Art Appreciation 3.6

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Approximately how many paintings did the Flemish Baroque artist Peter Paul Rubens produce in his lifetime?


What is the name of this building, and who designed it?

Church of San Carlo alle Quattro Fontane, Rome Francesco Borromini

Michelangelo includes a reference to Pope Julius II in his scene of the Judge of the Damned in the Last Judgment, seen here.


The fifteenth-century Flemish artist Jan van Eyck invented oil paints and was the first to use them.


The reason that it took Michelangelo several years to create the Sistine Chapel ceiling is that he loved painting so much that he didn't want to have to finish it and return to making sculptures, which he hated.


What else is the architect of this building's dome known for?

He designed the machinery necessary to construct the dome. He was a skilled sculptor. He is credited with inventing linear perspective.

How did the artist of The Arnolfini Portrait include himself in his painting?

He painted his signature on the wall behind the couple. He included his reflection in the mirror on the wall.

How is the figure of Christ emphasized in this panel from a Baroque altarpiece?

His body forms a diagonal axis in the painting. His body is lighter than that of the other figures.

The pile of armor beneath the legs of this figure of the biblical hero David serves what purpose(s)?

It supports the weight of the figure above it.

What was innovative about the book The Lives of the Most Excellent Painters, Sculptors, and Architects written by Giorgio Vasari?

It was the first art history book. It emphasized the intellectual ability needed to create paintings, sculptures, and architecture. It used the term Renaissance.

What is the subject of this Italian Baroque painting?

Judith decapitating holofernes

Fill in the blanks with the appropriate words to complete this passage of text.

King Louis XIV the sun king apollo

Who is portrayed in this detail from a famous Renaissance painting?

St. Bartholomew Michelangelo

What is the name of each of these widely used techniques in Renaissance and Baroque art?

a naturalistic pose in sculpture in which the upper and lower parts of the body twist in different directions:Contrapposto the use of contrasts of light and dark in a painting to give the impression of volume:Chiaroscuro the dramatic use of intensely dark backgrounds and bright light to heighten the impact of a painting:Tenebrism the application of layers of translucent paint to create a dark, hazy appearance that helps to unify a composition:Sfumato

What is the subject of this late Mannerist painting?

a scene from the trojan war

Which of the following techniques are used in this painting to create its convincing illusion of three-dimensional space and depth?

atmospheric perspective chiaroscuro linear perspective

How does this Italian late Renaissance painting of The Last Supper create its feeling of dramatic intensity?

by employing stark contrasts of light and dark by placing the table at an angle pointing off-center by including angels swirling overhead

In this painting of The Last Supper, how does the artist visually emphasize Christ so that he's clearly the most important figure in the work?

by placing the painting's vanishing point directly behind his head by giving him a stable triangular form by placing him in the painting's center by framing his head against a window

Which artist is considered to have influenced the dramatic lighting effects evident in Guido Reni's Susannah and the Elders?


Which of the following architectural features are characteristic of Classically inspired Renaissance architecture?

columns semicircular arches hemispherical domes pediments

What is the subject matter of this painting created by the Mannerist artist Jacopo da Pontormo?


In painting, what was Michelangelo's particular specialty?

detailed figure studies

Which, if any, of the following descriptions apply to this painting?

emphasis for emotional effect Mannerist elegance richly detailed textures, clothing, and jewelry

What term describes the type of analysis of artworks that involves interpreting symbols, themes, and subject matter as sources of meaning—such as that conducted by the influential art historian Erwin Panofsky in his influential interpretation of this painting?


Where was this painting originally displayed?

in the chapel of a hospital for patients with skin diseases

Why did this painting come to be known as The Night Watch?

it was thought to depict a night scene

Which famous Renaissance artist is responsible for the portrait seen here?

leonardo da vinci

What is the main theme that Quentin Metsys's The Moneylender and His Wife is considered to convey?


How does the artistic style of the late Renaissance in Italy differ from that of earlier periods?

more complex and chaotic compositions more fantastical and emotionally charged subject matter

Renaissance art is distinguished from medieval art by what fundamental artistic characteristic(s)?

naturalism idealization perspective

Which relatively new artistic medium came to be regarded as suitable for serious works of art in large part as a result of its use by the German artist Albrecht Dürer?


Who is the subject of this portrait, and who painted it?

subject of this painting: King Louis XIV of France artist of this painting: Hyacinthe Rigaud

What is the relationship, if any, between these two paintings?

the artist of the right hand painting influenced the artist of the left hand one

What is the subject of this mid-sixteenth-century painting?

the artist's sisters playing chess

What is the subject of this French Baroque painting?

the burial of a traitor outside his city

What does this famous and innovative Baroque painting depict?

the civic militia of Amsterdam a crowd gathered for a state visit by Queen Marie de' Medici

Which of the following characteristics are typical of the work of the artist who created this painting?

the depiction of Classical subject matter in order to impart moral lessons the carefully ordered arrangement of all parts of the composition

What is the subject matter of this artwork?

the last judgement

Mannerist paintings are often characterized by their graceful, sophisticated, often playful compositions. Why does this depiction of the Deposition seem to express an unsettling air of anxiety and disorder?

the unsteady postures of the figures the striking colors the swirling composition

Which aspects of Ghiberti's submission made to the competition for the commission to design panels for the north doors of the Florence Bapistery likely convinced the selection committee to award him the commission?

the use of Classical-looking figures the fearlessness of Abraham and Isaac

How did the influential architect of this Renaissance building create the sense of clarity, calmness, and harmony that its design expresses?

the use of radial symmetry the use of simple geometric forms

Which of the following are characteristics of Baroque art?

theatrical, dynamic compositions continuation of the high Renaissance interest in carefully ordered calmness representation of heavenly or intensely dramatic light

Why would the subject matter of this fresco from the Brancacci family chapel in Florence have been especially relevant to viewers at the time it was painted?

they were facing demands for tax...

Why is Christ's suffering so graphically displayed in this painting?

to console viewers with the idea that they were not alone in their suffering to emphasize just how much pain Christ endured

Why might the artist who made this late fifteenth-century drawing have decided to depict the human form in it nude?

to demonstrate his scientific understanding of human anatomy to symbolize spiritual and intellectual perfection

Why was this famous and opulent room in the palace of Versailles filled with mirrors?

to reflect the sumptuous gardens outside the windows to symbolize the glory of the Sun King

During the Renaissance, the patron who commissioned a painting would often determine how much blue the artist could use in his composition.


The gold designs (fleur-de-lis) that cover the gown of this king symbolize the French monarchy.


The intensely dramatic quality of late Renaissance paintings like this one reflects the urgency of the Catholic Church's mission at that time to encourage believers not to convert to Protestantism.


The subject of Brunelleschi's entry to the competition for the commission to design panels for the north doors of the Florence Bapistery was the Sacrifice of Isaac.


Which, if any, of the following descriptions characterize the art of the high Renaissance in Italy?

using rules of perspective and illusionism to create religious and secular subjects combining traditional approaches with innovative solutions

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