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The table below shows measurements of the beak size of a sample of 10 ground finches on each of two islands in the Galapagos archipelago. The two islands are about 10 km apart, and all the birds are the same species. Given that beak size is genetically determined, which of the following hypothesises is the most likely explanation for the differences in data between the islands

The types of food found on the two islands exert selective pressure on the size

The land on a 100-acre farm is equally suited for grazing cattle and growing corn. Of the following ways of distributing land use, which would produce the greatest number of calories for human consumption?

0 acres for grazing cattle and 100 acres for growing corn

In a given ecosystem, producers convert solar energy into 15,000kcal of chemical energy stored in organic compounds. Which of the following is the most likely amount of energy available to secondary consumers?

150 kcal

What are the proportions of sand, silt, and clay for the soil at point T

60% sand 30% silt 10% clay

Of the following. Which is most likely composition of the soil sample

80% sand 10% silt 10% clay

Area where ocean continental convergent plate boundary is forming a volcanic mountain range


Based on the data in the table if the number of snakes were to suddenly decrease, which of the following changes would most likely occur in the food web of this ecosystem


Used as a medicine for pregnant women; teratogen that now is banned


Removal of which of the following species will always result in the greatest changes in an ecological system

A keystone species

Process by which bacteria in root nodules of legumes convert gaseous nitrogen into anemia


Which of the following best describes the action of an endocrine disruptor

An endocrine disruptor blocks the receptor protein binding site of a hormone so that the cell cannot receive a signal

Area where new crust is being created at a divergent plate boundary


Toxicant released by old pipes and old paint, damages the brain, liver, kidney and stomach when ingested


The continuous low level extinction of species that has occurred throughout history of life on earth is known as

Background extinction

Raising ___ requires the most land and water

Beef cattle

Which of the following best describes integrated pest management

Bio control measures, crop rotation, habitat diversification

The area that exhibits a growing no volcanic mountain range due to uplift


Which of the following is the correct order of soil particles in order of increasing size


Exemplified by spanish moss growing on a tree trunk in a forest. The moss makes its own food and does not impact tree growth or function


There are two different communities with 100 organisms -Community one has four different species with 25 of each species -Community to has five different species with the following numbers: species B has 40, species be has 20, species C has 20, species four has 10 in species five has 10 what can we tell about community one compared to community two

Community one is more even than community two

Exemplified by starlings displacing blue birds from nesting sites


The diagram above shows the relative population density of two paramecium. The diagram on top shows the population density when the two species are in separate areas, where the bottom diagram shows the population densities when the species are placed together. The relationship in the bottom diagram can best be explained by the concept of

Competitive exclusion

Which of the following is an unintended environmental consequence of agriculture

Contamination of surrounding water by organic waste

Which of the following best describes an advantage of constructing habitat corridors

Corridors connect habitat separated by fragmentation and connect wildlife populations

Sustainable use of forests in the United States would likely be encouraged by

Cutting small groups of medium and large size trees and uneven aged forest

Insecticides used to kill mosquitoes banned in the US in 1973 due to its toxicity


Process by which bacteria convert nitrite and nitrate ions to nitrogen gas


Planting the same crop year after year

Deplete the soil of essential nutrients

Which of the following is a method that governments to improve urban transportation

Designate carpool lanes and carpool parking spots in many public places

Which of the following methods of agricultural irrigation results in the loss of the least amount of water or evaporation

Drip irrigation

The causes of the current (sixth) mass extinction include all of these, but not ________.

Earthquakes, tsunami's and forest

Most commercial loggers prefer "clear-cut" harvesting because it is the most

Efficient, cheapest harvest method for using large, fast machinery instead of costly labor

A species in eminent danger of extinction throughout all or significant portion of its range is said to be


Factors that increase the spread of infectious diseases include all of the following EXCEPT

Exposure to neurotoxins, which affect the endocrine system

Farmers use various methods of irrigation on crops. Which of the following statements correctly irrigation methods with an advantage or disadvantage

Flood irrigation is off and use an agricultural fields, however it increases surface erosion and Stalinization in the soil

Changes in habitat have tremendous effects on the organisms that depend on them. These effects are

Generally negative organisms are already adapted to the habitats in which they occur and any change is likely to render the habitat less suitable

Which kind of diversity allows organisms on earth to adapt and survive many changing environmental conditions

Genetic diversity

Which of the following claims is best supported by the data in the graph

Global meat consumption per capita will increase in all five countries between 2012 and 2022 as the countries move through the demographic transition and become more developed

Which of the following represents an example of aerobic cellular respiration

Glucose + oxygen —> water + carbon dioxide + energy

The greatest cause of the worldwide loss of a species is

Habitat destruction

A small deficient in humus would ___

Have unusually low levels of nutrients

Eating lower on the food chain I. Would decrease the energy lost from feeding grains to the livestock II. Referest to humans eating more primary producers and then primary consumers III. Could increase grain and agricultural crops available for human consumption

I II and III

Characteristics that tend to increase the risk of a species becoming endangered include which of the following I. Having a very limited distribution II. Being a specialist at the end of a long food chain III. Having a small population size

I II and III only

Choose the best option I. Profile A is a desert II. Profile B is located in a biome with a large amount of biomass III. Profile C is located in an area with a great amount of precipitation

I and II only

Biological control methods for managing insect pest or affective for reasons that include which of the following? I. They promote genetic resistance in the target species, resulting in a population explosion of the target species. II. They generally focus on one target insect to ensure that the target insect population remains low. III. They can lead to a self perpetuating population of a control species.

II and III

An experiment was carried out to determine the lethal dose of ammonium sulfate on mung bean germination. True statements about the experimental design include which of the following? I. The control group has neither the seeds nor the ammonium sulfate II. The independent variable is the concentration of the ammonium sulfate III. The dependent variable is the number of seeds that failed to germinate

II and III only

Which of the following are measurements used to measure diversity within an ecosystem I. Species wealth II. Species richness III. Species evenness

II and III only

Which of the following statements is supported by the data above

In general as you move away from the equator of biodiversity decreases

Countries like Japan prefer incineration over landfills for waste disposal because

Incinerators reduce the volume of trash so it takes up less than landfills

Which is not a benefit of genetically modified organisms in agriculture

Increase biodiversity in food crops

Which of the following is most likely to be the direct result of lack of genetic diversity in a food crops such as corn

Increased susceptibility to plant disease

According to the flow chart it is true that overgrazing by cattle

Increases the loss of topsoil

Burning fossil fuels, cutting down large forests, and not replanting the areas with trees will affect the global carbon cycle by

Increasing atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide

The national wildlife Federation list salmon as a species at risk due to pollution river channelization dams deforestation and Irben Sprague. The health of the fish helps evaluate ecosystem water quality. The salmon are considered to be

Indicator species

Which of the following procedures would be better for preventing the effects of soil salinization

Instituting a drip irrigation system to your field

Male antelopes tend to hold territories when they are 3-4 years old. During the meeting season males try to collect as many females as possible, even if the female doesn't belong to the territory. This leads to a fight between rival males and is yet another example of___

Intraspecific competition

The practice of planting large areas with a single type of crop, monoculture

Is a development of industrial agriculture

The effect of toxicants on fetuses in young children

Is greater because of their developmental immaturity, rapid growth in smaller biomass

Which of the following identifies one of the problems associated with the "green revolution"

It may developing countries depend it on high - energy imported technologies

Pat and Terry are considering moving from near the center of a large city into the suburbs. Which of the following discussion points is valid?

It will be easier to have a place for a vegetable garden if they move to the suburbs

Environmentally and economically acceptable means of controlling introduced invasive species include___

Killing off pollinators for invasive plants, food sources for invasive animals

The cities treaty has been helpful in protecting endangered animals and plants by

Listing those species in products whose international trade is controlled

Lily decides to place a compost pile in her backyard. After a few weeks of adding household items to the pile she notices a horrible smell, despite the fact that she churns the pile daily. The source of the foul smell is likely the result of adding ___ to the pile, which should not have been included.


Neurotoxin that magnifies within food webs typically found in polluted bodies of water. Comes from improper handling at manufacturing faculties and coat - burning power plants


Which of the following is a flammable gas produced by landfills


Sustainable agriculture practices are characterized by all of the following except


There was an outbreak of the Ebola virus... all of the following are causes of the pandemic except

Mosquitoes carrying the virus transmitted farther due to global climate change

Exemplified by bees consuming nectar and carrying pollen from one flower to another


A small section of prairie grasses over a year produces enough biomass to feed insects mice rabbits birds deer antelope and a host of decomposers. The amount of food potentially available to the herbivores is the___

Net primary production

The functional role of a species and its community is it___


The process by which specialized bacteria convert ammonia compounds back into nitrate ions


Properties of toxicants likely to build up in animals through bio accumulation are

Non- biodegradable, lipid - soluble

secondary succession___

Occurs after a fire or a flood

When constructing a graph that shows the number of organisms that can survive various levels of a limiting factor, the area where most organisms thrive is called the

Optimal zone

In biological magnification

Organisms at higher trophic levels have more concentrated levels of toxic substances

Exemplified by text feeding on deer


Which of the following may affect the mineral composition of soil

Parent material

The water-holding capacity of soil is LEAST likely to be affected by addition of which of the following


Which of the following statements about the Phosphorus cycle is FALSE

Phosphoric acid is a major source of acid rain in industrialized regions

Exam in the associate a graph and choose the letter that corresponds to the ED50

Point C on the graph

Grazing animals such as deer are ________.

Primary consumers

In general which of the following is best long - term method of preventing extinction

Protecting the habitats of endangered species

Which of the following correctly describes the destruction of an ecosystem service by an anthropogenic activity

Provisioning services are disrupted by increased combustion of fossil fuels, which leads to an increase in air pollution

Which of the following would be categorized as a cultural ecosystem service of forests

Recreation and scenic areas for tourism

Which of the following correctly orders the methods of solid-waste management in terms of energy required? Least energy—> most energy


Which of the following laws gave the EPA the authority to control hazardous waste from *cradle-to-grave*, including generation, transportation, treatment storage, and disposal of hazardous waste

Resource conservation and recovery act (RCRA)

Five different warblers, seed - eating birds, live in the same species of conifer trees. All of the birds migrate to coniferous forest during the summer, and different species reside in different areas in the same tree. They feed on the seeds of the conifer trees, with a different species do not meet with one another. Which of the following best explains why the different warbler species can all have habitats in the same conifer tree.

Resource partitioning of the seeds reduces competition, and the five different species can live in the same tree

which of the following is the most likely reason that a community with good sanitation could still have individuals who contract cholera

Runoff from a nearby agricultural field pollutes a reservoir used for drinking water

Most municipal solid waste in the United States is disposed of in

Sanitary landfills

The largest pools of carbon in the carbon cycle are

Sedimentary rock and fossil fuels

Corn can be grown at a rate of 1,000 kcal per hectare, and it takes 20 times more land to produce beef than it does to produce corn. Which of the following equations would correctly calculate the amount of land needed to produce 10,000 kcal of beef?

Something x 10,000 kcal beef

One of the factors slowing the expansion of aquaculture is

That is expensive to set up

Which of the following describes a fundamental characteristic of the green revolution in food resources

The development of new strains of crops with higher yields

A ______ pesticide would kill

The impression for which it was intended

Which statement below best describes the food web

The mouse is best described as an omnivore

An insect population in an agricultural field is affected by monthly applications of pesticide, as shown in the graph above. A likely cause of the overall increase in the insect population over time is

The survival of increasing numbers of resistant insects

After many years of applying a selective pesticide a farmer notices that the application seems less effective

The target species has begun to evolve resistance

Which of the following is most likely to occur in a forested region that has been recently clear-cut

The water temperature in streams running through the region will increase

Based on the theory of island biogeography, which of the following is then most likely reason that an island in the ocean that is 5 km from a continent would have a higher number of species than one that is 15 km from a continent

There are more species that have the ability to travel 5 km then you can travel 15 km

All of the following statements about invasive exotic species are true except

They tend to have low reproductive rates

The energy contact and biomass of ___is lowest in any food web

Top carnivores

Which biome has some low-growing vegetation, but cannot support trees because of a permanently frozen layer of soil


Which of the following statements is supported by the data shown

Tundra and desert are similar in that amount of rainfall they receive

The shift of people moving from rural to urban areas is referred to as


Which of the following solutions would help decrease flood frequencies and flood sizes that are caused by urbanization

Use new, more permeable materials for roads and sidewalks

Scientist study the effects of three different ways to control a household pets. They treated one group of pests with a conventional pesticide spray. A second group was treated using integrated pest management techniques. A third group receives no treatment method at all. The success of each treatment was measured based on the change in the number of pests in the traps over time. Fewer pest caught indicate fewer pests in the area after application of the technique. The results are shown in the graph above. Which of the following claims would be the best solution to the pest problem based on the data in the graph

Use of integrated pest management techniques is the most successful method because the sources for food, water, and shelter for pests are disrupted, leading to a reduced number of pests in the area

Factors involved in soil formation are

Weathering of parent material, freezing/thawing and growth of tree roots

Following an increase in the number of infectious of a particular disease, public health officials respond by combating mosquito populations and educating the public on the importance of wearing insecticide. This is a public health response to

West Nile virus

Which of the following is accurate

When we damage ecosystems we lose both biodiversity and valuable ecosystem services.

Which of the following activities would violate cities

Your friend brings back an ivory chess set that he bought while on safari in Lesotho

All the following are examples of predation except

a clown fish living in a sea anemone

Smart growth tries to ___

develop walkable communities, with homes and businesses close together

E-wastes are a source of ________.

heavy metals

Clearing the land for either habitation or agriculture does all of the following EXCEPT

increase infiltration

The process of subduction

occurs when denser ocean crusts slide beneath less dense crusts

A climax community always___

remains in place until a disturbance restarts succession

Controlled burns would be used in forests ___

that are subjected to severe wildfires to remove fuel load and stimulate new growth

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