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in the late 19th century, great plains tribes illustrated in the map above experienced

a dispersal to small reservations

the sentiments expressed by columbus in the exerpt above best support which future spanish goal

attempting to change american indians beliefs and worldviews

What accounts most for the scant success of the above law in modifying English colonial behavior in North America?

decades of the british government's relative indifference to colonial governance

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of the

efforts by england to integrate the colonies into an imperial structure

the north american colonial settlements referenced in the passage above tended to

establish like-minded, close-knit, homogenous communities

the passage above from a 16th-century british source best demonstrates

european belief in white superiority to justify subjugation of africans

which of the following most directly resulted from the arrival of american crops in the old world

european population growth

which of the following was not a consequence of the fur trade described in the quote above

european traders rarely intermarried with native peoples

in the 17th and early 18th centuries, britain's greatest challenge in controlling north american atlantic trade illustrated above was

external competition

which of the following developments from the 19th century would compare most closely with those described in the excerpt above

federal efforts to control american indian populations in the 1810s and 1820s

th excerpt above would be most useful to historians analyzing the

focus in colonies on gaining new resources of labor

the song above was most likely a 17th-century artifact from european colonization efforts of the


the primary motivation of european colonizers to trade with and arm american indians was to

gain allies for european conflicts that spread to north america

Based on the map above, what was the primary reason for the growth of the Columbian Exchange?

improvements in technology and are organized methods for conducting international trade

the beliefs and concerns expressed in the excerpt above most immediately resulted in which of the following

increased intensity and destructiveness in european-american indian warfare

As a result of the process illustrated above, what major shift occurred in the Spanish colonies' encomienda system?

indian labor was gradually preplaced with african slavery

what was the impact of the "miraculous plague" mentioned in the excerpt above

it stimulated cultural and demographic change

after columbus's arrival in the west indies, spanish religion and chrisitian conversation were often used as a rationale to

justify the subjugation of american indians

the author of the excerpt above was most interested in

justifying the takeover of american indian lands

The policies stated in the above law can best be seen as an example of


which of the following had the most impact in shaping colonial resistance to the above law?

political thought spread by the enlightenment

which colonial trend from the 17th and 18th centuries is best illustrated by the image above

protestant evangelism

in the british north american colonies at the end of the 17th century, the ideas expressed in the passage above led to the emergence of signifigant

racially mixed populations

which of the following is the least representative of 16th and 17th century european colonial practices

rapid and substantial growth of evangelical and fundamentalist christian churches and organizations

the authors of the excerpt above were most likely motivated by

the authors of the excerpt above were most likely motivated by the british government's relative indifference to colonial governance

the excerpt above is indicative of which of the following

the colonists having grown accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

The sentiments expressed in the excerpt above were most directly a result of which of the following?

the development of strict racial categories among british colonists

the sentiments expressed in the passage above most directly reflect which of the following continuities in united states history

the economic and class tensions resulting after migration to the western hemisphere

based on the map above, in which region were american indians the most mobile

the great basin and western plains

The ideas expressed in the passage above most clearly show the influence of which of the following?

the growth of an atlantic economy with a shared labor market

the excerpt above best reflects which of the following historical trends

the increasing intensity and destructiveness of american indian warfare

the ideas expressed in the passage above most dieectly reflect which of the following continuities in united states history

the racial stereotyping and categorization of american indian groups

the excerpt above is best understood in the context of which of the following

the shared labor market of the atlantic economy in the 18th century

the map above indicates the encomienda system was least developed in which of the following areas

the southwest

The most devastating impact of the Spanish conquest and exploration was

the spread of deadly epidemics

in the map above, southwest american indian communities benefited most from

the spread of the maize culture

events such as those depicted i the excerpt above most directly resulted from which of the following

the spreading of conflicts in europe to north america

as a consequence if the new european crops add livestock brought to america as part of the colombian exchange illustrated above

there were far-reaching effects on native settlement patterns as well as on economic, social, and political developments

which of the following best describes the role of britain's more northern colonies in the global trade as illustrated in the map above

they had an export economy based on food products and raw materials

Between the 16th and 18th centuries, which aspect of American Indian and European cultures was most similar?

trade and commerce

the process illustrated in the map above

triggered extensive demographic and social change

the european colonization model evidenced by he song above

used trade alliances and intermarriage with american indians to acquire products for export to europe

the spanish and other european powers frequently justified the apporach depicted in the image above on the basis of

white superiority

After the Seven Years' War, Britain shifted its position on imperial regulations to

alleviate its massive debt from the war

in the passage above, columbus likely mentioned the american indians interest in glass beads and weapons

because it exemplified the very different worldview of American indians

which of the following was most likely a significant cause of the sentiments depicted in the excerpt above

colonies that were accustomed to a large measure of autonomy

by the mid 18th century the fervor illustrated in the image above

contributed to resistance toward imperial control

what was the most effective long-term response of African slaves to the treatment depicted in the image above

cultural and linguistic adaptations to achieve a degree of cultural preservation and autonomy

which of the following resulted from the differing worldviews of American indians and europeans as illustrated in the excerpt above

debates over how amaerican indians should be treated and civilized

which european approach to colonization in most consistent with the arguments in the excerpt above

sending men and women to acquire land and populated settlements while having relatively hostile relationships with the native inhabitants

which of the following spanish imperial goals were least advanced by the conquest and exploration illustrated above

shifting from feudalism to capitalism

the excerpt above is best understood in he context of the

spread of european conflicts to north america

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