratospheric O3 b. Tropospheric O3 c. CO d. CO2 e. SO2


Five square miles is equal to _____ acres. (1 square mile = 640 acres) a. 0.32 b. 320 c. 2500 d. 3200 e. 32,000


Lifestyle choices such as smoking or alcohol consumption can best be studied as a. ED50 studies b. chronic studies c. acute studies d. prospective studies e. retrospective studies


Most insecticides are highly effective due to their ability to impair nerve transmission in insects. This category of chemicals is known as a. teratogens b. allergens c. neurotoxins d. endocrine disrupters e. carcinogens


One of the ten leading health risks in high-income countries is a. malnutrition b. indoor smoke c. high blood pressure d. HIV e. unsafe drinking water


Populations whose age structure diagrams are narrower at the bottom than at the top have a. high death rates b. the same proportion of individuals in each age group c. a declining population d. a high growth rate e. all of the above


Sandhills Mall is a high-end mall that includes shopping centers, artisans, and apartment complexes on site. Sandhills Mall is most likely a. Zoned using Euclidian methods b. In violation of Federal Housing Administration (FHA) regulations c. Zoned for Multi-use d. The result of induced demand e. The result of urban blight


Select the correct combination of igneous rock types and conditions under which they form. a. Intrusive-small crystals because they form slowly, giving them time to develop. b. extrusive-large crystals because they form slowly, giving them time to develop. c. subsurface-primarily heavy metals. d. obsidian-smooth, very fine grained, hardens rapidly so crystals don't have time to develop. e. Both a and c.


Sulfates are considered secondary pollutants because a. their emissions are difficult to regulate b. they form more readily at night and in dry areas c. they result from the transformation of primary pollutants d. they originate from the burning of primarily coal e. they are a component of grey smog


The Lacey act, mandated by the government of the United States, was designed to: a. provide a framework of trade of organisms b. encourage the harvesting of alien species c. inhibit the interstate commerce of illegally harvested species d. raise funds to promote international conservation e. promote the harvesting of species from bordering nations to protect US organisms


The environmental benefits of composting include all of following EXCEPT: a. reduced volume of material ending up in a landfill b. generation of rich organic fertilizer c. reduction in work force of waste management company d. reduced amount of methane generated in landfills e. reduced amount of energy needed to transport material to a landfill


The event that is defined by the last member of a species dying is termed a. extirpation b. endangerment c. extinction d. endemic e. exclusion


The most critical factor in controlling human population growth is a. controlling reproductive lifespan. b. decreasing the age of first birth. c. decreasing the average number of births per woman. d. decreasing infant death. e. increasing overall wellness for the human race.


The problem with the distillation method of desalination is that a. the technology is not readily available. b. in the areas where it is needed, there is not enough salt water. c. it is energy intensive. d. it produces brine, unlike the reverse osmosis process. e. None of the above.


Development that builds on vacant lots within cities rather than expanding into new land outside the city is known as a. Infill b. Transit-oriented development c. Multi-use zoning d. Urban sprawl e. Induced demand


As countries become more developed, the demand for a. commercial energy sources increases b. subsistence energy sources increases c. nuclear energy sources decreases d. commercial energy sources decreases e. subsistence energy sources equals that for commercial energy sources


A low pH in water bodies can result from all of the following EXCEPT a. passing water through limestone treatment facilities b. acid rain c. flooded, abandoned underground mines d. mountaintop mining e. acid snow


A population of rabbits, introduced to an island, has rapid growth for a few years; then its growth slows. The population becomes stable because a. the carrying capacity has been reached. b. environmental resistance declines. c. immigration is reduced. d. r declines. e. Bergman's Principle takes effect.


A public health issue related to the use of nuclear energy is a. thyroid cancer b. asthma c. cataracts d. black lung e. mercury poisoning


All of the following are ways to conserve energy EXCEPT a. using a desktop computer as opposed to a laptop b. consolidating errands while in your car c. replacing incandescent bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs d. using a power strip for electronics e. lowering thermostats during cold months


An example of a positive externality would be a. pollution removal from a natural wetland. b. pollution caused by production and use of petroleum products. c. loss of use of a forest after the timber is harvested. d. hydrologic regime change from impervious surfaces. e. an urban heat Island effect from blacktop.


Because it utilizes the least amount of energy to produce the greatest yield per hectare of land per quantity of fuel, ____ is the most sustainable choice for biodiesel production. a. algae b. switchgrass c. corn d. soybeans e. sugar cane


During the winter of 1999, minimum temperatures did not get much below freezing in an Oregon pond, and the following summer large mosquito populations were observed. In the winter of 2000, frost came early, and most ponds froze for 3 months. In the following summer, very low mosquito populations were observed. This is an example of a. density-independent regulation. b. density-dependent regulation. c. ecosystem carrying capacity. d. community carrying capacity. e. exotic regulation


Gray water may come from a. Baths, showers, sinks, and washing machines. b. dishwashers. c. washing cars. d. flushing toilets. e. All of these are correct.


How is the majority of energy within an ecosystem lost? a. Heat loss b. Energy used to grow biomass c. Cellular respiration d. Cellular metabolism e. Energy used to capture prey


If a bird that normally has green feathers produces offspring with blue, this is most likely the result of: a. A genetic mutation b. Evolution c. Natural selection d. Natural variation e. Genotypic variation


If you could point to one root cause of urban sprawl, it would most likely be a. Increased mobility of a population due to the advent of the automobile b. Zoning laws that separated societal functions such as work and culture centers c. Breakdown of traditional societal norms such as neighborhood gatherings d. Increasing pollutants from a more technological lifestyle e. Urban blight


Individuals living on the Japanese islands must live with constant geologic activity in the form of earthquakes and volcanoes. These people face what type of risk to human health on a daily basis? a. Physical risk b. Parasite risk c. Biological risk d. Biochemical risk e. Chemical risk


Industrial Agriculture has many benefits. Which of the following is NOT a benefit associated with industrial agriculture? a. The ratio of energy input to calorie output is low b. Larger food production per hectare c. Monoculture can be more efficient d. Economy of scale can make the food less expensive e. None of the above


Matter is a. anything that has volume and mass. b. anything that has energy. c. anything that doesn't have mass. d. anything that doesn't have volume. e. None of these answers are correct.


Mercury is especially dangerous to the general public due to a. its accumulation as it moves up the aquatic food chain b. the incineration of household waste c. the lack of regulation against emissions in the United States d. its effect on the respiratory system of infants e. it occurring naturally in bedrock


Migratory behavior of salmon in the Pacific northwest was assisted by a. fish ladders. b. warmer temperatures. c. greater cutting of trees along the banks to promote warmer temperatures. d. cutting of new channels parallel to the rivers in which they can migrate. e. all of these answers are correct.


Of the following, which are products of photosynthesis? I. Glucose II. Carbon dioxide III. Water a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II e. I and III


Scientists have inserted a gene for the production of vitamin A into rice. This practice of changing the genetic structure of agricultural products to improve desirable traits is known as a. Genetic Engineering b. Transmodification c. Selective Breeding d. Natural Selection e. Animal Husbandry


Some predators feed preferentially on the most abundant prey. This type of predation is a. density dependent. b. density independent. c. competitive. d. exponential. e. cyclical.


South-facing windows are an example of a. passive solar design b. active solar energy c. geothermal design d. thermal inertia e. wind power


The Black Rhinoceros is considered to be a keystone species because a. removal of Rhinoceros from their community would result in drastic changes in the ecological structure of the community. b. it is the largest organism in its community. c. Rhinoceros live in large cooperative herds that dominate other smaller groups within the community. d. Rhinoceros eat more food than any other species in their community. e. Rhinoceros populations are larger than any other population of organisms in their community.


The United States legislation that protects human health and environmental integrity by reducing source hazardous waste is a. Resource Conservation and Recovery Act b. National Environmental Policies Act c. Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act d. National Priorities List e. Clean Water Act


The agreement that allowed for a reduction, and eventual elimination, of CFC production and use is a. The Montreal Protocol b. The Quebec Protocol c. The Kyoto Protocol d. The Clean Skies Initiative e. The Clean Air Act


The difference between potential and kinetic energy is that a. potential energy has not yet been released. b. kinetic energy has not yet been released. c. potential energy is measured in calories, whereas kinetic energy is measured in joules. d. potential energy is measured in watts, whereas kinetic energy is measured in joules. e. kinetic energy cannot be captured at a dam.


The nuclear accident at Chernobyl in 1986 has provided scientists with data on the effects of radiation on humans. This study of radiation sickness and thyroid cancers would be best classified as a/n a. retrospective study b. chronic study c. acute study d. prospective study e. LD50 study


The population with the greatest ability to respond to environmental change most likely is the one with a. high genetic diversity. b. low genetic diversity. c. one type of dominant organism. d. two types of dominant organisms. e. more animals than plants.


The premise of a nuclear power plant is to use uranium a. pellets in the fuel rods to generate heat while using control rods to prevent a meltdown b. fuel rods to generate heat while using control rods to prevent a meltdown c. pellets in the control rods to regulate energy coming from the fuel rods d. control rods to control the energy coming from the fuel rods e. pellets in the fuel rods and the control rods to generate heat and use water to prevent a meltdown


The rain shadow effect can have a large effect on local climate. When the rain shadow effect is occurring, which side of the mountain tends to receive more rain? a. Windward side b. Leeward side c. Top of the mountain d. Foot of the mountain e. Side of the mountain that does not face the ocean


Two species that have a high degree of niche overlap will a. compete intensely. b. speciate. c. interbreed. d. be a predator-prey pair. e. coexist peacefully.


Use Figure 12-4. The above bell-shaped curve, as originally drawn by a Shell Oil Company geophysicist, representing global oil production is known as the _____ Curve. a. Hubbert b. Peak Oil c. Shell d. Production e. Allen


Use Figure 3-3. Looking at the ecological pyramid above, what would be the most likely number of joules to fill in X, Y and Z? a. X=100; Y=1000; Z=10,000 b. X=1; Y=500; Z=10,000 c. X=10,000; Y=500; Z=1 d. X=50; Y=50,000; Z=500,000 e. X=10,000; Y=1000; Z=10


Use Figure 8-2. Which horizon is known to have organic matter or humus? a. O horizon. b. A horizon. c. B horizon. d. C horizon. e. None of the Above


Use Figure 8-3. Using the soil triangle above, what is the percentage of sand, silt, and clay at Point B? a. 20% sand, 40% silt, 40% clay b. 20% sand, 50% silt, 30% clay c. 30% sand, 50% silt, 20% clay d. 40% sand, 10% silt, 50% clay e. 40% sand, 30% silt, 30% clay


Using the rule of 70, a population growing at 10% would double in a. 7 years b. 10 years c. 15 years d. 17 years e. Not enough information to tell


What health threat is commonly found in the water of older homes due to old plumbing systems? a. lead b. sulfates c. mercury d. arsenic e. phosphates


What is the general relationship between meat consumption and affluence a. More affluent nations tend to consume more meat products b. More affluent nations tend to be net exporters of meat products c. Less affluent nations tend to consume more meat because poultry are so easy to raise d. Less affluent nations tend to consume less meat because meat is thought of as a trading commodity e. There is no apparent relationship between meat consumption and affluence


When an acid dissolves in water, it dissociates into a. positive hydroxide ions. b. positive hydrogen ions. c. both hydrogen and hydroxide ions. d. neither hydrogen nor hydroxide ions. e. nitrate ions.


Which of the following is the best description of a region's climate? a. The average temperature and precipitation over several decades b. The average precipitation over a 1-2 year time period c. The average high temperature of a region d. The amount of rainfall that an area receives over a period of 1 year e. The average temperature and rainfall over a period of 1-2 years


Which of the following is the best description of albedo? a. The ability of an object to reflect light b. The ability of an object to absorb light c. The ability of an object to absorb gases d. The ability of an object to reflect gases e. The color of an object.


Which of the following is true? a. Under ideal conditions, bacteria and eagle populations both grow exponentially. b. Populations of bacteria, which grow much faster than eagles, show exponential growth, whereas populations of eagles do not. c. Because eagles grow to a larger size than bacteria, they have a J-shaped growth curve. d. The growth curve of bacteria is never constrained by K. e. Eagles are r-selected species while bacteria are usually K-selected species.


Which of the following represents the correct sequence of energy resource use as the United States progressed from the late 1800s to the 1950s? a. wood, coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric b. coal, hydroelectric, natural gas, oil, wood c. wood, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric, coal d. wood, coal, oil, natural gas, hydroelectric e. coal, wood, hydroelectric, natural gas, oil


Which pollutant or pollutants are most likely to create eutrophic areas? a. nitrates and phosphates b. synthetic organic compounds c. heavy metals d. solid waste e. pharmaceuticals


Worldwide, the largest component of the human diet is a. Grain products b. Meat products c. Dairy products d. Raw and processed sugars e. Fruits and vegetables


Environmental indicators a. enable scientists to accurately predict the future of an environment. b. describe what is causing a change in the environment. c. do not always describe what is causing a change in the environment. d. do not provide information that is considered valuable in creating public policy. e. both a and c.


A forest has a GPP of 3.8 kg C/m2/year and the rate of cellular respiration is 2.4 kg C/m2/year. What is the NPP? a. 6.2 kg C/m2/year b. 1.4 kg C/m2/year c. 1.0 kg C/m2/year d. 9.12 kg C/m2/year e. 1.58 kg C/m2/year


A man-made pond constructed to hold animal waste is called a a. septic tank b. manure lagoon c. feed lot d. leach field e. sewage treatment plant


According to the theory of demographic transition, rapid growth occurs during phase a. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4. e. 5.


An example of an alien species that would have been introduced by the ballast water of ocean freighters would be: a. Sea Lamprey b. zebra mussel c. brown tree snake d. rats e. mongoose


As water freezes or evaporates, what happens to the salinity of the remaining ocean water? a. Salinity decreases b. Salinity increases c. There is no change to salinity d. Increases as water freezes, decreases as water evaporates e. Increases as water evaporates, decreases as water freezes


Asbestos exposure is more dangerous to individuals who smoke cigarettes. This is due to a. the bioaccumulation of asbestos in the lungs b. the synergistic interactions between the two risks c. the high LD50 of asbestos d. the solubility of asbestos in the bloodstream e. the biomagnification of the chemicals in tobacco


Bacteria are beneficial to wastewater treatment because a. they help solid material to settle out of the wastewater b. they naturally break down organic matter c. the nutrients produced are beneficial to the treated water d. a and b are true e. all of the above are beneficial aspects


Choose the correct sequence for energy flow within an ecosystem a. Herbivores → producers → carnivores → scavengers b. Producers → herbivores → carnivores → scavengers c. Producers → carnivores → herbivores → carnivores d. Scavengers → producers → herbivores → carnivores e. Carnivores → scavengers → producers → herbivores


Controlled experiments in nature are difficult because a. it is impossible to determine what kind of conditions are needed for the experiment. b. large amounts of land are sometimes required to produce natural conditions. c. animals cannot be studied because they do not stay still. d. scientists do not like to do the fieldwork required. e. Both a and b.


Economic development goes hand in hand with a. decreased use of non-renewable resources. b. increased consumption of resources. c. smaller more efficient living styles. d. better planting strategies for crops. e. sustainable use of renewable resources.


Energy is measured in a. hertz. b. joules or calories. c. kilowatts. d. wavelengths. e. watts.


Individuals living near the Republic of Congo in Africa face an extreme biological risk. If infected with this risk, they face a 50 to 90% chance of death due to fever, vomiting, and sometimes internal and external bleeding. This disease risk is: a. HIV/AIDS b. the Ebola virus c. dengue fever d. malaria e. human monkey pox


Loblolly pine requires a minimum temperature to grow and thrive. Under current conditions, it is common in the southeastern region of the United States. If climate change increases average temperatures, how would you expect the distribution of the loblolly pine to change? The loblolly pine distribution would: a. spread further to the south b. spread further to the north c. spread further to the east d. spread further to the west e. not change


Magma circulates in convection cells in the a. crust. b. asthenosphere. c. core. d. lithosphere. e. mid-ocean ridge.


Monocropping has a number of disadvantages. These include all of the following EXCEPT a. Erosion due to exposure of large areas of soil during planting b. Nutrition and pesticide needs should be similar throughout a single crop c. Pests are more likely to attack a monocrop due to the high concentration d. Loss of habitat for natural pest predators e. Reduction of productivity due to loss of nutrient-rich topsoil


Most parasites have evolved to _____ their host. a. kill b. only weaken c. have no effect on d. strengthen e. Not enough information to tell


Natural experiments lack a. any basis for comparison. b. an exact replication of the experiment. c. similar constants. d. a dependent variable. e. All of these answers are correct.


One of the biggest limitations to the wide scale use of geothermal energy is the need for a. large amounts of water b. a suitable site c. an area with warm water temperatures d. a cooling system e. a large amount of land


Proteins are a. made up of long chains of sugars. b. made up of chains of amino acids. c. made of glucose. d. important in structural support, energy storage, and protection from infection. e. both b and d.


Put the events leading to cultural eutrophication in the correct order. W - leaching of nutrients from fertilized agricultural lands X - fish die-off Y - algal bloom a. W->X->Y b. W->Y->X c. X->Y->W d. X->W->Y e. Y->X->W


The Taylor Grazing Act of 1934 was passed to a. allow more grazing of Bureau of Land Management (BLM) lands b. limit grazing on Bureau of Land Management lands through a permit system c. limit grazing on Bureau of Land Management lands through a large scale fencing system d. prevent grazing on Bureau of Land Management lands e. tax grazing animals


The addition of a limiting nutrient to an ecosystem may lead to an algal bloom. What effect will this algal bloom have on the oxygen content of the water? a. The algae bloom will cause the oxygen content in the water to increase overall b. The algae bloom will cause the oxygen content in the water to decrease, leading to hypoxic conditions c. The algae bloom will have no impact on the oxygen content of the water d. The algae bloom will cause rapid fluctuations of oxygen in the water e. The oxygen content will vary based on depth of the water


The class of anthropogenic compounds responsible for the breakdown of stratospheric ozone are known as a. VOCs b. CFCs c. VFCs d. COX e. FCCs


The difference between a point source and a nonpoint source of water pollution is a. a nonpoint source is easily identifiable b. point sources can be targeted for reduction c. nonpoint sources tend to be factory outputs d. point sources tend to be agricultural in nature e. nonpoint sources are less harmful to the environment


The difference between chemical and physical weathering of rock is that a. physical weathering creates new substances. b. chemical weathering results in new substances. c. chemical weathering results in erosion. d. physical weathering results in erosion. e. there is no difference because both result in deteriorated rock.


The energy source that can provide the greatest amount of electricity generation in the United States due to its abundance is a. oil b. coal c. nuclear d. hydroelectric e. natural gas


The largest dam in the world, ____ , can generate almost 85,000,000,000 kWh of electricity per year. a. The U.S.'s Hoover Dam b. China's Three Gorges Dam c. Brazil's and Paraguay's Itaipu Dam d. England's Cragside Dam e. Venezuela's Guri Dam


The lithosphere includes a. part of the core. b. all of the crust. c. the entire mantle. d. all of the core. e. both a and c.


The major source of indoor air pollution in developing countries is a. using synthetic materials in construction of buildings b. indoor cooking with biomass as a fuel c. release of Radon-222 gas d. using lead based paints on furniture and walls e. smoking cigarettes


Which element is the most abundant in the atmosphere? a. Oxygen b. Nitrogen c. Phosphorus d. Sulfur e. Hydrogen


The second law of thermodynamics states that a. in an energy conversion, no energy is lost. b. all systems move toward increased entropy. c. new energy is available in all systems. d. matter can be neither created nor destroyed. e. velocity increases as a dropped object nears the earth's surface.


Traditionally, floodplains were very important for development of human habitation because a. rivers were contained in their banks making housing easy to build. b. rivers overflowed their banks, depositing nutrient rich sediments for agriculture. c. weather patterns were more predictable near rivers. d. large grazing animals inhabited those areas. e. both b and d.


Types of macromolecules, the basis of biological molecules, include a. carbohydrates, methane, nucleic acids, and lipids. b. carbohydrates, proteins, lipids, and nucleic acids. c. organelles, proteins, nucleic acids, and lipids. d. carbohydrates, proteins, nucleic acids, and organophosphates. e. carbohydrates, methane, nucleic acids, and lipids.


Under which of the following conditions would a population grow? a. the birth rate and the death rate are equal. b. the birth rate exceeds the death rate and there is no immigration or emigration. c. emigration exceeds immigration and the birth rate equals the death rate. d. the birth rate equals the death rate and immigration is equal to emigration. e. the carrying capacity is exceeded.


Use Figure 12-6. The EROEI for a number of fuel sources is given in the table above. Which would be the most energy efficient? a. Nuclear power b. Coal c. Oil d. Onshore Natural Gas e. Offshore Natural Gas


Use Figure 17-4. The threshold of the hypothetical chemical is approximately a. 1 hypothetical unit b. 3 hypothetical units c. 5.5 hypothetical units d. 8 hypothetical units e. 10 hypothetical units


Use Figure 4-5. In the diagram above, at what locations is water sinking? I. 1 II. 2 III. 4 a. I only b. II only c. III only d. II and III e. I and II


Use Figure 4-8. Which of the zones in the diagram above is the stratosphere? a. A b. B c. C d. D e. E


Use Figure 8-1. A subduction zone is shown at a. point A. b. point B. c. point C. d. point D. e. point E.


Use Table 17-1. Which risk connected to malnutrition causes the most deaths in middle-income countries? a. childhood underweight b. suboptimal breastfeeding c. vitamin A deficiency d. zinc deficiency e. iron deficiency


What is most significant when determining the diversity of an ecosystem? a. The number of organisms present b. The number of species present c. The amount of land the ecosystem covers d. The amount of precipitation an ecosystem receives e. The interactions between producers and consumers


What is the first step of treating wastewater at a municipal sewage treatment plant? X. Use of bacteria to break down organic matter Y. Solid waste material settles out Z. Disinfection using chlorine or ozone a. Use of bacteria to break down organic matter b. Solid waste material settles out c. Disinfection using chlorine or ozone d. Water is removed from sludge e. Water undergoes aeration to reduce offensive odors


When all vegetation is removed from a site by human activity or by natural forces such as volcanic activity, _____ species are the first to colonize the site. a. prokaryotic b. pioneer c. climax d. deciduous e. eukaryotic


When interspecific competition occurs between two species with similar niches, a. both species benefit from the interaction because each species expands its ecological niche. b. both species are harmed because access to resources is reduced. c. one species is harmed because only one species can expand its ecological niche. d. neither species is harmed or benefits from the interaction. e. There is not enough information to tell


When looking at both private and public lands in the US the most common use is a. Timber Production b. Grazing Land c. Recreational d. Defense e. Residential


Which of the following is not an ecological service provided by wetlands? a. Store rainwater and release it slowly into groundwater or streams b. Heavily used for agriculture due to high nutrient content c. Breeding site for birds and fish d. High areas of primary productivity e. Filter pollutants from water


Which of the following is the approximate efficiency of the energy transfer as energy flows through the food chain? a. 1% b. 10% c. 25% d. 50% e. 90%


Which of the following is the correct type of energy utilized to produce tidal power? a. Radiation b. Kinetic energy c. Solar energy d. Potential energy e. Heat energy


Which of the following resources is the cleanest burning fossil fuel? a. Coal b. Natural Gas c. Oil d. Uranium


Which of the following species was intentionally introduced in the Southeastern U.S. to control erosion? a. Zebra mussel b. Kudzu vine c. Dodo bird d. Honeybees e. Brown-headed cowbird


Which type of electricity generating power plant regularly releases toxic metals such as mercury and lead into the atmosphere? a. nuclear power plant b. coal fired power plant c. natural gas fired power plant d. petroleum fired power plant e. all of the above regularly release mercury and lead into the atmosphere


A class of carcinogens formerly used in the production of plastics are a. Reproductive hormones b. DDT c. PCBs d. PBDEs e. Perchlorates


A historical pandemic disease caused by a bacterium and carried by rodents is a. Cholera b. Tuberculosis c. Plague d. Swine Flu e. Hepatitis


A most famous case of biomagnification is a. the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico b. the Bhopal India pesticide accident c. DDT and the decline of fish-eating birds d. atrazine and the loss of amphibian species e. thalidomide and the babies affected by it


A pathogen of an emergent disease that lives in hundreds of species of birds and is transmitted by mosquitoes is a. Plasmodium b. The Avian Flu virus c. The West Nile virus d. The Ebola virus e. Yersinia pestis


A phenomenon associated with the buildup of toxic compounds and pollutants in an airtight space is known as a. sealed building syndrome b. synthetic building syndrome c. sick building syndrome d. sick worker syndrome e. insulated building sick worker syndrome


Air travel across the Atlantic Ocean was disrupted during the spring of 2010 due to a. a huge eruption of lava from Mount St. Helens. b. a volcano in the Philippines. c. ash from an Icelandic volcano. d. an earthquake at the mid-Atlantic ridge. e. numerous hurricanes.


Byproducts of waste incineration include I. Waste heat II. Fly ash III. Acid deposition a. I b. II c. I and II d. I and III e. I, II, and III


Developing countries tend to have a(n) ____ age structure diagram. a. rectangular-shaped b. inverted triangle c. pyramid-shaped d. square e. round


Environmental costs associated with the use of coal include all of the following except a. particulates that are released into the atmosphere when coal is burned b. degradation to land due to mining techniques c. the creation of highly radioactive waste d. trace metals found in coal e. the transportation of coal from mine to power plant


Freeze thaw is an example of a. chemical weathering. b. physical erosion. c. physical weathering. d. Chemical erosion. e. both physical and chemical weathering.


In both high- and low-income countries, ____ is needed to reduce the spread of HIV and tuberculosis. a. rapid notification of incidences of disease b. greater food availability c. continued education d. better sanitation e. research in genetic mutations of viruses


In which step of the nitrogen cycle do plants absorb nitrogen compounds? a. Nitrification b. Denitrification c. Assimilation d. Ammonification e. Nitrogen fixation


Large urban areas that have problems associated with high levels of particulate pollution also have I. Respiratory disease high above the national average II. Limited visibility - Haze III. Decreased water quality a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III


Malthus noted that human populations grow ____ while food supply grows ____. a. linearly; exponentially b. linearly; sigmoidally c. exponentially; linearly d. exponentially; logarithmically e. logarithmically; exponentially


Many of the hot spots for biodiversity are located in nations that are considered to be: a. developed b. transitional c. developing d. industrialized e. post-industrial


Methods used to remove spilled oil from the surface of the ocean include I. containment boom and oil vacuums II. chemical dispersants III. large screens a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III


The study of environmental science differs from study of the natural sciences such as biology and chemistry because it a. doesn't encourage critical thinking. b. isn't included in most institutions of higher learning. c. involves politics, law and economics. d. eliminates the consideration of physics. e. doesn't take into account the scientific process.


The theory of plate tectonics states the following: a. Earth's asthenosphere is divided into plates, which move. b. Earth's mantle is divided into plates, which move. c. Earth's lithosphere is divided into plates, which move. d. Earth's core is divided into plates, which move. e. The crust of the earth is molten.


Twenty square kilometers is equal to _____ hectares. (1 hectare = 10,000 m2) a. 20,000 b. 200 c. 2000 d. 200,000 e. 40


Use Figure 17-4. The LD50 of the hypothetical chemical is approximately a. 3 hypothetical units b. 4.5 hypothetical units c. 5.5 hypothetical units d. 7 hypothetical units e. 10 hypothetical units


Use Figure 5-1. Which of the following is the best description of the two communities shown? a. Community 1 has a higher evenness but lower richness than Community 2 b. Community 1 has a higher evenness and higher richness than Community 2 c. Community 1 has a higher evenness and equal richness to Community 2 d. Community 2 has a higher evenness and higher richness than Community 1 e. Community 2 has a higher evenness but lower richness than Community 1


When supplies of a particular energy type are finite, it is known as a a. renewable resource b. potentially renewable resource c. nonrenewable resource d. nondepletable resource e. perpetual resource


Which of the following best describes the indoor air pollutant asbestos? a. a radioactive compound that can lead to lung cancer b. a VOC found in furniture and carpets c. a fibrous mineral that can cause respiratory diseases d. a metal that can cause brain damage in children e. it is routinely found in homes in developing countries


Which of the following groups of organisms would likely be most susceptible to pollution pressure initiated by humans because of the sensitivity of the group to change? a. rodents b. decomposing insects c. amphibians d. plants e. aerobic bacteria


Which of the following is INCORRECT regarding SO2? a. It is a respiratory irritant b. It can adversely affect plant tissues c. It has only anthropogenic sources d. It results from the combustion of coal and oil e. It is a corrosive gas


Which of the following is NOT a potential benefit of free range meat stock (such as chickens) a. Decreased use of antibiotics due to lower animal concentrations b. Decrease fossil fuel input c. Decrease in land use when compared to traditional methods d. Less supplemental feeding of the stock e. Waste is more easily handled by detritivores


Which of the following is an example of a biological risk? a. earthquake b. pregnancy c. malaria d. arsenic e. alcohol


Which of the following would NOT be a method for saving substantial amounts of energy? a. Purchasing Energy Star electronics and appliances b. Using public transportation instead of private vehicles c. Replacing fluorescent bulbs with incandescent bulbs in buildings d. Applying sustainable design principles to new construction e. Charging electricity customers according to a tiered rate system


Which type of pollution control is most difficult? a. choosing a fuel with fewer impurities b. including catalytic converter on new automobiles c. removing pollutants after they have been dispersed over a wide area d. burning fuel at lower temperatures e. reducing pollutants after combustion but before release into the atmosphere


Which type of species would be most vulnerable to environmental changes? a. Species with a large population size b. Niche generalists c. Niche specialists d. Species with rapid reproductive rates e. Species with high genetic variation


Currently, some water-poor countries are obtaining fresh water through a. transporting huge amounts of glacial water. b. building levees. c. resalination. d. desalination. e. increasing irrigation.


A sample of U-235 has a half-life of 700 million years. What fraction of the parent material will remain after 2800 million years? a. 1/2 b. 1/4 c. 1/8 d. 1/16 e. 1/32


According to the theory of demographic transition, birth rates may drop below death rates during phase a. 1. b. 2. c. 3. d. 4. e. 5.


Acid mine drainage a. raises the pH of the surrounding water bodies. b. may be caused by plants in the mining basin. c. causes black lung disease. d. lowers the pH of the soil and streams in the area mined. e. is only a problem in the northeastern United States.


All of the following are benefits of "Green roofs" EXCEPT a. a green roof serves as insulation for the structure b. a green roof has a cooling effect on the structure and its surroundings c. a green roof improves the overall air quality of the surroundings d. all of the above are beneficial e. none of the above are benefits of "green roofs"


An earthquake that measures 8.0 on the Richter Scale is ____ times stronger than an earthquake that measures 5.0. a. 3 b. 300 c. 3000 d. 1000 e. 10,000


Oligotrophic lakes a. are synonymous with eutrophic lakes. b. contain many fish because they are free of pollutants. c. are polluted by nitrogen and phosphorous. d. have low productivity due to low amounts of nutrients. e. are the result of flooding.


One example of the tragedy of the commons can occur when several farmers share the same pasture for feeding sheep. The root cause of this tragedy is that a. people are bad b. sheep reproduce too quickly c. the market cannot support too many farmers d. the value to any farmer of adding one more sheep is far greater than the cost to that farmer due to the land being communal e. the cost of the sheep is lessened by bulk purchase power


Problems associated with the use of trees for biomass are I. potential deforestation II. burning fossil carbon III. potential soil erosion a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III


Public lands in the US are categorized for use based on the managing agency. In general Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS) lands are used for a. Grazing, mining, timber harvesting, and recreation b. Timber harvesting, grazing, and recreation c. Recreation and conservation d. Wildlife conservation, hunting, and recreation e. Primarily preservation


Reasons for which petroleum is the chosen fuel for transportation in the U.S. include I. Its energy value per unit volume II. Its ability to quickly start or stop providing energy III. Its low amount of pollution produced per Joule a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II only e. I, II, and III


Smart Growth includes all of the following precepts except a. Mixed land use b. Creating a range of housing opportunities and choices c. Transportation choice d. Moving development away from existing substandard neighborhoods e. Preservation of open spaces


Sustainable development a. was demonstrated on Easter Island. b. requires resources to be saved and stored for one generation. c. is achieved when food is raised by the people who are eating it. d. balances human needs and economic development. e. Allows for clear-cutting of trees.


The Clean Water Act I. Protects surface waters II. Protects groundwater III. Protects the diversity of aquatic species a. I only b. II only c. I and II only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III


The Earth is about ____ billion years old. a. 1.6 b. 2.6 c. 3.6 d. 4.6 e. 8.6


The concept that two species cannot occupy the same ecological niche is called a. coevolution. b. mutualism. c. primary succession. d. competitive exclusion. e. commensalism.


Use Figure 15-2. Which region shown on the maps appears to have the worst air quality? a. northern Nevada b. southern Nevada c. northern California d. central California e. Arizona


Use Figure 8-1. New ocean floor is created at a. point A. b. point B. c. point C. d. point D. e. point E.


Use Figure 8-3. Using the soil triangle above, what is the percentage of sand, silt, and clay at Point A? a. 40% sand, 20% silt, 40% clay b. 40% sand, 30% silt, 10% clay c. 30% sand, 40% silt, 30% clay d. 40% sand, 40% silt, 20% clay


What disease is caused by mutated bovine prions? a. bubonic plague b. malaria c. ebola d. mad cow disease e. tuberculosis


What factors are used to determine what constitutes a species? I. Physically distinct from other groups of organisms II. Can interbreed with others from the same group III. Shares the same habitat as other groups of organisms a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II e. I, II, and III


What substance is believed to be responsible for the development of eggs in the testes of some male fish? a. DDT b. PBDEs c. Perchlorates d. Reproductive hormones e. PCBs


When a population suddenly reduces in size either from habitat loss, natural disaster or other changes in the environment, its genetic variation is affected. When this occurs, this is known as: a. Founder effect b. Geographic isolation c. Genetic Drift d. Bottleneck effect e. Mutation


When natural selection occurs, what is the key factor that will determine which individuals will survive and pass on the beneficial traits? a. The traits that are more useful to humans will be passed on b. Size; the larger the animal or plant, the more likely it will survive c. How large the initial population is d. The environment will determine which traits are most beneficial e. Natural selection is random and occurs by chance


When nutrients are transported through soil with water, this process is known as a. Infiltration b. Percolation c. Decomposition d. Leaching e. Nitrification


Which of the following is not a key component of the theory of evolution by natural selection? a. Individuals produce an excess of offspring b. Individuals differ in their traits c. Differences in traits can be passed on from parents to offspring d. Differences in traits are not associated with differences in the ability to survive and reproduce e. Not all offspring can survive


Which of the following is the Earth's most diverse biome? a. Wetlands b. Tropical Rainforest c. Temperate seasonal forest d. Coral reefs e. Grasslands


Which term refers to the variety of ecosystems within a region? a. Species evenness b. Genetic diversity c. Species diversity d. Ecosystem diversity e. Species richness


Which virus likely spread to humans when hunters butchered and ate chimpanzees? a. H1N1 b. Hantavirus c. Ebola virus d. HIV e. Human Monkey Pox


A thermal inversion, which can lead to serious pollution events, occurs when a. warm air that normally rises, does so taking the pollutants with it b. warm air that normally rises stays close to the surface holding pollutants close to the surface c. cool air that normally rises, does so taking the pollutants with it d. cool air stays close to the surface but pollutants rise into the atmosphere e. cool air stays close to the surface and is blanketed by a layer of warm air that traps pollutants


According to the law of conservation of matter, I.matter can be created II.matter cannot be destroyed III.after a chemical reaction, the original atoms remain a. I only. b. II only. c. III only. d. I and II. e. II and III.


All of the following are correct regarding Tuberculosis EXCEPT: a. many people world-wide are infected while not all have developed the disease b. the disease is associated with airborne transmission c. symptoms of the disease include weakness and coughing up blood d. inappropriate use of antibiotics has led to antibiotic resistant strains of the disease e. the disease mainly primarily affects the stomach


Benefits of using wind energy over other renewables are all of the following EXCEPT a. the land used by a wind farm is able to be used for other purposes b. wind farms do not alter the water quality of the area c. there is no pollution and no greenhouse gases associated with electricity generation d. wind is a nondepletable resource e. wind farms pose a potential threat to local wildlife populations


Capillary action of water results when a. adhesion of water molecules at a surface is stronger than cohesion between molecules. b. cohesion of water molecules at a surface is stronger than adhesion between molecules. c. water is absorbed by a paper towel. d. water is conducted through vessels in tree trunks. e. a, c and d.


Ecosystem services a. are the processes by which life supporting resources are produced. b. can be provided by a forest. c. can be provided by an aquifer. d. can be provided by soil. e. All of these answers are correct.


If the growth rate r of a population is positive and remains constant, the number of people added to the population a. remains constant. b. fluctuates randomly. c. decreases each year. d. reaches carrying capacity. e. increases each year.


Individual Transferable Quotas (ITQs) in fisheries management are similar to cap and trade quotas in air pollution management. Which of the following is NOT true of ITQs? a. ITQs show favor to those who have long term histories in the fishery b. Fishermen with ITQs have a secure right to catch their quota c. If a fisherman with an ITQ cannot catch the quota he has the right to sell his quota at market prices d. If a fisherman with an ITQ chooses not to catch the quota he has the right to sell his quota at market prices e. ITQs often lead to intense competition, bigger boats, and more fishing hours


Integrated Pest Management (IPM) is likely to use all of the following techniques EXCEPT a. Crop rotation b. Intercropping c. Planting herbicide resistant crops d. Habitat creation for pest predators e. Increased use of traditional pesticides


Living in an environmentally sustainable way necessitates a. using Earth's resources efficiently whenever convenient. b. living without basic ecosystem services. c. living in a tent. d. living in a rural area. e. sensitivity to the needs of future generations.


Metamorphic rocks a. can only be formed from rocks that originate from magmatic melt. b. have been subjected to high heat and pressure. c. can result from exposure to tectonic forces. d. include marble and slate. e. both b and d.


One of the greatest problems associated with recycling is a. the amount of land required to accommodate the material b. recycling has increased MSW generation c. people in the United States are not inclined to participate d. there is no legislation to promote recycling e. there is not always a market for recycled goods


The United States legislation that empowers the EPA to establish maximum contaminant levels in drinking water is a. The Clean Water Act b. The Superfund Act c. The Clean Air Act d. The MCL Act e. The Safe Drinking Water Act


The beneficial ozone is ____ and the dangerous ozone is ____. a. O2, O3 b. O3, O2 c. O3, CFC d. Tropospheric, stratospheric e. Stratospheric, tropospheric


The order of grades of coal from lowest energy content to highest energy content is a. anthracite, lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous b. anthracite, sub-bituminous, bituminous, lignite c. sub-bituminous, bituminous, lignite, anthracite d. sub-bituminous, bituminous lignite, anthracite e. lignite, sub-bituminous, bituminous anthracite


The population of the United States continues to grow as a result of a. immigration. b. babies born to baby boom generation parents. c. the birth rate being above replacement level fertility during the 1940s through 1960s. d. population momentum. e. All of the above.


Use of water from the Ogallala aquifer in the Great Plains region of the United States is not sustainable because a. it is being polluted at a rapid rate by oil leaking. b. It originated during the time when dinosaurs existed. c. it is recharged at a rate that is slower than it is used. d. There is intense competition for water for household, industrial, and agricultural use. e. both c and d.


Which biome has plants with adaptations that prevent water loss, such as smaller leaves with few pores for gas exchange? a. Temperate rain forest b. Woodland/shrubland c. Temperate seasonal forest d. Tropical rainforest e. Subtropical desert


Which of the following is NOT a cause of urban sprawl? a. Automobiles b. Highway construction c. Government policies d. Urban blight e. Smart growth


Which of the following is an endangered species associated with logging of old growth forests in the Pacific northwestern United States? a. mountain lion b. black footed ferret c. polar bear d. Roanoke log perch e. northern spotted owl


Which of the following practices would act to reduce vehicular exhaust in urban areas? I. Establish "No Idling" zones II. Require Enhanced Auto Inspections III. Retrofit gasoline pumps with sleeves to collect VOC's a. I only b. II only c. II and III only d. I and III only e. I, II, and III


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