Art Appreciation Midterm Review

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Implied Line

A line that gives viewers the impression that they are seeing a line where there is not a continuous mark is called ___________

nearly every angle

A sculpture designed in the round can be viewed from ________.


A shape made of perfectly straight lines would probably be classified as __________ shape.


A three-dimensional surface that is designed to be viewed from only one direction is known as a __________.

They exist in three-dimensional space

All sculptures have this characteristic in common:


An artist cannot turn trash into a readymade artwork. True or False?

Unity and Variety

An artist creates an artwork made up of many different shapes, all in varying shades of blue. This artwork uses the following principles of art:


An artwork can have only one focal point. True or False?


An artwork that consists exclusively of drawings, designs, and plans would best be described as ___________

The site, engineering, materials, and need of the user

Architects consider this when designing a building

All of the above

Artists draw for many reasons, including: -to define their ideas -to plan for larger projects -to resolve ideas in preparatory sketches -to record visual observations -all of the above


Artists started depicting time in art only in the twentieth century, and no other artwork that implied movement was made before 1900. True or False?


Artists used oil paint on cave walls thousands of years ago. True or False?

All of the above

Artworks made using alternative media and processes -break down categories of traditional artworks -break down the traditional boundaries between art and life -focus our attention on objects, actions, and events we might overlook -all of the above

Extreme performance pieces

As an artist, Marina Abramovic is known for her _____________________


Because it is three-dimensional, a form has these three spatial measurements: height, width, and _______

Trick the viewer into believing everything in the film is true

Films such as Amelie combine realistic and fantastical elements in order to:

running forwards

If a figure in an artwork has drapery billowing out behind it, and appears to have multiple feet in different positions, the viewer might assume that this figure is ________.


Images in a camera obscura can be recorded mechanically, chemically, or digitally. True or False?


In the indian painting featuring the Mughal Emperor Babur in his garden, the garden is punctuated by a specific feature that points to the four cardinal directions. What is this feature?

Inevitable death

Memento mori refers to:


Paint in its most basic form is composed of ________ and a liquid binder.

Passage of time

Ron Lambert's sculptural work Sublimate (cloud cover) replicates the natural process of the water cycle to illustrate the __________


Samples of this drawing medium have been dated back to 30,000 BCE.


Stained glass was integral to the development of this medieval french architectural style.

Prayer Figures

Sumerian votive figures were used as what?

The camera can capture what the human eye cannot see

What did Eadweard Muybridge's experiments with motion show?


What element describes the imposition of order and harmony on a design?


What is an example of a printmaking process?


What is the name for any side of a building that is intended to be looked at?


Wood is not strong enough to create freestanding sculptures more than about 4 ft tall. True or False?


__________ balance is achieved when both sides of a composition look exactly the same.


__________ balance is achieved when two halves of a composition are not mirror images of each other.


a color that is almost grey has a _______ chroma.

an edition

a group of prints that are identical and produced in a limited number is called __________


a two-dimensional object is called a shape, and a three-dimensional object is known as __________


an artist can use _________ to organize the elements in a work and draw our attention to areas of emphasis and focal points.


an artist might use a small scale for a portrait of a lover because it implies __________


glass was first used by what ancient culture?


if a sculptor wanted to create a relief that was visible from more than one angle, bas-relief would be a good method to use. True or False?


if an architect wanted to build a large square building with a domed roof, he or she would use this structural feature to transfer the load of the roof.


in two-dimensional art, this is the area in which an artist creates their work

vanishing point

one-point perspective does convey depth, but it has limited applications due to its reliance on a single __________


relief print created out of a sheet of linoleum is called ________.


the Chiaroscuro method uses five defined values: cast shadow, reflect light, core shadow, light, and ________


the elements of art form the basic ________ of art

a human eye

the mechanics of the camera are very similar to those of ________


the opposite of emphasis is __________


the principles of design are a kind of __________ that artists apply to the elements of art


the process of using a series of parallel lines set close to one another to differentiate planes of value in a work of art is called ____________


the recurrence of a single element in a work of art is called ________

red, yellow, blue

the traditional "artist's" primary colors are _________


there is rhythm in an artwork when it has at least this many points of reference


this aspect of culture is integral to both ancient Greek and Yoruba figural art, despite the differences in how the resulting artworks always look.


this is the most vivid element in art and design

focal point

this is the specific part in an area of emphasis to which the viwers eye is drawn


this pictorial logo, used to identify Chevrolet products has come to replace words when identifying the company.

vine charcoal

this type of charcoal is commonly used as drawing material and is easy to erase


this type of relief, which takes its name from the french word for low, does not imply great depth


this type of sculpture can move and change its visual form.


visual form of printed letters, words, and text

drawing with light

what does the word photograph mean?


what genre might a filmmaker be working on if he or she used ominous music, fake blood, and shot many of the scenes at night?


what is not a primary source for studying a work of art


what is the process that a ceramist uses to knead and remove pockets of air from wet clay?


when we touch an object we experience a tactile sensation that artists refer to as ___________ texture

Early 1800s

when were the first successful photographs made using a camera

complementary colors

colors that are on opposite sides of the color wheel are radically different in wavelength and are called ___________


Cast iron was only invented in the eighteenth century. True or False?


Contour line defines the outer edge or profile of an object and can be used to suggest a volume in a space. True or False?

Solid Silver Sheets

Daguerreotypes are made on _________


The area covered by a pattern is called the __________


The binding agent for tempera paint is _________


The binding agent in encaustic painting is ___________


The essence of a visual communication design is the use of ___________ to communicate information and ideas


The final step in developing film in a darkroom is washing and drying the print. True or False?


The glassy finished surface applied to a ceramic object is called _________

stroboscopic motion

The kind of motion that is created by showing a series of static images in quick succession is called _______________.


The kind of scale used for objects that appear larger than they are in real life is called ________ scale.


There are two types of fresco. Fresco secco, which means "dry fresco," and this kind, which means "good fresco."


This craft medium uses threads, fabrics, and other textiles


This is a kind of visual diversity that can bring many different ideas, media, or elements together in one composition.

linear perspective

This is the system for creating an illusion of depth using three basic components: horizon line, vanishing point, and convergence lines


This method of applying value to a two-dimensional artwork in order to create the illusion of a three-dimensional solid form is called __________


This object can be used to separate white light into the colors of the spectrum.


This principle of rhythm does not apply to photography. True or False?


This term for plate printmaking means "cut into" in Italian.


This type of scale is common in the relief sculpture of ancient egypt, where it was used to indicate social importance.


To transfer the design of The School of Athens to the wall, Raphael ___________ a large drawing, then used powdered charcoal dust to leave an impression of the original image.

Stop-action animation

Using puppets, dolls, or models to create scenes in a movie is called _________________

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