APUSH Semester Exam

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2. The Great Compromise led to which of the following outcomes?

A bicameral legislature with a House of Representatives and a Senate

2. England had a clear advantage at the outset of the Revolutionary, but Americans had which of the following factors operating in their favor?

A more motivated military

4. As president, John Quincy Adams supported which of the following policies?

A national bank to promote a uniform currency and to control credit.

2. What did Shays's Rebellion, which took place in Massachusetts in the winter of 1786-1787, demonstrate to American political leaders?

A stronger national governments was needed to solve the nation's monetary problems.

1. Patriots' widely publicized use of natural rights arguments to protest British actions in the 1760s inspired which of the following?

African American slaves to petition the Massachusetts legislature for the abolition of slavery.

3. Approval by Congress and ratification by the states of the Bill of Rights had which of the following outcomes?

An easing of Americans' fears of an oppressive national government/

3. Which of the following served as a catalyst for the 1794 domestic insurgency known as the Whiskey Rebellion?

An excise tax

4. On whom did President Jackson rely for political advice?

An informal group called the Kitchen Cabinet

1. Members of activist groups, such as the Sons of Liberty, were typically which of the following?

Artisans, shopkeepers, poor laborers, and seamen.

1. In the 1760s and early 1770s, lawyers and other educated Americans used common-law arguments mainly to

Assert the colonists' rights and liberties as Englishmen.

1. In the decade before the American Revolution, the colonists' achieved the greatest effect by using which of the following means of protest?


2. The Constitution, as completed on September 17, 1787, gave the national government which of the following?

Broad powers over taxation, military defense, and commerce.

4. Andrew Jackson and his supporters won the election in 1828 in part by

Calling themselves Democrats to portray a more egalitarian image

1. At the same time that Parliament imposed the Stamp Act, it also passed the Quartering Act, which required

Colonial governments to provide barracks and food for British troops sent to America to protect them.

1. Which of the following factors was among those that motivated many merchants, artisans, and journeymen to protest against the Stamp Act?

Fear that their personal liberty would be undermined.

1. Which of the following statements describes the Boston Massacre, which took place on March 5, 1770?

Five Bostonians were shot and killed by British troops who were later exonerated of the crime.

2. Despite the favorable terms Americans achieved in the 1783 Treaty of Paris, they could not ultimately secure which of the following?

Forgiveness of their debts to British merchants.

2. Why did the British and American diplomats take nearly two years to conclude a peace treaty after the British surrendered at Yorktown?

France and Spain stalled, hoping for some major naval victory or territorial conquest before the official peace.

4. In what way was the United States more democratic than anywhere else in the world during the first half of the nineteenth century?

Franchise qualifications

1. Which of the following events took place during the Second Continental Congress in 1775?

George Washington became head of the Continental Army

3. Which of the following statements describes actions the first congressional government undertook in 1789?

George Washington established a cabinet--or body of advisors--and an administrative bureaucracy under the president's control

4. What was the outcome of President John Quincy Adams' support of the Creeks in their treaty negotiations with the state of Georgia?

Georgia's governor attacked him as a public enemy and ally of the savages

3. Why was Toussaint L'Ouverure a significant figure in the 1790s?

He led black Haitians in their fight to seize control of Saint-Domingue.

3. Why did Thomas Jefferson dispatch lewis and Clark expedition in 1804?

He wanted a report on the physical features and the plant and animal life of the Louisiana Territory.

2. Patriot women contributed to the war effort in the 1770s by?

Increasing production of homespun cloth.

3. The Naturalization, Alien and Sedition Acts had which of the following outcomes in the Untied States in 1790s?

It became illegal to publish insults or malicious attacks against Congress or the president.

1. Why was the popular pamphlet entitled Common Sense significant?

It called for republicanism and convinced many colonists of the need to fight for American independence.

3. Why was Hamilton's financial plan so controversial?

It lines the pockets of wealthy investors and speculators.

3. Why was the decision in the case Marbury v. Madison of great importance in American History?

It marked the first occasion on which the Supreme Court declared that it had the power to rule national laws constitutional

2. Why was the Northwest Ordinance of 1787 significant?

It prohibited slavery in the territory and earmarked funds from land sales for public schools. `

3. Which of the following describes Jay's Treaty of 1795?

It required the British to withdraw their troops from American territory

3. Why was the American victory at the Battle of New Orleans in 1815 significant?

It restored national pride and made Andrew Jackson an American hero

4. How did President Jackson change the federal system of office holding?

Jackson introduced the principle of rotation in office to discourage long tenure

4. Correctly match the candidate in the 1824 presidential election with his description

Jackson-popular War of 1812 hero

3. Which of the following is true of the US election of 1796?

John Adams won the vote and continues a pro-British foreign policy

1. Which of the following outcomes resulted from the Continental Congress' approval of the Declaration of Independence.

Loyalists and anti-independence moderates left the Congress

3. Which of the following statements characterizes the American reaction to the French Revolution?

Many Americans praised the egalitarianism of the French republicans and began to address one another as "citizen"

2. Which of the following statements characterized Pennsylvania's democratic constitution of 1776?

Many leading Patriots found it radically democratic elements quite alarming.

4. Who is considered the first politician, partly because he created the first statewide political machine?

Martin Van Buren

1. The 1774 Coercive Acts applied to which of the following colonies?

Massachusetts only

2. Which of the following was true under the Articles of Confederation?

Most of the power remained with the states

2. Which of the following describes the Continental army during the Revolutionary War?

Most of tis recruits were poor native-born youths and older foreign-born men.

2. The Treaty of Alliance that the French and Americans signed in 1778 included with of the following stipulations?

Neither side would sign a separate peace that failed to recognize American independence

4. Which of the following statements characterizes the American political system directly after the American Revolution?

Notables managed local elections through their personal connections.

2. Which of the following states were eventually created out of the Northwest Territory?

Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, and Indiana

1. By 1770, after five years of crisis and debate over American sovereignty,

Outspoken colonial leaders had repudiated Parliament and claimed equality for their own assemblies under the King.

3. Which of the following phrases describes the federal judiciary at the time Thomas Jefferson became president in 1801?

Packed with hostile federalists.

1. The Townshend Acts of 1767 imposed duties on which of the following goods?

Paper, paint, glass, and tea imported into the colonies.

2. What spurred the British Parliament to repeal the Tea Act in 1778?

Parliament hoped it would aid Britain's efforts to seek a negotiated peace with the Continental Congress

1. Which of the following statements characterizes the British government's attempts to meet its war debt following the Great War for Empire?

Parliament increased import taxes on items used by the poor and middling classes such as sugar and beer.

1. The Stamp Act was instituted by Parliament in the colonies in 1765; it was ...

Part of England's plan to create a more centralized imperial system in America.

1. Which of the following describes the First Continental Congress of 1774?

Patriot leaders convened the group in response to the imposition of the Coercive Acts.

4. The power of elected officials to grant government jobs to party members in return for their loyalty is known as which of the following systems?


1. At the First Continental Congress in 1774, New England delegates advocated which of the following plans?

Political union and defensive military preparations.

1. How did British politicians respond to the American's cry of "no taxation without representation"?

Politicians argues that the colonists already had virtual representation.

2. In Federalist No. 10, James Madison maintained that the constitutional government would accomplish which of the following ends?

Prevent any one faction from becoming dominant

2. To finance the war during its first two years, the new American state governments relied primarily on

Printing large quantities of paper money

3. To win votes for his financial plan, Hamilton made which of the following concessions?

Proposing that the nation's new capitol be built in the Upper South

4. Which of the following were the three key elements of Clay's American system?

Protective tariff, subsidized internal improvements, and the national bank

1. Which Patriot leader persuaded Bostonians to create the first committee of correspondence?

Samuel Adams

2. Why was Abigail Adams a notable figure in the Revolutionary era?

She criticized Patriots like her husband John and insisted on equal legal rights for married women.

2. The Three-Fifths Compromise dealt with which of the following issues?


3. The Kentucky and Virginia Resolutions, which were set forth in 1798, supported which of the following positions?

States' right to judge the legitimacy of national laws.

1. Which of the following statements most describes the colonial boycott efforts of 1768-1769?

Support began in the seaport cities, then spread to more major population centers.

4. Which of the following elements defined the Democrats under Andrew Jackson?

Support for average Americans

3. Which of the following events was the Federalists' response to the Republicans' criticism of their policies in the 1790s?

The Alien and Sedition Acts

2. Which of the following statements best characterizes the relative military strengths of the British and Patriot forces during the Revolutionary War?

The British could expect support from thousands of Loyalists in the colonies and many Indian tribes

1. Which of the following was one reason the British sent 7,500 troops to North America after the end of the Great War for Empire in 1763?

The British government sought to prevent future Indian uprisings on the frontier.

1. Which of the following was the purpose of the Tea Act imposed by Parliament on the colonies in May 1773?

The British needed to bail out the financially strapped British East India Company.

1. Americans responded to the Stamp Act by comparing it to which past even?

The Dominion of New England

4. What did the Twelfth Amendment to the Constitution specify should be done in an election like the election of 1824, in which no presidential candidate received a majority of the electoral votes?

The House of Representatives decides the outcome

1. George Grenville conceived the Sugar Act of 1764 to replace which of the following acts?

The Molasses Act of 1733.

3. Which of the following statements most accurately characterizes US relations with France during the late 1790s?

The United States cut off trade with France and authorized Americans to seize French ships

1. Which of the following statements describes the historical significance of the April 1776 Battle of Lexington and Concord?

The bloodshed that took place made further compromise impossible.

1. On what basis did the American colonists object to the vice-admiralty courts in which violators of the Sugar Act were tried?

The courts were run by judges appointed by the king and did not involve juries.

1. Which of the following statements describes the Stamp Act Congress, which was held in New York in 1765?

The delegates protested loss of American liberties and challenged the act's constitutionality.

3. Hamilton's 1789 financial plan for the United States included which of the following items?

The federal government's assumption of state war debts.

3. Why did Thomas Jefferson call his election to the presidency the "Revolution of 1800"?

The government changed peacefully despite bitter partisan conflict and foreign crisis.

1. The colonists' real objections to the Sugar Act stemmed from which of the following?

The growing administrative power of the British government over the colonies.

2. Which constitutional provision demonstrated the framers' lack of trust in the "people"?

The method of electing the president

1. How did Britain's skyrocketing national debt affect its government in England and America in the 1760s?

The need for higher taxes spurred Britain to increase the size and power of its bureaucracy in England and America.

3. Which of the following describes Jefferson's approach to the opportunity to purchase Louisiana in 1802?

The opportunity led Jefferson to revise his view of the presidential powers granted by the Constitution

2. Which of the following was a consequence of the large increase of paper currency in circulation in the states during the Revolutionary War years?

The paper bills quickly fell in value, becoming nearly worthless

2. Pennsylvania's constitution of 1776 contained which of the following provisions?

The right of all taxpaying men to hold office

1. Which aspect of the Townshend Acts posed a great danger to American political autonomy, according to the colonists?

The use of its revenue to pay royal officials.

2. Why was the Battle of Saratoga historically significant?

The victory ensured the French would join in an alliance with the Americans.

3. Which of the following was true of the "Era of Good Feelings"?

There was apparent political harmony

1. How did the Daughters of Liberty contribute to the American boycott of British goods in the late 1760s?

They promoted nonimportation by making and wearing homespun cloths.

1. Why did radical Patriots in the colonies object to the Tea Act of 1773?

They saw it as a bribe to eliminate colonial tax resistance.

2. How did the British respond after their loss at the Battle of Saratoga in 1777?

They tried to broker a negotiated settlement with the Americans.

1. Which of the following actions did the First Continental Congress ultimately decide to implement in 1774?

Threatening to cut off almost all American exports to Britain, Ireland, and the West Indies.

2. Which of the following statements characterizes events at Valley Forge in the winter of 1777-1778?

Through the training of Baron von Steuben, the Continental Army emerged as a much tougher and better disciplined force

3. Indians ceded much of Ohio and acknowledged American political sovereignty in which of the following treaties?

Treaty of Greenville

3. Which of the following individuals would have been unlikely to gravitate toward the Republicans in the late 1790s?

Wealthy New York banker

3. Which region of the Union was known for its support of the declaration of war on England in 1812?

Western and southern states

2. Which of the following battles marked the end of the American Revolution 1781?


2. To persuade Massachusetts, Virginia, and New York to ratify Constitution, leading Federalists promised that

a Bill of Rights would be added to the Constitution.

2. France gave serious consideration to an alliance with the rebel colonies primarily because it regarded the war as an opportunity to

exact revenge on Britain for defeat in the French and Indian War and the loss of Canada

3. As a result of the Embargo Act of 1807, the American economy

fell into a slump and the American gross national product dropped by 5 percent

3. John Marshall's decisions upheld the principle of

the supremacy of national laws over state laws

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