Art: Chapter 1-2-3

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Ann Hamiltion's Mantle is an example of _________ art.


Experts still _______ about the iconography of the Arnolfini Double Portrait.


If a work of art is faithful to our visual experience, its style is ________

Wang Jian

In the painting White Clouds over Xiao and Xiang by ________ ________, the painter's inscription situates him in centuries- old tradition of painterly and poetic mediations.


describes representational art that conforms to a preset style or set of conventions for depicting the world

after life

The Egyptians imagined the ______ as resembling earthly life in every detail.

Hieronymus Bosch

The Garden of Earthly Delights is the best-known work of the bizarrely inventive ________ _________.

Maya Lin's

The Vietnam Veterans Memorial is the most famous work of _________ __________.


The _______ often created equestrian statues of their emperors.

Anthony Caro

"All art is basically Paleolithic or Neolithic; either the urge to smear soot and grease on cave walls or pile stone on stone" was said by __________ _________

The Oxbow

A nineteenth- century American painter, Thomas Cole, employed a landscape of an area on the Connecticut River entitled ____________.

Mona Lisa

According to the author, Leonardo da Vinci's ________ ___________ dazzled his contemporaries because the portrait was almost miraculously lifelike.


According to the author, a work of art may fall into more than one ________.

1) order, structure 2) aesthetic 3) meaningful images, forms

According to the author, the impulse to create art comes from basic human interests in 1) creating __________ and ___________ 2) exploring ____________ possibilites. 3) constructing ________________ and ___________ that carry meaning.

what it means to the viewer

According to the author, the most important meaning of an artwork is what it

The Starry Night

Although Vincent van Gogh suffered emotionally throughout his life, he was able to give his emotions tangible form in works such as ___________________.

Self- Portrait

Artist Frida Kahlo is well- known for her ______-_______

Holocuast, Altar

Christian Boltanski draws upon the ________ to create his work _________.

Middle Ages

During ___________ the term "art" was used roughly in the same sense as "craft."

beauty, art

During the 18th century, ________ and ________ were discussed together because both were felt to provide pleasure.

painting, sculpture, architecture

During the Renaissance in Western Europe, _________, __________, and __________ came to be regarded as as the move elevated of the arts.

Claude Monet's

Fisherman's Cottage on the Cliffs at Varengeville was painted by _________ ____________.

trompe l'oeil

French for "fool the eye"

photograph, print

Jeff Wall's A sudden Gust of Wind (after Hokusai) is a _______ that refers to a _________.

learn language

No society that we know of has lived without some form of art. The impulse to make and respond to art appears to be deeply ingrained as the ability to ________ ___________.

Katsushika Hokusai

One of the most delightfully eccentric figures in the history of art is the Japanese painter and woodcut designer known as ______________.

artist, audience

Our modern ideas about art carry with them ideas about the _________ and the _________.

1) Charcoal, naturally red and yellow clays, and black mineral called manganese dioxide was pigments 2) Ground to a powder w/ stone mortars then mixed w/ liquid that made paint 3) Was applied to the cave walls w/ fingers and animal hair or sprayed from the mouth or through a hollow reed

Prehistoric painters used the following methods:

worship, prayer

Sainte- Chapelle, Great Mosque at Cordoba, and the Buddhas in Bamiyan, Afghanistan were all designed as a place of ________ or __________.


The 10th- century bronze sculpture of ___________ is the work of an artist performing the role of "giving tangible form to the unknown."


The Christian image by Cimabue depicts the central figure surrounded by angels, the Buddhist image in this chapter shows the central figure surrounded by __________.

Chauvet Cave

The earliest images made by humans, found in the _________ __________, date back to the Upper Paleolithic Period.


The elongated earlobes, specific hand gestures and bun atop the ear of the sculpture, Amida Nyorai, required the use of ________.


The famous Neolithic structure in England, made of megaliths that once forced several concentric circles, is called _____________.


The field of _____________ called aesthetics asks the questions, such as: What is art? Can we apply our concepts of art to art of the past? Can we apply our concept of art to art of different cultures? Is there one correct standard for judging art?

tangible, Hindu

The function of artists give _________ form to the ________ is evident in the 10th century sculpture Shiva Nataraja through images that represent destruction and rebirth of the universe, the complexity of the cosmic moment, a summoning of creation, and offers refuge and relates to a message of "fear not".

Andy Warhol

The image that __________ _________ created from celebrities are portrayed through mass produced multiple silkscreen images


The nature of perception suggests that the most important key to looking at art is to become aware of the __________ of looking itself.


The pyramids at Giza in Egypt were built as _______.

Robert Rauschenberg

The range ________ _________'s work makes him difficult to categorize. In addition to paintings, prints, and combination pieces, he has done extensive set and costume design for Merce Cunningham and others, as well as graphic design for magazines and books.

Constantin Brancusi

The sculptor ____________ _____________ spent his life searching for forms that were simple, pure, and timeless.


The term _________ is used to categorize a work of art by its visual characteristics.

manager, patron

Theo van Gogh was Vincent van Gogh's brother, __________ and __________ supporter.

1) graveyard 2) religious complex 3) funerary 4) Neolithic community

Theories regarding the purpose of Stonehenge include: 1) a ____________ of a ruling dynasty 2) part of a larger ___________ 3)primarily for _____________ rituals 4) held great meaning for the _______________ that built it

James Hampton

Throne of the Third Heaven, realized a spiritual vision and now resides in the Smithsonian and was created by _________ _________, an artist who was unknown until his death.

1) his work had major influence o artists of the next generation 2) also comes from the fact that there are limited number of painting from him 3) the connection that the painting allows us to feel w/ the artist 4) cultural hero

Van Gogh's painting are of high valve because:

the many letters he wrote to friends and relatives

We owe our access to Vincent van Gogh's thoughts and feelings about many of his painting to:

Audrey Flack

Wheel of Fortune was created by _________ ___________


When discussing the size, shape, material, color, and composition of a work of art, we are discussing its _______.

Folk, naive, inuitive, primitive

_______ art, _________ art, _________ art, and _______ art all describes work done by nonprofessionals.


________ determined that the pleasure of art was an intellectual pleasure and was perceived through a special kind of attention called disinterested contemplation.


________ is the name for a standard subject in Christian art, that of Mary, the mother of Jesus, holding her son after he was taken down from the cross.


_________ means the destruction of images based on religious beliefs.

Pablo Picasso

__________ _________ painted Guernica in 1937 for the Spanish Pavilion of the Paris World's Fair.


__________'s Madonna Enthroned and Rathnasambhava, the Transcendent Buddha of the South are simile because they share a common theme of the sacred, their compositional structure is similar because they share a common theme of the sacred, their compositional structure is similar, and both include symbolic hand gestures.


___________ art with an approach to naturalism uses fabric drapes over bodies, recording effects of light and shadow on form, and the inner structures of bodies.


_____________ paintings meditate on the fleeting nature of earthly life and happiness.


a space is presented as a work of art that can be entered, explored, experienced, and reflected upon.


is what the work of art is about


literally "describing images"


refers to a characteristic or group of characteristics that we recognize as constant, recurring, or coherent.

Vasily Kandinsky

was one of the pioneers of nonrepresentational art

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