APUSH Chapter 23 and 24

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Why did the US want Hawaii?

It was an important way station on route to China. It was a strategic military base, Pearl Harbor.

What was Taft's foreign policy called?

It was referred to as Dollar Diplomacy and it encouraged Americans to invest in foreign countries.

Who were some prominent Anti-imperialists?

Jane Addams, William Jennings Bryan, Mark Twain, and Andrew Carnegie

Where did the US have a large economic interest?

Latin America and East Asia (Pacific)

How long was the Spanish-American War?

Less than 4 months

What 2 things led to the desire for an empire?

McKinley Tariff- led to overproduction and too many goods Panic of 1893- 1897

What policy did America favor at the start of WWI

Neutrality because the war was contrary to traditional isolation from European affairs, and it tangled alliances.

What were the two places that were discussed for a possible canal?

Nicaragua because it was easy and included natural waterways and Panama because it was short but very mountainous and rocky.

Where did Wilson send troops after the Tampico affair?

Veracruz, Mexico to overthrow the dictator-type leader.

What did the Philippine Insurrection foreshadow?

The Vietnam War because of the guerrilla warfare tactics.

Which poem epitomized the superiority belief of the white race? what phrase is associated with it?

The White Man's Burden by Rudyard Kipling. "Half-devil and half-child"

What event sparked the beginning of World War I?

The assassination of archduke Franz Ferdinand and his wife by Gavrilo Princip in Sarajevo.

Why did the US want imperialism?

World wide markets for surplus products, sources of raw materials, "Yellow Journalism," spread Christianity, Social Darwinism, a need for naval bases, and to spread democracy

Did the Teller Amendment allow the acquisition of the Philippines?

Yes, the amendment only prohibited the acquisition of Cuba.

What was the key question answered in the Insular Cases?

"Does the Constitution follow the flag?" meaning do the conquered people have the same rights as US citizens.

What was the Boxers' battle cry?

"Kill Foreign Devils!"

What was the duty of the Americans that McKinley stressed?

"To educate the Filipinos, and uplift and civilize and Christianize them." However, most were already Christian.

Who was the first Spanish-American War hero and what did he do?

Admiral George Dewey and he defeated the Spanish fleet in Manila.

What did the US purchase from Russia in 1867 and what was it called by the Americans?

Alaska for $7.2 million. It was known as "Seward's Folly" or "Seward's Icebox."

Who wrote which book about the need for naval bases?

Alfred Thayer Mayan wrote The influence of Sea Power Upon History 1660-1783

Why was America not involved in imperialism in the decades after the Civil War

Americans were occupied with Reconstruction, exploiting the West, and building the Industrial machine.

What was the Platt Amendment?

An amendment that authorized American intervention whenever necessary in Cuba, and Cuba had to promise not to make treaties with foreign powers and had to grant naval bases to the US (Guantanamo Bay).

What was the result of the Boxer rebellion?

An indemnity was levied on the nearly bankrupt country.

What did the Treaty of Washington, signed in 1871 by the Grant Administration, agree to and with whom was it signed

Britain agreed to arbitrate Civil War claims with the CSS Alabama and other ships. The US was awarded money.

Which groups wanted the Philippines an why?

Business leaders and Republicans because they thought it was the "gateway to the market of East Asia" most specifically China.

What was the goal of some politicians who tried to force Britain to pay for the Civil War ($2 billion)?

they were attempting to bully foreign nations like Jackson and Polk did.

The Roosvelt Corollary allowed the US to act as what?

A police force and this is where Teddy Roosevelt first used the phrase, "Speak softly and carry a big stick!"

What did France establish during the Civil War that led to a crisis later?

A protectorate over Mexico with Archduke Maximilian as emperor.

What was the Hay Pauncefote Treaty?

A treaty between Britain and the US that allowed the US to build and fortify a canal which would be open to all nations. It also repealed the Clayton-Bulwer Treaty.

What was the Hay-Bunau-Varilla Treaty?

A treaty made with Panama that was basically the same as the proposed treaty with Columbia. It granted the US a 10-mile wide zone for construction and the US would give Panama $10 million with $250,000 a year lease.

What event prompted Wilson to become involved in Mexican politics?

The Tampico Affair when American sailors were arrested for going onshore in Tampico, Mexico. The commander demanded an apology and wanted to have the American flag risen in the square but the Mexican commander refused.

Panama was a province of what country in 1903?

Columbia and they did not want to negotiate with the US for rights to build the canal.

What did the Platt Amendment reverse?

The Teller Amendment

Who led the Filipinos in a war against the US in 1899?

Emilio Aguinaldo who was an ally during the Spanish-American War

Why did Teddy Roosevelt issue the Roosevelt Corollary?

Financial instability and borrowing more money than necessary in the countries.

What was the biggest factor regarding public opinion of the Great War?

Freedom of the seas and trade with the Central Powers almost disappeared.

Who did Wilson send to capture Pancho Villa?

General John Pershing and 5,000 men were sent to capture Villa dead or alive.

What were the Central Powers>

Germany, Austria-Hungary, and Ottoman Turkey

What were the Allied Powers>

Great Britain, France, and Russia

Why did US Secretary of State, John Hay, come up wihthe Open Door Policy?

He became worried that the European powers and Japan would restrict American trading opportunities in China.

What was Wilson's foreign policy?

He believed in moral diplomacy and he said that he opposed imperialism and the big stick and dollar diplomacy. He believed we must enlighten the ignorant toward democracy and he believed in a world governed by morality and idealism.

Why did Roosevelt win a Nobel Peace Prize?

He brokered peace between Russia and Japan

Why did Secretary of State William Seward purchase Alaska?

He dreamed of an American empire that encompassed all of North America and believed Canada would want to be annexed if it were sandwiched.

Why did Roosevelt send the "Great White Fleet" around the world?

He wanted to show the US's force to Japan and other countries

What position did Teddy Roosevelt resign from and why?

He was Assistant Secretary of the Navy and he wanted to fight in the war, he was second in command of a volunteer regiment, the Rough Riders.

What were some of the conditions for the Americans during the war?

They wore heavy wool uniforms, ate "embalmed" beef, and most deaths resulted from disease, not Spanish bullets.

Where were the first shots of the war actually fired?

In the Manila Harbor, not Cuba.

What did Roosevelt do to gain the rights to build the canal?

Instead of negotiating with Columbia, he quietly supported a Panamanian revolution.

What did the Open Door Policy state?

It asked the other European powers to agree to respect the equal trading rigts of all countries and to impose no discriminatory tariffs within their spheres of influencewuile recommending that Chinese tariffs continued to be collected by Chinese officials.

Why was the canal not extremely popular when it opened?

It opened at the same time that World War I was beginning.

What did the Treaty of Paris of 1898 state?

It recognized Cuban independence, US acquisition of Puerto Rico, Guam, and the Philippines and Spain got $20 million.

What did the Teller Amendment state?

It stated that the US had no intention of acquiring Cuba and once peace was restored, the Cubans would control their own government.

Which Mexican independence fighter killed 34 Americans and tried to invade America?

Pancho Villa

Who negotiated with the US on behalf of Panama>

Phillipe Bunau-Varilla

What were the Insular Cases (1901)?

Supreme Court cases in which the Court ruled on annexation and the Constitution.

Who was the second Spanish-American War hero?

Teddy Roosevelt

The combatants in the Russo-Japanese War met under the supervision of whom?

Teddy Roosevelt in New Hampshire for a peace conference.

What group led an attack on foreign property in Beijing?

The "Fists of Righteous Harmony" or the Boxers

What is another name for the Spanish-American war?

The "Splendid Little" War

Our economic interests placed America on which side?

The Allies

Most Americans sympathized with which side?

The Allies except for German Americans and Irish Americans.

What group was Gavrilo Princip a member of>

The Black Hand which was a terrorist organization.

What did the Boxer rebellion signal the end of?

The Chinese dynastical rule

What was World War I called during the war?

The Great War

What did France's protectorate violate in the Americans' eyes?

The Monroe Doctrine

What did the Roosevelt Corollary become an addition to?

The Monroe Doctrine

What did the "Gentlemen's Agreement" between the US and Japan agree to?

The San Fransican segregation policy was changed in return for a promise to cut off further Japanese immigration

Why was the US unpopular in Japan?

The San Fransico school board segregated Asian children in 1906

Anti-imperialists' arguments were that imperialism violated what?

They believed it violated the Declaration of Independence because they were going to govern a foreign territory without "the consent of the governed."

Public opinion supported the annexation of the Philippines because...

They did not support restoring Spanish rule or allowing some other power to have them.

Why did Spain surrender the Philippines?

They had little choice.

What did the American press say about the policy?

They hailed it as a diplomatic triumph.

What did the Supreme Court rule on the Insular Cases?

They ruled that full constitutional rights did not automatically extend to all areas under American control.

What policy did the US use against the Filipinos during the war?

They used re-concentration policy like the Spanish during the Spanish-American War.

What happened to prisoners in the re-concentration camps?

They were tortured by water boarding

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