APUSH: Chapter 10 A Democratic Revolution

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Sequoyah developed which of the following to assimilate members of the Cherokee tribe into American life?

A perfected system of writing for the Cherokee language

On whom did President Jackson rely for political advice?

An informal group called the Kitchen Cabinet

In 1832, a South Carolina state convention committed which of the following actions?

Declared the tariffs of 1828 and 1832 null and void within the state

How did Andrew Jackson respond to South Carolina's claimed right of nullification in 1832?

He asked Congress for a Force Bill authorizing him to use the military to suppress any act of nullification.

Which of the following arguments did President Jackson offer as a justification for destroying the Second Bank of the United States?

It was a monopoly that benefited only a few owners, some of whom were foreigners.

The South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written by John C. Calhoun, bore a similarity to the argument made by which of the following people?

Jefferson and Madison in the Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions

In which of the following ways was Chief Justice Roger Taney different from his predecessor, John Marshall?

Marshall was nationally oriented while Taney favored states' rights.

Who is considered the first real politician, partly because he created the first statewide political machine?

Martin Van Buren

Which of the following developments spurred the Panic of 1837?

The Bank of England curtailed British investment in the United States.

Which of the following statements characterizes the American party system by the early 1840s?

The practice of Americans voting for a particular party along ethnic and religious lines began to emerge.

What occurred during the Bad Axe Massacre of 1832?

U.S. troops pursued Black Hawk's followers into Wisconsin and killed 850 of his warriors.

In the aftermath of the nullification crisis, President Jackson responded to southern concerns about the tariff by

persuading Congress to pass a new tariff that gradually reduced duties.

John C. Calhoun challenged the northern Whig economic ideology by arguing

that advanced civilizations always had antagonism between workers and capitalists.

In the U.S. Supreme Court case of Worcester v. Georgia (1832), John Marshall and the Court majority issued a decision that

upheld Indian nations' political authority in their communities.

As president, John Quincy Adams supported which of the following policies?

A national bank to promote a uniform currency and to control credit.

Which of the following statements describes the impact of the Jacksonian-era constitutional revolution on the states?

Between 1830 and 1860, twenty states revised their charters and enhanced democracy.

In 1834, the Working Men's Party persuaded the Pennsylvania legislature to do which of the following?

Create a free, tax-supported public school system

In the landmark case of Charles River Bridge Co. v. Warren Bridge Co. (1837), Chief Justice Roger B. Taney and the U.S. Supreme Court did which of the following?

Encouraged competitive enterprise, opening the way for legislatures to charter railroad companies

What was the outcome of President John Quincy Adams' support of the Creeks in their treaty negotiations with the state of Georgia?

Georgia's governor attacked him as a "public enemy" and "ally of the savages."

Which of the following describe John Tyler and his presidency?

He so angered Whigs that he was kicked out of the party while president.

Why did Andrew Jackson veto the bill to recharter the Second Bank of the United States in 1832?

He thought it interfered with the rights of states and the liberties of the people.

The Trail of Tears was the direct consequence of which of the following government actions?

Indian Removal Act of 1830

Which of the following statements characterizes the Second Bank of the United States in the 1830s?

Its cautious monetary policy pleased bankers, creditors, and East Coast entrepreneurs, who funded economic development.

How did President Andrew Jackson change the federal system of office holding?

Jackson introduced the principle of rotation in office to discourage long tenure.

Which of the following statements characterizes Andrew Jackson's intentions toward Native Americans during his presidency?

Jackson meant to remove all Native Americans east of the Mississippi, even those who had adapted to white society.

Correctly match the candidate in the 1824 presidential election with his description.

Jackson—popular War of 1812 hero

Most of the new state constitutions written between 1830 and 1860 did which of the following?

Reapportioned state legislatures on the basis of population

Which of the following were the three key elements of Clay's American system?

Protective tariff, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bank

On which issue was the Whig philosophy of the 1830s critically different from that of the Federalists in the 1790s?

Rule by an elite based on talent

The 1832 Ordinance of Nullification was based on which of the following beliefs?

States had the right to determine which congressional laws they would enforce.

Which of the following elements defined the Democrats under Andrew Jackson?

Support for average Americans

What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution specify should be done in an election like the election of 1824, in which no presidential candidate received a majority of the electoral votes?

The House of Representatives decides the outcome.

Which of the following statements describes events surrounding the election of 1824?

The Republican candidate William Crawford died from a stroke in the midst of the campaign.

Which of the following laws required the Treasury department to accept only gold and silver in payment for purchases of federal land?

The Specie Circular

Which of the following statements characterizes the presidential campaign of 1840?

The Whigs' campaign was a carnival of speeches, parades, and mass meetings to demonstrate the man-of-the-people qualities of their presidential candidate.

Working Men's Parties of the late 1820s and 1830s called for which of the following reforms?

The abolition of debtors' prisons

Which of the following was the primary function of the Second Bank of the United States?

To stabilize the nation's money supply by forcing state banks to convert their paper money periodically into gold and silver coin

In the election of 1840, Whigs boosted their electoral hopes by appealing to which of the following groups?


President Martin Van Buren responded to the Panic of 1837 by

adopting a hands-off, limited-government stance.

Andrew Jackson and his supporters won the election in 1828 in part by

calling themselves Democrats to portray a more egalitarian image.

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