Art Appreciation Final Review Part 1
Physicists have explained that when we see a color, it is the portion of the light spectrum that a surface fails to ________.
Colors that do not contrast strongly with each other, and which are similar in wavelength, are ________ colors.
An artist can use color to indicate depth. When a color is very pure and intense then it seems to be ________.
. ________ in particular is an element of art that can engage the viewer and express a wide range of emotions.
This is the most vivid element of art and design.
Colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are radically different in wavelength and are called ________.
Complementary Colors
The dark printed words on the page of a book are easily read because they are printed on a light ground. This is an example of the principle of ________.
Most commercial color printing is achieved using three primary colors and black. These primaries are ________.
Cyan, Magenta, Yellow
Artists can create a sense of ________ by using light and dark values.
If an artist were to draw a figure whose arm was pointing directly toward the viewer, what technique would the artist have to use when drawing the outstretched arm?
This proportional system uses a ratio of 1:1.618.
Golden Section
The principles of design are a kind of ________ that artists apply to the elements of art.
This type of scale is common in the relief sculpture of ancient Egypt, where it was used to indicate social importance
The term used for referring to each of the basic colors of the spectrum is ________.
This is the logical method for creating an illusion of depth using three basic components: horizon line, vanishing point, and convergence lines.
Linear Perspective
The element of art that defines the amount of space occupied by an object is ________.
The kind of scale used for objects that appear larger than they are in real life is called ________ scale.
We see this type of color when the brain receives so much color information that it is forced to simplify what we perceive.
Optical Color
Forms that tend to be irregular, and similar to naturally occurring objects, are known as ________ forms.
This object can be used to separate white light into the colors of the spectrum
The size relationships between parts of an object, or its ________, affects how a viewer will interpret it.
If you were to look at a t-shirt that absorbed the colors violet, blue, green, yellow, and orange, what color would the t-shirt appear to be?
A three-dimensional surface that is designed to be viewed from only one direction is known as a ________.
A color that is lighter than its basic hue is known as a tint. A color that is darker than its basic hue is called a ________.
Rectangles based on the Golden Section can be nested inside each other to create an elegant _______.
When ________ colors are mixed, they make a duller and darker color because more of the visible spectrum is absorbed.
Color ________ can be relative to the other colors nearby. For example, violet can be warm if we see it next to a hot color like red, or cool if we see it next to a colder color like blue.
These four visual elements of art—form, volume, mass, and texture—are present in ________ works of art.
Because a form exists in "real" space, we can experience it not only visually, but also through our sense of ________.
An artist creates an artwork made up of many different shapes, all in varying shades of blue. This artwork uses the following principles of art:
Unity and Variety
. The lightness or darkness of a surface is the element of art called ________.
The element of art that describes the relative lightness or darkness of a hue, compared to another hue, is known as ________.
This is a kind of visual diversity that can bring many different ideas, media, or elements together in one composition.
The elements of art form the basic ________ of art.
________ balance is achieved when two halves of a composition are not mirror images of each other.
Creating visual weight and counterweight is part of an artist's use of the element of ________ in creating a work of art.
A color that is almost gray has a ________ saturation
An artwork that uses many hues but only one value is called _______
The traditional primary colors are ________.
red, yellow, blue (pls tell me you at least know this)