APES (Leslie) - Chapter 11

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a (facilities where a large number of animals are housed and fed in a confined space - page 372)

concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO's) can best be described as... a. facilities where a large number of animals are housed and fed in a confined space b. a method of producing more meat at a higher cost c. a means of producing great quantities of manure to fertilize fields organically d. an experimental plan to test the effectiveness of antibiotics e. the storing and compacting of grain for use as a nutrient supplement for cattle


condition in which food insecurity is so extreme that large numbers of deaths occur in an area over a relatively short period


condition in which not enough calories are ingested to maintain health

food insecurity

condition in which people do not have adequate access to food

food security

condition in which people have access to sufficient, safe and nutritious that meets their dietary needs for an active and healthy life


condition of a human being at least 20% above their ideal weight


having a diet that lacks the correct balance of proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins and minerals

e (I, II and III - page 364)

in which of the following ways did the Green Revolution increase food production? I. the development of disease-resistant and high-yielding crop plants II. monocropping and the widespread use of machinery III. the application of fertilizers and the use of irrigation techniques a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and III e. I, II and III

e (are used in aquaculture - pages 381-382)

individual transferable quotas are... a. used in organic pest management b. a part of sustainable fishing c. an alternative method used for CAFO's d. are used to increase yields in communal farms e. are used in aquaculture


ingestion of too many calories and a lack of balance of foods and nutrients


iron deficiency

e (II and III - page 366)

irrigation can result in which of the following environmental problems? I. reduction of evaporation rates II. accumulation of salts in soil III. waterlogging of soil and plant roots a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II e. II and III

a (concentrated waste from aquaculture facilities contaminates rivers and oceans - page 382)

it has been projected that aquaculture could supply about one half the global demand for seafood by 2025; however, future production through aquaculture could be limited because... a. concentrated waste from aquaculture facilities contaminates rivers and oceans b. raising fish in a protected environment could lead to a fish population overshoot c. the economies of developing countries would be negatively affected d. ocean fishing operations would go out of business e. the ITQ system would prohibit their expansion


lack of resources that allows a person to have access to food; primary cause of undernutrition and malnutrition

concentrated animal feeding operation (CAFO)

large indoor or outdoor structure designed for animal feeding with maximum output


livestock or poultry consumed as food

combine harvester

machine that harvests crop and separates out green or seed for transport


natural or synthetic substance that kills or controls pests

economies of scale

observation that average costs of production fall as output increases

genetically modified organism (GMO)

organism whose genetic material has been altered via genetic engineering


percentage of total commercial energy use that goes into growing, processing, transporting and cooking food

nonpersistent pesticide

pesticide that breaks down rapidly (usually weeks or months)

broad-spectrum pesticide

pesticide that kills many different types of pest

persistent pesticide

pesticide that remains in the environment for a long time

selective pesticide

pesticide that targets a narrow range of organisms


pesticide that targets plant species that compete with crops


pesticide that targets species of insects and other invertebrates that consume crops

perennial plant

plant that lives for multiple years

annual plant

plant that lives only one season (ex: wheat, corn)

organic agriculture

production of crops without the use of synthetic pesticides or fertilizers

Green Revolution

shift in agricultural practices in the 20th century that led to increased food output

d (encouraged the use of monocropping - pages 364-365)

the Green Revolution... a. began in the mid-nineteenth century b. discouraged the mechanization of agriculture c. decreased the energy subsidy of most food d. encouraged the use of monocropping e. pertained to leafy green plants only


agricultural method in which two or more crop species are planted simultaneously in the same field to promote interaction between them


agricultural method utilizing large plantings of a single species or variety

integrated pest management (IPM)

agricultural practice that uses a variety of techniques designed to minimize pesticide inputs

crop rotation

agricultural technique in which crop species in a field are rotated from season to season

slash and burn

agricultural technique in which existing trees/vegetation are cut down, piled up and burned to create nutrient-rich ash that increases soil fertility

contour plowing

agricultural technique in which plowing/harvesting are done parallel to the contours of land


agricultural technique in which trees and vegetables are intercropped

industrial agriculture

agriculture that applies the techniques of mechanization and standardization (also known as agribusiness)

sustainable agriculture

agriculture that fulfills the need for food and fiber while enhancing soil quality in a renewable and eco-friendly manner

c (iron - page 360)

anemia, the most widespread nutritional deficiency, is the result of insufficient... a. vitamin A b. protein c. iron d. calories e. vitamin D

e (45% - page 360)

approximately how many people are malnourished worldwide? a. 10% b. 18% c. 25% d. 30% e. 45%


average amount of kilocalories a human needs per day

d (are likely to kill beneficial insects - page 369)

broad-spectrum pesticides... a. do not cause increased pesticide resistance b. are almost always nonpersistent c. are banned in the United States d. are likely to kill beneficial insects e. are only produced synthetically

e (is common in large-scale fishing - page 373)

bycatch... a. is a common problem with increased pesticide use b. is a management technique in CAFO's c. is a cause of fishery collapse d. is a side effect of some genetic engineering e. is common in large-scale fishing


commercially harvestable population of fish within a particular ecological region

erosion, pests

two negative results of monocropping


unintentional catch of nontarget species while fishing

no-till agriculture

agricultural method in which farmers do not turn the soil between seasons as a means of reducing topsoil erosion

shifting agriculture

agricultural method in which land is cleared and used for a few years until the soil is depleted of nutrients

40, 75

____ to ____% of the working population in developed countries is employed in agriculture

d (I and II - page 371)

critics of using genetically modified organisms warn of which of the following dangers? I. introduction of new allergens into the food supply II. loss of genetic diversity in food crops III. decreases in food production worldwide a. I only b. II only c. III only d. I and II e. I and III

pesticide treadmill

cycle of pesticide development -> pest resistance -> new pesticide development

fishery collapse

decline of a fish population by 90% or more

food access

economic, social and physical availability of food


estimated amount of manure produced by concentrated animal feeding operations (CAFO's) annually (in tons)

3 billion

estimated number of anemic people in the world

Joel Salatin

farmer who gained national attention for his sustainable farming practices

d (avoid pesticides and synthetic fertilizers - page 380)

farmers who practice organic agriculture have less of an impact on the environment than farmers who practice industrial agriculture because they... a. use no-till agriculture exclusively b. import soil to maintain soil fertility c. maintain large farms with a single crop d. avoid pesticides and synthetic fertilizers e. have lower labor costs


farming aquatic organisms such as fish, shellfish and seaweeds

nomadic grazing

feeding of herds of animals by moving them to seasonally productive feeding grounds, often over long distances

organic fertilizer

fertilizer composed of organic matter from plants and animals

nitrogen fertilizer

fertilizer produced by combustion of natural gas to allow atmospheric nitrogen to be fixed in the fertilizer

synthetic fertilizer

fertilizer produced commercially, normally using fossil fuels (also known as inorganic fertilizer)

individual transferable quota (ITQ)

fishery management program in which individual fishers are given a total allowable catch of fish in a season that they can either catch or sell

mechanization, irrigation, fertilizer, monocropping, pesticides

five main Green Revolution techniques


food group making up the largest component of the human diet


form of soil degradation that occurs when a small amount of salts in irrigation water becomes highly concentrated on the soil surface through evaporation; impairs plant growth


form of soil degradation that occurs when soil remains underwater for prolonged periods; impairs root growth

energy subsidy

fossil fuel energy and human energy input per calorie of food produced

8, 10

the human population is projected to be between ___ and ____ billion by 2050

a (poverty - page 361)

the primary reason for malnutrition is... a. poverty b. political unrest c. insufficient food production d. diversion of food to livestock e. excessive food waste in developed nations

d (increases nutrient runoff into bordering surface waters - page 368)

the use of synthetic fertilizers increases crop yields, but also... a. destroys the nitrifying bacteria in the soil b. increases fish populations in nearby streams c. decreases phosphorus concentrations in the atmosphere d. increases nutrient runoff into bordering surface waters e. slows the release of organic nutrients from compost

pesticide resistance

trait possessed by certain individuals that are exposed to a pesticide and survive


transformation of productive land into arid or desert land due to climate change or destructive land use

a (increased crop yields - page 384)

what is the primary benefit of perennial plants? a. increased crop yields b. decreased pesticide use c. increased nitrogen fixing d. easy integration of crop rotation e. decreased erosion

e (grain production has increased rapidly in recent years - page 361)

what nutritional trend is true? a. three species of plants contribute over 60% of human energy intake b. meat consumption is decreasing globally c. growing more grain is the only way to feed the world's population d. overnutrition has remained constant over the last century worldwide e. grain production has increased rapidly in recent years

c (contour plowing - page 377)

which agricultural method is used to prevent erosion? a. intercropping b. integrated pest management c. contour plowing d. CAFO's e. annual plants

c (increased resistance to extreme weather - pages 370-371)

which is NOT a benefit of genetically modified organisms? a. decreased pesticide use b. increased profits c. increased resistance to extreme weather d. increased crop yield e. increased genetic diversity

d (avoiding the use of fossil fuels - page 380)

which is NOT a principle of organic farming? a. avoiding synthetic fertilizers b. keeping as much organic matter as possible on the farm c. increasing soil mass and biological activity d. avoiding the use of fossil fuels e. working with natural systems

e (crop rotation - page 379)

which is a part of integrated pest management? a. no-till b. increased application of pesticides c. contour plowing d. desertification e. crop rotation

b (agroforestry - page 377)

which of the agricultural methods is most similar to intercropping? a. contour plowing b. agroforestry c. no-till agriculture d. integrated pest management e. nomadic grazing

b (small farms are usually more profitable than large farms - page 365)

which of the following does NOT explain the rise of the modern farming system? a. the cost of labor varies from country to country b. small farms are usually more profitable than large farms c. irrigation contributes to greater crop yields d. fertilizers improve crop yields and are easy to apply e. mechanization facilitates monocropping and improves profits

a (nomadic herding - page 375)

which of the following is NOT a traditional farming technique that is used in sustainable agriculture? a. nomadic herding b. intercropping c. crop rotation d. agroforestry e. contour plowing

e (the use of grain as feed, reducing the food supply available to humans - page 372)

which of the following is NOT an environmental or health problem that has been associated with CAFO's? a. the increase of antibiotic-resistant bacteria potentially harmful to humans b. the overgrazing of large tracts of land c. the runoff of animal wastes into natural waters d. the production of huge quantities of manure, creating a waste disposal problem e. the use of grain as feed, reducing the food supply available to humans

c (the undistributed soil is less susceptible to erosion - page 378)

which of the following is an environmental advantage of no-till agriculture? a. the use of herbicides improves the stability of the soil b. migratory bird populations are reduced c. the undistributed soil is less susceptible to erosion d. the crop residues reduce the soil profile e. the concentration of CO2 in the fields is increased

c (nontarget populations have declined - page 373)

which of the following is an environmental effect of bycatch? a. juvenile fish are too small and slip through the nets, thereby ensuring the next generation of commercial fish b. predators caught in the nets feed on the commercially important fish also caught, thereby reducing the total catch c. nontarget populations have declined d. cod populations have increased due to the removal of competitor species e. endangered species, such as sea turtles, are being marketed through the ITQ system

c (use of pest-resistant crops - page 379)

which of the following practices is NOT a part of integrated pest management? a. crop rotation b. elimination of pesticides c. use of pest-resistant crops d. introduction of predators e. frequent inspection of crops

c (some pest populations evolve resistance to pesticides, which become less effective over time so that new pesticides must be developed - page 369)

which of the following statements best describes the pesticide treadmill? a. broad-spectrum pesticides degrade into selective pesticides, thereby killing a wide range of insect pests over a long period b. pesticides accumulate in the fatty tissues of consumers and increase in concentration as they move up the food chain c. some pest populations evolve resistance to pesticides, which become less effective over time so that new pesticides must be developed d. beneficial insects and natural predators are killed at a faster rate than the pest insects e. testing of the toxicity of pesticides to humans cannot keep pace with the discovery and production of new pesticides

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