Army Combat Fitness Test (ACFT)

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What is the minimum and maximum for the hand releases pushup?

10 and 60

What is the weight of the medicine ball used in the Standing power throw?


What is the minimum and maximum weight for the deadlift?

140lbs and 340lbs

What are the alternate events for the 2 mile run?

15,000m stationary bike 1,000m swim bike 5,000m row

How long do you have to complete the hand release pushup event?

2 minutes

What is the minimum (60 points) and the maximum (100 points) time for the 2 mile run?

21:00 and 12:45

How long do you have to complete the 1000m swim?

25 minutes

How long do you have to complete the 15,000m bike event?

25 minutes

How long do you have to complete the 5,000m row?

25 minutes

How many reps are to be done for the deadlift event?

3 Reps

How many attempted throws count as a record for the Standing power throw?

3 throws (one is a warmup and the other two are for record attempts)

What is the minimum time and maximum time for the sprint drag carry event?

3:00 and 1:30

What regulation covers PRT?

FM 7-22

What exercise can assist in improving the standing power throw?

Power jump Overhead push press Tuck jump

What are the three principles of PRT?

Precision Progression Integration

What are the three elements if PRT session?

Preparation Activities Recovery

What are the ACFT events?

-Three REP max Deadlift -Standing ball throw -Hand release pushup -Leg tuck -Sprint Drag Carry -Two mile run

What is the minimum and maximum reps for the leg tuck event?

1 and 20 reps

What is the minimum and maximum distance the ball must be thrown?

4.5m and 12.5m

How much do the kettlebells weigh?

40lbs each

What must you do for the sprint drag carry event?

50m sprint 50m sled drag 50m lateral 50m kettlebell carry 50m sprint

How many ACFT events are there?


How much does the hex bar weigh?


How much the sled weigh?


What is the hand release pushup?

A pushup that starts from the ground and the hands will move outward to make a T and come back to the body underneath the shoulder to conduct a pushup

What is the fitness component for the 2 mile run?

Aerobic endurance

What is the fitness component for the sprint drag carry event?

Agility Aerobic endurance Muscular endurance Muscular strength

What exercises can you do to improve in leg tuck event?

Bent leg raise Leg tuck and twist Alternate grip pull up

What are the fitness components for the Standing power throw?

Explosive power Balance Flexibility

What are the 3 mandatory events?

Deadlift Sprint Drag Carry Two mile run

What does the 2 mile run apply to when it comes to the common soldier tasks?

Dismounted movements Ruck march Infiltration

What are the three phases of fitness?

Initial conditioning Toughening Sustaining

What does the maximum deadlift apply to when it comes to common soldier tasks?

Lifting and moving heavy loads Extracting a casualty on the litter/buddy carry

What does the hand release pushup apply to when it comes to common soldier tasks?

Moving obstacles Pushing an opponent away during man to man contact Pushing a disabled vehicle Getting to and from the ground during evasion and maneuver Reaching out from the prone position when shooting, taking cover, or low crawl

What is the fitness component for the hand release pushup event?

Muscular Endurance

What are the fitness components for the deadlift?

Muscular Strength Balance Flexibility

What is the fitness component for the leg tuck?

Muscular endurance

Can soldiers rest on the ground during the hand released pushup?

No. Soldier must make constant effort to complete a pushup, otherwise they will be terminated from the event. The only authorized rest position is the front leaning rest position.

What are the three types of PRT training?

On ground Off ground Combatives

What does the sprint drag carry apply to when it comes to common soldier tasks?

React quickly to direct and indirect fire Builiding a hasty fighting position Extract a casualty from a vehicle and carry them to safety Carry ammunition to fighting position or vehicle

What are some exercises you can do to improve in the sprint drag carry event?

Straight leg deadlift Bent over rows 300m shuttle run

What are the three components of PRT?

Strength Endurance Mobility

What are some exercises you can do to improve your deadlift?

Sumo squats Alternate staggered squat jump Forward lunges

What exercises can be done to improve in the hand release pushup event?

Supine chest press 8 count T pushup Incline bench press Quadraplex

What does the leg tuck apply to when it comes to common soldier tasks?

Surmounting obstacles and walls Rope climbing, descending and traversing

What is the purpose of the ACFT?

The ACFT is aimed to: -Improve soldier and unit readiness -Transform the army's fitness culture -Reduce preventable injuries and attrition -Enhance mental toughness and stamina

What are the requirements for the 5,000m row?

The NCOIC should start the event within 10 minutes if the last event The rower must be validated and functioning correctly SM may rest at any point, but cannot dismount the rower and should not be for more than 30 seconds

What are requirements for the 15,000m Bike event?

The NCOIC should start this event within 10 minutes of the last event The bike must validated and functioning correctly The resistance level should be set to mid level (between low and high) SM may rest at any point during this event, but should not be for more than 30 seconds and cannot dismount

What are the requirements for the 1000m swim?

The NCOIC should start this event within 10 minutes of the last event SM must touch the wall at every turning point with 1 hand and 1 foot Goggles and swimming cap are allowed Civilian attire is authorized Any swimming style is allowed Flip turns are allowed Resting on the wall is authorized

What does the standing power throw apply to when its comes to common soldier tasks?

Throwing equipment onto or over an obstacle Lifting soldiers / assiting soldiers over a wall Jumping across and over obstacles Employing progressive levels of force in man to man contact

When will the ACFT be in effect for record?

Until further notice

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