APUSH Midterm

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Which of the following was LEAST influential in bringing about Andrew Jackson's victory in the presidential election of 1828?

Jackson's defense of Native American property rights

51.png The graph above refutes which of the following statements?

Most southern families held slaves.

Slavesholder.png The graph above ~ which of the following statements?

Most southern families held slaves.

The Hartford Convention was a manifestation of

New England Federalist opposition to the War of 1812

53.jpg The map above depicts the United States immediately after which of the following events?

Passage of the Compromise of 1850

This state had the most signers of the Declaration of Independence


The Mayflower landed in

Plymouth Rock

The primary early competitor with Spain in the New World was


Calvinists believed in


After the Act of Toleration of 1649, Maryland provided religious freedom for all

Protestants and Catholics

Roger Williams and Anne Hutchinson challenged the authority of which of the following?

Puritan magistrates and ministers

The Separatists were part of the


The Proclamation of 1763 did which of the following?

Set a boundary along the crest of the Appalachians beyond which the English colonists were forbidden to settle.

The Great Compromise of 1787 resulted in

a system of political representation for the states in the federal government

In the antebellum period, free African Americans were

able to accumulate some property in spite of discrimination

Jefferson's purchase of Louisiana had its origins in his desire to

acquire a port to provide an outlet for western crops

The 1854 Kansas-Nebraska Act instituted popular sovereignty to

allow people living in a territory to determine whether slavery should be permitted there

The Quakers were unique among the religious groups that settled in North America during the seventeenth century because they

allowed women to speak publicly in their religious meetings and to be missionaries

As originally ratified, the United States Constitution provided for

an electoral college

The idea of Manifest Destiny included all of the following beliefs EXCEPT that

commerce and industry would decline as the nation expanded its agricultural base

Among the factors that tended to promote intercolonial unity during the French and Indian War was

common language and wartime experience

The most controversial portion of Alexander Hamilton's economic program was

creation of the Bank of the United States

The Know-Nothing party

demanded an end to immigration into the United States

Supreme Court decisions concerning Native Americans in 1831 and 1832

denied them the right to sue in federal court but affirmed their rights to land that was traditionally theirs

The major goal of the Social Gospel movement in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries was to

draw the attention of Protestant churches to the plight of the urban poor

During the War for Independence, the principal reason the American government sought diplomatic recognition from foreign powers was to

facilitate the purchase of arms and borrowing of money from other nations

In the 1850's, the South differed from the North in that the South had

fewer European immigrants

The issuance of the Emancipation Proclamation did all of the following EXCEPT

free all the slaves in the Confederacy and the Border States

By passing the Navigation Acts in the 1600s and 1700s, the British government intended to

guarantee that the British government would have a financial share of all colonial exports

Which of the following statements best summarizes the views of Andrew Johnson on Reconstruction?

he believed that reconstruction was an executive branch matter and sought the rapid restoration of the former confederate states in the union

The Puritans were unique in the seventeenth century colonies of North America because of their

impressive educational system.

The Declaration of Sentiments (1848), issued at Seneca Falls, New York, called for

increased rights for women

The American system of manufacturing which emerged in the early 1800s was successful because of its use of

interchangable parts to allow for mass production of high-quality items.

The Battle of Saratoga was a key turning point of the War for Independence because

it brought about crucial French assistance to the Revolutionary cause, and was an American victory in an open field

The War of 1812 had all of the following effects EXCEPT

it led to an increased and more active American role in world politics.

In Marbury v. Madison, the United States Supreme Court affirmed

its right to determine constitutionality of congressional enactments

The Sugar Act of 1764 represented a major shift in British policy toward the colonies in that, for the first time, the British

levied taxes aimed at raising revenue rather than regulating trade

A major weakness of the Articles of Confederation was that they

made it too difficult for the government to raise money through taxes and duties

All of the following led Congress to impose Radical Reconstruction measures EXCEPT the

massive exodus of former slaves from the South

The National Road was constructed primarily for the purpose of

promoting trade and communication with the Old Northwest

The principal motivation for drafting the Bill of Rights was the desire to

protect rights not specified in the Constitution

The nullification crisis of 1832 arose over the issue of

protective tariffs

The sharecropping system in the South following Reconstruction had the effect of

pushing tenant farmers and poor independent farmers into deep levels of debt to large landowners and merchants.

The primary purpose of the Stamp Act was to

raise revenues to support British troops stationed in America

After the collapse of the Reconstruction governments, the men who came to power in the "New South" were called


The most significant aspect of the Mexican-American War on the United States during the 20 years following the war was that it

reignited the slavery conflict in regards to all the territories newly acquired from Mexico.

Benjamin Franklin's attempt to create intercolonial unity at the Albany Congress resulted in

rejection of the Congress' proposal for colonial home rule both by London and by the individual colonies

The most important factor in Andrew Jackson's successful bid for the presidency in 1828 was his

reputation as a hero of the War of 1812

The Wilmot Proviso stipulated that

slavery should be prohibited in the lands acquired as a result of the Mexican War.

The paternalistic view of slavery held that

slavery was necessary to protect Blacks from the mistreatment and abuse they would receive if they were freed.

In the first half of the nineteenth century, Cherokee efforts to retain their tribal lands in Georgia received direct support from

the United States Supreme Court

The British theory of mercantilism, by which the colonies were governed, held that

the colonial economy should be carefully controlled to serve the mother country's need

Which of the following was true of the first Great Awakening?

the division of the congregational and Presbyterian churches

The Regulator movement of the 1770s, Shays' Rebellion in 1786, and the Whiskey Rebellion of the early 1790s were all expressions of the hostility of frontier settlers to

the dominance of eastern interests in government

The belief by some Americans that the Civil War was "a rich man's war but a poor man's fight" was reflected in

the draft riots in New York City

The key event that guaranteed Lincoln's reelection in 1864 was

the fall of Atlanta to General Sherman.

The main issue of the 1850s Free-Soil party was that

the federal government should permit no further spread of slavery in the territories

In the seventeenth century, the earliest British colonies in Virginia were saved from economic ruin by

the introduction of tobacco cultivation

The dramatic increase in the South's slave labor force between 1810 and 1860 was due to

the natural population increase of American-born slaves

By the time of the American Revolution, most patriots had come to believe that, in republican government, sovereignty was located in

the people

When Thomas Jefferson said in 1801, "We are all republicans we are all federalists," he meant that

the principles of American government were above party politics

Andrew Jackson supported all of the following EXCEPT

the right of nullification

What did John Calhoun's South Carolina Exposition and Protest, written in 1828, suggest?

the right of states to nullify federal laws

In 1804, Aaron Burr killed Alexander Hamilton in a duel that was fought because

Burr blamed his loss of the 1804 election for governor of New York on Hamilton's charges that Burr was dangerous and untrustworthy.

In the Nullification Controversy, some Southerners took the position that

the states had the right to nullify acts of the federal government deemed to be unconstitutional

Regarding the French Revolution, most Jeffersonian democratic-republicans believed that

the violence was regrettable but necessary

The Federalists essentially believed that

there should be a strong central government controlled by the wealthy and well educated

At the outbreak of the Civil War in 1861, pro- Union sentiment was strong in western Virginia, eastern Tennessee, and western North Carolina primarily because

there were relatively few slaves or large plantations in these regions

The primary French motive in aiding the American cause was

to weaken the British empire

All of the following were manifestations of mercantilist theory EXCEPT

virtual representation

The American colonists' slogan "No taxation without representation" was a rejection of

virtual representation

The Alien and Sedition Acts were designed to

weaken and deflect Republican criticism of the Federalists

In contrast to the Chesapeake, New England communities

were mainly family groups.

The North American colonies took advantage of Great Britain's policy of salutary neglect to

work out trade arrangements to acquire needed products from other countries

What made the Tariff of Abominations in 1828 so objectionable to southerners?

Certain imported goods became more expensive.

What was the political tactic that Henry Thoreau used in the nineteenth century?

Civil disobedience

Which of the following statements about the Stamp Act is NOT true?

Colonial legislatures sent letters of protest to Parliament threatening secession from England if the Stamp Act was not repealed.

In his opinion on the case Dred Scott v Sanford, Chief Justice Roger Taney ruled that

Congress had no right to regulate slavery in United States territories

The Monroe Doctrine stated that the United States had legitimate reason to fear European intervention in the Western Hemisphere because

Europe's forms of government were fundamentally different from those of the United States and newly liberated South American countries

The most active people in the religious revivals of the mid-nineteenth century were

Evangelical Christians.

President Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to

French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance

President Washington's Neutrality Proclamation of 1793 was issued in response to

French diplomatic overtures to invoke the Franco-American Alliance

Which of the following beliefs was central to eighteenth century Deism?

God created a universe governed by natural law.

By what means did the United States take possession of the Oregon Territory?

Great Britain ceded it to the United States as part of a negotiated treaty.

The first wave of would be colonists using the Virginia Company were

Guaranteed to keep their rights and privileges of being a normal British citizen

When Virginia set-up its first house of government, created to resemble Britain's House of Commons, they named it

House of Burgess

Which of the following was not one of the Five Nations that made up the Iroquois Confederacy?


The Proclamation Line of 1763 was designed to


Map.png The map shows the United States as it appeared in


New England Puritans sought primarily to create which of the following in Massachusetts?

A model community promoting government by strict religious principles

Which of the following describes "the Lowell system" in early nineteenth-century New England'?

A plan to promote and expand textile manufacturing activities

William Penn's colony of Pennsylvania

Actively sought settlers from Germany and other non-British countries

The main goal of the American Colonization Society was to promote colonization in

Africa by free Black persons and former Slaves

Which of the following states the principle of "virtual representation," as it was argued during the eighteenth century?

All English subjects, including those who are not allowed to vote, are represented in Parliament.

The Battle at Fort Necessity is famous for

Being a major defeat for a young George Washington

England's victory over the Spanish Armada gave it

Dominance in the Atlantic Ocean and a new sense of nationalism

Which of the following reformers fought for the rights of the mentally ill?

Dorothea Dix

Which of the following Supreme Court cases was NOT ruled upon during John Marshall's tenure as Supreme Court Justice?

Dred Scott v. Sanford

Bacon's Rebellion was an attack on


Which of the following supplied the largest number of immigrants to the United States during the first half of the nineteenth century?


All of the following accurately describe Jefferson's purchase of the Louisiana Territory from France EXCEPT:

It ended the threat of American Indian raids on western settlements.

All of the following characterized the Jefferson administration EXCEPT which of the following statements?

It replaced most of the Federalist programs with programs of its own.

Which of the following statements about the "American System" is correct?

It was designed to meet the nation's need for economic progress and self-sufficiency.

The first shots of the American Revolution were shot at


The British parliamentary government at the time of the American Revolution was headed by

Lord North

The theme of individualism is most evident in the writings of

Ralph Waldo Emerson

The Industrial Revolution had which of the following effects on slavery in the South?

Rapid growth in the textile industry encouraged Southern planters to grow cotton, thereby making slavery more important to the economy.

The first attempted settlement by the British in the New World was in:


"He has monopolized nearly all profitable employments, and from those she is permitted to follow, she receives but scanty remuneration. He closes against her all the avenues of wealth and distinction which he considers most honorable to himself. As a teacher of theology, medicine, or law she is not known. He has denied her the facilities for obtaining a thorough education, all colleges being closed to her. He allows her in Church, as well as State, but [in] a subordinate position, claiming Apostolic authority for her exclusion from the ministry, and, with some exceptions from any public participation in the affairs of the Church. "This passage is most likely taken from

Seneca Falls "Declaration of Sentiments and Resolutions"

Which of the following was true of a married woman in the colonial era?

She generally lost control of her property when she married.

Apologists for slavery in the South in the 1850's claimed all of the following EXCEPT:

Slavery would die out naturally.

The Coercive, or Intolerable Acts, contained all of the following EXCEPT

Tea Tax

The Iroquois Confederation remained a strong and political influence until:

The American Revolution

Cortes and his men were able to conquer the Aztec capital of Tenochtitlan primarily because

The Aztec ruler Montezuma believed Cortes was a god whose return had been predicted

The primary reason there were no new colonies founded from 1634 to 1670 was

The Civil War in England

The Pilgrims attempt to lay the foundation for how their settlement would be run was spelled out in

The Mayflower Compact

What was the result of the Indian Removal Act of 1830?

The Trail of Tears

The words to The Star-Spangled Banner were inspired by what event in U.S. military history?

The failed attempt to take Fort McHenry during the War of 1812

What trade defined the relationship between Native Americans and the French during the colonial period?

The fur trade

What political goal was achieved with the Glorious Revolution in 1658?

The monarch of England would be Protestant.

1763 was an important year in American history as it marked all of the following EXCEPT

The start of creating the Articles of Confederation

Which of the following provisions of the Compromise of 1850 provoked the most controversy in the 1850' s?

The strengthened Fugitive Slave Law

In the 1830s and 1840s, the primary difference between the Whigs and the Democrats was that

The whigs favored an expanded, activist federal government while the democrats favored a limited non interventionist federal government

Which of the following was true of the Northeast American Indian tribes at the time Europeans first began colonization?

Their political and linguistic differences hindered their united opposition to the Europeans.

Many Americans were suspicious of the Second Bank of the United States for which of the following reasons?

They believed that it was controlled by a commercial elite.

12.png What was the purpose behind the publication of the 1840 illustration above?

To portray William Henry Harrison as a common man

The British at the end of the French and Indian War were known for all of the following EXCEPT:

Using Indian-style guerilla warfare

The Indian tribe who first encountered the Pilgrims in New England were the


The Treaty of Paris (1783) included all of the following EXCEPT:

War debt paid for by British

The Treaty of Ghent signaled the end of the

War of 1812.

He was the 30 time Governor of Plymouth

William Bradford

In 1840 the American Antislavery Society split into factions because

William Lloyd Garrison's advocacy of women's rights and pacifism alienated some members

Which of the following groups were heavily involved in the Second Great Awakening of the early nineteenth century?

Women and African Americans

The Congressional "gag rule" stipulated that

no antislavery petitions would be formally received by Congress.

The financial programs of Alexander Hamilton included all of the following EXCEPT

nullification of all private debts to the states

Those who supported the War of 1812 advanced all of the following rationales for their positions EXCEPT the

obligation to protect Native Americans

Jacksonian Democracy was distinguished by the belief that

political participation by the common man should be increased

In 1861 the North went to war with the South primarily to

preserve the Union

Alexander Hamilton's financial program was most favorable to

state bankers

When the Emancipation Proclamation was issued at the beginning of 1863, its immediate effect was to

strengthen the moral cause of the Union

The opening of the Erie Canal in 1825 was important because it

strengthened the ties between the eastern manufacturing and western agricultural regions

The Fifteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution established

that suffrage cannot be denied based on race, color, or previous servitude

The event that precipitated the first real shooting between the British and American colonists was

the British attempt to seize colonial supplies and leaders at Lexington and Concord

The British defeat at Yorktown was brought about by George Washington's army and

the French navy under Admiral de Grasse

The Alien and Sedition Acts were aimed primarily at

the Jeffersonians and their allegedly pro-French activities and ideas

map.png The area marked X on the map was part of

the Louisiana Purchase

The French and Indian War eventually became part of a larger world conflict known as

the Seven Years' War

The "War Hawks" in the period leading up to the War of 1812 garnered most of their support from

the South and West

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