APWH Chapter 23

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Development is considered industrialization and prosperity Development was a very crucial factor in many countries. Only occurring in Europe, America, Canada, and Argentina, development allowed these countries to expand and become powerful. The exact opposite of underdevelopment, which occurred everywhere else.

Caste War

The Caste War was a relatively successful uprising among the Maya native people against the Mexican farmers who had kicked them off of their land. They were successful and not defeated until after the US was no longer a threat to Mexico. The Caste war was a very symbolic revolution due to its main reason for being fought. For hundreds of years, Native Americans all over the Americas were being forced from their lands, into slave labor or into uninhabitable regions. The caste war was a very significant battle due to the long amount of time it took for it to be brought down and the show of power that the Mayan people did. Along with that, it demonstrated to the world that the Amerindian people needed to be dealt with, not ignored. Their almost successful revolution changed the perspective and interactions of the Europeans

Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla

A parish priest in Dolores, Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla is renowned for his fiery speech on September 16, 1810, which began a massive peasant revolt which killed thousands of rich Spaniards and forced the Spanish to react. Although he was captured and executed in 1811, his movement continued Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla's main role during this time was motivating the people into action. Before this, the peasants had no motivation or voice to support their revolution. However, Miguel's fiery speech activated the revolution and pushed people's patience with the Spanish government over the edge. Due to his actions, the freedom that was achieved under the continuation of Jose Maria Morelos was a direct result. Today, the Mexico we see today is a direct result of Miguel's actions.

Jose Maria Morelos

A student of Miguel, Jose Maria Morelos was also a priest who, after Miguel died, took up the duty of leading the revolution. He was a more militaristic leader and won many battles but failed to gain independence. He was executed in 1815. Jose Maria Morelos, just like his mentor, failed to succeed in gaining independence for Mexico but did succeed in furthering the process of liberation. Due to his actions, he lead Mexico to draft a constitution, establish its independence, and further planted a seed of hatred towards the Europeans. In other words, Jose Maria Morelos was a necessary figure in continuing the revolution. INstead of letting the feeling of hatred and willingness to fight die with Miguel, he kept the fight going and, indirectly, lead to the liberation of the Mexican colony.


Abolitionists were people who wanted slavery to be outlawed. The impact abolitionists can still be seen today. Due to their efforts and rebellion, the abolitionists were able to successfully abolish slavery all over the world. However, directly during this time, the abolitionists were a crucial role in the passive-aggressive rebellion, including freeing slaves, propaganda, and pushing for the abolition of slavery. Some of the abolitionists, such as Lincoln and Frederick Douglass, were a crucial factor to the abolition in the US.


Acculturation is the combination of multiple ethnic groups in which languages, customs, values and behaviors are modified by new cultures to make in a new, distinct culture. During this time period, acculturation was highly prevalent throughout the Americas. Due to high amount of immigrants that flooded into the New World, cultures from all over the world mixed to create new ones. For example, the Chinese immigrants in America adopted American culture yet added their own personal beliefs in their too. The acculturations during this time caused much fear, hence causing counties to react in a negative way. However, in the long run, acculturation allowed cultures to become more diverse and host new ideas.

Benito Juarez

Benito Juarez was the president of Mexico for five terms. During his rule, the French tried to invade and napoleon tried to establish a new monarchical government. After fleeing the capital, Benito Juarez returned, defeated the French and established the Republic Benito Juarez is a critical figure during this time period due to his ability to maintain the Mexico country. After fleeing the Mexican capital, he ensured that the country won the war and he established the Republic, a move that many would not have done. Due to his actions, the country of Mexico today still exists.

Simon Bolivar

Born in 1783, Simon Bolivar was a crucial leader in the revolutions that occurred, liberating Venezuela, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru and Bolivia. A son of a wealthy Venezuelan farmers, he gained support by promising the abolition of slavery, asking for Haitian support, and English veterans. Taught Enlightenment ideals from an young age, Simon Bolivar is considered one of the most influential military and political leaders of Latin America. To start, after learning both military and educational aspects of life, Simon Bolivar lead the Latin revolutions, freeing many of the countries listed to the right. Along with that, after freeing the colonies, he guaranteed abolition of freedom, an idea that was revolutionary for that area. Finally, after taking power, he established the Gran Colombia and placed himself as the president. However, as the country began to fall apart, Simon Bolivar placed himself as dictator, a position that went against Enlightenment ideals. In summary, modern-day Latin America is what it is due to Simon's actions in freeing Latin America from European rule and institutions new governments, although they later failed.

Frederick Douglass

Considered one of the most effective abolitionist during his time, Frederick Douglass was a speaker and writer whose ideas spread across America Due to Frederick Douglass and his ideas, slavery and the want for the abolition of slavery quickly sped up. His revolutionary ideas spread all over and forced people who had oecd ignored it or who supported it to look at slavery in a different aspect all while fueling the fire for anti-slavery.

Women's Rights Convention

Held in Seneca Falls, New York, the Women's Rights Convention was a meeting held by women who found that their current place in society was unjust. During this time, they argued for better conditions and treatment of women and claimed that "... all men and women are equal." The Women's Rights Convention was a groundbreaking movement due largely impart to the fact that it was the first time that there had ever been an organized meeting in which women expressed their concerns and wants. The Women's Rights Conventions made ground breaking work that opened the door for future women to try and gain their rights (which they do)


The brothers of Tecumseh were two brothers who organized alliance between American people in order to fight off the United States. They also gained support from Great Britain. The Tecumseh brothers were highly impactful because, just like the Caste War, they successfully organized a formidable fighting force, demonstrating the anger that surrounded the Amerindian people. Although at first it helped the Amerindian people because they were able to gain some new land, the over impact lead the Amerindian people to embark on the Trail of Tears, where about half of the Amerindian population died. In summary, the Tecumseh brothers were crucial in organising a formidable Meridian fighting force but, in the long run, it worked against them by causing the United States to go on the Trail of Tears


The exact opposite of development, underdevelopment is where countries rely on other countries product and fail to produce their own materials, hence rendering them highly guiliable Underdevelopment was a very large problem during this time. As a result, countries besides the US, Canada, and Argentina, conures were unable to take care of themselves, resulting in the newly freed countries to fall apart.

Personalist leaders

personalist leaders are usually man who had gained much prominence during the wars for independence. As a result of this prominence and power, when the wars were over they no longer wanted to relinquish their power and use their much promise to hold onto their power. As a result personals leaders often became large political figures in new countries Personalist leaders were very impactful during this time. Due to their actions, personalist leaders gained much power and influence. It was this power that often lead them to being corrupt and unwilling to relinquish their power. As a result, personalist leaders were a crucial factor in gaining independence for colonies and then preventing the people of those colonies from gaining their rights. They often ignored the constitutions and placed their own power supreme. In summary, the personalist leaders were helpful in that they often gained independence for colonies, but bad in that they often prevented their new colonies from gaining the rights that they deserved.

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