APSM 3340 Final Professor Stone

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Single Use Plan

*A program describes a set of activities designed to accomplish an objective over a specified period. *Budgets are the funds allocated for operating a department or program for a fixed period.

Group Member Problems

*As groups and teams develop, certain personalities emerge that can cause the group to be less efficient. They are Silent Ones, Talkers, Wanderers, Arguers, and the Bored.

Theory X and Theory Y

*Autocratic: The manager makes the decisions, tells employees what to do, and closely supervises them—theory X behavior. *Democratic: The manager encourages employee participation in decisions, works with them to determine what to do, and doesn't supervise them closely—theory Y behavior.

Planning Sheet

Planning sheets state an objective and list the sequence of activities, when each activity will begin and end, and who will complete each activity to meet the objective.

Budgeting in an Organization

Plans for allocating resources to specific activities. Notice that our definition uses the term resources, not just money. That is because organizations budget all types of resources—human resources, machines, time, space, and, yes, funds.

Gantt Charts

Use bar graphs to illustrate progress on a project. Activities are shown vertically, and time is shown horizontally.

How often do volunteer problems occur?

Would be better if they had education and training

Types of Controls in an Organization

*Concurrent: are actions taken during transformation to ensure that standards are met. *Rework: are actions taken to fix output. Rework is necessary when preliminary and concurrent controls fail. Most organizations inspect output before it is sold or sent as input to other departments in the organization. *Damage: are actions taken to minimize negative impacts on customers due to faulty output.

Communication and Conflict Resolution

*Conflict management is based on two dimensions (concern for others' needs and concern for your own needs). *These dimensions result in three types of behavior: passive, aggressive, and assertive. *Avoiding Accommodating Forcing Negotiating Collaborating *BCF statements describe conflicts in terms of behavior, consequences, and feelings. That is, when you do B (behavior), C (consequences) happens, and you feel F (feelings).

Steps of Progressive Discipline

*Discipline is a corrective action to get employees to meet standards and to follow the rules. Discipline can be effective if it makes the person realize the seriousness of the situation. *Many organizations use a series of escalating actions. Progressive discipline occurs in this order: 1) Oral warning 2) Written warning 3) Suspension 4) Dismissal

Solicit Feedback to Communication Process

*Feedback literally feeds back to the sender the original information, meaning, and intent transmitted in the message. Questioning, paraphrasing, and soliciting comments and suggestions are all ways senders can check understanding through feedback. Requiring feedback from receivers motivates them to achieve high levels of performance and improves their attention and their retention.

Teams versus Groups

*Groups have a clear leader and two or more members who perform independent jobs with individual accountability, evaluation, and rewards. *Teams are groups whose members share leadership and whose members perform interdependent jobs, with individual and group accountability, evaluation, and rewards. Table 9.1 further distinguishes between groups and teams.

Leadership Styles

*Groups: Have a clear leader *Teams: Members share their leadership

Traits of Effective Leaders (Vince Lombardi and John Wooden)

*John Wooden's teams won 10 NCAA national championships. Wooden constructed his pyramid of success out of such principles as "keep it simple" and "teamwork is not a preference, it's a necessity." HE expected Excellence from every player--Correlation to the Pygmalion effect **Lou Holtz, coach of Notre Dame's 1988 championship football team, described a "circular key ring" with three keys to success: a winning attitude, positive self-esteem, and high goals. Winning attitudes lead to positive self-esteem, which in turn motivates us to set high goals, which in turn gives us an even more positive attitude and self-esteem. Every year Holtz had players set personal goals and the team set team goals, which he wrote in his notebook.

Leadership Styles Chapter 12

*Leadership style is the combination of traits, skills, and behaviors managers use to interact with employees. *In the 1930s, before behavior theory became popular, researchers at the University of Iowa studied leadership styles of managers and identified three basic styles. *Autocratic: The manager makes the decisions, tells employees what to do, and closely supervises them—theory X behavior. *Democratic: The manager encourages employee participation in decisions, works with them to determine what to do, and doesn't supervise them closely—theory Y behavior. *Laissez-faire: The manager lets employees go about their business without much input. Employees decide what to do and take action, and the manager doesn't follow up. *(1,1) Impoverished leaders show low concern for both production and people. They do the minimum required to remain employed. *(9,1) Authority-compliance leaders show a high concern for production and a low concern for people. They focus on getting the job done by treating people like machines. *(1,9) Country club leaders show a low concern for production and a high concern for people. They strive to maintain a friendly atmosphere without much regard for production. *(5,5) Middle-of-the-road leaders balance their concerns for production and people. They strive for performance and morale levels that are minimally satisfactory. *(9,9) Team leaders show a high concern for both production and people. They strive for maximum performance and maximum employee satisfaction.

Why Lou holtz was good coach/bad announcer

*Lou Holtz, coach of Notre Dame's 1988 championship football team, described a "circular key ring" with three keys to success: a winning attitude, positive self-esteem, and high goals. Winning attitudes lead to positive self-esteem, which in turn motivates us to set high goals, which in turn gives us an even more positive attitude and self-esteem. Every year Holtz had players set personal goals and the team set team goals, which he wrote in his notebook.

Sport Governing Organizations and Examples

*Many sport organizations are monitored and controlled by external bodies of governance. FIFA and its executive committee monitor all soccer activities; the International Olympic Committee (IOC) monitors all Olympic activities; the PGA is the regulating body for golf; each Jewish Community Center is monitored by the Jewish Community Centers of America (JCCA). Likewise, each YMCA is governed by the YMCA of the USA (YUSA), and college athletics are governed by the rules and policies set forth by the NCAA. *Governing bodies are dedicated to their particular sports. They establish rules and regulations that every member must follow. The IOC approves the sports and events in the Olympics. The IOC picks locales for the Summer and Winter Games seven years in advance. Cities bid for the right to hold Games and must prove they have the facilities to play the games, house the athletes and spectators, and provide officiating.

4 Factors of group performance

*Organizational Context:Environment, mission, strategy, culture, structure, systems and processes *Group structure:Type, size, composition, leadership, objectives *Group process:roles, norms, cohesiveness, status, decision making and conflict resolution *Group development stage:orientation, dissatisfaction, resolution, production, termination

PERT Diagram

*PERT (performance evaluation and review technique) diagrams highlight the interdependence of activities by diagramming their "network."

Starter Corp Story

*Starter was the leading licensed sport apparel provider in the 1980s and 1990s. *Starter failed to expand their merchandise line from licensed sport apparel to a branded apparel line. *Nike decided to take a branded approach and emphasized their name instead of their licenses with professional leagues. *Fans who were turned off by labor problems in the MLB, NHL, and NBA turned to athletic brands such as Nike and Fila as well as fashion designer brands such as Tommy Hilfiger, Nautica, and the Gap.


*The International Olympic Committee (IOC) monitors all Olympic activities. *The IOC approves the sports and events in the Olympics. The IOC picks locales for the Summer and Winter Games seven years in advance. Cities bid for the right to hold Games and must prove they have the facilities to play the games, house the athletes and spectators, and provide officiating.

Reinforcement Theory

*The focus is on consequences for behavior (Skinner): *Positive reinforcement: Attractive consequences (rewards) for desirable performance encourage continued behavior. *Avoidance: Negative consequences for poor performance encourage continued desirable behavior. *Extinction: Withholding reinforcement for an undesirable behavior reduces or eliminates that behavior. *Punishment: Undesirable consequences (punishment) for undesirable behavior prevent the behavior.

Informal Communication

*The grapevine is the flow of information through informal channels. It is informal communication because it isn't official or sanctioned communication. *Unlike many talk show hosts, Mike and the Mad Dog carefully verify the information they receive, and this has paid off handsomely. One reason they are so highly regarded is that fans know they aren't dishing out unsubstantiated rumors.

Listening Skills

*The message-receiving process involves listening, analyzing, and checking understanding. To receive the real message the sender is transmitting, you have to do all three. Receiving doesn't end with good listening. Listening is just the beginning.

Types of Groups

*The terms management-directed, semi-autonomous, and self-managed (or directed) are commonly used to differentiate groups. *Formal or informal *Functional or cross-functional *Command or task

Financial Statements

*The three financial statements are the income statement, the balance sheet, and the statement of cash flow. **The income statement shows the company's revenues and expenses and its profit or loss for the stated period. **The balance sheet lists assets, liabilities, and owners' equity. Assets are what the organization owns. Liabilities are what it owes to others. Subtract the organization's liabilities from its assets and you have the owners' and stockholders' equity (that share of the assets owned free and clear). **This statement shows cash receipts and payments for the stated period.

Victor Vrooms Theory on Decision Making

*There are five-decision making styles *Two are autocratic (AI and AII), two are consultative (CI and CII), and one is group-oriented (GII).

Positive Reinforcement

*There was another reason Jevon Kearse signed a revised contract full of incentives to keep him performing in the last year of his multiyear contract. In Kearse's contract, different levels of incentives were triggered at different numbers of sacks. The incentives were also based on playing time, interceptions, fumble returns, Pro Bowl selection, the Defensive Player of the Year award, and the Super Bowl MVP award. Jevon would earn between $1 million and $2 million extra if he achieved his incentives.

What is Capital Expense used for?

*They are funds used by a company to acquire or upgrade physical assets such as property, industrial buildings or equipment. It is often used to undertake new projects or investments by the firm.


*Total quality management is the process through which everyone in the organization focuses on the customer in order to continually improve product value. *TQM involves a companywide focus on delivering customer value and continuously improving the system and its processes. *In TQM organizations, people are the most important resource. Therefore, TQM organizations go to great lengths to make sure their workforce gets the best training available, and they stress teamwork. The Two Principals: 1) To deliver customer value 2) To continually improve the system and its processes

Formal Communications

*Vertical communication: is the downward and upward flow of information through the organization. It is formal communication because it is the officially sanctioned transmission of information. *Horizontal communication: is information shared between peers. It is the coordination that goes on within a department, among team members, and among departments. ----Mike and the Mad Dog "chewing the fat" is horizontal ----communication with the listener (the audience), -----------which is why their fans love the show so much.

Rework Control and When Put into Effect

Actions taken to fix output. Rework is necessary when preliminary and concurrent controls fail. Most organizations inspect output before it is sold or sent as input to other departments in the organization.

Contingency Plan

Alternative plans that can be implemented if uncontrollable events occur. *Wise coaches and managers take great pains to develop backup players or employees who will be ready to step in should a first-string player or employee get injured or call in sick. Three steps to contingency planning 1) What might go wrong? 2) How can I prevent it from happening? 3) If it does occur, what can I do to minimize its effect?

Periodic Controls

Are used on a regular, fixed basis, such as hourly, daily, weekly, monthly, quarterly, or annually. Periodic controls include regularly scheduled reports, budgets, and audits.


Are used on an as-needed basis. They include observation, the exception principle, special reports, and project controls.

Employee Discipline

Communicate standards and rules to employees Punishment fits the crime Follow standing plan yourself Take action overtime rules are broken Discipline immediately Discipline in private Document Discipline When over resume normal activities

Goal Setting

Difficult but achievable goals motivate people (Locke).


Emotions color how we decode messages. When we're angry, sad, or irrationally attached to an idea, concept, or person, we find it difficult to be objective and to hear the real message. The fans who call the Mike and the Mad Dog show are not objective about their favorite teams and favorite players or teams and players they love to hate and hate to love. They hear an honest but negative appraisal as an attack or an untruthful statement.

Asset of Corporation- liability-what is Figure Left


Single Trait Personality Systems

Focus of control, optimism, risk propensity, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.

Group Dynamics

Group norms are enforced by peer pressure,

Charismatic Leaders

Inspire loyalty, enthusiasm, and high levels of performance. Charismatic leaders have a vision and a strong personal commitment to their goals; they communicate their goals to others, display self-confidence, and are viewed as able to make the radical changes needed in order to reach the goals. *In our media-driven age, charismatic fits many contemporary leaders, including Lebron James (basketball), Derek Jeter (baseball), David Beckham (soccer), and Brett Favre (football). Researchers A. Kent and P. Chelladurai found that charismatic leaders have a strong influence on employees' commitment to the organization.

Speed of Democratic Operations

It is slower because you must get everyones input

Most Frequent Reason Managers don't Plan

Lack of time


Mike and the Mad Dog basically encode the content (message) of their show in typical New York working-class speech, accent, and slang. This creates the ambience (two guys shooting the breeze in a bar) the producers want listeners to imagine, and it clinches a broad listenership. New Yorkers, from Wall Street power brokers to taxi drivers, have great affection for this accent; it is part of the mystique, and they are very comfortable with it.

Channels of Communication

Nonverbal, Oral, Written, Visual

Body Language Communication

Nonverbal: Facial Expressions Voice quality Gestures Posture Setting


Operates 156 facilities and works closely with Hyatt Hotels and Aramark food services. SMG Europe manages eight facilities in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe. *Philadelphia-based SMG is the world's leading company in the management of public facilities, including stadiums, arenas, theaters, and exhibition and convention centers.

Frame of Reference

Our bias of seeing things from our own point of view. This is pretty hard to overcome, and it tends to make situations into win-lose propositions. *The MLB players' union and the owners display classic frame-of-reference problems. Players claim that MLB teams are very profitable; owners claim continual brink of bankruptcy.

Power in an Organization: Organizational Power (Kenneth Lay at Enron)

POSITION POWER Coercive power Connection power Reward power Legitimate power MIDDLE Referent power Informational power Expert power PERSONAL POWER

Equity theory

People are motivated when their perceived inputs equal outputs (Adams). *One reason Tennessee Titans management rewarded Jevon Kearse with an incentive-laden contract was to demonstrate that the club thought he was underpaid compared to similar NFL players. Titans management chose to reward Jevon with an equitable contract in order to help negotiations with his future contracts.

Performance Equation

Performance = Ability x Motivation x Resources


Pivotal areas in which satisfactory results will ensure achievement of the objective or standard.

Conducting Meetings

Planning is needed in at least five areas: *Setting objectives *Selecting participants *Making assignments *Setting the agenda and the time and place for the meeting *Leadership

Sales Forecast

Predicts the monetary amount of product that will be sold during a specified period. *Market share: is the organization's percentage of total industry sales. Qualitative (subjective): Individual opinion Jury of executive opinion Sales force composite Operating unit composite Survey (Subjective judgment, Intuition ,Experience ,Opinion) Quantitative (objective): Past sales Time series Regression (Objective ,Mathematical techniques ,Past sales data to predict sales)

Difference between Qualitative Vs Quantitative Sales

Qualitative (subjective): Individual opinion Jury of executive opinion Sales force composite Operating unit composite Survey (Subjective judgment, Intuition ,Experience ,Opinion) Quantitative (objective): Past sales Time series Regression (Objective ,Mathematical techniques ,Past sales data to predict sales)

Regression Equation

Relationship between two variables

Know Steps in Scheduling Tool

Scheduling is the process of listing essential activities in sequence with the time needed to complete each activity. The details of the schedule answer the what, when, where, how, and who questions.

Why is a Majority Poor Listeners?

The message-receiving process involves listening, analyzing, and checking understanding. To receive the real message the sender is transmitting, you have to do all three. Receiving doesn't end with good listening. Listening is just the beginning.

Group Composition

The mix of members' skills and abilities. It affects performance. Without the right mix of skills and abilities, groups cannot excel. *NBA teams with high shared experience and low turnover improved their win-loss records significantly (Spurs). Lower turnover of players led to improved win-loss records for both winning teams and losing teams. *Losing teams have little reason for keeping rosters intact. Teams with more losses than wins in one year won an average of 5.7 more games in the following year if their level of shared experience also rose. Teams won only 1.2 more games on average if they had shuffled their rosters. So teams that stayed together played better together.

Group Processes

The patterns of interactions that emerge as group members work together. Group dynamics is another term for group process. Group process often changes over time, and it is not something people figure out on their own. Careful and thoughtful training in group process is crucial for teams to be effective.

Attribution Theory

The process of determining why we behave in certain ways. *Every one of us tries to find reasons behind behavior every day—our own, those around us, football players on TV—in fact, we do this continually.

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