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20. President Grover Cleveland aroused widespread public anger by his action of...

B. borrowing 65 million in gold from J.P. Morgan's banking syndicate.

17. President James A. Garfield was assassinated...

B. by a deranged, disappointed office seeker.

12. In the late nineteenth century, those political candidates who campaigned by "waving the bloody shirt" were reminding voters...

B. of the gory memories of the Civil War and the Republican party's role in the Union's victory.

23. The greatest single factor helping to spur the amazing industrialization of the post-Civil War years was the...

B. the railroad network.

14. The Compromise of 1877 resulted in...

B. the withdrawal of federal troops and abandonment of black rights in the South.

22. The only transcontinental railroad built without government aid was the...

C. Great Northern.

21. Much of the investment funds that enabled America to industrialize in the late nineteenth century came from...

C. Private foreign investors.

10. In 1867, Secretary of State Seward achieved the Johnson administrations greatest success in foreign relations when he...

C. Purchased Alaska from Russia.

13. The Credit Mobilier scandal involved...

C. Railroad construction kickbacks.

16. The legal codes that established the system of segregation were called...

A. Jim Crow Laws.

28. The first major product of the oil industry was...

A. Kerosene.

19. Economic unrest and the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act led to the rise of the pro-silver leader...

A. William Jennings Bryan.

2. From 1878 to 1880, some twenty-five thousand blacks from Louisiana, Texas, and Mississippi were known as the Exodusters; they were...

A. black freedmen who left the south to seek opportunity in Kansas.

1. At the end of the civil war, many white southerners...

A. still believed their view of secession was correct and their cause was just.

27. Match each entrepreneur below with the field of enterprise with which he is historically identified...

Andrew Carnegie- Steel, John D. Rockefeller- Oil, J.P. Morgan-banking, and James Duke- Tobacco.

5. As a politician, Andrew Johnson developed a reputation as a(n)...

B. Champion of the poor whites.

6. In his 10 percent plan for Reconstruction, President Lincoln promised...

B. Rapid readmission of Southern states into the Union.

25. Which of the following was not among the U.S. raw materials, delivered by railroads to factories, that fueled early American industrialization...?

B. Rubber.

24. The United States changed to a standard time zone when...

B. The major rail lines decreed common fixed times so that they could keep schedules to avoid wrecks.

4. Andrew Johnson had been put on Lincoln's ticket as vice president in his second term...

B. To appeal to War Democrats and Pro-Union Southerners.

26. Two technological innovations that greatly expanded the industrial employment of women in the late 19th century were the...

B. Typewriter and the telephone.

9. The Ku Klux Klan could best be described as...

C. A secret terrorist organization.

7. The main purpose of the Black Codes was to...

C. Ensure a stable and subservient labor supply.

15. In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, the supreme court ruled that...

D. "separate but equal" facilities were constitutional.

3. The greatest achievement of the Freedmen's Bureau were in...

D. Education

8. Many feminist leaders were deeply disappointed with the Fourteenth and Fifteenth Amendments because they...

D. Gave equal rights to African American males but not to women.

18. Which one of the following Gilded Age presidents had a different party affiliation than the other four...?

D. Grover Cleveland.

11. Despite his status as a military hero, General Ulysses S. Grant proved to be a weak political leader because he...

D. Had no political experience and was a poor judge of character.

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