APUSH Chapter 1

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African resistance

Africans resisted slavery, they ran away, revolted, or sabotaged their work. They did maintain culture such as music and religion


After strong resistance by Natives the Spanish established a settlement in St. Augustine


American Indian languages had 20 language families. Ex. Algonquian, Siouan, Athabaskan

English Policy

At first coexisted with Natives, traded and shared ideas. Had no respect for Native culture, Natives felt threatened by the land and population expansion. Natives were expelled rather than subjugated.

Explain the significance of the difference between Central/South America and North America

Because of how much larger the tribes in Central/South America are they would be less easy to conquer in contrast to the smaller tribes in North America

Atlantic Seaboard Settlements

Built timber and bark lodging by rivers. Rivers and ocean provided source of food.

Identify one cause and one effect of Spanish settlement in North America

Cause: Attempted to christianize the Pueblo people Effect: Pueblo people revolted and drove the Spanish out until 1692


Columbian Exchange. Europe got beans, corn, potatoes, and tobacco. America got horses, pigs, sugarcane, guns, wheels + smallpox which killed 90% of natives who had no immunity.

Columbus' Legacy

Columbus "discovered" a new world and it led to harsh consequences for the Native Americans. His voyage led to permanent interaction from all around the world.


Columbus did not discover America but conquered it. He is seen as a religious fanatic who tried to Christianize the Native Americans

Christopher Columbus

Columbus got financial backing from Ferdinand and Isabella to sail west. He landed in the Bahamas and found little gold, spices, and no easy route to India or China

Arthur Schlesinger

Columbus was not driven by greed or ambition for conquest but the challenge of the unknown

Fact and Fiction

Columbus' exploration led to a turning point in history and established a connection with the Europeans and the Native Americans

Northeast Settlements

Combined hunting and farming. Farming exhausted the soil so they had to move around. Iroquois confederation political union of 5 states.

President Franklin Roosevelt

Declared October 12 a national holiday for Christopher Columbus

In what ways was English policy toward Native Americans different from those of France and Spain

Different from France in that the English did not keep good relations with the Natives. Different from Spain in that English came in families and did not intermarry.

Dutch Claims

Dutch hired Henry Hudson to find a westward passage to Asia through North America. Hudson sailed through what is now the Hudson River and established the Dutch claims to the area of New Amsterdam (now New York). Dutch gave the Dutch West India Company control of the region for economic gain.

English Claims

England's claims rested with John Cabot's voyages. Didn't follow up because of the English Reformation. Sir Walter Raleigh tried to establish a settlement in Roanoke but it failed.

What was the impact of the Catholic victory in Spain and the European Reformation on North America?

Europe now had a religious reason for pursuing colonization as it wanted to spread its own version of Christianity

How did European expansion impact Native American society?

Europeans spread diseases like smallpox and measles that Native Americans were not immune to which led to an epidemic that wiped out 90% of the native population.

Spanish Exploration and Conquest

Gold and silver made Spain the richest nation. Encomienda system: grants land and natives to Spaniards. Natives farm or work and all their money went to their masters. Disease led to Spanish getting slaves from West Africa. Spanish had to pay a tax for every imported slave.

Southwest Settlements

Hokokam, Anasazi, and Pueblos. Supported by farming and irrigation, lived in caves

How did European expansion impact European society?

Introduced new foods to European society and increased trade

French Claims

Jacques Cartier explored the St. Lawrence River. France slowly developed colonies because of religious conflicts. First French settlement was established by Samuel de Champlain at Quebec. Louisiana named after Louis XIV explored by Robert de la Salle.

Northwest Settlements

Lived in longhouses, diet based on fishing and hunting. Carved totem poles to preserve culture. Mountains isolated tribes, barrier in development.

Spanish Policy

Majority of natives form large empires were killed by disease. Natives not killed by disease were forced into labor to build the Spanish empire. Intermarriage w natives and africans was common. Class system dominated by pureblood Spaniards.

Cultures of Central and South America

Mayas built cities. Aztecs had an empire with a large city (Tenochtitlan). Incas of Peru had an empire. All 3 had trade + a stable food supply: corn (Mayas + Aztecs) and potatoes (Incas)

Religious conflict

Moors conquered most of Spain. Spanish Christians reconquered and set up kingdoms Castile and Aragon united with marriage of Isabella and Ferdinand. Conquered Granda and funded Christopher Columbus. Protestant Reformation led to religious wars. Catholics Spain + Portugal and Protestant England + Holland wanted to spread their own religion (colonization)

Great Plains

Mostly hunters or farmers. Nomads hunted buffalos and lived in tepees. Farmers grew corn, beans, and squash and traded with other tribes. Acquired horses in 17th century from the Spanish.

Developing Nation-States

Nation states replaced empires and small kingdoms. They shared a common culture and loyalty. The monarchs depended on trade for money and the church for legitimizing their rule. Used their power to spread their version of Christianity.

Which effect was most significant?

New trading routes led to faster and more advanced ways to travel as well as the discovery of new lands.

New Routes

Portuguese realized sailing south to east China was faster. Henry the Navigator sponsored expeditions. Vasco de Gama reached India via sea route by Cape of Good Hope. Christopher Columbus went west.

Slave trading

Portuguese traded slaves from West Africa. Slaves worked in sugar plantations. Europeans established colonies in the Americas and used the same slave system.

Improvements in technology

Renaissance led to new technology: gunpowder and sailing compass. Printing press led to spread of knowledge.


San Diego and San Francisco were established in response to Russian exploration.

New Mexico

Santa Fe was the capital. Christianization led Pueblo people to revolt and drive the Spanish out until 1692

Identify one key similarity and one key difference between societies that developed in Central and South America to those that developed in North America

Similarity: All societies adapted to their environment and they all had a steady food source Difference: Tribes in Central/South America were a lot bigger than North American tribes and there were also less of them.

Cultures of North America

Societies were smaller because of the slow spread of cultivation of corn. Bigger + complex societies disappeared in 15th century. Lived in small groups under 300. Men made tools and hunted while women gathered plants or grew crops (beans, corn, + tobacco)

Native American Reaction

Some tribes would trade with Europeans for copper pots and guns. After the decimation of their people, many tribes either allied with other European powers or migrated to new land

Dividing the Americas

Spain and Portugal claimed territories that overlapped, pope drew the line of demarcation. Spain got west Portugal got east. Moved line (Treaty of Tordesillas). Portugal got Brazil and Spain got the rest of the Americas.


Spanish established settlements in Texas. The communities grew in the 1700 to resist French efforts to explore the Mississippi River.

Identify the key differences between Viking voyages of the 12th century to that of Columbus in the 15th century

The Viking voyages left no lasting impact whereas Columbus' voyage introduced Europe to the "New World"

How did new technology enable Christopher Columbus to dominate the "New World?"

The new inventions such as the sailing compass helped guide Columbus more efficiently

Which of these was the most significant?

The spread of disease led to a majority of the Native population dying and those who did survive worked as slaves. The Natives never regained their numbers due to these factors.

Which of these consequences were the most significant?

The spread of diseases as the Natives never truly regained their numbers.

How effective were Native Americans in overcoming the negative aspects of European policies?

They attempted to fight back but did not succeed and eventually just moved away form the Europeans.

Support or refute the following statement: Christopher Columbus was a hero.

To the Spanish and the rest of Europe Columbus was a hero

French Policy

Viewed Natives as potential economic and military allies, looking for furs and converts to Catholicism, maintained good relations with tribes. Had few colonists and weren't seen as a threat. Used trading posts to control the fur trade.

Midwest Settlements

Woodland American Indians had rich food supply (Hunting, fishing, agriculture). 1 of the largest settlements was the Cahokia.

Washington Irving

Wrote a biography detailing Columbus' virtues

What were the three chief features of the Spanish empire in America?

a) Christianization b) Took lands and resources c) Slave labor

List 3 pieces of evidence to support your answer

a) Christianized Natives which was a goal of Spain b) Introduced the new world to Europe along with new resources c) Discovered new land for expanding Europe

List 3 pieces of evidence that support the alternate view

a) His "discovery" led to the mass murder and enslaving of Native Americans b) Stripped the culture + spirituality of Natives for his own beliefs c) Spread diseases which wiped out most of the Natives

Identify three major consequences of European contact with American Indians

a) Spread of disease (Smallpox) b) Violence toward natives c) Increased trade with other nations (Columbian Exchange)

In what ways did native peoples transform North American environment before European colonization?

a) The use of tools b) Agriculture (maize) c) Hunting of animals d) Building of homes + settlements

List three main effects of Europe's expanding trade in the 15th century.

a) slave trading b) new trade routes + better technology c) rise of nation states

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