ARH 252 Exam 5

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Blanche of Castille's son Louis IX eventually is of age to rule as King of France HIGH GOTHIC STYLE - pinnacle of Gothic style under Louis IX Rayonnant style: 'radiant' a High Gothic style associated with King Louis IX Rays of light - idea of walls of window BEING ACHIEVED (literal walls of window) Saint-Chapelle - private chapel by Louis IX (commissioned) - average person could not get into, smaller than other churches Shooting for this idea of glass walls - Saint-Chapelle is the best representation at this Stacked altar - LIX makes pilgrimage to Holy Land, nails of cross and crown of thorns allegedly found. Says is original and builds reliquaries for them and almost built the reliquary, walls the same as the window holders for the stained glass Mimics the building Popular to paint the ceiling if rayonnant style like Saint-Chapelle - blue starry night sky Pointed arches everywhere Start to see multilobed arches - lobes (pointed underneath) do not support structure, decorative, add as many lobes on top Trend from Spain moving into France from Islamic Art

-Louis IX -High Gothic Style -Rayonnant Style Saint-Chapelle -Windows -Altar -Ceiling -Arches coming from Spain to France

Buddhist art we do get sooner than Hindu art Lion capital of the pilar set up by Ashoka (Ashoka's lion column) Early on Buddhism is aniconistic - no human representations of the Buddha for a while First big leader to push Buddhist art was ASHOKA Ashoka was a ruler, by all accounts a cruel person. Heavily hated, vicious Ended up converting to Buddhism and became a very ardent pacifist. Ended up becoming one of the more well loved kings after the conversion, did a lot to help his people (education, health care). A 180 moment for him Once he converted, started pushing Buddhism as a kind of state religion in some ways. One of the things he'd do Build giant pillars, put things on top of them. Pillars covered in Buddhist teachings, propaganda moment Most famous one - Ashoka commissioned - lion capital Original pillar long gone, but capital Giant pillar announcing Buddha's presence Lions - four in total Probably relate to Ashoka as a royal symbol (probably on his seal) - representation four corners of the world but more likely Ashoka Buddha is here, the wheel Early on the wheel is the symbol for the Buddha and stays with him The wheel is called the Wheel of the Law - chakra teachings of the Buddha. His emblem for a long time, sticks around even with human representation Another wheel on the back of the lions? If the lions were meant to be Ashoka and they were holding up the wheel it almost meant Ashoka had the wheel Ashoka the first one to push Buddhism almost as a state religion, no forced conversion but pushing it Some of the earliest Buddhist art, Buddha is here as the wheel Columns yes a form of propaganda, pushing the Buddha's teachings but also have point in the religion. Connecting the sky to the Earth in an axis, idea of connecting the universe to Earth

...'s lion column (the lion capital of the pillar set up by ...) -Buddhist art we get sooner than Hindu art despite being a later religion -Early on Buddhism was ... - no ... representations of the Buddha for a bit Who was the first big leader to push Buddhist art? -A ruler initially cruel and heavily hated. Ended up converting to Buddhism and became an ardent ...! -Becoming one of the more well-loved kings as a result, would do a lot to ... his people -What did he do once he converted? -Built...? They were covered in...? This particular pillar (no longer with us, the capital remains), would have announced...? -Why four lions? (2) -How is Buddha represented? Why is this symbol important? -Propaganda moment but also connecting the sky/universe to the Earth (making an axis)

English Gothic style: -More slender proportions -Elongated -Lessening up flying buttresses -Perpendicular style Perpendicular style: English Late Gothic; pronounced verticality Interest in verticality and visual interest on the ceiling - draw your eye up and keep your eye there (visual interest on ceiling) Ribbing taking to a spider web shape (Gloucester Cathedral) not just accentuating the groin vault/support This stylistic ribbing will slowly transform into fan vaults Fan vaults - almost like the ribs go up and flip out/spray out/fan out Like an intricate lace dripping down from the ceiling - taking this vertical interest on the ceiling even further, still perpendicular style Chapel of Henry VII - 1500s Almost drop down like stalagmites, come down at points England holds onto the Gothic Period longer!

1. Gloucester Cathedral Perpendicular style definition 2. Chapel of Henry VII (Westminster Abbey) Fan vaults definition England and the Gothic Period

BACK: Duccio can play more - only the altar boy and priest will see Gold background but environments Life of Jesus - mostly passion story (entry to Jerusalem, Last Supper, crucifixion, resurrection) Betrayal of Jesus - post-Last Supper After Supper, Jesus goes to the park to pray and talk to God when Judas comes with Roman soldiers to arrest him (Judas would kiss Christ on the cheek so the Roman soldiers knew which was Christ) Multitude of Roman soldiers to arrest Jesus - send him off to a mock trial (already found guilty beforehand though) Disciples ran, if arrested they would be killed Peter remains a little bit, mad at the betrayal and cut a slave's ear off - the one person who did not have the choice to be there, Christ picks up the ear and heals the man OVERLAPPING SOLDIERS (illusion of space) Leaves were on the trees this time - wood medium not canvas Environment but gold background . . . . . Entry into Jerusalem Town receiving Christ as King CITY - Siena and not Biblical Jerusalem! Duccio did not know what Jerusalem looked like. Start to see this trend - artists taking Biblical places and start to look a lot like European towns (Gothic architecture, etc.)

Altarpiece for Duomo (Siena's cathedral) (back side) Background? Sense of artistic freedom? Betrayal of Jesus -Illusion of space Entry into Jerusalem -Trend with depiction of surrounding city Siena Cathedral exterior: Gothic elements of rose window, pointed arches BUT still Tuscan Architecture (horizontal emphasis, polychrome marble) - bell tower attached but still seems like its own separate building (idea of the Cathedral Complex) Italian Humanism - individual is worth remembrance - Siena's colors were black and white (marble colors, continued on the inside of the cathedral)

Starting to really see the love of linear detail - thin veiling of this flower, see in the rose window - more elaborate in its linear decoration, linear designs Starting to push the doorway more and more back to get the pointed arch accentuated, for floor-to-ceiling painted reliefs!!! Interior: Nave to choir area up in the apse Wanted to get the "walls of window" look - vast majority of walls is windows! Still have the stone and groin vault but pushing for this wall of windows look

Amiens Cathedral -What were they going for on the inside? -Other general Gothic cathedral trends

Lamentation The most famous scene in Arena Chapel Giotto had more leeway, which is why Arena Chapel is so important - long leash for artistic license (just put a lot of blue and have these certain scenes: blue is the most expensive color and it was used so much and was so saturated - meant Scrovegni spent a LOT of money) Have Mary with the body of Christ (deceased) + an audience (remember the lamentation definition) Expressing grief and lamenting his passing John is always nearby, other Mary's (mothers of disciples), Mary Magdalene (hair unbound), Nicodemus and Joseph of Arimathea (helped with the burial process) Notice Giotto's INNOVATION OF SPACE A. Upper portion: Angels - foreshortening - coming towards you - others swooping down, some swooping up, some gliding horizontally Different faces as well - emotions on the angels' faces - DISTRESS B. John - flinging his arms back in grief but hunched over and can see one of his arms hidden behind the body (GIVES JOHN MORE REALISM in the body, innovation/illusion of space) Why is Giotto known as the Father of Western Art? Look at the BACKS of two figures - hard to find the backs of individuals in art - difficult skill to master and idea of why in the world would I paint that if I can't see faces? It tells your brain you're in the scene AND Giotto has left you a space The illusion of space here makes it so that: 1. You're part of the picture 2. You could enter the picture (enter the world: Idea of Western Art for a while, Giotto would start this) Western Art: Goes back in space forever (through overlapping, foreshortening, atmospheric perspective, or linear perspective) Giotto's piece also serves a religious function - religious space to come and mourn in the space mentally and spiritually, mourning Christ Giotto is not intentional in his background - blue with a hill (Hill of Calvary?) Would go back and paint the leaves of trees in FRESCO SECCA (dry fresco) maybe because the leaves looked muddled looking? Either why it flakes right off, not originally a naked tree but why we see naked trees . . . . Entry to Jerusalem (start of the passion scene) People in trees, laying down blankets to welcome Christ into Jerusalem Vices and virtues in bottom panel 1st Style Roman wall painting (masonry, faux stone) - NOT INTENTIONAL, Giotto did not know GIORNATA - fragmenting, seeing spots of discoloration "a day's work" in Italian, see where they plastered and painted and plastered and painted - dry at different rates leading to discoloration Example: Different coloration around Scrovegni's hand - took so much time to do this one part

Arena Chapel (Giotto) Lamentation Giotto's level of artistic leeway Giotto's innovations of space... Angels John What is Giotto showing that helps coin him the title "Father of Western Art?" Giornata definition

Padua - outside Venice Giotto + assistants worked on the Arena Chapel (one of his larger commissions) Family name: Scrovegni, but called the Arena Chapel because it was right next to an arena -Floor-to-ceiling true/buon/wet fresco (putting damp plaster, painting, then letting it dry - repeat) - fairly indestructible, keeps its color well Patron, Enrico Scrovegni - commissioned for his private chapel on his family's estate -Guilty of the sin of usury (the act of banking: giving out a loan and then charging interest) Everyone was Catholic at this time - do good works along with belief - build a church for himsef and gift it to the Virgin Mary (that be his good deed, how he will attone for his sin - Dante's Divine Comedy is out, mentions usury is a sin for which you will go to hell, Circle 8 one of the worst) -Back wall = Last Judgment - portrait Enrico on the side of the BLESSED (trying to touch Virgin Mary VERY SCANDALOUS thing to do - you're a sinner). Giving the gift of the chapel to the three Mary's (the midde Mary is Virgin Mary) Three panels going around the chapel: Top panel: LIFE OF MARY Middle panel: LIFE OF CHRIST + mission time Bottom panel: PASSION SCENE (crucifixion story - entry to Jerusalem to resurrection) Faux stones: painted statues with vices (envy, greed, etc.) and virtues (what you want to follow) Above: A starry night scene with saints and angels Divine Comedy: Dante's journey through hell, purgatory and finally Heaven to find his beloved Beatrice There were worse and worse sins as you go down the circles of hell Lust or pre-Christ pagans were near the top with traitors being closer to the bottom Written in Tuscan - was very popular (a lot of people could read this) Dante also gave receipts - named names - named Enrico Scrovegni's father as one in hell for usury - "nothing they can do to attone for usury" Video: Elect were the blessed - feet slightly levitated Christ in the middle in a mandorla, hierarchy of scale Nude figures - souls to be judged to be awoken from the dead See usurers in hell - hung with money bags from their necks (seen as a mortal sin at that time) Large blue figure was the devil Judas also seen in hell (the disciple who betrays Christ) Figures shown in humanity Arena Chapel became a place to go for indulgence (get out of hell card)

Arena Chapel (Scrovegni Chapel) (Giotto) Overall layout on the inside The patron Dante's "Divine Comedy" Last Judgment Who is depicted? On which side? What is scandalous about this piece?

Bi disk with dragons SHANG OVERTHROWN -> Zhou Dynasty rises up and overthrows Shang Important for politics - idea of divine right, emperor as the son of Heaven, lot of divine right rule things. First to bring that in Longest running dynasty (in two parts: 1050-256 BCE almost 1000 year dynasty) BRONZE COINAGE, lavish product, jade in particular Bi disk - what were these used for? Not sure Very thin pieces of jade or nephrite Jade/nephrite is difficult to carve especially with stone tools, did a lot of this with sand. Did this with sand because needing silica (the glass of the sand) to cut this. Probably wearing this down with sand because stone tools not cutting it Objects of great wealth, documentation of when leaders were defeated forced to hand over bi discs (humiliation), got buried with them at times. Weird little object, seems to be object of wealth and status, to lose one seen as some kind of insult Does have a lot of dragons on it, one around center circle, two on outside Dragons popular - symbol of good luck, eventually symbol of emperor Creature to go between Heaven and Earth, carry messages between the two Jade is popular - used in burials because meant to protect the dead, somehow symbolized the moral perfection of the person

Bi disk definition -Material -Objects of great...? Seemed to be object of ...? To lose one meant...? Dragon motif Jade Shang Dynasty -> Zhou Dynasty (idea of...?) (longest...?)

Lorenzetti Brothers from Siena Mary was the patron saint of Siena, so she is a popular subject matter Birth of the Virgin by Pietro Lorenzetti (one of two, the other is Ambrogio This shows immaculate conception Not in the Bible, interest in creating a backstory for Mary. How did she find favor with God? The belief was she too was born out of a virgin birth to Anna and Joachim Anna and Joachim were older, past the age for conceiving healthily Anne is reclining in the center scene, Mary has a halo and is receiving her first bath (RADIATING LIGHT) There is also a waiting room - someone telling Joachim (the father) he will have a baby and she is a girl NOTE THE ORIGINAL FRAME: knew he was making a triptych and used the frame as a divider for the rooms, not 3 individual scenes but 2 Note the architecture: groin vaults, pointed arch, lancet windows GRIDDED FLOORS: illusion of space, makes it easier to do, trying to create that space

Birth of the Virgin The Lorenzetti brothers of Siena Pietro Lorenzetti Immaculate conception definition Use of the original frame

CENTRAL INDIA Mathura A little bit of a different Buddha - saw with Gandhara: fully clothed, wavy hair, cross-legged feet and hands up Mathura: still cross-legged, hands up. LESS covered, sheer robe More of the cranial bump used to, allusion to snail shell curls Wheel of the Law on his feet and hands (wheel not going anywhere) What we would expect from the Buddha - eventually the Gandhara and Mathura Buddhas will sort of fuse, settle on a standardized Buddha forms and come up with 32 individual marking features Yakshas around him, male forms of Yakshi - more robust male But remember from Harappa - not find rippling muscles, not interested in. Smooth forms, maybe a belly COMPARISON Still same person Gandhara and Mathura - eventually settle on in between

Buddha seated on a lion throne CENTRAL INDIA, away from Gandhara (more to the north) Different style Buddha: difference in clothing, hair, bump, wheel What will hapeen to the Gandharan and Central Indian depictions of Buddha? Robust yakshas on either side of Buddha, but what is the representation of the body in India?

The religion developed in late centuries BCE and early centuries CE. The founder was the Buddha. The Buddha was Prince Siddhartha Gautama. At 29 he gave up his wealth and title and went to pursue enlightenment. It is believed he died around 400 BCE at the age of 80. There is no single text that covers all his life and death. He advocated for asceticism- path of self-discipline and self-denial meant to free oneself from worldly attachments. They do believe in reincarnation and want to escape to nirvana. There are different schools/paths in Buddhism: Theravada (Path of the Elders- southern India, Sri Lanka, mainland Southeast Asia), Mahayana (Great Path- China, Korea, Japan and Nepal); Amida (worship of Buddha of infinite light and life- East Asia) Buddhist Iconography- the Buddha has 32 distinguishing features- urna= curl of hair between eyebrows or dot; ushnisha= the cranial bump; elongated ears from heavy jewelry. The hand gestures have fixed meanings; dharmachakra= teaching, abhaya= do not fear The Buddha does appear in Hinduism- he is one of the 10 incarnations of Vishnu Know more about Buddhism in terms of its founding Prince Gautmama (creator of the religion) will eventually become the Buddha, extremely wealthy but before 30 he gives up his entire wealth to pursue enlightenment Probably would have been practicing some form of Hinduism at the time, B comes out of it and some similarities and overlaps with H Lives a long time for the time (80) for the BCE era. Not a ton of text covering his life, pieces here and there - A lot of gods, gods to an extent (bodhisattvas - people who help you along the way, the main one being Buddha) - Do believe in reincarnation, escaping the cycle, doing good in this life to get you into a better place in the next one MAIN DIFFERENCE between Hinduism and Buddhism ASCETICISM - self-denial, means you need to deny yourself pleasure in life (food, sex, relationships) to free yourself from worldly attachments to advance and keep going through the cycle, better escaping into nirvana and enlightenment. Hinduism does not practice asceticism on the whole Lots of schools with Buddhism, denominations Lots of schools with Buddhism, denominations Buddha in art, always find, set iconography 32 distinguishing features but main ones: Cranial bump - bump in his skull, looks like a little bun on the top of his head Elongated ears from heavy jewelry Fixed hand gestures (mudra) Snail shell curls Wheel on the sole of both feet A lot of times sun disco halo

Buddhism (the later religion) -The religion developed in late centuries ... and early centuries ... -The founder was the ... The ... was ... ... ... -At 29 he gave up his ... and ... and went to pursue ...! -It is believed he died around 400 BCE at the age of 80. There is no single text that covers all his ... and ... -He advocated for ... - path of self-discipline and self-... meant to free oneself from ... ... -They do believe in ... and want to escape to nirvana -There are different schools/paths in Buddhism: a. Theravada (Path of the ... - southern India, Sri Lanka, mainland Southeast Asia) b. Mahayana (... ... - China, Korea, Japan and Nepal) c. Amida (worship of Buddha of ... ... and ... - East Asia) Buddhist Iconography The Buddha has ... distinguishing features -Urna = ... of ... between eyebrows or ... -Ushnisha = the ... ... -... ... from heavy ... -Fixed ... ... (... definiton) -... ... ... (hair) -... on the sole of both feet -... ... ... (behind his head) -The hand gestures have fixed meanings Dharmachakra = ... Abhaya= do not ... Where else does Buddha appear? Similarities to Hinduism -A lot of...? Well, ... to an extent! Bodhisattvas definition -Did believe in ... and escaping the ... (to do good in this life to get you in a better place for the next one) The main difference between Hinduism and Buddhism -The belief of ... - denying yourself ... in life (food, sex, relationships, etc.) to free yourself from...?

CAMBODIA Vishnu lying on the cosmic ocean Popular for one scene - resting and dreaming world into being, part of it here Hollow cast bronze with gold and silver enjewls overlaid 20 feet long, fountain? Idea of Brahma coming out of his bellybutton reenacted with the water gushing as fountain Image of Vishnu dreaming the world into being is a popular one ANGKOR WAT (wat = city) A lot of cities Whole area, Angkor Wat (biggest of the bunch), each ruler in this area got a wat, they made one Each one was a wat or mountain temple, all dedicated to different gods This temple is dedicated to Vishnu (Hindu at this time, will change) but then attach name on the end. Trying to imply that king was a manifestation or avatar of said god Temple to said god but more so temple to that ruler Angkor Wat grand temple, everything is mountain form (where the gods lived, allusion to mountains) King who built AW - took centuries, not done in his lifetime, keep working on even after king passed (King Suryavarman II) We call it AW but we don't know what it was called in its day, term we have given it Eventually Cambodia will turn into Buddhism but early on it was their version of Hinduism ANGKOR WAT - LARGEST RELIGIOUS SITE IN THE WORLD

Cambodia Vishnu lying on the cosmic ocean -Popular scene Angkor Wat definition -The largest...? -Names -Mountain forms

Porch of the Martyrs - St. Theodore (military saint - see chainmail, sword and shield - presented as young) See more naturalistic attempt. Same church 100 years apart, not column-like, he's coming more away from the column - have a sense of mass to his body Do see a minimal contrapposto too - lean to the body

Change in jamb statue representation of people at Chartres Cathedral Vs. Old Testament kings and queens

-The first church that starts out as Gothic (most of its stained glass remains original too) -Pointed arches - more subdued, softer - eventually pointed arches will get more obviously pointed Started in 1145 - halfway through the church when a fire in 1159 occurred - only the front portal remained, style different due to the time difference! See the rose window The oldest portal: Royal Portal More pronounced interest in Christ's royal lineage - King David, King Solomon, etc. Christ being descendant of royals - royal family in France trying to exert more power - why we see Less Last Judgment scenes (less scary/last judge idea of Christ) - see a shift in judgment - CHRIST SEEN AS MORE COMPASSIONATE - MORE OF AN INTEREST IN MARY - she intercepts and aids Christ (plays a more pronounced role in his judgment) Tympanum: Christ [in mandorla] in glory with 4 Evangelists, Mary and baby Jesus - idea Mary intercepts and aids Christ Still have the tympanums, lintels, etc. Old Testament kings and queens - JAMB STATUES Jamb = side of door Note the kings and queens' body shape, attached to engaged columns- body is very much a column - more elongated All in varying heights - heads at same level but feet varies Over time start to see jamb statues become more "detached" from the column, starts with Chartres - everything would have been painted! Centering: build wooden model of the arch - then stones around and can remove the wooden center - Chartres and Laon added flying buttresses after the fact - not in the blueprint!

Chartres Cathedral -Importance (first church that ... ... Gothic) -History -Royal Portal and its relation to the French royal family -Less scenes of what in the Gothic period? -Jamb statues

Shrinking proportions Transepts starting to decrease, taking all the weight and channeling it straight up Still radiating chapels, nave, aisle, apse, crossing square, etc. Pre- and post-cleaning - Chartres interior, candles and incense all on the stone Each church is getting taller and do eventually do away with the gallery - Chartres can have the arches go so high, lead to 3 instead of 4 elevation levels: NAVE - TRIFORIUM - CLERESTORY (typical elevation) What makes Chartres a miracle is most of its original stained glass remains!!! Took 10 years to renovate, tedious - blue glass was the hardest to make - have to make, then stain/color, then cut the glass, etc. Famous for its stained glass, over 90% of its original SG survived Stained glass consisted of Christian iconography: Mary and Baby Jesus, Christian stories, etc. But a few panels were dedicated to the workers - stone masons and sculptors, making the jamb statues of the Old Test. Kings and Queens (the actual jamb statues on the outside of Chartres) - not every Christian cathedral does this!

Chartres Cathedral: Part 2 -What is becoming a trend for Gothic cathedrals in France (height, elevation)...? -What is Chartres Cathedral most famous for?

PAINTING Chinese landscape paintings SONG DYNASTIES - golden age of landscape paintings for China Song Dynasty - political scene is important, one of the first dynasties where they push merit over birth - if you work your way up the ranks, I don't care if you were born with nothing in your hands. If you're good at what you do, good. Not just going to give you a job because your dad's name is so and so. Push merit over birth China invents the magnetic compass, get own printing press, gunpowder in the works, a lot going on in the Song dynasties Landscape paintings: predominantly look like this Love a hanging scroll - hang on the wall in their full entirety, some big and not Li Cheng - A Solitary Temple amid Clearing Peaks - only 3 feet long Fan Kuan's over 6 feet long Length varies LANDSCAPE, predominant thing - meant to be long looking activities - not look and just move onto the next thing LITERATI PAINTINGS/SCHOLARLY PAINTINGS - people coming from wealth and so choosing to be amateur artists - doing this for hobby and fun and not for goal of selling it and making a living off of this, weirdly looked down on that (coming from wealth) Lots of landscape, stop from the top - looking at the mountains, waterfalls WATERFALLS a big point, mountains and a small nod to humans Mountains, waterfalls and then a temple (Li Cheng's work) and wander down further, trees - more little bits of temple maybe can spot a person - TINY (size of pinky nail), more water, bridge LOTS OF LANDSCAPE, small nods to humans, waterfalls popular, lots of mist going on with it - quientessential landscape painting of China - MEANT TO BE LONG LOOKING ACTIVITIES, spend time with it, find the waterfalls and trees FAN KUAN - most popular of his day and one of the most highly praised now Not producing him or Cheng not producing a particular place - ESSENCE OF NATURE/SPIRIT OF NATURE - sometimes worked on them for forever, constantly add, evolved as years went on Not meant to be anywhere in particular, goal is not to reproduce or imitate nature - create spiritual moments KUAN - Daoist - idea of withdrawing into nature Do have travelers - mountains, little waterfall -trickle down and follow, travelers SMALL (size of pinky nail, over 6 feet tall) but travelers on donkeys or horses are the tiniest tick of a paint brush Travelers among Mountains and Streams

Chinese landscape paintings Song Dynasties - golden age of landscape painting for China -Song Dynasty politics (... over ...) Left: Li Cheng's A Solitary Temple amid Clearing Peaks -Literati paintings/scholarly paintings -Direction you view the painting -Comparison size of people -Purpose Right: Fan Kuan's Travelers among Mountains and Strems Fan Kuan definition -Reproduction/imitation of nature? What is it more so of? -Religion

Cologne Cathedral started in the 1200s, choir completed in the 1300s Took ~600 years to complete! This church really illustrates just what Gothic architecture can withstand - the structure itself was bombed in World War 2 but remained intact! The Gothic skeletal structure was so self-sustaining Nave - 422 feet long, long church!

Cologne Cathedral The strength of Gothic architecture

Tympanum - scene not from the Bible (Death of the Virgin) Idea that Mary does not die, descends into deep sleep before her soul ascends to Heaven All apostles and Mary Magdalene (grabbing her hand, distressed) Christ there in spirit - doll in his hand (her soul, he will take to Heaven with him) - halo (representative that he is there in spirit and the others cannot see him) Faces LOOK sad - goal you will also be sad at the passing of Mary HRE Gothic Art likes to play up emotions!

Death of the Virgin -What does Holy Roman Gothic art like to do? -Story

Allegory of Good Government - virtues: justice, Siena the city Effects of Good Government - if you rule by this, there will be good outcomes Peaceful city (Siena) - church is over here but a portion is all reconstruction, do not know if the cathedral was in the shot. But he did mean for the city to be Siena. City is so peaceful women can dance in the street, trade going on, teaching, men playing games, commerce, people building buildings because everything is thriving. Idea of bussling city, learning going on, trade going on, safe to walk on the streets, city is doing well! And peaceful country - Good countryside, effects of good government. Walk outside city walls and have rolling green hills of Tuscany. Personification of security (angel), everything going so well everyone has sense of security. People harvesting, going off to do trade with distant cities. Country is thriving! A good, peaceful, wonderful place. Largest landscape painting in a while (not pure landscape -people and animals, structures) Allegory of Bad Government and the effects of bad government - badly damaged, unsure why. Pieces missing, things have tarnished, not taken car of in the way the good ways of government have - BUT SAME ROOM, what happened? Theory: Men when in there ruling would beat on the bad government side, reminding themselves, attempt to not be like that. Why so badly damaged Ruled over by tyranny, vices (Wrath, greed, lust), city is burning and people are being tormented and murder Countryside is on fire

Effects of Good Government, Ambrogio Lorenzetti Peaceful City -What are the people doing? What are their activities? -Why might this be? Peaceful Country -Location -Personification Also find an allegory to bad government on the third wall -Is this wall in good shape?

England - still connected with Normandy at this time English Gothic: a. Keep transepts b. Keep longer proportions - keep that length c. Less keen on flying buttresses, will slim down the number of flying buttresses on their cathedrals d. Groin vaults galore Versus France shrinking these proportions and channeling height, shrinking transepts Salisbury Cathedral: Double transept GOTHIC ELEMENTS: Groin vaults Triforium Clerestory Traditional church elements like the nave, side aisles, etc. TRIFORIUM: Intentionally put different colors Want more visual interest, intentionally put in different stone to break up the colors

England (Gothic Period) Salisbury Cathedral -What is English Gothic doing differently than France? a. Transepts b. Height vs. lenth c. Flying buttresses d. Groin vaults e. Triforium

Gothic sticks around for a while, this was built (Saint-Maclou) in the 1500s Slowly getting more and more elaborate Flamboyant style: aptly earned - SO MUCH DECORATION, where's the building? See decorative, leafy design - covering the rose window See this trend going away for the Renaissance Style, opposite when it comes to its decoration level (minimal)

Flamboyant style definition Saint-Maclou, France

FLORENCE Florence Cathedral Famed cathedral, its duomo Started during this period (begun 1296). Baptistery already done (Romanesque), start main cathedral and bell tower in 1300s, not finished until 1436/8 Took them forever, part of reason: had the nave done and base done (apse), did not have the dome done. Wanted an octagonal dome (eight-sided), not a clue how to build an eight-sided dome until Filippo Brunelleschi came along in the 1400s. Have to make it egg-shaped! Considered one of the greatest engineering feats All Tuscan architecture (poly-chromed marble: reds, greens, whites) Florence has interest in squares, rectangles, circles - patterning out the place Bell tower (campanile) by GIOTTO - designed the campanile but not done in his lifetime (started in the 1300s, when alive, but passed away before completed) Do have Giotto's original sketches, Florence saved, built to his specifications. Consider him the architect for the campanile

Florence Florence Cathedral -Why did it take them so long to build? -Which kind of architecture? -Who is credited as the architect for the campanile/bell tower? Was it completed in his lifetime?

Indus Valley civilization falls, Have a lot of text but little art for about 1,000 years - more nomadic peoples? Hard to travel around with art, things get lost. Main thing we have coming out is texts - important for foundations of Hinduism and eventually Buddhism Vedic and Upanishadic Period Vedas- originally oral hymns from the Aryans (nomadic herding people in Central Asia). The Aryans spoke Sanskrit, earliest language identified so far. The 1st 4 vedas were composed around 1500 BCE. Brahmins (priests) were at the top of the society. Below them were warriors, merchants, and laborers/artisans Aryan religion centered on sacrifice, lengthy ceremonies- food placed into fire and that would appease the gods. The gods were mostly male and associated with the elements- fire, ocean, sun, rain. There are no images of these deities. Upanishads- texts composed 800-500 BCE. Started ideas of samsara and karma. Samsara is the belief of reincarnation, cycles of life. Karma is acts of good and bad and will determine placement in future cycles VEDAS being written down - sacred scripts for Hinduism. Originally oral hymns from Aryans (nomadic people from Central Asia) spoke Sanskirt, language we have translated. Sanskrit is the earliest language from this area we have TRANSLATED! Four Vedas composed, tell us more about society. Brahmins (priests) and hierarchy under them Know they had gods, different than Hindu gods today. More associated with Earthly elements (fire, sun) but have no idea what they looked like! 1,000 years without art UPANISHADS - Second text, where we start to see ideas of SAMSARA (reincarnation cycle) AND KARMA (good and bad acts that determine your place in the next cycle) Really important texts that get us to Hinduism

For the next 1,000 years or so, what do we see? What do we not see? Why might this be? ... and ... Period -... - originally ... ... from the ... (nomadic herding people in Central Asia) -The ... spoke ..., earliest language identified so far. The 1st 4 ... were composed around 1500 BCE -... (...) were at the top of the society. Below them were ..., ..., and .../... -... religion centered on ..., lengthy ceremonies - food placed into fire and that would ... the ... -The gods were mostly male and associated with the ... - ..., ..., ..., ... There are no ... of these deities. -...- texts composed 800-500 BCE. Started ideas of ... and ... -... is the belief of reincarnation, cycles of life -... is acts of good and bad and will determine placement in future cycles ... = sacred scripts for Hinduism Originally those ... ...! ... is the earliest language we have actually translated from this area!

1. Moralized Bible: cherry picking stories from Old and New Testaments, really amping up the moral with slight rewriting and a lot of illuminations Gift from mother (Blanche of Castille) to son (Louis IX), dedication page of the moralized Bible See multilobed arches and architectural details Louis IX is King of France now, but she is still Queen mother - the idea she still runs France She has her hands raised, talking and he is turning and listening - her idea, she has control still by having her son's ear - she can run behind the scenes Bottom portion: 2 monks, one is dictating to the copier to help with transcribing and the other is prepping pages - cut to align pages, not signed A NOD TO THE WORKERS! 2. Rare to have God (typically Jesus is the one depicted) From Genesis - God as creator Compass - has a scientific edge to it, God is crafting the world meticulously - weirdly scientific Green glob with green and blue contours - possible nod to planets, sun, stars Looks like a cell, weid because people did not know what a cell looked like at that time

France Manuscripts 1. Blanche of Castille, Louis IX and two monks - moralized Bible -Mother to son and its meaning -Bottom portion (monks) 2. God as architect of the world - moralized Bible -Scientific edge

3. Allusion to the Holy Trinity (God, the Son, and the Holy Spirit) - telling Abraham and Sarah she will have a son (Isaac) See rose windows, multilobed arches, lancets, pinnacles - note the Gothic architecture, elaborate architecture Abraham is greeting and serving the angels food. The three angels are telling Abraham Sarah will have a son and Sarah is laughing, she is in the back smirking at the angels - she's 80 years old "not how this works" kind of idea (she is overhearing Abraham and the three angels talking) HAT: Abraham is wearing, Middle Ages artists were into identifiers in clothing (to identify Jews, Muslims, etc.) Jews wore conical hats so viewers would know that they were a Jewish person Jewish people were marginalized, found untrustworthy (handled money but those were the only jobs they could hold) - use of conical hats was othering - signify he is different through his clothing 4. Architecture: barrel vaults? Attempt at lines going back into space - attempt at naturalism, even coffers seen Little David after he killed Goliath King Saul, getting more paranoid - tries to kill David multiple times (David only realizes it's intentional after a couple of "accidental" happenings)

France Manuscripts 3. Abraham and the three angels -Story -Sarah -Othering 4. Belleville Breviary Reminder on Gothic elements: -Pointed arches -Flying buttresses -Groin vaults (ribbed) -Triforium -Clerestory and other typical church elements like the nave and side aisles Artistic style: -Does get more naturalistic over time (attempt at contrapposto and bodies underneath clothing) -Mary and Baby Jesus get more tender in their interactions with each other over time

Ambulatory and radiating chapels Saint-Denis, France - (1) start to put the Gothic elements out in the open!!! Saint-Denis: beheaded, picked up head and preached for a mile before his death Preached to the Gauls - natives of France, martyred for Christian faith Abbot Suger: (2) first to exclusively use pointed arches - Abbot given credit ((3) first church of pointed arches and stained glass) - pointed arches channels weight straight to the ground, can have larger open areas and stained glass windows Stained glass windows become important because in the theology God is light! Colored light into the church representative of God's presence - also served as narrative scenes NEEDED due to illiteracy among people a = rib vaults with semicircular arches b = rib vaults with pointed arches Rounded arches were gone - hybrids were possible - combination of pointed and rounded

France Saint-Denis -Importance in terms of Gothic elements (3) -Abbot Suger -Importance of stained glass windows and theology No longer see which type of arches... but what is still possible?

Altarpiece for Duomo (Cathedral), Siena Cathedral Virgin and Child enthroned = Maestà Maniera greca style - gold background, but we see less flat figures and no pointed down feet Maestà + sacra conversazione (like Mary holding court), "sacred conversation" - when Mary and Jesus are surrounded by a multitude of saints and angels (saints from different time frames, do not exist in the same time line) John the Baptist - full head of hair + beard and others from other periods Mary - hard outlined nose - Byzantine appearance, seeing more of her body (knees) What is notable about Duccio's altarpiece is the INDIVIDUALISM AMONG THE SAINTS (connection to Italian Humanism - interest on the individual) - some men, some women, some old, some young - not seen so much Even with Giotto's you see the same saint on each side FRONT: Still could not play a lot with the maniera greca style - commissioned works! See vibrant colors and interest in texture - inspired by the fabric industry Predella - the horizontal step which forms the base of the altarpiece - usually painted with narrative scenes related to the subject of the larger image (Duccio)

Giotto's counterpart in Siena, Duccio di Buoninsegna (Duccio) Altarpiece for Duomo (Siena's cathedral) (front side) Maestà + ... ... (s... ...) (s... ... definition) Notable about Duccio's altarpiece from Giotto's Predella definition

Gothic art began in Paris in the mid 12th century. Gothic style spread across Europe from here and was prominent until about 1400 when the Renaissance style took over Term Gothic was coined by an early art historian Giorgio Vasari, who associated it with the Goths (Germanic invaders who had destroyed the classical civilization), but in its time, it was called the modern style, new style or the French style. Main elements of the Gothic style: • Pointed arches• Elegant soaring buildings • Lotsoflight • Colors from stained glass During Gothic period, towns and cities emerged and urban cathedrals became the centers of religious patronage between 1150 and 1400 Vasari - Italian art historian who spent time in Florence during the 1500s (Renaissance), wrote artist biographies but loved to embellish (weird origin stories) Nothing new: still have France, HRE, and England Gothic term we use they would not have (Gothic artists living at that time) Vasari - saw it as "horrible ugly Gothic" - Germannic invaders who destroyed Rome (classical representation) Really starts in France not the Goths (Germannic tribes), meant to be a derogatory term by Vasari POINTED ARCHES galore Only style to use the combination of pointed arches and flying buttresses - leading to these soaring style buildings The FB and PA lead to taller buildings as well (not long, channeling all the weight in height and allows for larger windows) England will hold onto the Gothic style longer Italy - Renaissance ahead of its time nearby

Gothic Art and Architecture -Gothic art began in ... in the mid ... century. -Gothic style spread across Europe from here and was prominent until about 1400 when the ... style took over -Term Gothic was coined by an early art historian Giorgio ..., who associated it with the ... (Germanic invaders who had destroyed the ... civilization), but in its time, it was called the ... style or the ... style! Main elements of the Gothic style •... arches •Elegant s... buildings •Lots of ... •Colors from ... ... During Gothic period, towns and cities emerged and ... c... became the centers of religious patronage between 1150 and 1400 Europe around 1200 Gothic Period the only period known for its combination of...? Led to...?

Elements of Gothic Revival architecture... 1. Pointed arches galore 2. Lancet windows and pinnacles 3. Column bundle piers With the Industrial Revolution (concrete, steel, rebar) flying buttresses NOT COMMON in the Gothic Revival Do find regular buttresses, more for decoration likely not so much for structure? Most famous Gothic Revival building: birth of Gothic Revival, 1830s -Lancet windows -Pinnacles everywhere -No flying buttresses Dedication to Prince Albert

Gothic Revival architecture Gothic architecture would fall out of favor for the Renaissance in the 1500s... -Gothic Revival architecture emerged in the early 1800s -It takes after the Civil War to make it to us in the U.S. (late 1800s, early 1900s) - Woods Quad, Garland Hall Birth of Gothic Revival emerged from the House of the Parliament in the UK - sticks around Elements of Gothic Revival architecture...

Cities around still today! Few surviving intact medieval cities, original structures, medieval walls and mote - heavily fortified Carcassonne, France One such medieval city still intact today The two largest buildings were: 1. The knight or noble's fort (where the knight or noble lived) - last fallback should their be an invasion. Last stronghold/defense 2. The church Crenellation: Up, down, up, down patterning Had its function for military use - archers could hide and look out and then shoot from the open space next to - think of the top portion of the rook chess piece - now is decorative, still placed on some structures today for decorative purposes Thin windows: Same thing, items you threw/flung/shot could go out the window, but items could could not come in from the window

Gothic cities -Two largest buildings -Crenellation definition Bonus: Manor homes had an aesthetic Creamy walls and dark gray or dark blue roofs - steeply pitched roofs (nearly vertical)

Gates where the decoration is, not a ton of decoration on the rest Gates - no depictions of human Buddha, still the wheel East torana of the Great Stupa Elephants and banners, honorific procession Peacocks, other creatures Honorific procession for the Buddha YAKSHI - female forms, nude goddesses (typically or nearly nude), goddesses of fertility and vegetation (predate Buddhism, back to Indus Valley) Goddess of fertility, particularly vegetation. She is wrapped up in this tree, one foot kicked back behind her heel, the heel is touching the root of the tree, arms intertwined in the branches. Idea is literally by her foot and arms touching it, she is making the tree flower and fruit (she is the one giving it life) This pose predates Buddhism, becomes the prototype of the Buddha's mother Maya - always in this pose whenever giving birth - birth to the Buddha, this moment of fertility and procreation Is a male form of the Yakshi, but the female version is more popular - Yakshas Site was open to everyone, any person could do this as long as a Buddhist practitioner Do have donors names inscribed on the stones, more than 1/3 were women's names, a lot of women donated to have this built (meaning women had their own money)

Great Stupa continued Yakshi definition: becomes the protoype for...? Male form is Yakshas Donors of the Great Stupa

GREAT STUPA, Sanchi, India What early Buddhist temples looked like When Buddha passes away, cremated, and ashes split into eight containers. Eight containers taken and the Great Stupas formed around them (originally 8 Great Stupas). This one in Sanchi is the best preserved of the bunch, unsure where all eight where Place for worship (Stupas). Buddhist worship at this time was individualistic, when you had time and you would go here Come in through gate (four gates in cardinal direction, torana). Come in and walk up the steps, circumambulate (walking in a circle). Do it clockwise specifically, walking (probably set number, did _ circuits). Exited out the opposite set of steps and then walked out the gate Very individualistic, go and have prayer beads, saying prayers and chants. That was how worship went and prayer time Circular walking, all has meaning. Meant to be the motion of the sun and Earth and put you in harmony with the universe Stupa itself meant to be a mandala (a sacred diagram of the universe). Dome itself is the world mountain, harmika (domain of the gods), set of umbrellas (uniting the world with the paradise/cosmos/Heaven - like a shrunken down version of the columns) - everything has meaning! Gates where the decoration is, not a ton of decoration on the rest Gates - no depictions of human Buddha, still the wheel

Great Stupa in Sanchi, India -What early Buddhist temples looked like -Story behind the original Great Stupas -What was Buddhist worship like at this time? -Circumambulation definition, meaning behind it -Stupa meant to be...?

Funerary banner - QSH has a son but gotten rid of quickly -> HAN DYNASTY HAN DYNASTY - 4 centuries More progressive, interested in trade, traded as far as Rome. The first millennia BCE Roman Republic but found Roman glass as far away as China, know they're trading Biggest find for Han Dynasty is the MARQUISE OF DAI TOMB - she was somebody of wealth, of title of note Tomb found completely in tact - RARE - full of goods and her mummified body Over her actual coffin was this banner - t-shaped banner, all in silk and been painted Top: crescent moon, blood red sun with raven in it SYMBOLISM: sun and moon, middle area with dragons is Earth. Earth goes all the way to white platform, below is the underworld - writhing dragony forms Have people - Is one the Marquis of Dai? First surviving portrait from China? Not really sure - take with grain of salt Flying horse In Han dynasty tombs we find other sculptures MOD is the best preserved tomb of the bunch Also have big one for Governor-General Zhang, had a mini army (about 100 bronzes, relatively small, only about a foot high) lots of horses, chariots. All of the horses have this gallopy flight action to them A lot of flying horses, look to them Flight of horses suggested to be the afterworld, everything has this weightless attitude to it

Han Dynasty -Four centuries -Progressive policies Funerary Banner Marquise of Dai definition -Symbolism -People and speculation Flying Horse -Afterworld element

Model of a house HAN DYNASTY still Models of homes buried with individuals - we assume not a ton of difference among them. Not so outlandish Courtyard out front, three stories high, tower on top Generic look for these models Sharped lined rooflines How houses actually worked - the walls were not load-bearing All post and beam - like post and lintel but using wood. Posts were actually load bearing, everything in a Chinese Han dynasty house is specific jointery - no adhesive, screws, nails, etc. Perfectly jointed and slotted together and all based off weight Could have paper walls because walls not load-bearing, just the posts and beams there Still did have curved sharp edged roofs Houses could last centuries, some of oldest lasting ones not so much private homes but temples. Replace wood (biodegradable, would rot) Temple or home is original to the period but the wood would be replaced

Han Houses definition -Models buried with individuals -Roofs, courtyard, stories -Walls were not...? All ...-and-... construction? Posts were...? -No...?

HINDU ART Finally start having some of that Making stone temples, particularly cave temples. Carve out caves and add to them, depictions of their gods One of Vishnu's avatars (has plenty of), Boar rescuing Earth (lady half out of his mouth, who he is saving and not eating) Surrounding him are the other gods, stepping on a demon (coils and has big cobra hood) trying to capture the Earth and destroy us Vishnu is the god that when things get too bad on Earth, he resets the scale (step in to save us) Shiva as Mahadeva, Elephanta, India In a cave, meant to be an experience, goal for most Hindu temples in these caves early on Not a lot of light inside, some torches but low light. Walking in and eyes are adjusting, this appears. Shiva appears, meant to be spiritual moment, appears to you personally (all effect) Shiva with four faces (fourth not carved but understood) Neutral Shiva - looking at us, in center Either side: Bhairava (mustache, looks grumpy - the destructive side, more about vengeance, destruction) Uma (creative force, life bringing force) Destruction and life, Shiva in the center as neutral (calming force to keep these sides of himself in check) understand Shiva has these sides of themselves He has that calming inner that keeps it all in check, let little bits out Understand fourth is behind, giant high relief statute (attached to wall) Cyclical idea of nature - Shiva is destruction but he is a regenerative destruction (controlled burn in a forest, clear out bad debris to let new stuff grow)

Hindu Art! -Kinds of temples Boar Avatar of Vishnu Rescues the Earth -Woman out of his mouth -Who is Vishnu? Shiva as Mahadeva -Location, meant to be an...? -Shiva with four faces - ... side, ... force, with Shiva at the center as ... (... force) -What kind of idea of nature?

There is no founder of the religion. While practices vary, the literary basis came from the Vedic period. Scholars do believe that some of the practices had been in use during Indus Civilization. Ritual sacrifice is central to Hinduism- the goal is to appease deities to be release (moksha) from samsara. There are multiple gods, but the 3 most important are Shiva, Vishnu, Devi. There are sects devoted to each god. Shiva the Destroyer -(In a regenerative manner)- Often depicted with multiple limbs and rides a bull names Nandi and carries a trident Vishnu the Preserver- Depicted with 4 arms and hold a conch shell trumpet and discus. When the evil of the universe is too much, he descends to restore balance as an avatar (Krishna, the divine lover). Devi the Great Goddess- She has many forms and can be worshipped alone or as a consort of male gods (Parvati wife of Shiva; Lakshmi wife of Vishnu; Radha lover of Krishna). Her son is Ganesha (a mover of obstacles, male body with elephant head) Hinduism is one of the oldest religions in the world still in practice. Stuff coming from the Indus Valley probably transformed into Hinduism most likely Ritualistic sacrifice is the central practice - idea of appeasing the deity Do believe in Samsara - reincarnation cycle and depending on how you've lived your life (karma - good and bad) determines your place in the next cycle and the goal is to get out of the cycle, to reach enlightenment (nirvana) Polytheistic religion - LOTS of gods There are three main gods today 1. SHIVA the Destroyer - the most popular of the bunch. He is known as the destroyer, not like the devil in Christianity. He is the destroyer in a regenerative manner (like the winter). The winter that clears away the decaying and dying to bring new life in the spring. The cleansing fire that gets rid of the old and brings in the new Often depicted with multiple limbs, sometimes is riding a bull (Nandi). In his multiple arms often holds a trident, is sometimes seen with his son Ganesh (another popular god, elephant's head, remover of obstacles) See a lot of Dancing Shiva, often dancing, one of the more popular depictions of him Trident, multiple arms, Nandi the bull, his son Ganesh - his consort Parvati probably too (Ganesh's mother) 2. VISHNU the Preserver - also multiple arms, often holding a conch shell (POPULAR), trumpet Never comes to Earth as himself, often sends avatars - most popular is Krishna (blue, the divine lover). Even the Buddha is supposed to be one of his avatars He resets the scales, when too much evil in the world, restores balance 3. DEVI the Great Goddess - female form, multiple avatars. Can be worshipped alone or as consort (Example: Parvati wife of Shiva, Lakshmi, Radha lover of Krishna) Can worship just Devi or her as Parvati, Lakshmi, etc. BRAHMA the Creator - popular a long time ago, today the least worshipped of any Hindu god Shiva supposedly cursed him to make it where people did not worship anymore Rarely find a temple if any to Brahma today At the time (back then), Brahma was everywhere because he was the creator of the universe, really popular in old art. Today not so much Hinduism is older, but Hindu art comes a lot later. People practicing Hinduism not building permanent temples, building small portable shrines, temples out of perishable materials (wattle and daub, wood). Not making it and not making more permanent sculptures Eventually come back to Hindu art, know one of the oldest religions on the planet still in practice but gap from it starting to having permanent art is longer than we'd expect. Obviously making things but not making it to us

Hinduism -One of the oldest religions in the world still in practice -What probably transformed into Hinduism...? -... religion (god/gods) -There is no ... of the religion! -While practices vary, the literary basis came from the ... period. Scholars do believe that some of the practices had been in use during ... Civilization -... ... is central to Hinduism - the goal is to ... deities to be release (moksha) from ... There are multiple gods, but the 3 most important are ..., ..., ... There are sects devoted to each god 1. ... the ... - (In a ... manner)! - Often depicted with multiple ... and rides a ... named ... and carries a ... -Most popular 2. ... the ... - Depicted with 4 arms and hold a ... ..., ... and discus When the ... of the universe is too much, he descends to restore ... as an ... (Krishna, the divine lover) -Never comes to Earth as ..., often sends ... (most popular being Krishna) -Who else is supposed to be an ... of Vishnu? 3. ... the ... ... - She has many forms and can be worshipped ... or as a ... of male gods (... wife of Shiva; ... wife of Vishnu; Radha lover of Krishna) -Can worship her as Devi or as ..., ..., etc. Her son is ... (a mover of ..., male body with elephant head) ... the ... - -Popular a long time ago, today is the ... worshipped of any Hindu god. Why? -Who is he? Hinduism is older than Buddhism, but what does not come until much later? -What were they doing instead?

Nicholas Verdun is HRE's main artist during the Gothic Period 1. Altar piece we still have in tact - vignettes of Old and New Testament Abraham sacrificing Isaac and the angel stopping just in time -Attempt to give Abraham a body, both legs and arms seen -But his body is contorted - likely due to crammed space (not a big space with room for detail) and the struggle he had with Isaac (exerting effort) 2. Shrine of the Three Kings, also created by Verdun Reliquary - relics of the three kings, possibly clothing? do not know what the relics are The Three Kings were three magi at the end of the nativity scene, giving gifts to Christ as the New Messiah Mimics Cologne Cathedral (where it is located), gave Archbishop of Cologne the sole privilege to crown the Holy Roman Emperor in Cologne!!! Made it a major and important political symbol Little scenes throughout Some figures trying to engage outside of their arch with others, leaning out - different from this stiffness we've seen in other pieces

Holy Roman Empire (Gothic Period) Nicholas Verdun 1. Klosterneuburg Altar (Sacrifice of Isaac) -Attempt at body 2. Shrine of the Three Kings -Story -Important reliquary, why? -Interaction among figures

Indus Civilization - prehistory Around 3rd mill BCE (so 2000s), a civilization rose up on the Indus River Valley (modern day Pakistan and northern India). We know now as the Indus Civilization. The civilization flourished from 2600-1500 BCE Mohenjo Daro and Harappa were fully developed cities. Weirdly though, we have not been able to identify temples or palaces in these places These peoples did trade and interact with civilizations in ancient Mesopotamia Mohenjo-daro, Harappa - technically the border with Pakistan and India today Started around the 3rd millennia BCE, 2000 BCE. Not quiet as old as Sumer but pretty close Sumer track back to 3000s Call it the Indus Civilization - do not know a lot about them. M-D and H are the two main cities Do know they were fully developed cities: had irrigation, sanitation. M-D first flushing toilet (pooping in area with running water, swept all away) Had everything a modern city would have Language - very little we have today, so count as a civilization. Untranslated Know very little about their day-to-day lives (religion - no clue - had something, a requirement for civilizations). Know little about them ARCHITECTURE: Great Bath - Mohenjo-daro, Pakistan Sophisticated sanitation and irrigation system. A big bath, giant pool. 39 feet long, 23 feet wide, 8 feet deep. Pool to pump water into and kept clean. Unsure what used for - ritualistic, recreational, both? Sophisticated! Do not just pull a pool out of nowhere. We know they had a sophisticate society we just know very little about it

Indus Civilization - pre... - Around ... mill BCE (so ...), a civilization rose up on the Indus River Valley (modern day ... and northern ...) - We know now as the Indus Civilization - The civilization flourished from ...-... BCE - ... ... and ... were fully developed ... - Weirdly though, we have not been able to identify ... or ... in these places - These peoples did trade and interact with civilizations in ... ... -How much do we know about the Indus Civilization? Day-to-day lives? Religion? -Describe the cities and their services What about the language? Architecture - Great Bath -Sophisticated...?

Art is rare Seal with seated figure in yogic posture - the thing we find the most of SEALS. Seals are really small objects, holder on the back to tie a cord around it. Would stamp it. A stamp of a signature Priests, nobility, rulers would have had. Anyone with any kind of authority to mark their signature to say they are approving, have seen it, etc. Do find a lot of See our writing - pictographic. Not translated Most seals we find are animals - this example: rhinos, oxen/bull, tiger, elephant, nods to people Yogic figure - YOGA, millions of years old. In criss-cross, hands on knees resting pose doing breathing. Unsure if human or not. Definitely humanoid body (two legs, two arms, head? Resembles mask. See three faces?) Big antlers, some kind of headdress. Cannot determine if human or not. Could be animal-faced diety (composite creature) and unsure of religion too! Find the most - SEALS, typically on them is animals

Indus seals definition Seal with seated figure in yogic posture -What do we find most from the Indus Civilization...? -Who typically owned seals? -Language -What we typically find on seals -The yogic posture -Do we know what this figure is?

KOREA Holds an interesting place - at one point in time conjoined thing Become the pass-through for all these other countries (China, Manchuria, Mongolia) and nations to get into Japan, Korea is the closest thing to the island Even when Japan goes into self-isolation in the 1800s never cut ties with Korea, always keep door open to Korea Always stuff in Korea, have Neolithic settlements dating back to 6000s BCE, always people there TWO MAIN DYNASTIES THREE KINGDOMS - 1. GOGURYEO 2. BAEKJE 3. SILLA Silla does rise up and take over everybody else Crown from them More from the Silla kingdom, not sure its shape Lots of gold, jade, shells. Do not know its shape - reminiscent of a tree or antlers Not sure of the significance behind the shape Maditating Bodhisattva Maitreya Buddhism makes way to Korea, 600s when Silla unify Bodhisattva - people there to help you on your path Relaxation pose - one leg up, one leg down (lalitasana pose) But there is obviously some nods to the early Buddha (Shakyamuni Buddha) - connections - this gilded bronze color likely the reason why Three-lobed crown is Korean Korea is a bridge between places (mainland Asia and Japan) but is its very own culture and own nation

Korea -Pass-through for other countries and nations to get into Japan -Relationship to Japan -Settlements since Neolithic Period Two main dynasties: -Unified Silla Kingdom -Goryeo Dynasty Three Kingdoms Period 1. G... 2. B... 3. S... -Which takes over everything else over time? Crown Meditating Bodhisattva Maitreya -Pose -Nod to the Shakyamuni Buddha from China -Own aspect of Korean culture

-Over time see Gothic cathedrals getting taller and taller -Rose windows = rounded windows -More pronounced pointed arches - portals cutting deeper into the building Groin vaults (tradition since the Romanesque) Traditional church elements remain: NAVE, GALLERY (second floor corridor) CLERESTORY Lot more light (Loan vs. Saint-Sernin for example) And airness to architecture not chunky or thick, can start to slender down these proportions Triforium - new thing in Gothic architecture - appearance of three arches (typically the number 3) - cannot get to this level, decorative piece of elevation Laon is the first to implement the triforium

Laon Cathedral -Importance -Elements of Gothic cathedrals (height, windows, arches - how far into the building) -Vaults, typical church elements -Difference in architecture to Romanesque churches Triforiumd definition

Italy is doing its own thing - has more infleunces to sit around and sort through The Late Medieval period is also known as the Proto- Renaissance and spans the 13th and 14th centuries The 14th century was turbulent for Europe-The Black Death This period is when we start to shift away from the maniera greca (the Greek (or Byzantine) style) and the development of Italian Humanism. Intellectuals became more concerned with the natural world and the individual Giotto is considered the first painter and architect of the Renaissance Italy was a patchwork of city states since Rome fell, most still hold allegiance to the HRE but self-regulating (Siena, Florence, Padua, etc.) Remain in this patchwork of duchies (duchy), republics, etc. until the 1800s (1870s or 80s) Papal States - Pope used to reign control over a lot more land, different times different popes try to conquer more land Known as Proto-Renaissance (pre- pre-Renaissance) Moving back into naturalism - picks up Renaissance styling maybe quicker (than France or England for example) Black Death, not as dependent on the Hundred Years' War, schism will impact Italy 3 Artistic Styles... 1. Maniera Greca - Byzantine style, traditional conservative style (what they've been doing for a while) Gold backgrounds, flat figures, floating feet - the Greek manner or traditional conservative style (people will play with this and start to make changes over time) 2. Gothic - playing up the emotion Also playing up the maternal connection between Mary and Jesus 3. Classical - Rome all the way! Look at Roman artifacts and sculpt reliefs with more naturalism, contrapposto, looks cut and pasted from the Classical period of Rome (stoicness, no dramatic emotion) 3 competing trends/artistic styles - Classical will eventually win out and lead to the Renaissance style Italian Humanism: A. Emphasized classical education (reading Greek and Roman texts like Cicero and Aristotle - but need money for cost of education) B. Idea of civic duty - take that education and put it to use - betterment of your city state (be a politician in some way) - evoked city and regional pride Example: Idea of Florence as this underdog C. Idea of individual fame Their accomplishments are worthy enough/important enough to continue past you (why we start to see artists sign work) Starting to also see more writing in the VERNACULAR - not just Greek or Latin (may be Tuscan which becomes Italian, French, English, etc. - this step-down level of language) Dante's Divine Comedy - published now in the vernacular - never done before (usually Latin) - now had larger audience - can get more popular

Late Medieval Italian Art -The Late Medieval period is also known as the ...-... and spans the 13th and 14th centuries -The 14th century was turbulent for Europe - The ... ... -This period is when we start to shift away from the ... ... (the .. (or ...) style) and the development of ... ... -Intellectuals became more concerned with the ... w... and the ...l -... is considered the first painter and architect of the Renaissance Italy around 1400 -... of city states since Rome fell -Papal States Artistic style moving from the ... ... style to ...m! The three competing artistic styles, which will win out? Elements of Italian Humanism (3): Emphasized...? Idea of...? Idea of...? Writing in the vernacular

On a Mountain Path in Spring SOUTHERN SONG DYNASTY Song Dynasty -> Liao -> Southern Song Genghis Khan comes knocking (Mongols from the north) 1215 - GK invades Northern China and knocks out the Northern Song Dynasty, Songs retreat to south and eventually knocked out by Kublai Khan Landscape painting - Ma Yuan Different kind of landscape painting Maybe assume based off of inscription - POETRY IN LANDSCAPE PAINTINGS OFTEN GO HAND IN HAND, raises the question which comes first? Poems often close by. "Brushed by his sleeve while flowers danced in the wind, fleeing from him, hidden birds cut short their songs" Do not know if meant to be him (Ma Yuan) - just have an assistant who looks like he is carrying some sort of easel - may be an artist's self-portrait in a way? Him brushing past this bush and the birds taking flight because he has scared them off, in a wispy willow tree Ma Yuan: TRIMS BACK THE LANDSCAPE VS. KUAN's colossal mountain forms Some mountains in the background but wispy, a lot of blank space MY reined back in these colossal landscapes, made them more simple and more elegant Lohans Giving Alms to Beggars Zhou Jichang LOHANS - Buddhist teachers who have achieved enlightenment but are hanging on, HAVE NOT PASSED AWAY YET (alive still, still human) not like bodhisattvas where they've technically gone on and stuck around Lohans - disciples of the Buddha, achieved E but have not died yet Charged with protecting Buddhist law, gentlemen in bright colors. Color does not necessarily go hand in hand with Chinese art, does pop up but love of achromatic (black, white, gray) Lohans giving alms to beggars - dropping down money to them and the poor are scrambling for them Lohans so brightly colored, miss the beggars in the background - neutral tans, dirty grays How Zhou perceived the poor: elevation of the lohans, walking on literal clouds. Did not hide his distaste of the poor - background figures (the poor) blend into nothingness, so poor and bedraggled Wanted you to look and them and go "Oh..." didn't particularly like the poor, did not look at them with impoverished - sprinkle the coin and walk away GK invades in 1215, sacks Northern Song, retreat to south and in 1279 Southern Song fall to KK (GK's grandson). They start the Yuan dynasty

Ma Yuan definition On a Mountain Path in Spring -What and lanscape paintings often go hand in hand? Which came first? -What could this possibly be? -Landscape vs. Fan Kuan's landscape Lohans definition Lohans giving alms to beggars -Color between Lohans and beggars -Does Zhou Jichang like the impoverished?

Majiayao Culture Neolithic Period in China: have sites that date back to 7000 BCE, rice production underway by 5000 BCE and pottery production underway by 4000 BCE 2600 BCE Neolithic sites, seemed to be as close to cities as we could get Multifamily homes, cemeteries, massive production of pottery This type of pottery - M Culture - upper Yellow River area, earthenware A lot of different shapes but most of this stuff comes from graves Variety of shapes makes the assumption they must have had different jobs (the shapes) in the home but do not know what they were because most coming from tombs Pottery's different shapes we do not know what mean Primary color scheme of reds, blacks, tans, bits of yellow (creamy yellow) colors find, lots of abstract some geometric but organic designs (curvilinear shapes - swirls, scallops, flower petal seque designs - nature-based kind of designs) Animals in there but mostly abstract designs What we find in a lot of neolithic stuff - lots of pottery

Majiayao Pottery definition -Neolithic sites -Shapes, designs

Meditating Buddha, Gandhara THE BUDDHA (human version), earliest depictions of human Buddha in Gandhara, Pakistan today Gandhara is very unique - Gadharan Buddhas look very different -Typically seated -THE HAIR - Buddha is typically shown with snail shell curls (little dots along his head), not with Gandhara. Beautiful waves in his hair -Typically clothed, long elegant robe, all these beautiful pleats Gandhara a lot more north, close to Pakistan. Along the Silk trading route - coming through and getting into China Look at Gandhara as having more influences particularly from Greece (2nd century CE) Buddha seated Have his halo (sun disc halo), the dot, cranial bump (not a man bun, a bump in his skull) Always here cross-legged, palms typically up Bottom: first sermon, a lot of times it is Gandhara: Some of the EARLIEST NARRATIVE of the Buddha and his life Birth of Buddha: Maya, Yakshi pose, one foot kicked out, heel up, arms up in the tree: Buddha is coming out of the side of her She is giving birth surrounded by attendants Buddha starting his new life, moment of enlightenment, under Bodhi tree (popular in reference) The evil mara trying to distract him but he is giving his first sermon A lot of allusions to the first sermon - achieved enlightenment and going up to teach Gandhar: wavy hair, disc halo Do not fear mudra Wheel - always around But he gives his first sermon at Deer Park - a lot of times see two deer around, allusion to Deer Park where he gave his first sermon (popular motif) Death: passes away See mix of emotion: some upset, some nonchalant. Has to do with the idea he wanted this, he achieved enlightenment, wanted to pass away Asceticism - world is suffering, to live is to suffer. For some, he has finally gotten to pass into nirvana and no longer repeating cycle, so some look indifferent

Meditating Buddha -Importance of this piece -Gandharan depiction of Buddha (hair, clothing, influences) -Typical Buddha characteristics Gandhara also features some of the earliest...? -Birth of Buddha - Maya in the...? -Moment of Enlightenment -First sermon allusions Mix of emotion regarding Buddha's death -Why are some nonchalant? -Asceticism

Pottery Meiping vase with peony scrolls Meiping - shape of the vase, small stout neck of the vase, bulbous top and coming down almost into V-shape Vase painting: here forward (Song dynasties forward) a lot is floral - peonies, vines, flowers Chinese vase painting predominately is florals And during the Song dynasty - loved monochromatic color patterns (black and white) picking one color and making that the main thing Fogong Si Pagoda LIAO DYNASTY - Northern China - branchoff from Northern Song Dynasty before the Southern Song Dynasty PAGODA - like a tower but also means stupa. Giant stupa, typically going to be Buddhist. Lots of Buddha statues, on every floor. Meant to circumambulate, go up and come down Pagoda - giant Stupa, made out of wood, octagonal Nine stories high, 216 feet tall - all made out of wood, POST AND BEAM, perfect joinery - no screws, no nails

Meiping definition Song Dynasty -Design in vase painting, color Pagoda definition -Architecture -Worshippers still meant to...? Northern Song Dynasty -> Liao Dynasty -> Southern Song Dynasty

-Naumburg Cathedral: Crucifixion - Christ on the cross Mary and John always nearby, hands pointed (you're here to see Christ) Choir screen - behind singing, you cannot see them HRE does not spare the gory details - Christ is in pain, not yet passed, body not competely limp but he is in agony HRE LOVES TO PLAY UP THE EMOTIONS!!! Sculptures kept their paint from being inside Donor portraits (right) Portraits of the individuals who paid for something to be completed More and more popular as we get into the Renaissance - they want their credit! -Ekkehard and Uta - donated money to build Naumburg Cathedral Ekkehard was a margrave - military governor of the area - do see a sword, shield, emblem of office (hint at the fashion of the time) Portraits likely some artistic interpretation because they were not alive when this was done for some years Uta is in a cloak - the amount of fabric pulled up in her hands is excessive - living or travelling up north? winter time? Excess - sign of wealth? Her hand is up to her face, likely meant to be seen as reserved but she looks like she heard something scandalous (not really what happened)

Naumburg Cathedral -Crucifixion -What does the Holy Roman Empire do differently with regard to human expression? -Donor portraits definition

Church already there before but demolished it -First to have flying buttresses in the plan already unlike Chartres or Laon (built into the blueprint) Flying buttresses: Attached to the wall at bottom, becomes free in between and have a somewhat half-dome at the top. Can go further up the wall and has a nice aesthetic, linear design. Gives the church its height - support pointed arches Fire in 2019, original roof from the 1100s - "needed a forest to make" - caught fire (like a tinder box) Spire is much later (in the middle) not original with the Gothic church The spire carshed through the center crossing vault and took out the groin vault Relics, Virgin of Paris all taken out before hand (in renovation) Found tombs during the excavation - lead sarcophagi - probably documented at some point but since lost

Notre-Dame, Paris -Importance

Inside the Palazzo Publico (the public palace) - city hall for Siena, was a republic at the time Room where the nine met - nine men who run the city of Siena. Meant to be elected but only elected from wealthiest families on repeat Pietro Lorenzetti - birth of the virgin - Baby Mary being born Brother, Ambrogio - commission to do the room of the nine So centered on idea of what it means to govern. Seen rulers depicting self as grand/great, but actually see "if we govern by these rules, ideas of peace, justice, temperance, magnamity and these virtues, all will work out. All agree to toe this line will see good results." Plastered on all three walls, reminded while in there when deciding what to do for the citty Allegory of Good Government - virtues: justice, Siena the city Effects of Good Government - if you rule by this, there will be good outcomes Peaceful city (Siena) - church is over here but a portion is all reconstruction, do not know if the cathedral was in the shot. But he did mean for the city to be Siena. City is so peaceful women can dance in the street, trade going on, teaching, men playing games, commerce, people building buildings because everything is thriving. Idea of bussling city, learning going on, trade going on, safe to walk on the streets, city is doing well! And peaceful country - Good countryside, effects of good government. Walk outside city walls and have rolling green hills of Tuscany. Personification of security (angel), everything going so well everyone has sense of security. People harvesting, going off to do trade with distant cities. Country is thriving! A good, peaceful, wonderful place. Largest landscape painting in a while (not pure landscape -people and animals, structures) Allegory of Bad Government and the effects of bad government - badly damaged, unsure why. Pieces missing, things have tarnished, not taken car of in the way the good ways of government have - BUT SAME ROOM, what happened? Theory: Men when in there ruling would beat on the bad government side, reminding themselves, attempt to not be like that. Why so badly damaged Ruled over by tyranny, vices (Wrath, greed, lust), city is burning and people are being tormented and murder Countryside is on fire

Palazzo Publico in Siena -What was its purpose? -Ambrogio Lorenzetti commissioned to do -Centered on the idea of...? -What room was he commissioned to do? -An allegory of ...? -Effects of ...?

People will play with the maniera greca art style and start to make changes over time Break a little bit, but this was a commissioned world (even down to the penny on how much for each paint pigment) Example: Commission: You must do what the patron wants or are not paid and your name not passed along - "I want Madonna enthroned, with Jesus, angels, and prophets [even down to which prophets and how many] for Santa Trinità" Maestà - Madonna and child (Mary and Jesus) enthroned Cimabue - artist First proto-Renaissance artist to make some changes to the maniera greca style See Mary on the throne with Baby Jesus, eight angels in surround Maniera Greca style: gold background, flat figures, no overlap - stacked angels (makes it even more flat for the figures, wanted to see everyone's face) Mary is very much presenting Jesus to us - very Byzantine like (not maternal) What Cimabue changed/innovated - VERY MINIMAL (because it's a commissioned world) - giving the throne DIMENSION (it's curving away from you in space, thanks to shade - color and line) In the grand scheem of the Renaissance it is minimal but it is something new (attempt to make the object 3-D) Historian Vasari influenced the proto-Renaissance and Renaissance as to who was important (made artist biographies) Cimabue was one of the oldest artists for the proto-Renaissance period, living in the late 1200s His student would be Giotto di Bondone (according to Vasari, take with grain of salt)

People will play with the maniera greca art style and start to make changes over time Who was Cimabue? What did he do differently? Madonna Enthroned with Angels and Prophets, Santa Trinità Maestà definition

Each church is adding something new and different Removing the stone tympanums and replacing it with stained glass! Trying to up the anty for each church Jamb statues: Annunciation and Visitation Two sets of jamb statues done by multiple artists in different styles Annunciation: Angel Gabriel seeing Mary, you're going to have a baby. You have found favor with God, your baby will be the son of God Engaging with one another Mary is more like a column than Gabriel. Possible attempt at contrapposto with Gabriel?Suggestion to contrapposto but LOTS of clothing Mary is still attached to the column but she really looks like a column as well - elongated forms VS... Visitation: A rare scene to depict, more minor scene Mary is about 6 months pregnant and sees her cousin Elizabeth, who is much older and could not have children but now is having a baby herself. Chit chat and sharing their experiences, meet because both now are miraculously having children Mary to left, Elizabeth to right: very much detached from the column and taking up MORE space Visitation - classically-inspired (Rome) not a uggestion of contrapposto, actually is contrapposto Obviously conversing and gesturing to one another Can see the age gap between them, see their togas as well Despite this Annunciation and Visitation are roughly contemporary to each other (occurring near the same time) - the interest in naturalism and Rome never goes away! Naturalism and anti-naturalism trends some and go

Reims Cathedral -What does it do different from other cathedrals? Annunciation and Visitation jamb statues -Difference in styles -Which trends never go away? -The stories of each

ART: Robed male figure - do find occasional art from them (what you could hold, or giant statute, etc.) What we have from them is little and SMALL. 6 inches high Assume male based on beard, do not know much about him. Priest? Brahmin? Do not know that Could look at him and see he is probably from an elite status - the jewelry, more elaborate pattern clothing. But to state his title we do not know! Nude male torso - Harappa, Pakistan Less than 4 inches tall - tiny Probably had arms, legs, head originally but not for long time. Definitely male Disc/circular things on shoulders - unsure what those mean Body is represented - more curved (belly, no abdominals). Predates Classical nude from Greece, but this kind of more interested in curvier body, not so rippling pecs and abs, will see from India or S Asia. More the tone, not interested in ripped, steroid-fueled bodies like Greek. Interested in curvy body, yes has belly or is just general slimmer proportions but not rippling abs in S Asia

Robed male figure -The size of sculpture we typically find from Indus Civilization -Do we know about his status/wealth? Title? Nude male torso -How are bodies depicted in India and South Asia at this time?

Rock-cut rathas Temples, ratha means chariots. Houses or chariots for the gods. Each god has a different one, call live-rock, cut out of a single giant granite boulder, not fun to carve Live, rock-cut temples out of single giant boulder. Each to different god Shiva in back, looks like stepped pyramid Vishnu - almost looks like a long house, long basilica style building, may have been different type of temple we do not have a lot of evidence of Arjuna In back - Durga, one of Devi's forms Durga slaying the buffalo demon Mahisha Durga is one of Devi's forms, a warrior, in each of multiple arms is a weapon Riding into battle on a lion Nine-feet tall (whole panel)

Rock-cut rathas Rathas definition

IN BETWEEN Sarnath, India Gupta Period moving into - new empire (Gupta empire) big patrons of the art, lot of art Canonical, canon version of the Buddha -Snail-shell curls -Bump -Elongated ears Wheel of the law, on his feet Big sun disc halo, way passed the head Keep the robe all over his body still very sheer - not all the folds of Gandhara Settle on curls, look like little dots (hair) More elongated ears, dot in middle of brows Down cast eyes - meditation along with positioning Bottom: allusion to the first sermon (most popular scene next to his birth and death) Buddha, wheel Deer - two for Deer Park And audience listening to his sermon .......... BODHISATTVA Tons of, often are attached to good things (of compassion, etc.) People who have reached Enlightenment but chose to stay behind on earth to stay behind as guides, just below Buddha on the Enlightenment scale Popular because a person who can teach you how to get to Enlightenment Typically have something attached to them (virtues) Rare cave painting we have today, probably had a lot of but paint is biodegradable

Seated Buddha preaching first sermon Settled on human Buddha representation! -Heading into the ... period -Hair -Head -Ears -Wheel -Halo -Clothing Allusions to first sermon Bodishattva definition

Shakyamuni Buddha HANs kicked out, period of upheaval we're in SIX DYNASTIES PERIOD - quick succession of dynasties Buddhism enters the frame - NEVER COMPLETELY USURP DAOISM AND CONFUCIANISM, always in the background Earliest surviving Buddhist statue for China Oldest text from China talking about the Buddha is Buddha as golden and radiating light - why he is gilded here covered in gold Similarities between SB and Gandharan Buddha Not as wavy hair, but same attire. More Northern China along the trading routes and Gandhara along trading routes as well - makes sense probably exchanging some ideas Not everything is correct though: mudra (hand gesture) is off, etc.

Shakyamuni Buddha Han Dynasty -> Six Dynasties Period (quick succession of dynasties) Buddhism entering frame but never...? Importance of this statue Why is he gilded? Similarity to Gandharan Buddha Lady Feng and the Bear Gu Kaizhi PAINTING - secular court artist, attributed to... is his style but do not know if he even touched it Handscroll - never see the whole thing in one go (full scroll over 11 feet long), unrolling it a little at a time in your hand and then you move on to the next, often led right to left Series was seven stories about wifely virtues Lady Feng - degrading Two guards and a bear Emperor in back and entourage Out picknicking and walking, bear would attack and guards trying to fend it off Empress does a heroic deed to distract the bear and save her husband, dies in the process VIRTUE: SACRIFICING YOURSELF (AS WIFE) FOR YOUR HUSBAND Red marks - owner - marks of the owners who have had it

Shakyamuni Buddha, Unified Silla Kingdom Cave temple! When Silla unite everything, embrace Buddhism and build BIG temples around their cities and almost seem to think of them as protective. Literally building the temples to connect them and make a forcefield almost. There to be a supernatural defense against external threats, none of them make it Shakyamuni Buddha, Unified Silla Kingdom This is not one of these temples Temple built by the royal family for the royal family but probably a lot of similarities between the temples that protect the cities and this one. Not too terribly different Outside: Bodhisattvas are PROTECTORS - rippling muscles, have not seen anyone with mucles until then. Understood musculature as an aggressive thing - for guardians, these two figures are the scary things that keep the scary things away Inside: BIG DOME - 21 feet in diameter (rotunda) and inside giant statue of the Buddha Giant statue of the Buddha, criss crossed apple sauce like we've been seeing him VASES Maebyeong vase GORYEO DYNASTY - CELADON VASE - green, this grayish/bluish green - this glaze really popular even today Pottery we see coming out of Korea, floral designs - got birds, flowers, grasses, fruit Everything floral design - big thing for vases, pottery

Shakyamuni Buddha -Unified Silla Kingdom: embracing...? Building...? (Idea almost of a...?) -Bodhisattva as protectors: notice their muscles! Understood musculature as... only meant for...? Celadon vase Designs in Korean pottery

Shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna SIX DYNASTIES (Northern Wei dynasty - a lot of little dynasties: north, south, east west, etc.) Private devotional object - in someone's home not a temple - two versions of the Buddha Idea is the historical Buddha and then the Buddha who has achieved Enlightenment in the past Two versions of the Buddha on the timeline meeting Two Buddhas meeting, surrounded by a mandorla like a candle flame Rivers of fabric rolling off the two, rather thin (delicate body forms, hard to see under all of that) Pose: one leg up, one leg down - one knee (bent up) and one leg released (hanging down loosely) = RELAXATION = LALITASANA POSE They are relaxed with one another, not freaking out and know what is going on Mandorla - In Buddhist Japan, a lotus-petal-shaped nimbus (body halo)

Shakyamuni and Prabhutaratna -Meaning Lalitasana pose definition Mandorla definition *Short blip* Altarpiece with Amitabha and attendants DO GET BACK TO ONE CHINA INSTEAD OF LITTLE PLACES, END UP WITH THE SUI DYNASTY (after the Six Dynasties Period) Short-lived but sponsor Buddhist art quite a bit Small alterpiece dedicated by eight mothers, have Buddha at center on lotus blossom Tree representing he is in this forest, multiple bodhisattvas on either side Also other disciples - smaller people around Animals Meant to have the look of a lush garden, tree give you the impression

FIRST BIG DYNASTY SHANG DYNASTY - the Bronze Age (casting items) own method of hollow casting different than other cultures Yellow River - main civilization like Tigris and Euphrates for Middle East, lot upon the Yellow River SD first big organized civilization we have so far, we've identified. Fairly militaristic, highly structured, ancestral worship as religion In the tombs find bronzes, jade, ivory, lacquer wear. The Shang Dynasty bronzes (like GUANG) became big collecting items for later emperors, why we have a lot of them. Later emperors excavating tombs to get to these bronzes GUANG - this particular bronze from a tomb Pitcher, lid, see handle, where things being poured (spout) was a tomb but saw no daily use A number of these Abstract designs, shapes. But also animals. Have a dragon (popular), elephant Some very distorted but when highlighted out you can make them out Popular mask design on a lot of them - TAOTIE Abstracted masks, bulbous eyes, horns of some kind. Defined brow ridge (eyebrow-nose ridge), thought to be representations of spirit realm. Apply to a lot of abstracted distorted animals (spirit realm) New site in Southern China, not part of SD (North) - new civilization? Bronzes look nothing like Guang Yellow River - congregation of cities Lacquer - a varnishlike substance made from the sap of the Asiatic sumac tree, used to decorate wood and other organic materials. Often colored with mineral pigments, lacquer cures to great hardness and has a lustrous surface

Shang Dynasty Bronzes definition -The Bronze Age -Yellow River -Shang Dynasty characteristics -Later emperors beyond this dynasty Lacquer definition Guang Taotie mask definition

Shiva as Nataraja Shiva as Lord of the Dance, popular depiction Crushing underfoot the demon of ignorance Surrounded by ring of fire in relation to his destructive cleansing fire (bring about new) Spinning and spinning, hair unbound meant to be braids and coiled hair, spun out as spinning joyfully dancing on demon of ignorance Statues - Hindus believed these were really said gods (Shiva), clean them constantly, taken care of, given clothing, garlands of flowers, statues very active if in a temple (not just sitting on a pedestal and no one touches it, people touch it constantly). Sing to it, feed it, truly believe it is Shiva, a form of Shiva - care for it as if it were Shiva in the flesh Buddhism takes its own course and heads north and elsewhere Stop at 1200s, around 1200s Islam makes its way in

Shiva as Nataraja -Meaning? -Fire -How were statues treated among Hindu practitioners?

Still in Siena... The other big artist from Siena is Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi(?) - signed but Simone Martini did more work so do not know how he contributed/what work he did Annunciation altarpiece This is the first large-scale annunciation!!!!! (Gabriel to Mary) Italian Humanism - the individual is worth remembrance - Martini and Memmi signed the back (have their signature) The frame was not added until later - Gothic Revival period in the 1800s - covers up the artwork! Gabriel just swooped in, skidding on his knee - olive branch in his hand (symbol of peace) Mary does not look shocked, Gabriel does not look too pleased to be there (this is not intentional) Mary was just before reading - becomes more popular to show Mary as a symbol of wealth and status - book would mean a sign of wealth and education. NOT BASED ON REALITY but make her closer to nobility - who was the patron, wealthy paying for her through commission, also why she does not look of Middle Eastern descent (instead blond hair and blue eyes) INTERNATIONAL STYLE In Italy, aristocracy style Lots of gold and lux fabrics, see blue and red fabrics (EXPENSIVE), plaid (tartan robe of Gabriel - PATTERN = EXPENSIVE because hand-weaving, time equaled money) -Lots of gold, lux fabrics (deep blues, plaid, lush fabrics) and love for parade processions (though not seen here) - by aristocracy for artistocracy - items representing their wealth and create figures that looked like them See words - Gabriel is speaking - "Blessed are thou among women, found favor with God, etc." You'll bear the Messiah, the people of Jerusalem have been waiting for Also the first depiction of INCARNATION The words of Gabriel goes directly in Mary's ears and that is the moment she is becoming pregnant So, Simone Martini's piece is the first large-scale annunciation scene and the first depiction of incarnation!

Simone Martini and Lippo Memmi(?) Annunciation Why it is important: the first... (2) International style definition Incarnation definition Depiction of Mary -Reading a book -Commissioned by the aristocracy and how it figures into her looks

SOUTHEAST ASIA Sri Lanka - one of the oldest active Buddhist traditions in the world, predominately Buddhist. One of the largest Buddha statues (46 feet long) Death of the Buddha His cousin next to him, mourning him. If looking at death of the Buddha and see his cousin's armed crossed, understand this is what Buddha wanted, ready to move onto the next life and be done with the suffering of the world. Not seen as a mournful thing Mix of Buddhist and Hindu, religions travel JAVA Borobudur - their idea of a stupa Walking up, have over 500 images of the Buddha and right at 1500 stupas (little and big) all around, and the whole is like one giant stupa Idea is you're ascending to get to Englightenment, ascending the mountain of the world Still expected to circumambulate when you get to the top and there is a mix of images of Buddha and the bodhisattvas. Some stupas full (bell shape) and some half and seated Buddhas in them, variety of mixed things

Southeast Asia Sri Lanka -Buddhist tradition -Death of the Buddha -Indifference to death Java -Borobodur definition -Idea of ascending...?

TANG DYNASTY KNOWN FOR CERAMICS Neighing horse Very specific way they did ceramics - loved running glaze - particularly famous for their horses (did other things) Always standing like this, no flying horses, maybe gallop but not flying Glaze is dripping down them, not meant to be bloody wounds. Meant to be medallions or kind of pompoms, just layered on the glaze so heavily it ran down them Liked this color palette - neutrals and warm colors, browns, yellows, oranges but then pop it off with a little green Horses had very expressive faces: bulbous eyes, looks frightened (Tang Dynasty) Very distinctive - glaze, color palette, expression

Tang Ceramics definition Neighing horse -What it is not meant to be? -Tang depictions of horses

Vairocana Buddha, disciples and bodhisattvas LARGEST DYNASTY, POSSIBLY THE WEALTHIEST (not longest lived) TANG DYNASTY - China explodes with trade and wealth Example from Tang emperors, giant cave commissions - central Buddha is 44 feet high, not done under one emperor's lifetime, takes multiple emperors lifetimes to do Central Buddha at middle - extra bodhisattvas, disciples around Inscription - completed in 676 by Gaosong, but then says in 672 Empress Wu Zetian paid for it Wu Zetian one and only female emperor in Chinese history - our Hatshepsut but had no extras after her Wu Zetian came to power after husband passed Had no surviving children of her own, placed in as a queen regent for a minor wife's son, but took the throne and declared herself Emperor (title) as Empress. Declared self Emperor in 683, ruled until 705 when forced to abdicate, ran off to monastery Did not want to kill the royal family so ran off to monastery Do not know a ton about her because once forced off the throne and hidden away people wanted to pretend she did not happen. Often responsibility of the succeeding emperor to to memorialize and write about the fellow emperor - have a step back and assess things from hindsight (did they do well? Bad?) They never did that with Wu Zetian, do not know a ton about her rein Was incredibly paranoid, one who says she paid for all this Oldest surviving Buddhist temple, one of the best preserved Tang dynasty examples but oldest functioning Buddhist temple in China Nanchan Temple Wood, perfect joinery - sharply sloped tile roofs All of the wood is not originally from the 700s, has been replaced as needed Tomb - talk about Wu Zetian's paranoia Ladies of the palace, tomb of Princess Yongtai - Tang dynasty princess. Either WZ had her murdered or forced her to take her own life - either way responsible for her death Only 17 years old, empress became jealous of her. WZ paranoid about her rein, convinced everyone was out to get her, everyone wanting a piece of her power Princess put to death or somehow killed on her orders This tomb had to wait until WZ had passed away, after they made this tomb Inside: lovely depictions of the court ladies (not typical), ladies accompanying her into the afterlife - variety of clothing, variety of tools - some lanterns, other objects Lots of attendants for her in the afterlife

Tang Dynasty Vairocana Buddha, disciples and bodhisattvas (not pictured) -Wealth, size -Commissions -Importance of this work - who inscribed? Nanchan Temple -... ... Buddhist temple, one of the best preserved Tang dynasty examples but oldest functioning Buddhist temple in China -ARCHITECTURE! All of the wood is not originally from the 700s, has been replaced as needed Empress Wu Zetian definition (r. 683-705) -How did she come to power? -Do we know much about her? Ladies of the palace, tomb of Princess Yongtai (pictured) -Empress Wu Zetian's paranoia

-Secular piece of work in the hoome (domestic object), not a private devotional object! Do not see this often - does not make it to us often This is a jewelry box Castle of Love: scene from the most popular book/story at the time... ROMANCE OF THE ROSE A story about love and chivalry Jousting tournament, men trying to breach the castle of love - women in the castle watching, men trying to impress the women through warfare and people trying to scale the castle with women and an angel throwing stones and arrows down at these men to prevent them from coming in Idea of virginity and sex Marginalia - stuff often written or "doodled" by artists in the margins, often depicted weird things (like the penis tree) - manuscripts of Romance of the Rose - another is a monk and nun falling in love, vow for celibacy instead of giving a rose the monk gives a penis

The Castle of Love -The most popular story at the time... -What it represents/symbolizes -Why is this object important?

Rubbings of reliefs from the Wu family shrine Reliefs in the Wu family shrine, do not know 100% what they relate to Variety of stories but never found cohesive narrative to all of them Archer Yi and his story - early creation story Hero Yi, an archer (see with bow and arrow) shooting at ravens/birds in this tree, ravens represent the 9 suns - nine suns and he shot down eight ravens/eight suns so we would not burn up and die (leave one left - early creation story) But other two registers House like a palace Bottom floor of palace: people bowing in deference to a ruler - hierarchy of scale we know this is a ruler because he would have been huge if stood up Floor above: emperor and empress, a middle woman and everyone looking at her and heads down Example: Bowing toward the ruler, element of Confucianism - deference to social ranking Below a register full of horses and chariots, people riding What that has to do with hero Yi shooting down the eight suns? Do not know Can pick out pieces but do not know how everything ties in

The archer Yi and a reception in a mansion Part of the Wu family shrine (more on Emperor Wu) Deference - connection to Confucianism

DAOISM AND CONFUCIANISM - the philosophies during these periods During the Warring States, coming into art Both philosophies developed in the Warring States Period - more philosophies, not sure if D and C practitioners would call the terms religions Daoism a little older, think we know the founders but not 100% sold on those two Daoism is believed to be developed by Laozi (604-531? BCE) and Zhuagzi and the name comes from Laozi's treatise Daodejing (the way and the path) It stresses intuitive awareness and communing with nature. Daoists seek to follow the universal path or the Dao which only be described with analogies They favor retreating from society and pursuing personal growth and achieving balance between yin, passive feminine force, and yang, active masculine force. Confucianism was founded Confucius (or Master Kong 551-479 BCE) who was born in modern day Shandong Province to an aristocratic family who had fallen on hard times. He was interested in creating a peaceful and orderly society The Junzi is the superior person who has ren (human-heartedness, empathy) and li (etiquette). They personify the ideal social order. Anyone can be a junzi if they follow the teachings: empathy for suffering, pursuit of morality and justice, respect for ceremonies and traditional social relationships (parent to child, husband to wife, ruler to subject) One of his disciple, Mengzi, developed it further, stressing deference to age and rank. Confucius worked to find leaders to follow him but didn't find anyone in his lifetime. But his teaching slowly worked their way into society. Emperor Wu made Confucianism the official state doctrine in 2nd cent BCE. Both philosophies are broad and encompass multiple things. Confucianism stresses social responsibility and order; Daoism emphasizes cultivation of the individual. The unifying feature is that anyone can cultivate wisdom and ability regardless of birth. DAOISM Stresses intuitive awareness and communing with nature. Nature is a big point! Supposed to retrest from the world, go toward nature in pursuit of personal growth and finding the balance between yin and yang YIN - passive force YANG - active force Trying to follow the Dao, good luck defining the Dao, can only be described with analogies Hard thing to describe, can't describe it just have to slowly learn it and then you know it Main thing: retreating from society, pursue personal growth, finding balance between you and nature CONFUCIANISM (C=Confucius) Comes later, do know its founder - Confucius (Master Kong) - fell on hard times (but born into aristocratic family), wants an orderly society To get this orderly society, C pushes idea of social order - traditional social relationships You are supposed to have two things: Have to have REN - empathy Have to have LI - etiquette Ideal person is a JUNZI - superior person who possesses both Ren and Li Anyone can be a junzi, both of these philosophies stress the idea anyone can achieve these goals regardless of status at birth C works on this idea of social order and deference, the child should be deferent to the parent, the subject should be deferent to the ruler. BUT THIS IS A TWO-WAY STREET - subject should not be expected to show deference to the ruler and the ruler treat them badly. Meant to be two-way street, stressed that (C and later followers) C wanted people to pick this up, in his lifetime it was not that popular. Took a number of centures to work its way into society Did not get official until Emperor Wu - Han dynasty, made it the official doctrine but it is a lot older Incense burner = boshan Incense burner DAOIST ART Emperor Liu Sheng, brother of Emperor Wu who makes C the official philosophy of China, but ironically his brother is a Daoist Boshan in his tomb where him and wife were buried See the lid and holes where the smoke would have come out Afterlife - could get everlasting life, achieve in the sacred mountains of the isles of the immortals in the Eastern Sea Sacred mountains in the isles of the immortals of the Eastern Sea Waves of Eastern Sea - gold Sacred mountains Hidden amongst in them, animals, people Swirling forms - mist, if lit would be smoke billowing out - misty mountains idea of the immortals Ode to Daoism

The philosophies of the period (During the Warring States, emerging in the art) Daoism -Daoism is believed to be developed by ... (604-531? BCE) and ... and the name comes from ...'s treatise Daodejing (the ... and the ...) -It stresses ... a... and c... with ... -Daoists seek to follow the ... ... or the Dao which only be described with ... -They favor ... from ... and pursuing ... ... and achieving ... between ..., passive force, and ..., active force Confucianism -Confucianism was founded ... (or ... ... 551-479 BCE) who was born in modern day Shandong Province to an aristocratic family who had fallen on hard times -He was interested in creating a peaceful and ... ... -The ... is the ... ... who has ... (human-heartedness, ...) and ... (...) -They personify the ideal ... ... -Anyone can be a ... if they follow the teachings: ... for suffering, pursuit of ... and ..., respect for ceremonies and ... ... relationships (parent to child, husband to wife, ruler to subject) One of his disciple, Mengzi, developed it further, stressing deference to age and rank -... worked to find leaders to follow him but didn't find anyone in his ... -But his teaching slowly worked their way into society -... ... made Confucianism the official state doctrine in 2nd cent BCE Confucianism stresses ... ... and ...; Daoism emphasizes cultivation of the ... The unifying feature between them is ... can cultivate wisdom and ability regardless of ... Incense burner - example of Daoist art Emperor Liu Sheng, brother of Emperor Wu (who makes ... the official philosophy of China) is a Daoist -Afterlife, achieve in the sacred ... of the isles of the immortals of the Eastern Sea Boshan definition

Virgin and Child and angels Notre Dame = Virgin Mary Original stained glass: The only one to survive the big fire in 1159 Madonna and Child - main scene Mary is seen in these blues Baby was in a purple, faded to brown See domes above, incense, lots of reds The window was 16 feet, Mary was about 12 See Mary is starting to have a crown - awarded title "Queen of Heaven" main way to depict her and relates to the monarchy Seeing Mary and Jesus as royals, makes connection to French monarchy (people make the royalty connection) Rose window and lancets - bottom row (look like pointed arches) Blanche of Castille - the queen regent of France at the time (son too young to rule, king has died) - gifts this to Chartres Cathedral Center: Mary and Baby Jesus (them all the way) - surrounded by doves, angels, extra saints See Kings and Queens of Old Testament This rose window tells us it's a royal gift beuause of the gold fleur de lis - emblem of the royal family in blue -Also see golden castle with red background - another symbol of the royal family Know this has to have come from the royal family Jewel tones too - compare to the Queen - the Queen's "jewelry box"

The stained glass windows in Chartres Cathedral Virgin and Child and angels -Trend with depicting Mary Rose window and lancets -Blanche of Castille -How do you know this is a gift from the royal family?

Northern Style Temple: the tower is more bee-hive shaped (rounded) and the tower is topped with an amalaka (crown shape) TWO MAIN STYLES OF HINDU TEMPLES WE FIND Eventually Hinduism becomes dominant religion of India and Buddhism treks out and travels to other places SOUTHERN STYLE TEMPLES (match geographically, in the south) Rajarajeshvara Temple Singular pyramidal shape, topped by giant crown like form. Flat roofed areas called mandapaas A lot of temples to Shiva Tower meant to be allusion of mountains where gods live, gods live in mountainous region SINGLE TOWER, LIKE PYRAMID NORTHERN STYLE TEMPLES (in the north) Still idea of mountains but multiple mountains One big one and other little ones, not so pyramidal Curved, rounded shape to these (beehive esque) Still capped with crown form up top but multiple towers, more rounded Both have mandapaas but in NS more contained inside the building Typically covered in sculpture for both A lot of times amorous couples, couples engaged in sexual intercourse MITHUNAS - amorous couples, to suggest fertility or procreation maybe but also metaphor of your soul uniting with the divine - idea of the goal is to have a spiritual moment, vision, connect with the divine. Sex may be metaphor for soul uniting with the divine and blissful, orgasmic moment Probably a bit of both Often are helpers, never just a couple always people around them May be teachers - if meant to be metaphor with soul uniting with the divine, then they may be your guides, teachers, priests EVERYTHING WAS PAINTED , still paint stone temples but keep with repainting

Two Main Styles of Hindu Temples Southern Style temples definition Northern Style temples definition Mandapas definition Mithunas definition -Suggest...? -Metaphor...? -Helpers -Meaning behind the mountain shapes

Pink = Flying buttresses Brown = Pinnacle Blue = Buttress (attached to wall) Yellow = Pointed arch Gray = Piers Orange = Triforium Red = Clerestory Purple = Ribbed vaulting (groin vaults) Orange = Tower Red = Pinnacle Pink = Pointed Arch Blue = Portal (door) Green = Tympanum Purple = Rose Window INTERIOR: Still have the nave, side aisles, transepts are starting to decrease! Triforium - cannot get to! Gallery will eventually disappear because the nave gets so high so the typical elevation for Gothic cathedrals becomes: 1. NAVE 2. TRIFORIUM 3. CLERESTORY Still have ribbed groin vaults, flying buttresses Pinnacle - attached to flying buttresses and put everywhere else too - little pyramidal structure, meant to be decorative (thin or chunky, all depends) EXTERIOR: Still have bell towers outside (start to look more rectangular and chunky) Rose window, portal, tympanum Oculus - rose window, rounded window Lancet - thin window, can be part of clerestory - mimic pointed arches! Compound piers - chunky columns, look like bundle of columns - sculpted engaged columns in little bundles Capitals vary, typically corinthian

Typical French Gothic cathedral Left = interior Right = exterior Additional terms: Pinnacle definition Lancet definition Oculus definition Compound pier with shifts definition Typical cathedral elevation

VENICE Different bag, such a port city, so many influences from Asia, SE Asia, North Africa, Middle East - has its own feel City on the water, is sinking Doge's Palace - Doge are president/prime minister at this time Had counsel who ruled over Venice and doge is elected out of that counsel. Doge was more figure head than an all powerful figure. Do have power but a lot of the power is back to that counsel (like Congress or houses of Parliament, daily important stuff) Lifetime position, this was your palace Outside: nods to Gothic architecture Pointed arches, quatrefoils (four leaf clover things), look at the TILE TILE - faded now, peach probably in its day a brilliant orange/pink. Far more of an influence from Islam (tilework, pointed arch and multilobed arch coming from there anyway - Islamic cultures interacting with than Gothic architecture in France). Tilework not a thing for the rest of Europe, but is for Islamic cultures

Venice Doge's Palace -Influences -Who is this palace for? -More on the position, their relation to the council, amount of power Notes to Gothic architecture on the ouside -Tilework: influence?

Virgin and Child They will start to get more and more tender over time - popular motif because love of mother and child (love between relatives) is something we can all relate to, loving and tender moment. Eventually they will lean to one another, Christ touching her cheek As of right now Mary almost looks as though she is leaning back from Christ not to him C-curved contrapposto: attempt at contrapposto but not accurate. Whole body is curving, trying to get the illusion of contrapposto without revealing body mechanics

Virgin and Child, Notre-Dame -Relationship between mother and child

Lamentation vs. pietà Lamentation: Mary, body of Christ [deceased] + friends (plus an audience, others), Mary still cradling Christ and grieving over her son Pietà: JUST Mary and the body of Christ [deceased] - Mary cradling Christ and grieving over her son NOT INTERCHANGEABLE TERMS Röttgen Pietà Virgin Mary and Christ's body PIETÀ - meant to feel grief - everyone has buried someone, understand that loss especially if unexpected - connect to it/reference to it you may have HRE loves to play up the emotion (do see tears going down Mary's face, she is crying) and GRUESOMENESS (HRE will play it up) Figures are dirty, always a bit grimy CONTEXT of 1300s: Religion: The Avignon Papacy Nobody wanted to be in Rome not even the popes, fallen into disrepair Move to Avignon in Southern France (1309-77) 1377, now the pope wants out, due to: the control of the French king AND Rome had a renovation Was now a dynamic of French popes, Fench King is not a fan of this idea! Pope moves back to Rome, King of France claims that is not the real pope, the real pope is in Avignon! Great Schism: Now we have two popes: one in France and the original now in Rome 1387-1417 - finally the French King agrees the one in Rome is the right pope and the one in France is not At one point with Pisa there were three popes for a short break This was not good for the Christian people: the pope was seen as God's man on Earth, now with two (Great Schism) do not know who is the real pope, if you did not believe in the right pope, could go to hell. Which pope is which? Political: Hundred Years' War (1337-1453) William the Conqueror's decision to rule England as Duke of Normandy having its effects. French crown up for debate - fighting for it. English royal family does have claim and others, also tired of having to bend the knee because they were kings in their own right. Fought for 100+ years! People of France and England encountering conscription, invaders, not enough to eat But the HRE was disrupted in its trade and merchants could now not go to France or England 1315-7 Famine Climate change in Europe, constant rain destroying crops. People start to wander to other countries or towns and find no one has food Environmental/Natural: The Black Death Culmination of immunocompromised Europeans due to malnourishment (already weak from famines) and no immunity (a new virus), medicine not a thing, cyclical (would go away and come back with the last outbreak in the 1600s) 1340s, with the worst outbreak in 1348 Hindsight people did not know the fleas on rats were causing the Black Death - led to persecution of Jewish people (blaming them for "poisoning the wells") Back toVirgin with the Dead Christ: Gives us new perspective Mary is holding her dead son, happened to a lot of people at this time from war, Black Death, famine Pietà was a moment of grief BUT ALSO A MOMENT TO TAKE HEART - moment of encouragement You can keep going. Your suffering is not near as great as the suffering of Mary and Christ Take heart and feel empathy - Mary and Christ have suffered and understand your suffering too Grime and dust - look like medieval peasants scrounging in the dirt

Virgin with the Dead Christ (Röttgen ...) -Lamentation vs. ... (definition) -Context to this piece, 1300s -Papacy -War -Famine -Disease Connection to this piece by the people

Vishnu Temple Do start to get full temples and not just cave temples Common scene of Vishnu - dreaming everything into existence (asleep on the serpent Ananta) Have Vishnu, the biggest, asleep on the serpent giant Ananta, then see Lakshmi (his consort, rubbing his legs) Not sleeping on a pillow, coils of snake (the serpent) Dreaming the world into being, comes out of belly button, cord like an umbilical cord Brahma the creator, three-faced on this cloud. Shiva and Parvati, other gods Vishnu is dreaming the world into reality and creating Brahma who will help create the rest of everything - out of belly button, cord coming up into the sky Below: Personification of Vishnu powers - male and female (not differentiate gender as we do today). Parts of his personality Body and how looking: smooth line forms, not defined musculature

Vishnu Temple -Common scene of Vishnu. What is he doing? -What is coming out of his belly button? Who has he created? -Gender Depictions of bodies!

GOTHIC STYLE Nicola Pisano's son Pulpit of the cathedral in Pisa a. No annunciation - angels announcing to the shepherds b. Nativity - Mary and baby Jesus MARY: Reigned down scale in relation to space compared to Nicola's Mary, she's actually CHECKING on her child (tired, we see her emotion) and she's not monumental [in the middle of the scene] Do see an elongated line to her body - C-curve contrapposto c. Bathing scene Joseph looks dejected (never know why, just looks sad) Maid is pouring in the water, Mary is testing the water temperature and holding the baby in the crook of her arm, connection to mother and child - playing up the maternal tenderness (common of Gothic styling) Jesus looks more like an 8-day-old baby

Which of the three styles is this? Giovanni Pisano, Annunciation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepherds What do we see in... Their emoton? Mary's body shape? Connection to mother and child?

CLASSICAL STYLE -Pisa, Italy - baptistry pulpit - priest would climb up and preach or give sermon from Pisano is pushing this Classical/Roman style (Rome all the way!) - able to do this due to King Frederick II of Sicily - a proponent of the Classical Style (gives easy access to artists wishing to study Roman artifacts) - massive Roman artifact collection, any artist who wants to come study can come on Pisano learned the classical style from Sicily Scenes around the side of the pulpit - the life of Christ Annunciation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepherds A: Top left - Gabriel to Mary, you're going to have a baby and he is the son of God - Mary is shocked N: Middle right - Mary is lounging, looking at us - baby Jesus is in the back This is not a tender, maternal moment. Mary has zero concern for her child who she just gave birth to, looking MONUMENTAL (she is the most important = Hierarchy of scale, biggest) BUT SHE'S INDIFFERENT TO THE WORLD AROUND HER (no emotion) AOTS: Top right - Angels to the shepherds: Mary had child of God, go find her Heads gone, but their heads would have looked directly at him Bottom left: Christ's first bath Joseph present - hard to find Maid An eight-day-old Christ before or after circumcision - just sitting there (strange, he's only 8 days old) Slight disconnect of mother to child - hard to find the connection in Roman art - blank face, indifference, stoicness - Pisano is trying to replicate that (regardless of if it makes sense) Mary is also toga esque - not painted intentionally (because paint was gone from the Roman statues they would study by that point)

Which of the three styles is this? Nicola Pisano's Annunciation, Nativity, and Adoration of the Shepherds (baptistry pulpit) King Frederik II of Sicily definition The four scenes Connection of Mary to child What we see in... Their emotion? Their clothing? Painted?

MANIERA GRECA You'd go to church, find this altarpiece Byzantine Style - gold background, flat figure (no sense of body underneath that robe but only a head, hands, feet), pointed down/floating feet Saint Francis: Born into wealth, had vision of receiving stigmata (the marks of the crucifixion) - gives up all his wealth to help the needy Patron saint of animals - always wears brown robe and chord had three knots Sometimes keep stigmata after vision, sometimes not Saint Francis formed the Franciscan chater in the 1200s - St. Francis died just before this altarpiece Berlinghieri (the artist) was a Franciscan monk, imagery by Fr. monks for Fr. monks The Franciscan chater led to a shift in monastic life - Mendicants - blessing and taking care of the needy and poor in CITIES First to get monasteries in the cities to take care of the needy, fill that void - not live in the countryside but in cities instead We see vignettes of his life (see the city style architecture throughout important when given the context of the Franciscan charter) -Altarpiece for St. Francis ask for guidance, advice also history and encouragement remind you as a Franciscan monk of what you were supposed to do

Which of the three styles is this? Saint Francis Altarpiece What do we see in... This figure? The background? Feet? St. Francis and the Franciscan Order definition Mendicant Order definition

1300s - Giotto di Bondone, at this point you could break more but still the same scheme as Cimabue's -The throne is more three-dimensional -Nod to the Gothic Period architecture with pointed arches and pinnacles No pointed feet and more realistic figures, but still the maniera greca style (gold background) DIFFERENCES TO MANIERA GRECA -OVERLAP AMONG THE ANGELS - giving this three-dimensionality in a 2-D space - a shift not seen in the medieval period Because of gold background hard and fast stop to the eye but overlapping does give a little bit of space Mary: There is body underneath her clothing (can make out her breasts and her knees especially - using light and shadow, knees vs. rest of dress there is obviously something sticking out to catch the light, see her lap) There is hierarchy of scale with Mary (giant compared to the rest) Byzantine facial style - her stand out nose She isn't as green as other depictions of Mary - never just paint someone pale white for their skin, one color is typically green that's in the mix (as an underpaint) but that is not so much going on here Halo of Mary does distort the illusion of a curved back throne Proof Giotto had someone sit for this (to paint from natural observation): 1. Mary's hand is on Christ's leg (Mary who is usually presentational) - this is what a mom would do to get their child to sit still! Gives them more humanity 2. Angels look more 3-D, light and shadow - KNEES, someone knelt down for Giotto - the knees were not in a line either (showing knees at different levels - what does this look like here?) WHY IS GIOTTO SO IMPORTANT? Giotto is the first artist we really see sketching from life - based on observation We consider him to be the Father of Western Art - to base art on what nature and people really look like

Who was Giotto di Bondone (Giotto)? -His importance -His changes to the maniera greca style -His observation Notice... The angels in the crowd The angels kneeling down Mary Mary's relation to Jesus Madonna Enthroned (Maestà), Florence

Surviving workbook How you're supposed to draw things at that time - start with shapes to depict the human face (why there's simplicity in the faces during this time? could explain it and may explain repeat faces - faces should have a general alignment to them - to fit a star into for example) How artists were being taught to draw at that time Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux JdE: Queen of France giving to Saint-Denis Mary is actually pulling baby Jesus in - they look more comfortable with one another (Christ putting his hand on her cheek) VS. Virgin and Child at Notre-Dame (she was leaning away from Christ, not a tender moment between mother and child) This was a reliquary - one of Mary's hairs (act of faith) Gold fleur de lis - symbol of gift from queen WHY THE SHIFT IN MARY AND JESUS SOFTENING TO ONE ANOTHER? Idea of Christian theology softening as well Compare to the Romanesque period (gloom and doom, going to hell) - Christ as Last Judge We see here during the Gothic period - more of an emphasis on Mary and Jesus cuddling, also Mary seen as more of an intersect to Christ (Christ will listen to her) than Christ being indifferent to everyone (Last Judgment) - Mary is a maternal figure to all of humanity (not just to son) Passionate overtone C-curve contrapposto - whole body instead of just the hips shifting - trying to give the element of naturalism

Workbook Virgin of Jeanne d'Evreux -Compare to Virgin and Child (Notre-Dame), trend in Gothic art that echos shift in Christian theology -Royal gift -Body shape

ZHOU DYNASTY FALLS TO EMPEROR QIN QIN DYNASTY - one person, short-lived, period at the end of Zhou Dynasty lot of upheaval (war) and Emperor Qin Shi Huangdi comes in and conquers all up. Ruled with iron fist Army of the First Emperor of Qin - the terra cotta army. "The first great emperor", know good deal about Legitimized certain types of money, standardized the writing systems, weight systems - in play for long time Built this TC army - protect him in his death, tomb a part of all this, never been excavated (his tomb): Not know how to get in this? Sign of respect? Not sure Wanted the TC army because wanted an army to defend him in death, understood the afterworld a lot like ours (do battle, do war) and needed army. Ruled with an iron fist, more militaristically, war minded individual 2000 soldiers, variety of poses. Not as individualistic as we thought. Found in 1970s, "each one was done individually" Yes but also no. Did have a variety of molds and just cast an arm and a head and torso and leg and waist and constantly reassembled them that way, imagine crafting 2000 objects individually Conscripted 700k people to work on this - ceramicists and other laborers. Also horses Most have been damaged, started uncovering in 1970s (farmers found, turning up TC pieces) Most destroyed, burnt, pushed over and shattered - not most durable ceramic. His son succeeded him and quickly overthrown and killed. The people who came in part of HAN DYNASTY destroyed it all. Images have power - still giant symbol of previous emperor, wanted to be done with him (nobody liked him). Knocked it over, buried it all to hide it all to be forgotten by time and was until the 1970s Terra cotta - low temp ceramic, not most difficult thing to make like porcelain Not everyone in best of shape, some kneeling some standing. Variety of poses Even comes down to facial hair (individuality part even if they look the same)

Zhou Dynasty -> Qin Dynasty Qin Shi Huangdi definition -Personality, "the first...?" -Qin Shi Huandi's Terracotta Army -Why make? -Individualism among people First Emperor of Qin Army definition

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