APUSH Period 2 Assessment (1607-1754)

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1619 is an important year in American history because in that year

Africans were first brought to the British colonies and the House of Burgesses was established for the Virginia colony

The change in settlement patterns (territories expanded westward) from 1700 to 1775 had what effect?

An increase in conflicts between the British settlers and American Indians

Chesapeake Colonies

Anglican and Catholic, population consisted of African and English, passed Acts of Religious Toleration, transitioned from indentured servants to slaves after Bacon's Rebellion

The statutes governing slavery in the North American colonies originated in


What was the original intention of the Virginia Company in the founding of the colony of Jamestown?

It was planned for a quick profit in gold.

The change in settlement patterns from 1700 to 1775 caused social tensions between

backcountry settlers and coastal elites

Anne Hutchinsonn was

banished from the Massachusetts Bay Colony for her beliefs, pregnant when she headed with her family for Rhode Island, killed along with her family members by Natives in New York.

By 1750, all the southern plantation colonies

based their economies on the production of staple crops for export, practiced slavery, provided tax support for the Church of England and had few large cities.

A major reason for the founding of the Maryland colony in 1634 was to

be financially profitable and create a refuge for the Catholics

The attitude of North Carolinians toward Natives can best be described as


The colonial population expanded (which direction?)


Tobacco was considered a poor man's crop because

it could be produced easily and quickly.

Sugar was called a rich man's crop because

it had to be planted extensively, it was a capital-intensive business and it required an elaborate refining process.

The summoning of Virginia's House of Burgesses marked an important precedent because

it was the first of many parliaments to flourish in America.

In the face of devastating diseases, war, and dislocation, what strategy did dwindling Native American tribes use to survive?

merging with other tribes.

The inhabitants of North Carolina were regarded by their neighbors as

outcasts and irreligious.

Unlike Separatists, the Puritans

remained members of the Church of England

The cultivation of tobacco in Jamestown resulted in all of the following except

the diversification of the colony's economy.

Despite an abundance of fish and game, early Jamestown settlers continued to starve because

they were unaccustomed to fending for themselves and wasted time looking for gold.

The Pilgrims

were also known as Separatists, arrived in the New World on the Mayflower, and chose Plymouth Bay as their landing site in 1620

North Carolina and Rhode Island were similar in that they

were the two most democratic colonies.

The settlement founded in the early 1600s that was most consequential for the future U.S. was the

English at Jamestown in 1607.

What was the headright system?

Englishmen who could pay their own Atlantic crossing or another's crossing were granted 50 acres of land; led to more indentured servants

New England Colonies

Puritan, intolerant, had a mixed economy of agriculture and trade, close-knit society

The pattern of colonial settlement up to 1700 resulted most directly from what factor?

The orientation of the British colonies toward producing commodities for export to Europe.

What was the Stono Rebellion?

a 1739 uprising of slaves in South Carolina, leading to the tightening of already harsh slave laws; both blacks and whites were killed

The Mayflower Compact can best be described as

a promising step toward genuine self-government

The colony of South Carolina prospered

by developing close economic ties with the British West Indies

Roger Williams got into trouble with the Massachusetts Bay authorities because he

claimed the colony's civil government should not regulate religious behavior.

Despite its problems, Maryland prospered, and like Virginia it

depended on labor in its early years mainly on white indentured servants.

As the founder of Rhode Island, Roger Williams

established complete religious freedom for all

Southern Colonies

farmed tobacco as cash crop, had few families, relied on slavery, included the West Indies, unhealthy due to misquito-borne diseases

By about 1700, black slaves outnumbered white settlers in the English West Indies by nearly

four to one.

Middle Colonies

had industry and farming, balanced social structure, very religiously tolerant, diverse

Two major exports of the Carolinas were

rice and Native slaves.

The early years at Jamestown were mainly characterized by

starvation, disease, and fruequent Native raids.

New York was originally founded by

the Dutch.

The great majority of Africans who left Africa as captured slaves were sent to

the West Indies, the Carribean and South America.

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