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-RR weee fo thw latw nineteenth century what - cars


18th Amendment - prohibited the manufacturing and sale of alcoholic beverages


1917 Woodrow Wilson asked Congress for declaration of war - against Germany


1924 immigration - set quotas that favored immigration immigrations from Nothern and western eye


Agricultural Adjustment Act - raised farm prices by establishing quotas and paying farmers not to plant more


All of the following statements about Jane Adam's and hulk house are true except - Addams believed that reformers needed to aid the poor from afar


All of the following statements about Palmer raider are true except - Palmer rAids represented an expansion of civil liberties


American foreign policy during th2 1920 - reflected close working relationship between gov and business


Americanization green targeted - women


As President Woodrow Wilson - believe that the export of us manufactured goods went hand in hand with the spread of democracy


As a Progressive president, Theodore Roosevelt: - supported the conservation movement


Between 1898 and 1934, the United States intervened militarily numerous times in Caribbean countries: - in order to protect the economic interest of American banks and investors


Birth of a nations was a Dione that - documented the suffrage movement


By 1935 the new deal - faced mounting pressures and criticism


Critics of the New Deal included all of the following EXCEPT: - Frances Perkins


Dollar Diplomacy - was used by William Howard Taft instead of military intervention


During the Progressive era: - urban development highlighted social inequalities


During the progressive era - growing numbers do native born whit women worked in offices


During the progressive era - new immigration from southern and Eastern Europe reached its peak


Eugen v. Debs was - a socialist candidate for President


Feminism - sought to attack the traditional roles of sexual behavior for women


For the feminist woman in the 1920s, freedom meant: - the right to choose her lifestyle


Founder of the society of American Indians Carlos montezuma - demanded that American Indians be left alone in order to be independent


From 1914 to 1916 intervention in Mexico - demonstrated the weakness of Wilson's foreign policy


In 1912 new freedom - was Woodrow Wilson's campaign pledge that government should renew economic completion with less government intervention


In 1938 Congress established the house in America activities committee which - subscribed to an expanded definition of un American that included liberal Democrats and labor organizations


In fireside chats and public addresses President Roosevelt equated freedom with - economic security


In his 1932 campaign for presidency Franklin d Roosevelt promised Americans a policy change he called the - new deal


In muller v. Oregon the Supreme Court - argued that women were too weak to work long hours


In the early twentieth century angel island in San Fran bay served as main entry point for immigrants from - Japan


In the presidential election of 1916 Woodrow Wilson - used the campaign slogan "he kept us out of the war"


In their 1929 study Middletown rover And Helen Lund - argued that leisure activities and consumption had replaced political involvement


Jane Addams - advocated for the working poor


Liberalism during the New Deal came to be understood as: - active government to uplift less fortunate members of society


Margret Sanger was a - birth control advocate


Most new immigrants who arrived during the early years of the twentieth century: - lived in close knit communities


News papers and magazine writers who exposed the ills of industrial and urban life fueling the progressive movement were known as - muckrakers


Nickelodeon's - Were motion picture theaters with a five cent admission charge


President Harding's call for a return to normalcy - a call from the regular order of things without excessive reform


President hoover responded to the onset of the depression by - reassuring Americans that the tide has turned


Progressive era immigration was not set in motion by - the annexation of the Philippines


Progressive governor of Wisconsin Robert la follettte instituted all for the following reforms except - using political bosses to staff administration


Senators opposing America's participation in the League of Nations - argued that it would threaten to deprive the country of its freedom of action


Sixteenth Amendment - authorized congress to implement a graduated income tax


Slumming meant - whites going to Harlem's dancehalls jazz clubs and speakeasies


The 1912 strike in Lawrence MA - is also known as the bread and roses strike


The 1920/ movies radios and phonographs - helped create and spread a new celebrity culture


The 19th amendment - barred states from using sex as a qualification for voting


The Great Depression and the economic crisis that ensued discredited supporters of - unregulated capitalism


The Great Depression shaped the lives of Americans in all of the following what's except - American suicide rate declines


The Great Depression was caused by all of the following except - increased gov regulation of banking abs the stock market


The Harlem Renaissance - included writes abs poets such as Langston Hughes and Claude McKay


The KKK - flourishes in the early 1920


The Roosevelt corollary - contradicted the Monroe doctrine


The Zimmerman telegram - outlined the German plan for an attack on the US by MX


The civilian conservation corps - put young men to work in national parks


The committee on public information - was a government agency that sought to shape public opinion


The declaration of principles adopted by WEB Niagara movement -called for complete economic and educational equality


The espionage act 1917 and sedition act of 1918 - restricted freedom of speech


The first thing that Roosevelt attended to as president was the - banking crisis


The gentlemen's agreement - restricted Japanese immigration


The glass steagall act - established the federal deposit insurance Corp


The great migration refers to - blacks moving from south to north


The new concepts of a "living wage" and the "American standard of living": - allowed for criticism of inequalities of wealth and power


The new concepts of a living wage and the American standard of livIng - allowed for criticism of the inequalities of wealth and power


The new deal - included a reliance on economic planning


The new deal failed to generate - an economic recovery


The policy of US neutrality was - tested by both the British and Germans


The progressive movement drew its strength from - middle class reformers


The progressive presidents were - Theodore Roosevelt, William Howard taft, Woodrow Wilson


The scopes trial of 1925 - pitted creationists against evolutionist


The second new deal - focused on economic security


The teapot done can dam involved - the secretary of the interior who received money in exchange for leasing gov oil reserves to private companies


The term Fordism -describes an economic system based on mass production and mass consumption


The treaty of Versailles - required Germany to pay over 33 billion in reparations


The trial and execution of Nicola Sacco and Bartolommeo Vanzetti - demonstrated how the red scare extended into the 1920s


The triangle shirt waist was - brought in its wake increased union organizing among NYC garment workers and much needed safety legislation


The word progressivism came into common use around 1910 - as a way of describing a broad, loosely defined political movement of individuals and groups


The writer whose work encouraged the passage of the meat inspection act - upton Sinclair


To create national parks like Yellowstone ect the federal government - removed Indians who hunted and fished on these lands


U.S. control of the Panama Canal Zone: - was part of Theodore Roosevelt's policy of intervention in Central America


Under new deal reform African Americans - were mostly excluded from social security benefits


Under the new deal women - played a more visible role in national politics


WW1 - was rooted in European contests over colonial possessions


What ended the Great Depression - ww2 spending


What progressive era issue became a crossroads where the paths of labor radicals cultural modernists and feminist intersect - birth control


What wa considered the capital of black America- Harlem


When Eugene devs was sentenced under the espionage act What did he tell jury - that Americans in the past who spoke out against colonialism slaved or the Mexican war were not indicted


Which institution became a pillar of stability - church


Which phrase best describes Eleanor Roosevelt tenure as a First Lady - redefined the role of the First Lady, championing women's rights civil rights and human rights


Which statement about politics in the 1920/ if false - women took an active role in national politics overwhelmingly supporting the Republican Party


Which statement about the Indian new deal is flash - it ended the policy of forced assimilation


Which was not a new deal program - congress of industrial organizations


Which was the Ellis Island of the West? - angel island


Which would not be considered a characteristic of a flapper - advocate temperance


Who led a black separatist movement? - Marcus Garvey


Who used the Sherman antitrust act to dissolve JP Morgan's northern securities company - William Howard taft


Who was the first female member of congress - Jeannette rankin


during WW1 . most progressives: - supported the US entry into the war


during WW1, federal powers - expanded greatly


Americanization - Refers to the process of assimilation


Wilson's fourteen points included all of the following except

An end to colonization

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