APUSH Unit 6

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Korematsu v. United States

1944 SCOTUS case permitting internment camps


1945 campaign on a Japanese island that resulted in a US victory and massive casualties

Scottsboro Case

9 Black teenagers who were accused of raping 2 white women and were convicted in an unfair trial

Kellogg-Briand Plan

1928 agreement between the Allied powers to no longer go to war

Agricultural Marketing Act

1929 act passed by Hoover that ultimately failed to support farmers by buying their surpluses

Agricultural Adjustment Administration

1933 act that aimed to protect farmers from price drops but ultimately failed

Good Neighbor Policy

1933 foreign policy stating that the US would not intervene in domestic Latin American affairs

Indian Reorganization Act

1934 legislation that gave land ownership back to tribes and allowed them to self-govern


1942 US naval victory over Japan, sinking four Japanese aircraft carriers


1944 Allied invasion on the beaches of Normandy that led to the liberation of France

Richard Wright

Black author who wrote in support of civil rights and unions

A. Philip Randolph

Black civil rights and labor leader

Atlantic Charter

British and American statement in 1941 that defined their vision for the postwar world

Father Charles Coughlin

Catholic priest who denounced the New Deal on his radio show

"Quarantine" speech

FDR's 1937 poorly received speech stating that the US should do something against Japan's military expansionism

Court Packing Plan

FDR's failed attempt to increase the # of SCOTUS judges so his New Deal programs wouldn't be overturned

"Fireside chats"

FDR's radio broadcasts informally explaining New Deal programs


Japanese suicide pilots


Mexican guest workers in the US during WWII

National Labor Relations Board

New Deal agency that mediated conflicts between companies and unions

Works Progress Administration

New Deal agency that provided jobs working on bridges, roads, and buildings

Securities and Exchange Commission

New Deal agency that regulated financial markets and investment companies

Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation

New Deal government agency that provided insurance for customers their bank failed

Tennessee Valley Authority

New Deal program that built dams to control flooding and produce electricity for rural areas

Civilian Conservation Corps

New Deal program that hired unemployed young men to work on environmental/preservation projects

Social Security Act

New Deal program that provided retirement and unemployment insurance

National Recovery Administration

New Deal program that regulated production, prices, and wages

Schechter v. United States

SCOTUS case that struck down the National Recovery Act

Pearl Harbor

US base in Hawaii that was bombed by Japan in 1941, causing the US to enter the war

5-Power Pact

agreement between the US, France, Britain, Japan, and Italy limiting the size of their navies

Payroll deduction

amount withheld from an employee's gross earnings


avoiding harsh realities; done by the upper classes to ignore poverty

Zoot suit

clothes worn by Mexican-Americans during the 1940s

Popular Front

coalition of leftists that pushed for US involvement in Europe

Fair Employment Practices Commission

committee created by FDR to encourage Black Americans to enter the defense workforce and investigate racism in government jobs

"Black Tuesday"

crisis on October 29, 1929 when investors sold all their shares and the stock market crashed

Office of War Mobilization

dederal agency formed to coordinate war production during WWII

"Double-V" campaign

desire during WWII for military victory and civil rights victory

Internment camps

detention centers where hundreds of thousands of Japanese-Americans were wrongly imprisoned during WWII

Frank Capra

director that criticized the wealthy and politicians in his 1930s-40s films

Frances Perkins

first female cabinet member; served as Secretary of Labor

Eleanor Roosevelt

first lady and human rights advocate

Reconstruction Finance Corporation

government agency established by Hoover in 1932 to give economic assistance to businesses

Bonus Army

group of WWI veterans who demanded pensions during the Great Depression

Dorothea Lange

iconic photographer who photographed the Dust Bowl

Sit-down Strikes

labor protest in which workers stop working and occupy the workplace until their demands are met

Congress of Industrial Organizations

labor union of unskilled workers that broke away from the AFL

Neutrality Act of 1939

legislation allowing the US to sell munitions to belligerent countries

Neutrality Acts (of 1935 and 1937)

legislation stating that Americans could not travel nor sell arms to countries at war

Lend-Lease Act

legislation that allowed the US to give war materials to any nation as long as it would help defend the US


nickname for farmers who migrated from the Dust Bowl to California

The Grapes of Wrath

novel written by John Steinbeck about a family who migrated to California due to the dust bowl

Hiroshima and Nagasaki

nuclear attacks during World War II against Japan that killed hundreds of thousands

Banking Crisis

people lost confidence in the banks and withdrew their money, causing banks to fail

Roosevelt Recession

period when FDR cut New Deal spending to balance the budget, causing another economic downturn

Dawes Plan

plan to revive the German economy after WWI by loaning them money

Huey Long

politican from Louisiana who criticized the New Deal

Townsend Plan

proposed legislation to give all people above the age of 60 significant monthly pensions

Manhattan Project

secret US plan to create the atomic bombs

Nye Committee

senate group that found that the US joined WWI because of corporate corruption

Dust Bowl

severe drought in the Great Plains region that killed crops and people


shantytowns built by unemployed people during the Great Depression

Rosie the Riveter

symbol of American women who went to work in factories during WWII

Smoot-Hawley Tariff

tariff enacted in 1930 to stimulate domestic manufacturing that triggered retaliatory tariffs globally

Bank Holiday

the federal government closed all banks for 4 days to work on banking reform

Detroit Race Riot of 1943

violent protests that killed and wounded hundreds of people until federal troops stopped them

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