ARCH EXAM 3.1 -3.8

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The following is true about the "Great Zimbabwe":

Archaeologists refused to believe that it had been built by the local people Ruins from a huge city and palace from almost 1000 years ago Built out of precisely cut stone

The Ise Shrine in Japan is

Built in a sacred architectural style A sanctuary to the sun goddess Completely rebuilt every twenty years

Louis Sullivan argued that skyscraper designs should: (select 3)

Celebrate their height Reveal the structural frame beneath Reflect the idea that "form follows function"

Mix, Pour, and Wait

Cement, sand, lime, aggregate & water: light, transportable Needs advanced design, organized work force: forms, pouring Romans were great at large scale organizations Concrete, engineering, organization: huge domes & vaults


Character refers to all those visual aspects and physical features that comprise the appearance of every historic building. ... They can be seen as examples of specific building types, which are usually related to a building's function, such as schools, courthouses or churches.

A "Fascist" work of art or architecture will typically express:

Collective national unity and glory


Colonialism - displaced culture in a "new" place. ....Colonial architecture is an architectural style from a mother country that has been incorporated into the buildings of settlements or colonies in distant locations.


Concrete = friable, needs a hard surface ... easily crumbled.


Domestic architecture typology; grouped by income level

Abbe Laugier (1713 - 1769)

French clergyman Outsider critic: jesuit, benefictine preacher, historian Stirring up controversy "Essay on architecture" brief, popular Act on tradition by how modern architects are doing things Why classical architecture is worth it, why it is good Redefines the meaning and validity of the classical tradition "Primitive hut": origin as design ideal This imaginary architect form how all architecture should look like "Pure" classicism = 3 pieces only: column, pediment, entablture Why? Structural elements What makes it classical - what it looks like matches what the building is made up of to stand up

genius loci

Genius Loci: spirit of a place; volksgeist; spirit of a people.... The term 'genius loci' originates from Roman mythology and refers to the protective spirit of a place. This is similar to Asian architecture, where spirits of places are often honoured in outdoor spirit houses, as well as indoor and outdoor shrines.


Gothic arcuation (vaults). ....the use of arches or vaults in buildings.

Theaters without mountains

Greek theaters: built into natural hillsides Concrete didn't limit there theaters Colosseum - built on flat land Could use concrete to build supporting Ampitheater


Greek trabeation (post and beam) Having horizontal beams or lintels rather than arches.


Habitus: sum total of cultural identity decisions Who I am and how I present myself What kind of car do I drive? What do I do in my free time? Who I want to be? Who do I want to impress?

thermal mass

High thermal mass: weakness = moisture, maintenance. Thermal mass is the ability of a material to absorb and store heat energy.


Icon: sign appears similar to a referent


Index: sign is a physical trace of a referent Finger print ? Marks of actual contact Dent in car indexical sign of jerk who parked next store but photo of scene was icon


Inner shrine: rebuilt every 20 years (sengu) since 690

The French architect Ledoux produced this design to symbolize the:

Owner of the house

Viennese Architect, Otto Wagner, divided building methods into two basic types. One was where stones sit on top of other stones, called " ." The other was thin panels on a structural frame, called " ."

Renaissance construction Modern construction

Which of the following are typical of Gothic cathedrals' stone "skeletons"? (select 3)

Ribbed vaults Structural bays Flying buttresses

Pictured above is an un-built (Claude-Nicolas Ledoux) design for the city of Chaux. It's a hollow cylinder, held by a supportive base. The form is meant to visually show the owner's job, which was what?

River inspector

Which architect wrote that "less is a bore"?

Robert Venturi


volksgeist; spirit of a people... Volksgeist or Nationalgeist refers to a "spirit" of an individual people (Volk), its "national spirit" or "national character". The term Nationalgeist is used in the 1760s by Justus Möser and by Johann Gottfried Herder.


-Most buildings use composite material systems -Imagines composite structures of masonry and metal Composite order, an order of Classical architecture, developed in Rome, that combines characteristics of both the Ionic order and the Corinthian order.


.the system of ordering a society in which people are divided into sets based on perceived social or economic status.

Solidity and flexibility

12th C. Chinese builders: woodworking details Joints: lock pieces, permit expansion/contraction Bracketed roof framing systems Bracketed frame: transfer loads to ground Flow down the flow of water which protects structure's integrity

speaking archtiecture

18th C. France: "speaking architecture" expresses "character" Speaking architecture ....Architecture parlante ("speaking architecture") is architecture that explains its own function or identity. The phrase was originally associated with Claude Nicolas Ledoux, and was extended to other Paris-trained architects of the Revolutionary period, Étienne-Louis Boullée, and Jean-Jacques Lequeu.

barrel vault

A barrel vault is a continuous arched shape that may approximate a semi-cylinder in form, resembling the roof of a tunnel, or may be pointed at its apex. ... It is typically formed by a series of arches or vaults placed side by side or by a continuous shell.

In 18th century France, the concept of Architecture Parlante which translates to "speaking architecture" was developed. What does this mean?

A building's appearance should communicate its 'character'

curtain wall

A curtain wall is defined as thin, usually aluminum-framed wall, containing in-fills of glass, metal panels, or thin stone. The framing is attached to the building structure and does not carry the floor or roof loads of the building. ... Custom walls become cost competitive with standard systems as the wall area increases.


A reference architecture in the field of software architecture or enterprise architecture provides a template solution for an architecture for a particular domain. I

In the U.S., the typical construction system of a suburban house is:

Balloon framing

This monument:

Became a swimming pool Was chosen over a design by Le Corbusier Was built on the site of a beloved Russian cathedral

Stone Ceilings?

Best way to span with stone? Use arches and domes Corbelling: all layers of masonry and horizontal Voussoirs = wedge-shaped stones for arches: keystone At the highest point of the arch made higher than others Stereotomy: the science of shaping construction stones

Baked Earth

Brick and terra cotta: mud-brick ---> durable Energy intense, centralized fabrication Fire, insect, moisture-resistant vs wood Modular: small, uniform size, easy to transport Must be set in mortar to become stable surface

Arches and Domes

Brick architecture: from blocks to curves Mortar can take any shape Mortar = flexible "cushion" for design

Who proposed a neighborhood of manufactured "Wichita houses" that could be shipped in a mailing tube?

Buckminster Fuller

Miracle stone

Building large domes → big challenges This dome made out of poured concrete ancient Romans: first to build with concrete Pozzolana: natural volcanic cement (vestuvius) "Liqiud stone": pour into form work & left dry

The following is true of Hitler's Chancellery:

Built from stone quarried at a concentration camp The surrendering of Czechoslovakia is credited to its design Designed to intimidate

Structure vs skin

Concrete = friable, needs a hard surface Eventually crumble away Roman construction: 3 layered sandwich encasing = stone pyramids or flat bricks Interior walls usually plastered and painted Visible surface = plaster or stone veneer Disconnect between image and structure Stone you see and stone that holds building up


Constructivism: celebrates industry, new society Excitement to shed old russia... Constructivist architecture was a constructivist style of modern architecture that flourished in the Soviet Union in the 1920s and early 1930s. Abstract and austere, the movement aimed to reflect modern industrial society and urban space, while rejecting decorative stylization in favor of the industrial assemblage of materials


Corbelling: all layers of masonry and horizontal Corbel, in architecture, bracket or weight-carrying member, built deeply into the wall so that the pressure on its embedded portion counteracts any tendency to overturn or fall outward.

Constructing a building ENTIRELY out of cut stone makes it hardest to:

Create large interior spaces

damnatio memoriae

Damnatio memoriaw: erase and rebuild Damming of memory More symbolic space for new leader and foster loyalty Thought Moscow church had no place Replace cathedral with new "palace of the soviets" International competition; who's who... "the condemnation of one's memory", . It attempted to erase all memory and history of the person by removing their name from all documents and destroying all their portraits.


Each stripe arch separate groin vault Behave as single unit called bay. -Skeletal framework: bay system with ribbed vaults -Bay, in architecture, any division of a building between vertical lines or planes, especially the entire space included between two adjacent supports; thus, the space between two columns, or pilasters, or from pier to pier in a church,

structural rationality

Emphasis: gothic as example of structural rationality Gothic architects don't mask their art with decor They strive to reveal the ribs of the building -Rationalism in architecture refers to the use of symmetry and mathematically and geometrically defined structures with low ornamentation.

cultural capital

Everything is valuable part of who we are Can impact professional and economic life Habitus: sum total of cultural identity decisions Who I am and how I present myself What kind of car do I drive? What do I do in my free time? Who I want to be? Who do I want to impress? Taste = commodity; measures status, symbolism, prestige. Trust, cultural capital and identifying with my architect Architect and client share cultural capital of what they think is beautiful

According to Carlo Lodoli, the classical vocabulary demonstrates the correct way to express a building material through design.


All classical-style architecture was permanently abandoned in France after the French Revolution of 1789.


François Blondel told the French Academy that in the name of creative freedom and liberty, it is their duty as architects to challenge the agenda of the Monarchy.


flying buttress

Flying buttresses, piers: transfer loads from walls Keeps light flowing in but keeps wind loads out -Flying buttress, masonry structure typically consisting of an inclined bar carried on a half arch that extends ("flies") from the upper part of a wall to a pier some distance away and carries the thrust of a roof or vault.


Ise: most sacred shinto sanctuary in japan (sun goddess)..... Shinto architecture is the architecture of Japanese Shinto shrines. ... The entrances themselves are straddled by gates called torii, which are therefore the simplest way to identify a Shinto shrine. A shrine may include within its grounds several structures, each destined to a different purpose.

How was the Cologn Cathedral building referenced as a sign of German unity?

It was unfinished and the campaign to complete the Cathedral became a way to bring people together.

At the Cathedral of Milan, Italian builders adopted some gothic features like spiky-spires and pinnacles. However, they did not use flying buttresses. Why?

It's a hotter climate, so they wanted the building cooler, not brighter

In the 1960's, New York City decided to tear down Penn Station. What was built on top of it?

Madison Square Garden

Explanations of past events that emphasize economic forces reflect the ideas of:


Stone: still the favorite

Most labor intensive Saqqara: first pyramid = shift from mud brick to stone Rainbow of colors Sculpture and decor items Oldest known building made entirely of cut stone Imhotep's leap: also technological and administrative Stone: great for piles: roofing interior "rooms" = hard Moving big stones, great challenge

social condenser

New apartment buildings as "social condensers" One side of building 3 levels Erase Bourgeois values through communal living Big communal kitchen - childcare - Free women to work in factories and not domestic care Other than sleeping in same palace, staging place in public with comrades not in private with family--- From Soviet Constructivist theory, the social condenser is a spatial idea practiced in architecture.

The Tabula Rasa

Obligation use reason to determine truth Enlightenment: reason as the ultimate test of truth Great faith in logic, doubt about idea of "civilization" John Locke & Jean-Jacques Rousseau How to fix flawed structures Shared intellectual strategy 18th C. Philosophers: find truth in the "primitive" Explains human nature, path to best social structure Locke: mind as "blank slate": Rousseau and "natural life" Tabula rasa - blank slate Rousseau- A prince not naturally better than other but becomes it through natural life ... humans better off living in primitive state better than civilized state Locke- Live, liberty, property

The 19th-century Palace of Westminster was built in the Gothic style because:

Of Pugin's influential ideas about "English" style At the time, British people liked Romanticism and the picturesque The original Houses of Parliament that burned down were medieval

opus reticulatum

Opus reticulatum (also known as reticulated work) is a form of brickwork used in ancient Roman architecture. It consists of diamond-shaped bricks of tuff, referred to as cubilia, placed around a core of opus caementicium.

Mountain of marble

Parthenon: post and lintel, not a big stone file Strikes balance solidity and transparency Mount pentelikus fine white marble (10 miles) Had to drag it To get apoloious down one mountain and up another Challenge: hoisting up entablature blocks Made of separate blocks Blocks reinforced with metal dowels and cramps Most of the roof. Wooden trusses, marble tiles


Phenomenology demonstrated in architecture is the manipulation of space, material, and light and shadow to create a memorable encounter through an impact on the human senses.


Pozzolana: natural volcanic cement (vestuvius). A pozzolan is a siliceous or siliceous and aluminous material that in itself possesses little or no cementitious value but will, in finely divided form and in the presence of moisture, chemically react with calcium hydroxide at ordinary temperatures to form compounds having cementitious properties.

reinforced concrete

Reinforced concrete: works in compression and tension....Reinforced concrete is a composite building material that consists of concrete (a mix of cement, aggregates, and water that when hardened resembles stone) and steel rods, bars, or mesh.

Sheer Volume

Romans: enclosed more interior space than any civilization Expected part of life in roman city Be clean, healthy, and defense Architectural spendlr: standard throughout empire Abundant cheap concrete


Round arches, columns spolia, pediments ... Spolia (Latin, 'spoils'), repurposed building stone for new construction, or decorative sculpture reused in new monuments, is the result of an ancient and widespread practice whereby stone that has been quarried, cut, and used in a built structure is carried away to be used elsewher


Rustication is a type of masonry treatment in which the blocks making up a wall are articulated by exaggerated joints rather than being flush with each other. The surface is the opposite of smooth. ... Rustication also provided the appearance of a strong, defensive foundation.

Materials and design

Saharan adobe: same resources = similar forms Consistency in design approach Heavy, smooth forms which are punctuated by wood beams


Semiotics Semiotics: study of how visual signs communicate meaning Semiotics in architecture is the search for a deeper discourse with the built environment, a way of understanding the rich array of metaphor, ambiguity, rhetorical nuance and metonymy that can occur in architectural meaning

ribbed vault

Skeletal framework: bay system with ribbed vaults -A rib vault or ribbed vault is an architectural feature for covering a wide space, such as a church nave, composed of a framework of crossed or diagonal arched ribs.

Earth, Water, and Sun Structural stability

Solid, reliable structures with materials at hand Sun-dried mud bricks/adobe: dirt, sand, water, straw Vary building shapes Abundant; easy, modular: flexible, plastic forms High thermal mass: weakness = moisture, maintenance Stays cool inside even in blistering heat Only practical in this climate Brittle: wooden roof for wider span, enforcement Reinforce structure Wood is flexible Most buildings use composite material systems


Stereotomy: the science of shaping construction stones. is the art and science of cutting three-dimensional solids into particular shapes. Typically this involves materials such as stone or wood which is cut to be assembled into complex structures (wall, vault, arch, etc.).

Enduring vs. typical

Stone monuments = disproportionate survivors of time "Civilized" method, racist doubts against great zimbabwe Built out of precise stone Zimbabwe sounds like the stone house in the local language Most ancient architecture: less permanent materials


Strong central government and business cooperate. ....a political philosophy, movement, or regime (such as that of the Fascisti) that exalts nation and often race above the individual and that stands for a centralized autocratic government headed by a dictatorial leader, severe economic and social regimentation, and forcible suppression of opposition


Sun-dried mud bricks/adobe: dirt, sand, water, straw Saharan adobe: same resources = similar forms. Adobe is essentially a dried mud brick, combining the natural elements of earth, water, and sun.


Symbol: sign represents a referent through convention Natural, universal Green monopoly house Icon, index, symbol ?? Icon but also a symbol

Gottfried Semper explored a link between:

Technologies and objects connected to culture and place


The former Soviet Union is an example of a socialist system. ... Cuba is an example of a socialist nation. Its economy is state-run, and it lacks a stock exchange. Healthcare and education are all completely managed and administered by the government.


Torii, symbolic gateway marking the entrance to the sacred precincts of a Shintō shrine in Japan. ... The torii, often painted bright red, demarcates the boundary between the sacred space of the shrine and ordinary space. Torii also identify other sacred spots, such as a mountain or rock.

Heinrich Hübsch believed that the classical style was ONLY valid for ancient Greece and Rome, not other locations, periods or cultures.


urban artifact

Urban artifact: structure persisting across time, function....The urban artifact, as defined by Rossi, is not only a building, but a fragment of the city. ... The ambiguity of the urban artifact also owes to the above definitions; that the city itself is an artifact, that it is divided into individual buildings and dwelling areas.

groin vault

Vezelay: round arches and groin vaults Each stripe arch separate groin vault Behave as single unit called bay -groin vault: A vault produced by the intersection at right angles of two barrel (tunnel) vaults. Sometimes the arches of groin vaults may be pointed instead of round.

Who become an expert on medieval architecture by restoring French monuments?



Visible surface = plaster or stone veneer. ....Masonry veneer walls consist of a single non-structural external layer of masonry, typically made of brick, stone or manufactured stone. ... The weight of a veneer wall can be significantly less than solid masonry, resulting in economies in foundations and structural support.

Vitrvius, Structure, and legitimacy

Vitruvious: greek orders = 'natural" (proportions, human body) also : vocabulary expresses original wood temple construction Structural history Classical details justified as memory of a primitive original Does primitive mean anything to meaningful about the future


Voussoirs = wedge-shaped stones for arches: keystone At the highest point of the arch made higher than others ....A keystone (or capstone) is the wedge-shaped stone at the apex of a masonry arch or typically round-shaped one at the apex of a vault.


Voussoirs = wedge-shaped stones for arches: keystone At the highest point of the arch made higher than others. A voussoir (/vuˈswɑːr/) is a wedge-shaped element, typically a stone, which is used in building an arch or vault.

New York City's Grand Central Station:

Was saved from demolition by the city's Landmarks Commission Benefited from a huge debate about historic buildings in the 1960s Was built in a grand, classical style

According to Vitruvius, the details on a Doric temple:

Were a memory (or echo) of the first wooden temples

Balloon frame

Wood - suburban house - nothing out of ordinary A large number of mass-produced units U.S. construction standardized, mass-produced lumber Weaknesses: nailed joints, frame vs shear forces One nail vs 10,000, plywood sheathing for strength All wood has to be protected from moisture with concrete

Monumental Wood Architecture

Wood: doesn't have to be hidden away Good design, maintenance = survival Framed design, systems of connection

How did Eugene Emmanuel Viollet-le-duc learn about Gothic architecture?

Worked in professional offices


a belief or theory that opinions and actions should be based on reason and knowledge rather than on religious belief or emotional response.


a person who gives financial or other support to a person, organization, cause, or activity. or a customer, especially a regular one, of a store, restaurant, or theater.


feminism: gender affects reality; women are not "naturally" second class

Independence Hall in Philadelphia is a famous example of Colonial (or Georgian) Architecture because:

it uses a Classical style, but with brick and wood details


shaped by power structure; hides & naturalizes it.... a system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.

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