APUSH Harrison/Tyler

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What did William Henry Harrison do that won him the election

Unique campaigning strategies and his impact as an American soldier

What actions did Tyler take that prove his view on states' rights?

Vetoing the BUS bill twice

Who took office when Harrison died?

Vice President John Tyler

manafest destiny

the idea that United States was preordained to reach the pacific side of America

2nd Reformation

1790s-1840s *A wave of religious fervor spread through a series of camp meeting revivals *Protestant revivalism rejected the Calvinist doctrine of predestination and held instead that salvation was in the individual's hands *Created diversity in American religious sects and some anti-Catholic sentiment

Whig Party

1840s *Encouraged banks and corporations *Had a cautious approach to westward expansion *Received support largely from Northern business and manufacturing interests and from large Southern planters *Included Calhoun, Clay, and Webster

Irish and German immigration

1840s increase in immigration Potato Famine eastern city settlement and the battle of the work place

Oregon Trail

2000 mile long path along which thousands of Americans journeyed to the Willamette Valley in the 1840's Result of Manifest Destiny


28th state (1845)

Edgar Allen Poe (1809-1849)

American poet and author of Gothic horror short stories, which reflected a distinctly morbid sensibility for Jacksonian America.

While serving as an American soldier, where did Harrison have the most impact?

Battle of Tippacanoe and the Thames

Who did not resign from Tyler's cabinet?

Daniel Webster

Mexican-American Dispute

Dispute over the souther boarder

What is the "Log Cabin" Bill?

Enables settlers to claim 160 acres of land before public sale

What stance did Tyler take on state rights?

Enforced state rights avidly based on strict constitutional views

What is William Henry Harrison known for?

First president to die in office

Which states entered the union under Tyler?

Florida and Texas

How did Tyler affect trade?

He sent a key diplomat to China which gained the us access into the Asian pacific region of the ocean and trade routes (now equal to Britain)

What was the 1841 preemption act?

It increased settlement in western lands by allowing people to stake claim on 160 acres of land and buy it from the government.

Who was nicknamed "president without a party" and why?

John Tyler was not accepted or wanted by either political party during his time

During what time period was Harrison in office?

March 4, 1841 to April 4, 1841

The Election of 1840

Martian Van Buran v.s. William Henry Harrison Democrats v.s. Whigs

What is the tariff bill?

Signed by Tyler in 1842; Protects northern manufacturers

Treaty of Wanghia (1844)

Signed by the U.S. and China, it assured the United States the same trading concessions granted to other powers, greatly expanding America's trade with the Chinese.

Why did Tyler extend Monroe doctrine principles to Hawaii?

So that Britain could not take over the Hawaiian islands: process towards eventual annexation w US

The Underground Railroad and Harriet Tubman

The smuggling of slaves from plantation to the North 300 free slaves with rising tension in the states

John Tyler (1841-1845)

10th president; Whig "man without a party"

William Henry Harrison (1841)

"Old Tippecanoe" 9th President, Whig President for a month

In what ways was Tyler shown a lack of respect?

1) Candidates for Supreme Court seats denied 2) Blocked by senate of a position in court pre-election

Economics of the South

Part of the country that depended on slave labor and had agriculture "Paid slavery" for other workers that had the same job as slaves

How did Harrison die?

Pneumonia and enteric fever

What was the 1842 Webster-Ashburton Treaty?

Settled boundary disputes between the US and Britain

What party was Harrison and Tyler a part of?

Whig party

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