Apush Chapter 14- Civil war

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Battle of Sumter (April 12-13 1861)

The Battle of Sumter driven by the South and North wanting control over Fort Sumter. It was caused by Licoln's announcement of resupplying the soldiers at Fort Sumter with military and survival provisions. This led to the South troops bombing the fort, and battle ensuing. This battle was significant in the Civil War because it marked the first official battle of the war. Though Lincoln and the northern side had no intention of creating a violent conflict in supplying their soldiers with food and weapons, the south, feeling threatened, decided to bomb the fort. This made the war official, and forced the north into responding violently also. This was a Southern victory, giving them control over Fort Sumter as well as leading for other states to succeed as it showed that the South has a chance to win the war.

New York Draft Riots (July 1863)

The New York Draft Riots were a series of violent disturbances in response to the discontent with the new laws in Congress that forced men to fight in the ongoing Civil War. This was very important because even incoming immigrants were being drafted as well. Irish and German immigrants were leading participants in these riots and like them, many were afraid that if the North wins, there will be an influx of African-Americans that will "take" their jobs. This sparked racial crimes and increased tensions. This shows that many Northerners were not as hopeful nor enthusiastic about the war and weren't particularly happy nor in full support of the Emancipation Proclamation.

Lincoln's second inaugural address (march 4, 1865)

This speech is a primary source because it states Lincoln's speech exactly as he delivered it in 1865. His second Inaugural Address was more of a uniting speech than his other addresses. Though he does blame the South for starting the war, he does so in a subtle way, without using names or stating specific sides. He also asks the people to work towards ending the war so that the nation could be allowed to heal in the coming future. This speech was significant to the Civil War because it brought the nation together and urged them to find a solution to their differences. It drove the American people to settle their differences and to end the Civil War it was essentially a "message of healing" to bind up the old wounds on both sides.

Thirteenth Amendment (1865)

abolished slavery everywhere in the United States.

Atlanata Campaign

1. Leaders: Sherman vs. Johnston and Hood2. Course of Battles: Sherman forces Confederate forces closer and closer to Atlanta. Then, Hood abandons Atlanta to attack Union forces in Tennessee. Sherman burns Atlanta.3. Winner: Union victory4. Lasting Significance: Diminished Army of the Tennessee and left Sherman free to move to Savannah -General Sherman led some 60000 troops on a march south across Georgia; burned cities and destroyed everything in his path; killed civilians, destroyed crops. Sherman believed in total war.

Battle of Gettysburg (July 1, 1863-July 3, 1863)

Confederate General Robert E. Lee marched his army, the Army of Northern Virginia, out of central Virginia and north toward the Potomac River with the objective of invading Maryland and Pennsylvania. General Lee also hoped to obtain a victory on northern soil to take attention away from a Confederate loss at Vicksburg, Mississippi, the last Confederate stronghold on the Mississippi River. 90,000 soldiers under Union General Meade vs. 76,000 under General Lee, lasted three days and the North won. -The Union's victory in this battle represented a huge turning point in the war, as this loss was fatal to the Confederate side and led to the eventual dissolution of the Confederacy.

Western Virginia was a part of the border states after its creation, which was due to the fact that while Virginia seceded from the Union, the western part of the state remained loyal to the Union and began the process of separation. Western VA is important in the context of the war because it led to a creation of a new state and demonstrated the differences in beliefs about slavery in the U.S., even within states.

Creation of Western Virginia

Crittenden Compromise

It called for several constitutional amendment which would guarantee the permanent existence of slavery in the slave states and would satisfy southern demands on such issues as fugitive slaves and slavery in D.C -Heart of Crittenden's plan was a proposal to reestablish the Missouri Compromise line in all present and future territory of the United States: slavery would be prohibited north of the line and permitted south of it - Remaning Southern senators were okay with it - Republicans did not agree b/c it would have to abandon their most fundamental position: that slavery not be allowed to expand

Battle of Bull Run (July 21, 1861)

The Battle of Bull Run was the first major battle of the American Civil War and resulted in a confederate victory. This battle was important to the Civil War because it gave the Southern states an unexpected surge of confidence that both shocked the North and demonstrated that the war was not going to be as easily won as they had originally anticipated.

Declarations of Immediate Causes (December 24th 1861-Feburary 2nd 1862)

The Declaration of the Immediate Causes Which Induce and Justify the Secession of South Carolina from the Federal Union was a proclamation issued on December 24, 1860, by the government of South Carolina to explain its reasons for seceding from the United States

Secession Ordiances of South Carolina (End of the year 1860)

The Secession Ordinances of South Carolina is a document that stated all the reasons that South Carolina wanted to leave the Union and how she was justified in doing so. This was crucial to the Civil War because it initiated the forming of the Confederate side of the war. South Carolina began a series of states in the south that began to secede from the Union because they felt like they were being denied their rights as a state under the Constitution.

The empancipation Proclomation (Janurary 1, 1863)

The proclamation declared that all slaves were to be freed if the Confederate states did not return to the Union by January 1, 1863. However, Lincoln still would have freed slaves even if the South did not return to the Union. The proclamation also stated that the slaves would only be freed if the Union won the war. Also, the document does not free slaves in the North (border states) and didn't actually release Southern slaves during that moment but it set the framework for it later. The Emancipation Proclamation was significant in the Civil War because it illustrated that to the Union, the war was a war of freedom and strengthened the Union through a boost in moral force.

With Burnside at antietam

two Union soldiers found a copy of Lee's battle plans wrapped around a packet of three cigars dropped by a careless Confederate officer. It was fought at a creek in Maryland. It was the turning point of the war, which allowed President Lincoln to sign the Emancipation Proclamation. It was the bloodiest single-day battle in American history, with about 23,000 casualties. Also, it prevented the British and French governments from a diplomatic mediation -The battle mainly consisted of an engagement that halted the Confederate invasion of Maryland, which was the advance that was regarded as one of the greatest Confederate threats to Washington, D.C. Antietam was very important to the outcome of the war because the Union victory gave Lincoln the opportunity to announce the Emancipation Proclamation, which demonstrates that this battle was one of the key turning points in the war.

Gettysburg Address (1863)

was a dedication to all of the soldiers that had fallen up until then in the Civil War. This speech was also a bold statement that used words from the Constitution to prove that all men were created equal and that connected the abolishment of slavery to the meaning of having a representative government. This speech was important to the Civil War because not only did it keep the Union's spirits up and motivated, it also made a clear and definitive statement on what freedom and liberty were; it became the mission statement of the north. He also clearly, and for the first time, publicly said that this war is for ending slavery.

54th Regiment

was the second African-American regiment (after the 1st Kansas Colored Volunteer Infantry Regiment) organized in the northern states during the American Civil War. The 54th Regiment is significant in the context of the war because their valiant and extensive service during the war made them famous for their courage, which in turn led to increased beliefs that African Americans were equal to the European population.

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