APUSH chapters 17, 18, 19 study guide

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Democratic meeting in Cininatti

Democrats met in Cincintti to nominate the presidential standerd bearer Both douglas and pierce were tainted by the kansas nebraska act so they chose buchana who was a lawyer, minister to london during the act and had no enemies democrats were for popular sovereignty buchanan was assailed because of being a bachelor

John Brown

abolitionist who moved to kansas and led a band of followers to POawatomie Creek and hacked proslaverites he was a terrorist, bringing retaliation, he besmirched the free soil cause

1. Who authored literature related to slavery that aroused sympathy in the North and ire in the South?

Harriet Beecher Stowe published uncle Tom's cabin because she was dismayed by the fugitive slave act and awaited to waken the North to the wicked slavery by inhumanity of splitting families, imagery, and pathos she had deep sentiment in evangelical religious crusade of the 2nd great awakening and thousands of her books were published and transationed making slavery appeal evil as a political force she helped start the civil war and win it The south condemn her unfair indictment because she had never witnessed it first had, only briefly in kentucky and the ohio underground RR readers didn't want the fugitive slave law to be enforced and impressed outh to become Boys in Blue in the civil war the emory of a bean uncle tom made for determination it was popular in britain, france that when the civil war broke out and GB sensed a trumph of n to end slavery--they wanted to intervene in behalf of south but though their people might not support them

5. Who were the candidates for president in 1860, where did each get most of his support, and what were the results of the election?

Lincoln for republicans, constitutional union party was john bell. the northern wing of democrats nominated douglas. Breckinidge was nominated for sotuuerhn wing democratics lincoln won the election but he was a minority president. 60% voted otherwise, sectional president because 10 polled no vote for him. Sotuh carolina was happy wight eh victory because it was an excuse to secede and the north split off the south. Douglas campaigned for himself, and had strength from all sections and second in popular vote-douglas and breckinridge had more popular votes. Even in femodracts had united behind douglas, lincoln carry popular of north and northwest. if democrats had broken up they would have entered with better organization and won the verdict of presidency was strong sent for secession. breckinridge favored extension of slavery but he was not a disunionist and he poled fewer votes in slave states than opposite south had 5: major in SC< rpublcains didn't control senate or house of representatives so federal government couldn't touch slavery where it existed except by constitutional amendment which could be defeated by 1/4 state (15 slave states was 1/2 the total)


Mexico did not recognize Texas's independence, and the province was in revolt to be reconquested. the threat of war if americans gathered the republic. In texas military established because they were outnumbered by mexicans. Mexican raids foreshadowed efforts and texans opened negotiation with british, france to secure a protectorate. in 1839 they had treaties with british, france, holland, and belgium. British interests in the independent republic because they checked the surge of american colossus because threatened to british possession in northwest. it could be turned upon yankees and a diversion where foreign powers could move into america and challenge the Monroe Doctrine. This was a fragment and militarization of America

6. What happened in the time between the election of 1860 and the inauguration of the new president??

SC threatened to go out if lincoln was president. legislature called a convention 4 days after in charleston. they unanimous voted to secede. 6 other states in the south seceded but less united: alabama, missipi, florid, georgia, louisiana, and texas later on it would be 11 states the 7 seceders met at montomery to create the confederate states of america with their president becing jefferson davis who was a member of the senate of missipi. he was a cabinet member, militant, and administrator experience with napolieonc strategy there was the lame duck interlude where 4 month between lincoln's office taking and nomination: it was a period of uncertainty buchanan was blamed for not holding the seceders in union by force (unionist but pro south advisers) he was wedded to the constitipm ad southern states couldn't legally secede but he had no authority to stop them with guns and the small standing army was scattered and needed to control the indians in the west. the northern opinion was the fight shattered the adjustment and hope of reconciliation rather than the contested divorce lincoln continued the wait and see policy John Jordan crittenden senator of KY made the Cirttenden amendments which cosnitued of appeasing the south: slavery in territory was prohibited above 36 30 but south of line given federal protection in all territory existing or hereafter to be acquired. future states north is come into union with or without as choose. slave supporters guaranteed full right in south territory regardless of wish of majority under ocular soverityny. federal prection int erritorys south of line turn to perminanet slavery. lincoln rejected in because offer success and hop of comrpomise evaporate so not elected on platform opposed toe extension of slavery and no afford t for o yield because larger gain might come in cuba and mexico. the gains lave in territories might only be temporary if buchanan had used forced on souther carolina make for fighting and north appear as aggressor and border states driven south

3. Why was Texas annexed into the United States at the time that it was? Why not earlier or later?

Texas was an issue in the presidential campaign of 1844 because expansionists assailed the annexation but southerners wanted disunion. Pro-expansion democrats wanted policy triumph over whigs Clay. Tyler saw democrats win as mandate to acquire Texas. Whigs feared texas in union would nourish slave power so tyler had despair of securing 2/3 vote for a treaty in senate and arranged for the annexation by joint resolution. It required a majority in 2 houses of congress so it was passed in 1845 and texas became the 28th state MExica saw america despoiling it of texas, mexicans denied right to dispose of selves as chose and in 1845 texas was invited foreign intrigue, and was an independent nation threatening to involve the US in war in europe and america

4. What foreign policy agreements were made with regard to Latin America and Asia?

To avoid confrontation with british there was the Dayton BUlwer Treaty which made americans and british not fortify or seek control over any future isthmian waterway. the southern slavocrats wanted southern new slave territory after compromise of 1850 close mexcian cession to the peculiar institution. american adventurer Wiliam walker tried to grab central america cuba and nicaragua backed by armed forces from the south and instell self as president to legalize slavery. central america formed an alaliacen to overthrow him so president pierce withdrew a diplomatic recognition and honduran firing squad fired on this man of destiny. CA and oregon were under the US and the US was a pacific power. the rivalry with british was competition for a market of Asia. british won the opium war in china securing rights of british traders to peddle opium in the kingdom--thisallowed them to gain free access to 5 treaty ports and hong kong Tyler dispatched Caleb Cushing Scholar to secure a concession for the US trade with China and he arrived at Macao with gifts to sign the Treaty of Wanghia to counter weighted british. Cushing wanted commerce, not a colony and secured these rights. All trading terms were given, extraterritoriality, american accused of crime in china before american officers no chinese office, american trade flourished, missionaries sen for conversion and the US aligned itself with a wester power that men cased chinese culture though japan had withdrawn into isolation for centuries under the tokugawa shogunate as a protective and prohibiting leaving. Japan was secluded from industrious wester world and they finally emerged in 1853. President film ore dispatched japanese warships commanded by perry who went to Lao bay panicking the japanese with silk letters requesting free trade and friendly relations he returned the following year with a stem locomotive and 350 feet of track. he persuaded the signing of the treaty of Kanagawa which proper treatment of shipwrecking sailors, american coaching right in japan, consular relation

Charles Sumner vs Preston Brooks

affected senate, because senator charles sumner of MA was an abolitionist, intolerant and very disliked in the senate, and against popular sovereignty he made a speech against kansas which condemn proslavery men as drunks and vomit therefore SC senator andrew Butler was insulted congressman preston Brooks of SC resented these insults of state and senate and called for a duel he pound sumner with a cane and the house of representative then couldn't get enough votes to expel him but he resigned and was reelected sumner had the seat for 2.5 years and went to europe for treatment where ma then reelect shim with an empty seat in the North they were against Brookes the south was anger because sumner made an insulting speech and was applauded in the north the clash and reaction revealed how inflame the passion was

2. What issues caused tension between Britain and the United States?

anti-British passion from red coat memories of ar, pro british federal agents died out a leading to the jacksonian democrats. british travelers were snobby and ill of american ways of slavery, travel books of theirs lead to outburst. british magazines aunched attacks on yankee shortcomings so american journals fought back whwhch was a 3rd war with britian. british authors of Chlares Dickens denied rich loyalty by absence of american copyright law. america was a borrowing nation and britian was a lending nation the panic of 1837 made the states default on bonds and repudiate openly. insurrection in Canada supplied by small minority american way freedom against britain furnishing military support and volunteer for armed service. washington regime tried to uphold neutrality but couldn't enforce unipolar laws. the american steamer the Caroline carried supplies to insurgents across Niagara River and was attacked in new york by british who fired to vessel. this was a counter violation of neutrality. in 1840 the incident was revived in NY when a canadian McLeod boasted abut his part in it where he was arrested and murdered charged. The london foreign office regarded he memory of caroline raiders to sanctioned armed force and not criminal so his death would lead to war and freedom. In 1841 british officials in Bhama offered an asylum to VA slaves who rebe;led and captured the american Creole ship. The british and already abolished slavery so southerners feared an increase that caribbean become heaven for slaves British abolitionists wanted texas inflaming the slaves of south, british merchant saw texas as free-trade area, manufacturers saw texas plains of cotton area. Independent texas relieved british loom of dependence on american fiber that might be cut by embargo or war

NE emigrant aid company

antislavery organization, 2,000 people sent to kansas to forestall and make profit, and carry rifles because in kansa under popular sovereignty newcomers of northern pioneers wanted rich land of west and north abolition or free soirees

election of 1856 results

buchanan won, then fremont, fillmore fremont lost because of his dishonesty, judgement, and threat to firewater that election f sectional black republican would declare war and force secession north wanted to eve union and buiness connect west and south (conservatism and southern bully ) north was more willing to let south depart in peace, (ferment was not a lincoln) republicans claimed a victorious defeat because new party shooing against democracy

manifest destiny

clay was a whig, democrats had van burn who were opposed to annexing texas and were defeated by the domination by southern expansionists james polk. He was speaker of the house, governor of tennessee, sponsored by andrew jackson. manifest destiny was a mighty emotional upsurge, feeling sees of mission, god had manifestly estine american people for hemispheric career and spread democratic institute over the entire continent and south america. The land grew and ideal would make for an empire dn liberty. The expansionist democrats were under this belief. They wanted all of roegon or non-wanted oregon and annexing texas leading to the "54 40 or fight "slogan clay was known as a corrupt bargainer and dissolute and slaveowner. Whigs slogans were "polk, slavery, texas, clay, union and liberty" clay had written confusing letters that while he favored annexing for the south slave texas he also favored postponement for the north. he waned to alienate the antislaveryites

south support secession because

departure would be unopposed and ranked can't or would fight, north manufacturing and banking depend on s cotton and market and wouldn't cut off own economy with war if war: debt owned to north repudiated promptly section: golden opportunity and cast assid vassalage to north

1. How did the California gold rush result in inflaming strong sectional disputes?

discovery of gold at the american river sutter mill. adventurers tore at the stream and hills but free struck rich and lost money. the reliable profit made by miners of miners by change huge rate for laundry and oats. the gold rush attracted thousands overwhelming th territorial government and many were lawless men there was much crime because of outcasts and it was only partly discourage by vigilante justice. the majority of california wanted state government for protection and this was encouraged by taylor to make the constitution excluding slavery. they bypassed the territorial stage and thwart southern congressmen seek to block free soirees. southern politicians were opposed violently because of struck for freedom -slave states and 15 free states: ca destroyed equilibrium in senate and potential slave territory decreased. the new mexico and utah agitation as want to be nonslave so CA might establish precedent for rest of mexcian cession territory purchased by the south texas was riogrande e and north of 42 parallel and half of NM federal government proposed the detachment this while texas threaten to descend by santa fe and seize what was theirs. the south was therefore angered by this in the north for abolition in district of columbia

profit and loss in mexico

disease=war, expanse increased by 1/3 and stimulated manifest destiny schoolroom of civil war, campaigns made for field experience for officers turning to generals west point was founded in 1802 which produced trained officers such as robert e lee and ulysses grant the navy worked to blockade mexican ports the academy at annapolis was founded by George Bancroft, marine corps won new laurels it was a war without defeat and or major blunder, long marhes though so british revised their estimate of yankees military power and increased their respect. us took more than 112 mexicna country, but bad relations between them and latin america. they feared as coossus of the north and greedy, untrustworthy, bully it rerouted slavery issue, abolitionists assail mexican conflict as one provoked by southern slavocracy for own evil purpose. american volunteers from south and SW only

disruption of the democrats

election of 1860 made either peace or civil war the democrats met in charleston with douglas leading candidate of northern wing because firewaters saw him as a traitor an entire body of southern states walked out because no 2/3 voted for douglas (secession of south from democratic national convention) in batltimore, douglas democrats form north were firm, and southern delegates left so rest nominated popular soveriengy and against obstruction of fugitive slave law by south the southern democrats then organized a rival convention at baltimore where northerners were unpreresented John C Breckinbridge vice president was leader he favored extension of slavery into territories ad annexation of Cuba

3. What was the decision of the Supreme Court in the Dred Scott case?

ended the pe presidential honeymoon of buchanan and opened the civil war. dread scott was a black slave who lived in ILinois with master for 5 years, he seed for freedom because he was on free soil Sc ruled that deed scot was a black slave and not a citizen and can't sue in federal courts, the majority went further under justice Taney of MY who was desirable for sweeping judgment on slavery in territory to forestall argument by 2 free soil justices the court decreed that because a slave was private proerpty, he can be taken into any territory and legally held there the 5th amendment forbade congress to deprive people of property without process of law the nmisouri compromise ruled that the spirit in north so court had been unconstitutional because congress can't ban slavery from territory regardless of terirotial legislature the south was happy with the decision,popular soverigntists campionere aghast and northern democrats created a wedge between north nd south democratic party foes of slavery extension or republicans were angry because it was a setback and wanted the banish bondage rom territory the ruling was na opinion not a decision and no move binding than view of south the defiance of north increased when they realized a majority of members were southerners and they debased itself the souh was then angry wight eh defiance and didn't want to be joined inre fuse honor south carolina although the constitution had establish it

constitutional union party

feared union, former whigs, the know nothings, nominated john bell and wanted enforcement of laws and consitutiotn


felt lecompton constitution is semi popular fraudulence, he fought for fair play and democratic principle compromise must be submitted constitution to popular vote

expansion west

for territorialial diplomacy and politics, oregon settlers aggravate british claims in NW, clamor to annex texas to union lead to tension with mexico. california under mexica had american set on it opened a war and victory leading to new domains and the status of slavery questionable

democratic convention 1852

frankln pierce. whigs didn't like him because he was unrenowned lawyer and politician. weak, indecisive, enemy less, pro southern northern and in the slavery wing of democrats. he revived democratic commitment o territorial expansion and endorse compromise of 1850 and fugitive slave law. the was boasted of his achievement of compromise ad turned to winfield scott who was a general and praise the compromise but less than democrats. the campaign was therefore an attack on personality as democrats ridiculed scotts pomposity and whigs said pierce was a drunk. the whigs therefore split because of an anti N nomination of scott but deplored his platform and endorsed the fugitive slave law. southern whigs doubted his loyalty to compromise of 1850 and gufitive slave law and accepted the platform. georgian whigs voted for webster in the end. Scott lost and free soil candidate john hale got northern whig votes. Pierce won the election of 1852 was the end of the whig part making national parties and a rise of sectional political alignments. the whigs won 2 elections with wa heroes n helped uphold the ideal of union through electoral stretch in the south and leaders of clay and ewbster who rep served the united US q

2. Who supported and who opposed the Compromise of 1850, what were its main provisions, and how did it pass?

free soil CA want admission, fire eaters voice threaten secession in 1849 the south announced a convention in nashville to withdraw form the union. the failure of congress to act was a failure of US so statesmen assembled. clay became the great comrpomiser as a sentar of kentucky. he proposed comrpomises seconded by douglas. he urged the north and south to make concession and north partly yield by enacting the fugitive slave law. calhoun as a great nullifier, championed the south in a last speech. he approved clays concession but rejected them as they didn't provide adequate safeguards for southern rights. he thought slavery must be left alonee and return futiiveis, gove southern rights as minority and resort political balance. he wanted to elect 2 presidents 1 northern and 1 southern and preserve the union webster upheld clay compromise and spoke before galleries urging concession to south. to elgistlate on slaves in territory was an act of sacrilege because god passed wilmot proviso. the lord decreed that plan and economy and slave economy didn't exist profilate in mexicna territory. the compromise and concession and reasoning provided solutions this was known as the 7thh of march speech turning tie in north to compromise and strengthen union sentiment. it pleased bank and commerce centers of north who would lseo money with secession free silvers and abolitionists upbraid webster as a traitor web saw slavery as evol and disunion as worse the new guard of the north were young new leaders who wanted the purify the union. seward was senator of NY and spokesmen for northern radical . he was antislaverite and against concessions. he didn't realize that compromise would bring union together christian legislature must obey god moral law and man mundane law exclude slavery in territory to higher law that constitution. cost oresudentail nomination in 1860 taylor fell under influence of higher law and vetoed any compromise by congress . threat to texas to seize santa fe--wanted to jacksonize dissenters by army and hang traitors taylor helped the cause of conditions by die so fillmore took over and wanted argument of conilition and signed the comrpomise balancing interests -the northern union saver like clay, webster and douglas were for comrpomise. clays speeches crystallized in the north and increased the spirit of good will from relief and prosperity of californian gold. firewaters opposed the concession as movement in south boycotted north goods and southern unionists prevailed though after prosperity in 1850 southern extremists assembled in nashville in favor of sslavery and condemning the compromise. they met in novemeber after the bill passed and the south accepted the verdict therefore the 2nd era of godod feeling, talk of secession, peace, people in north and south were determined that compromise was a finality and slavery should be buried


he succeeded President pierce and had much southern influence he was for the lecompton constitution antagonized douglas democracy in north and divided democratic party which was no longer a national party because the republicans were sectional there was no binding of the union anymore

Republcain meeting in Philadelphia

higher law seward was the laser but final choice John Fremont who was a pathfinder of the west and explorer, soldier, and surveyor with no political experience and no influence of kansas nebrasksa agct, and against extension of slavery fremont was later revoked because of hi illegitimate brith, allegation alienate know nothing as catholic

Emergence of Lincoln

illinois senatorial election of 1858 made douglas about to expire and republicans ran with lincoln who was born impoverished, self educated, married above himself he was a trial lawyer, refused cases he and to suspend conscious to defend he was a whig politician in illinois legislature, term in congress kansas nebraska act inflamed him, and was an orator of NW


immigrants of ireland and germany were alarmed nativity and organized the know nothing party and nominated Millard Fillmore who was anti-foreign/catholic, americans must rule whig party endorsed him and throated to cut int the republican strength

9. How did the Wilmot Proviso reveal strong sectional differences?

in 1846 polk requested 2 million dollars to buy peace and wilmot representative of PA feared this slavocracy so made an amendment that slavery should never exist in any territory to be wrested from emxico--it wasn't passed in senate because of southern members who didn't want to be robbed of slave states. the antislavery battle for exclusion of slaves was known as the wilmot provision but it wasn't a federal law, endorsed by legislature issue of slavery polk made CA and SW and slavery dispute

tariff of 1857

increase tariff rate from panic, before crash congress enacted this tariff because of a treasury surplus--it reduced the duty to 20% on duty goods northern manufacturers blamed misfortune on this low tariff so they wanted high duty as surplus in treasury decreased, they wasted increased protection and gave republicans 2 economic issue for reelection in 1860 protection for unprotected and farm for formless

4. How did John Brown's actions further entrench sectional differences?

john brown studied toussain l'ouverture and nat turner to shcmee to invade southern secretly and call on slaves to rise with arms and establish a black free state as a sanctuary. the firearm money cmd from northern abolitionists and went to west virginia with 20 men. at harpers ferry he seized federal arsenal and kill 7 innocents including free black. slaves failed to rise and brown was wounded and captured by marines under Robert E Lee. It was considered murder and treason: friends and family regarded him as insane, but his conduct was exemplary and demeanor at trial was courageous and dignified, devotion to freedom the south saw him as osawtomie bon murderer and treasonous and didn't want to remain in union with a murderous gangn of abolitionists financing armed bands. the moderate north and republican leaders deplored him south said abolitionist views shared by all northern and republicans and abolitionists and free soirees wire angry with his execution because they were ignorant of the past and the purpose and hanging of the earnest reformer working for the right cause

spot resolution

lincoln introduced a resolution to request information as precise spot on american soil where american blood had been she. extreme antislaverist made polk a liar. polk said the only way to get CA was to force or internal american revolt but british might take CA SW expansionists wanted to teach MX a lesson, MX wanted to humiliate american bullies with a standing army and overstaffed gars, leading to invade america and free slave. they hoped the quarrels tint british over OR would lead to war this moral indignation made mexico think yankee pick fight by polluting their soil and americans say mexico was the aggressor

Lincoln Douglas debates

lincoln was republican nominee for senate challenging ouglas to 7 debates, lincoln used his logic most famous debate was at Free port where lincoln supporsed people of territory to vote down slavery--south carolinian decision can't so who prevails the court or people--this was known as freeport question

transcontinental railroad

mexcan war made for transportation problems as california and oregn were isolated islands and a sea route to the isthmus of panama was too long. Camels were imported but americans didn't adjust to them so they looked towards a transcontinental RR. The cost wa very large so only one line north or south in the US. Favored the sectio would get wealth, population and influence so the souther losing economically wanted the RR through the SW to CA the best RR route was south of the mexican border and more emxicans were desirable.

expansionists south of the border

mexican war and gold in california increased the spirit of manifest destiny. the sierra nevada goldfield aroused concern about the fate of central america and stimulated the dream of an atlantic pacific transport route severing th 2 continents. who ever got control of the route would be imperial sway over all maritime nations and US the british began encroaching in the area and seeing ports of san juan del Norte driving government of US and new Granada to make treaty in 1848 guaranteeing american transit across Isthmus in rerun for DC pledge to maintain pertinence neutrality of route so free transit of traffic wasn't interrupted. this asserted american control of the panama cnala zone and constructed a transcontinental RR through pnama.

4. What circumstances resulted in the peaceful settlement of the Oregon dispute between Britain and the United States?

oregn was big wilderness west of rockies to acpific, north of california, all claimed by spain russian british and US. Spanin bartered claims to the US in flrodai treaty of 1819, russia retreated to the line 54 40 by treaty 1824 with america and british british claims were north of the columbia river based on exploration, treaty and occupation--the hudson bay company was a colonizing agency which traded with idnains of NW for furs. Captain Robert Gray 1792 went to the columbia river, lewis clark ranged thru oregon country to the pacific missionaries and settlers in the Willameette River valley 1830 saved souls of native americans and soil of OR for US, it stemmed interest and lived in eace with british in Oregon The anglo-american convention in 1818 was US seeking to divide domain at the 49 parallel but britih saw columbias as st lawrence and were unwilling to yield it so this lead to joint occupation. the population in Willamette multiplied by 184 and oregon fever spread. many americans south of the columbia, border ruffians settled and british wanted peaceful settlements. it was an area in dispute between columbia on south and east and 49 paralellol on north and apciic ocean west. the british offered the line of columba and america 49 parallel.

an independent dixieland

own banking, shipping, trade directly with europe, low tariff of 1857 ould be kept without greedy reoulican win congress and get own oppressive protective tariff manufacturing plaits vs agricultural export of south worldwide nationalism ferment south much culture sub nation couldn't be lorded over by hostile north self determination apply to them n not doing anything, wrong/immoral voluntarily withdraw like enter union GW secede from G soil , davis secee from union throw off york of linoln like king george III own destiny, happily, and prosperously

popular sovereignty

political parties had a bond of national unity, support in north and south politics sat on the lid of slavery but covered poped in response to northern abolitionists and southern fire eaters democrats sook new standard bearer in 1848 because polk was sick, democratic national convention at baltimore turned to general lewis case who was pompous the democratic platform was silent about slavery in territory but case wasn't he was the father of popular sovereignty and sovereign pole of a territory under the principle of the constitution determine status of slavery the public liked this because i pressured the democratic tradition of self determination and politicians liked it because to compromised between free soil and southern demand of congress protection advocates hoed to dissolve that issue into a local issue but would spread the blight of slavery

freeport doctrine

reply: no matter how sc rule, douglas said slaery stayed down: laws to protect i have o be passed by territorial elgialture not forth come in absence of popular approval and bondage disappear douglas won senate seat, popular sovereignty appealed pro douglas member ulcerated as senators therefore the district of douglas supporters was smaller than lincoln supporters so lincoln won a moral victory lincoln gained national limelight with northern politicians and potential as a repub;I can preisndet douglas chance of presider were hurt by splitting party because his win was not equal to lincolns--he opposed to lecompton constitution and defied south carolina at free port making southern democrats want to break up the party rather than accept him it was a preliminary battlefield of the civil war

6. Why did the United States and Mexico go to war in 1846?

polk and manifest destiny wanted california and san francisco because of the harbor to the pacific. the californian population and spanish emxicans, indians, foreigners so polk wanted to buy it from emxico but relations with the mexican city were bitter. US had claims against mexico for 3 million dollars in damage to american city and property. the regime in mexico agreed to assume most of the debt but forced to default on their pay. the mexican government recalled a minister from DC after the annexation so bad diplomatic relations because they threatened war with US if they acquired texas. the question of boundaries was the SW TX nieces river but texans climbed south of the rio grande--polk felt morally obligated to defend texas but mexico stills aw texas as theirs in temporary revolt. the dispute over the river -no maerican troops as long as peace -rumers said british were to buy and seize califronia against monroe doctrinee so polk dispatched john slidell to mexico city as minister and offered a 25 million dollar for californnia and territory east but mexico didn't permit the offer in 1846 janaury polk ordered 4000under general zacharay taylow to marc to nieces to riogrande near mexican forced. he proposed to ask congress to declare war for unpaid claims and slid ells rejection but the cabinet wanted mexcio to fire first. in 1846 mexico crossed the rio grande and attacked taylor. polls message t congress was that despite all efforts to avoid the clash, american blood shed on american territory so a hostility forced on our country to war. all people wanted war even antislavery whigs -polk had bent the truth to bend the reluctant public towards war

7. Who led the major military campaigns during the Mexican War and how successful was each campaign?

polk hoped to fight on a limited scale and pull out when captured prize. the dictator santa anna had been dethroned and riled to cuba. he sai if america blockaded the squadron he would be permuted to slip to mexico and sell out country. polk agreed but anna rallied to defend soil in 1846 general stepehen kearny lead the detachment of 1700 over santa fe trail from fort leavens worth to sanfrancesco which captured it. captain john fremont overthrew mexican rule in 46 and collaborated with American naval officer to make california bear the flag republic General zach taylor fight across rio to mexico and reached buena vista where his force attacked by a troop under Anna. Taylorthen became the hero of buena vista General winfield scott commanded the expedition into mexico city from vercruz. he was handicapped because inadequate number of troops, he expired enlistment and enemy, mountains, disease and political backbiting. most general because conquered mexico city in 1847

8. What were the provisions of the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?

polk wanted to end war after he secured territorial goals. with soctt sent as chief clerk of state department nicholas trust arranged for armistice with santa anna for 10000 dollars the dictator took the bribe and bolstered his defense. polk recalled trust but wouldn't come home so trust signed this treaty in 1848 confirming american title to texas and yielding the area west to oregon and ocean and callifornia. america paid 15 million dollars for land and assumed claim of city against megica in 3 million dollars.

5. What was Polk's four-point program as president and how successful was he in accomplishing each part of his plan?

polk was unwilling to delegate authority, he was narrow minded but he made a four point program and achieved it all. -lower the tariff: secretary of treasury Rob Walker made tariff revenue bill decrease average rate of tariff 1842 to 25%. the support of low-tariff southerners for the Walker Tariff. There was complaints from clay, NE and Mid states because manufacturers were tuned but in 1846 it proved to be a revenue producer because of the booms and heavy imports -restore independent treasury: pro-bank whigs opposed it but victory -acquire califronia and settle roegon dispute: reoccupation of whole oregon promised northern democrats but southern democrats once annex texas colled off. Polk didn't insists 54 50 pledge but he was bound by offers of his predecessor to pond making the compromise ine of 49 degrees -british anti expansionists persuaded that the columbia river was not the st lawrence of the west and america might seize oregon so british proposed the line of 49 degrees in 1846 and polk made the decision in the senate who accept offer and approved the treaty because they were also in war with mexico -NW states join antislavery forced to donemn in as base betrayal by south (not all of oregon where all of texas) they wanted compromise without a rifle

liberty part

polk won, and won NY leading to the antislavery Liebrty party which cast 16000 vote. it hastened annexation of texas and ensured the election of polk the democrats received the mandate from voters to take texas and Tyler signed a join resolution before leaving because the unclear mandate to charge Texas

1. Why were Whigs, like Clay and Webster, unhappy with Tyler's accession to the presidency?

president harisson was hounded by whig spoilsmen, leaders regard the old tippecanoe as not an impressive figure. webster and clay were king of whigs and spokesmen of the senate. webster was secretary of state and clay rebuked. Harrison got pneumonia and died after 4 weeks in the house so john tyler became president who was attached to principle and was a whig. he was accused of being a democrat and embraced jeffersons states righters. he was usually at odds wight he majority of the whig party who was pro bank, protective tariff, and internal improvements -the whigs called for nationalistic program for financial reform including congress passing a law to end the independent treasury system and bill for a fiscal bank which would be a new bank of the united states. Tyler was hostile to centralized banks and vetoed the bill so whig leaders tried again to pacify the objection and passed a bill for fiscal corporation which was again vetoed. -Whig extremists condemned tyler as his accidence and executive ass threats of death, flu epidemic lead t tyler grippe. he was expelled from the party by a caucus of whig congressmen and impeached attempted broad in house of representatives. all the cabinet resigned except webster. -tyler appreciated the necessity of bringing additional revenue to the treasury from the whig tariff but he looked on it as a tariff scheme of whigs because it provided for distributing among state revenue from public land sale in the west. tyler was not at a point to squander federal money when the treasury was not overflowing so he vetoed it. They then redrafted a tariff bill and took out the dollar distribution and pushed down rate to 32% on duty goods so the tariff of 1842 was signed for additional revenue and edged them out of depression from the lessened custom duty.

panic of 1857

psychologically worst of 19th century cause was CA gold to inflate currency, demand of crimean war in russia overstimulated the growth of grain, increased speculation of lands and railroads business failed, unemployment struck, hunger meetings northerners and grain growers were hardest hi south had a favorable cotton price abroad leading to its overconfidence

underground railroad

runaway slaves assisted north by this. it was a freedom train with stationed antislavery homes where slaves passengers spirited by white abolitionist conductors from slave sates to free soil caada. the conductor was lit and runaway harriet tubman rescued 300 more the south therefore demanded a fugitive slave law a more harsh one with runaway and state authority fail to cooperate. the moral judgement of abolitionist was galling and reflecting hillier attitude to refs to obey laws of congress so the south lost many runaway in a year and many blacks gain freedom by self-purchase or emancipation though. the slave master rest argument on constitution protecting slavery and law provde for catching

gadsen purchase

secretary of war jefferson davis arranged for james gadsen to be minister to mexico. he went to santa anna who needed money and negotiated the gadsen purchase. for 10 million dollars, criticism of north who object huge sum for a desert but t the senate approved. the southern claimed RR with greater insistence, easier to build with less mountains, unorganized territory. texas was a state, new mexico was organized with federal troops against indians and north had nebraska wanting it organized. the scheme in congress for organizing it were hostile by souther because it would be new free soil states

5. What were the explicit provisions and implicit understandings of the Kansas-Nebraska Act and what were some of the consequences of its passage?

senator douglas of illinois was counterstroke to offset gadsen southern expanse west. he ash optimism, booster for wester, wanted to break northern-sotuh deadlock over western expansion and stretch settlements across the US. he invested in chicago estates and RR stock and wanted it to become an essayer terminus of the RR. the territory of nebraska would be cut into 2 territories kansas and nebraska and popular sovereignty would decide slavery. kansas was west of missouri so chose and nebraska free because west of iowa. this contradicted the missouri compromise forbidding slavery in NB, onlway way to open popular sovereignty was to repeal it the south wanted kansas slave star, so president pierce was for this kansas nebraska bill the north saw missouri compromise as a constitution and free soil congress men struck back douglas passed the bill through congress with the support of the south douglas didn't care whether slavery was yes but north did feel on this moral issue which would repeal the missouri compromise intolerable breach of faith and resist all southern demand for save state it was popular among democrats the act greased the slope toward the civil war. anti slavery northerners were angry, acted of and faith and all future compromise with south were more difficult the fugitive slave act became dead because the north repealed it indirectly. abolitionists and firewaters sw less to live with more antislaveryites who resented slavocracy of kansas southerners were angry when free soirees tried to control kansas democrats were shattered by this act election of 1856 but last new republican part in mid west against gain of slavery including whigs, democrats, free soirees, know-nothings, foes of act spreading east the elected reublcain speaker of house in 1854--2nd major political party and sectional a sectional drift resulted, rpubcalns not south of mason dixon line

republican meeting in chiacago in the wigwam

seward was the best know but he was radical, irrespreible conflict speech ruined his prospects between slavery and freedom not bloody. lincoln was better because he had few enemies and he was nominated the platform for every important nonslavery group free soirees: non extension of slavery Northern manufacturers: protective tariff immigrantL no abridgment of rights northwesterners: pacific RR westerners: intnernal improvements at federal expense, farmer: free homestead from public domain southern secessionists say the election of him would split the union, but lincoln was not an abolitionist. he favored compensation to owners of freed slaves but issue not statement to quiet southern fears because of antagonism

2. How did events unfold in Kansas after the passage of the Kansas-Nebraska Act?

southern spokesmen had a betrayed feeling and supported the kansas nebraska act because kansas had become slave state and nebraska free but the north want to abolitionize both states the south assisted small slave owners to kansas because slaves in aknsas were valuable property that might be shot and soil might be voted free therefore quarrel over slavery became later, select members of the 1st territory legislature made that proslavery border ruffians from MY were to vote early and offer to set up puppet gov at the Shawnee Mission-->free soil established extralegal regime in Topeka the result was a choice of 2 governmenteither fraud or illegality settlers then feuded over land claims and in 1856 a gang of prosavery raiders were shot up and burned free soil Lawrence

Maine oubdary disputes

st lawrence river was icebound and brtish. it built a road west from seaport of Halifax to Quebec but ran through territory of amine under the peace treaty of 1793. Aroostook River Valley entered by maine and canaians so local militia were summoned with a lumberjack clash known as the Aroostook war. The london foreign office then sent Washington a non professional diplomat financier Lord Ashburton who married an ammerican woman and establish relations with Webster. He comrpomised on the Maine boundary and american retains 7000 miles square out of 12,000 british had less land but won their rout and the carolina affair was patch dby diplomatic nots the britsih therefore surrender 65000 milieus of iron ore in minnesota

Ostend Manifesto

sugar cuba had enslaved blacks and might be carved into states. president polk considered offering spain hundred million dollars which restored the political balance to the senate for cuba but spain declined it southern adventures: 2 filibuster expeditions with armed men went to cuba with a tragedy on they behalf, the southerners were outraged so a mob sacked spain consulate in new orleans. spanish officials showdown 1854 by seize americans steamer black warrior provoked. the pierce water war with spain and seized cuba. british france and russians were in the crimmean war so they couldn't aid spain secretary of state told american ministers in spain, britian, france to prepare confidential recognition for acquisition of cuba. 3 envoys met at ostend, belgium and drew up this manifesto urging the administration to offer 120 million dollars for cuba if span refused and ownership endanger american interest justifying take of cuba. Norther free soirees were angry and the scheme was dropped as eel as slave issue checked territorial expansion

conscience whigs and expansionists

the antislavery whigs in congress were known as conscience whigs and denounced the war and threatened to vote down supplies for army. expansionists wanted all emxico, soothers were alarmed by antislaverists realizing they shouldn't be greety the treaty condemned by those whoed all and have polk offer 25 million ebfor fighting war and now paid 18 million when win expansion program he needed haste because the mexican government carried out the treaty and before fiessabotage

3. What section benefited the most from the Compromise of 1850? Why?

the north had a better deal with the compromise. ca tipped the senatorial balance against the south. new mexico and utag were open to slavery by popular sovereignty so in favor of free soirees -the south needed more slave territory to restore balanced so needed the caribbean. teas paid 10 million dollars to discharge the indetbless and therefore they were torn from slaveholding texas and certified to be free southern halt abolition in district of columbia by permitting the outlaw of slave trade in federal district wedging to complete emancipation the fugitive slave law was opposed in the north as slaves freeing couldn't testify on their behalf and they were denied a jury trial. they threatened to create dangerous precedent for white american who hand case of federal commoner fugitivee receive money if runaway freed those who aided fugitives were heavily fined and jailed and many still joined slave catchers moderates were driven into antislaveryites, runaway in VA captured in boston then removed from city with federal guard and yankees. underground RR< northern mobs and rescue slaves from pursuers MA moved to nullification saying it was a penal offense for state offices to enforce federal statues personal liberty laws denied the local jail to federal office and hampered enforcement the law blundered for south because north antagonized against the south and they became emitter because the north wouldn't execute the law secessionists wanted to go to war but unionist didn't because section forge population and wealth, RR< factories and time to delay to add moral strength to fight the north moderates were unwilling to pin the south to rest of nation with a gun

homestead act of 1860

the north was again distressed for demand ofr fee farms of 160 acres of public domain--the acreage given outright to sturdy puineers as reward for risking health and life to develop intstead of selling for revenue outright gift of homestead was opposed by eastern industrialist who gan labor slavery and didn't flourish on 160 acres--free farm would fill up territory more quickly with free soirees and tip political balance agaist the south act=publcian land availed at sum of 25 cents per acre but it was vetoed by buchanan

Causes of a drift towards disunion

the prospect for peaceful solutions of the slavery issue evaporated, kansas had violence between proslavery and antislavery the deed scott decision extended the protection of slaveryin territory of the west the republican party nominated lincln who was opposed to the expansion of slavery

sectional balance

the south was cut off, sealed taylor as president, the majority in cabinet and supreme court outnumbered house making equality in senate where neutralized north actions. the cotton price was high and therefore they could veto any constitutional amendment. the 15

sectional struggle

the treaty of guadlupe hidalgo ended the war with MExcio but anewed the political war in the US, Mexico lost TX, CA had issue of extending slavery, Northern antislaverists rallied bend the wilmot proviso prohibiting slavery in new territories and southern senators blocked the proviso disrupting whig and democrats and splitting the politics in the south and north

lecompton consittution

there was civil war in kansas in 1856 destroying proerpty, paralyzing agriculture and killing people kansas free soilers had enough to apply for statehood on popular sovereignty then a proslavery document the Lecompton constution made people not allowed to vote for or against eh constitution, only the constitution with slavery or without, voting against would make conistution protect owners already in kansas, the result was frees oilers boycotting polls and proslaverists approving conistution in the end the kansas remained a territory until 1861 because free soirees against douglas submit of it to popular vote

secession reason

tip of political balance against them, triumph of sectional republican party threaten rights as slaveholding minority, north interference with underground rr and john brown raid

1848 election

whigs nominated zachary taylor who never held office and clay had too many enemies. whigs therefore dodge issues and extolled virtues of the candidate because he wasn't committed on the issue of slavery extension s he owned slaves antislavery men of the north distrusted both case and taylor and made the free soil party which was aroused by the silence for the wilmot proviso and again slavery in new territory. they advocated federal aid for internal improves and free government homesteads, industrialists who didn't like the protective tariff, democrats who didn't like settlement of only oregon, northerners who hated blacks and shared a new western territory with african americans, conscience whigs who condemned slavery morally, martin van buren was nominated as candidate they condemn slavery for destroying the chance of free white workers to rise up from wage earning dependence to self employment. only with free soil in west would the traditions of america commit to increasing mobility and flourishing if compete with slave labor, more costly lwage labor decrease and american workers own property and therefore it was the first widely inclusive party around slavor taylor was a gallant knight and napoleonic and became president. van burn though diverted the democratc strength from case in NY to throw the win to taylor

The impending cir is of the south

written by hinton R helper--he hated slavery and blacks and wanted to prove by statistics that indirectly the nonsaveholder whotes were t suffer the most he influenced poor whites and was negisgen but souther planter elite fueled fear that nonslaveholder majority might abandon them therefore it was banned in the south but campaigned by republicans in the north

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