Art Appreciation
Give an example of a painting that uses contour lines.
"Woman seated in chair" by Henri Matisse or "Blonde Woman in Profile" by Picasso.
What is chiaroscuro?
A method of applying value to create the illusion of 3D
What can value produce?
A sense of solidity and influence the mood
What is a positive shape?
A shape defined by its surrounding empty space
What is Dinesphere?
A surface made up of many triangular flat planes with different degrees of lightness and darkness
What is The Treachery of Images by Rene Magritte?
An artwork that uses value and perspective to imply depth
What is two-dimensional art?
Art that has height but not depth.
What are some examples of principles of art?
Balance, Contrast, Emphasis, Movement, Proportions, Rhythm, Unity, and Variety.
What other principles of design are created when using contrast?
Balance, Movement, Emphasis, Unity, Proportion
What are the elements called?
Basic Building blocks of art.
How are positive and negative shapes often represented visually?
By black and white, but any color combination can work
What principles of art and design can you add to your work when you use value?
Contrast, Emphasis, Balance
What do artists use light and dark values for?
Creating depth
What are some of the ways lines are described in the video?
Curved, Horizontal, Vertical, Smooth, Dark, Light, etc.
What effect can chiaroscuro produce?
Dramatic effects
What are contour lines?
Edges or profiles of an object that add depth to 2D shapes.
When art has only a few tones it is considered what?
High contrast
What are the five distinct areas of light and shadow identified in chiaroscuro?
Highlight, light core, shadow, reflected light, and cast shadow
What allows us to see values?
What does value refer to?
Lightness and darkness
What are the elements of art?
Line, Shape, Form, Value, Texture, Space, & Color
Define line.
Lines can be anything you like, all possibilities. The connection between two points.
What is the function of lines in art?
Lines organize the visual world.
When art has many tones it is considered what?
Low contrast
What artwork uses chiaroscuro?
Male Nude NM32 by Paul Cadmus
What is cross-hatching?
Overlapping parallel lines for shading.
What is hatching?
Series of parallel lines used for shading.
What element can affect how we see an object's value?
What artwork demonstrates the use of chiaroscuro?
The Calling of St. Matthew by Caravaggio
What is a negative shape?
The empty space surrounding a positive shape
What are the principles of art?
The grammar of art.
How is value defined in the video?
The lightness or darkness of an object
How many elements of art are there?
There are 7 elements of art.
What do contour lines add to a drawing?
They add depth, realism, and texture to the drawing.
What do contour lines show in a drawing?
They show how the wing is shaped or the structure of an object.
What is the purpose of the principles of art?
They work as guidelines.
What is the purpose of hatching and cross-hatching?
To express value and create form and depth.
What are some other principles of design that can be created when using contrast?
Unity, Emphasis, Balance
Techniques artists use to imply depth:
Value, Space, Perspective