APUSH Ch. 17

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In the Oregon treaty with Britain in 1846, the northern boundary of the U.S. was established to the Pacific Ocean along the line of a. 42 degrees b. 52 degrees, 40 minutes c. 54 degrees, 40 minutes d. 36 degrees, 30 minutes e. 49 degrees

49 degrees

Arrange the following in chronological order: (A) annexation of Texas, (B) Webster-Ashburton Treaty, (C) settlement of the Oregon boundary, and (D) Aroostook War. a. A, B, D, C b. B, D, C, A c. D, B, A, C d. C, A, B, D e. A, D, C, B

D, B, A, C

The only member of President Tyler's Whig cabinet who did not resign in protest over his policies was__________ a. Henry Clay. b. Zachary Taylor. c. Robert Walker. d. Daniel Webster. e. Millard Fillmore.

Daniel Webster

The earliest known use of the term "Manifest Destiny" was in 1845 by __________ a. John Tyler b. James K. Polk c. Ralph Waldo Emerson d. John L. O'Sullivan e. Mark Twain

John L. O'Sullivan

In the 1840s, the view that God had ordained the growth of an American nation stretching across North America was called a. continentalism b. isolationism c. American Super Imperialism d. Divine Mandate e. Manifest Destiny

Manifest Destiny

The first Old World Europeans to come to California were a. Russians b. French c. Dutch d. English e. Spanish


The terms of the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo ending the Mexican War included a. a guarantee of the rights of Mexicans living in New Mexico b. U.S. annexation of all the territoy south of the Rio Grande c. the banning of slavery from all territory ceded to the U.S. d. a requirement that Mexico pay $3.25 million in damages to the U.S. e. U.S. payment of $15 million for cession of northern Mexico

U.S. payment of $15 million for cession of northern Mexico

Texas was annexed to the U.S. as a result of a. two-thirds Senate approval of the Treaty of Annexation b. a joint resolution enacted by a simple majority in the House and the Senate rather than the two-thirds constitutional supermajority required of all treaties with foreign nations. c. a presidential executive order by Presidents Tyler d. the Treaty of Guadalupe-Hidalgo e. a political compromise to admit free-state Iowa at the same time

a joint resolution enacted by a simple majority in the House and the Senate rather than the two-thirds constitutional supermajority required of all treaties with foreign nations.

The Aroostook War was a. a short-lived insurrection in British Canada. b. a battle between Native Americans and settlers in northern Maine. c. a full-scale war between Britain and the United States. d. a small-scale clash between lumberjacks in Maine and Canada e. a dispute over fishing rights between Britain and the United States.

a small-scale clash between lumberjacks in Maine and Canada

The Spanish Franciscan missionaries treated the native inhabitants of California a. according to the principles of their founder, St. Francis b. fairly respectfully with the exception of refusing to convert them to Christianity because of their "heathen status" c. extremely harshly, as Indians inhabitants of California were required to toil endlessly as poorly farmers Andy herders and often came down with serious, deadly diseases d. much better than they treated their African slaves e. as cultural and intellectual equals

extremely harshly, as Indians inhabitants of California were required to toil endlessly as poorly farmers Andy herders and often came down with serious, deadly diseases

In his quest for California, President Polk a. advocated war with Mexico from the beginning b. argued strongly for annexation, because Americans were the most numerous people in the area c. was motivated by his knowledge of gold deposits there d. sought British help to persuade Mexico to sell the area to the U.S. e. first advocated buying the area from Mexico

first advocated buying the area from Mexico

Relations between Britain and the United States in the nineteenth century could be characterized as__________ a. harmonious at the diplomatic level but full of popular resentments on both sides. b. complicated by the reentry of France as an imperial power with designs on territories in the American West. c. marked by growing American economic supremacy. d. constantly on the brink of war. e. generally tense, with periods of both violence and peaceful resolution.

generally tense, with periods of both violence and peaceful resolution

When the war with Mexico began, President Polk a. advocated taking all of Mexico b. believed the British would intervene on behalf of the Americans c. hoped to fight a limited war, ending with the conquest of California d. supported a large-scale conflict e. denied any intention of expanding slavery

hoped to fight a limited war, ending with the conquest of California

The election of 1844 was notable because a. the campaign raised no real issues b. a genuine and clear mandate emerged c. it was fought over the issuenof expansionism d. Polk won the electoral vote but lost the popular vote e. Henry Clay won the popular vote but lost the electoral vote

it was fought over the issue of expansionism

One goal of Mexico in its 1846-1848 war with the U.S. was to a. demonstrate the strength of Latino culture b. regain sovereignty over Texas and humiliate the hated yanquis c. capture slaves and take them back to Mexico d. force America to make good on unpaid claims of damages to Mexican citizens e. liberate Indians living in the Indian Territoy where members of the Five Civilized Tribes had been forced to relocate by then US government

regain sovereignty over Texas and humiliate the hated yanquis

The Wilmot Proviso, introduced into Congress during the Mexican War, declared that a. Mexican territory would not be annexed to the US b. slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexico ceded to the US c. the US should annex all of Mexico d. the US should have to pay Mexico a financial indemnity for having provoked the war e. slavery in the territories would be determined by popular sovereignty

slavery would be banned from all territories that Mexico ceded to the US

The primary reason that the British government decided to compromise with the United States on the Oregon Country border was a. the support of the Hudson's Bay Company b. the British government's belief that the Oregon Country was neither politically nor economically critical to British foreign policy interests c. John Tyler's election to the presidency d. America's acceptance of 54 degrees, 40 minutes e. the threat posed to British Columbia by an alliance of Indians and French traders and pioneers

the British government's belief that the Oregon Country was neither politically nor economically critical to British foreign policy interests

The area in dispute between the U.S. and Great Britain in 1845 lay between a. the forty-second parallel and the Columbia River b. the Cascade Mountains, the Columbia River, and Puget Sound c. the 36 degree 30 minute line and the Columbia River d. the 49th parallel and the 54 degree 40 minute line e. the Columbia River, the 49th parallel, and the Pacific Ocean

the Columbia River, the 49th parallel, and the Pacific Ocean

The largest single addition to American territory was a. the Louisiana Purchase b. the Mexican Cession c. the Oregon Country d. the Old Northwest e. Alaska

the Mexican Cession

President Polk's claim that "American blood [had been shed] on the American soil" referred to news of an armed clash between Mexican and American troops near a. San Francisco b. the Nueces River c. Santa Fe d. the Rio Grande e. San Antonio

the Rio Grande

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