APUSH Period 2 (1607-1754)

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Founding of Quebec

1608, Samuel de Champlain, for France, sailed up the St. Lawrence river to establish trading post, developed overtime into Quebec

Tobacco farming, Virginia

1614, John Rolfe brought tobacco to VA, became the colony's first profitable export, led to the use of slaves and expansion with a need for more farmland. cash crop, formed the basis of the economy

Slaves brought to British America

1619,slaves were brought to Jamestown to aid in the production of cash crops, like tobacco. slavery spread through the colonies

Mayflower Compact and Plymouth Colony

1620, separatists sailed to america on the mayflower to establish a colony. while on board they created their own rules, all males had to sign and agree. supposed to land in va, landed in ma. very difficult first winter, but they made peace treaties with native americans and became largely self-sufficient

Massachusetts Bay Colony

1629, settled by non-separatist puritans, led by John Winthrop, in ma known as the "city upon the hill"

Roger Williams

1636, believed in religious freedom and tolerance and didn't believe in taking lands from natives. banished from his colony. went to RI and bought land from natives, starting his own colony governed by separation of church and state, a religious safe have.

Maryland Toleration Act

1649, passed by assembly of the Province of Maryland mandating religious toleration for all Christians, but called for the death of anyone who didn't believe in Jesus

Navigation Acts

1650, prevented the colonies from trading, importing, or exporting to anyone other than England, part of England's mercantile ideals, USA only existed to help England. part of the act: 1. trade to and from colonies only by English ships. 2. all goods had to pass through England first. 3. specified goods only exported to England ex. tobacco

Bacon's Rebellion

1676, the governor of Virginia, Sir William Berkely favored large planters and used dictatorial powers to govern on their behalf. he ignored backwoods farmers and failed to protect their settlements from native american attacks. he raised an army and conducted a series of raids and massacres against native villages, they succeeded in burning the Jamestown settlement. Governor Berkely suppressed the remnants of the rebellion.

Dominion of New England

1685, King James II wanted to increase royal control over the colonies by combining them into larger units. led by Governor Sir Edmund Andros. higher taxes were levied, town meetings were limited, and land titles were revoked

King William's War

1689, (1689-1697) first installment of the wars between GB and France. tried to capture Quebec. primarily fought in Europe, secondary fighting in the colonies.

Salem Witch Trials

1692, symbolized the decline of the Puritan clergy; MA suffered political, religious, & military upheaval that led to widespread paranoia & unrest; 20 people executed; Cotton Mather supported the trials

Albany Plain of Union

1754, Benjamin Franklin created plan for colonial home rule: dealt with defense and Indian affairs; adopted by delegates; individual colonies rejected it: not enough independence

Molasses Act

1773, british sought to stop colonial trade with French West Indies; the colonists ignored it; the act was typical of how navigation laws were often disobeyed

French and Indian War

Begins 1754, AKA the Seven Years' War. Clash between France and Britain for supremacy of the North American continent (hot spot: Ohio River Valley). The French lost miserably. RESULTS: 1) The French were removed from the North American continent. 2) The size of the British empire in America was increased. 3) English war debt spiked. :-( 4) Animosity between British and the American colonials. (Br. looked down on Am., Am. felt bitter toward Br.) 5) Americans had united for the first time against a common enemy. 6) The Indians were left in a precarious place.

King Phillip's War

bloodiest conflict ever fought on New England soil; Native Americans effectively removed from MBC, CT & RI; New England's success caught the attention of Britain that sought to cash in on the region's success

John Locke

major philosopher during the age of enlightenment, specifically very influential on the movement in the USA

George Whitefield

most influential figure of Great Awakening; traveled throughout the South; his basic appeal was to the Bible


questioned tradition and embraced notion that humanity could improve through rational change. age of reason; liberty, equality, representative government, also believed that if a government was tyrannical, the people had the right to rebel key philosopher: John Locke

Great Awakening FIX HERE DOWN

revitalized American religion. It placed an emphasis on direct, emotive spirituality, which seriously undermined the older clergy. It started new denominations, and the amount of American churches as well as their competitiveness rapidly increased.

Rice Cultivation in the Carolinas

rice came to Charles town around 1685 and quickly became the area's main cash crop; Charles Town became most active seaport in the South

"City Upon a Hill" John Winthrop

speech given by John Winthrop, explaining that they were to be an example for the rest of the world of rightful living, determined to be a beacon of Europe

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