Art Exam 3

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Dream of Henry I

- A manuscript painting made in England around 1140 relates the broad divisions of Medieval society to those who work, those who pray, and those who fight in its depiction of King Henry I's troubled dream - Disturbed first by the peasants in the upper left, then on the lower left by the knights, and finally in the upper right by the bishops and the monks -While the vast majority of the people worked as farmers bound as serfs to the land, some free men became monks and trained to be knights -Feudalism could be described as the relationship based on mutual protection between the groups, the Lord controlled the land and protected it from invaders, knights pledged their swords to the lord in exchange for control over a parcel of land, and peasants were tied to the land and rendered most their crops to te lord in exchange for safety -Although in full society god was to enforce morality of the church, King Henry I rule reigned with abuse of power -His dreams portrayed peasants petitioning for fair treatment and to brandish their shoves in the sickles to revolt, while clerics rebuke him for impoverishing them - Henry I is royal physician Grimbald at Winchombe shown at the left of each dream guarantees authenticity and describes how the king would wake nightly calling for weapons to defend himself, that is until he undertakes a sea voyage pilgrimage to atone for his sins, as depicted in the final scene

Map of Jerusalem

- A map of Jerusalem from an 1170 - 80 manuscript called the Hague Map, shows the city of Jerusalem not as it actually appeared but as a Christianized space -Walls circumscribe Jerusalem transforming the chaotic city into a microcosm of God's universe with gates at the four cardinal directions (North South East and West) -A cross is inscribed within the circle to symbolize Christian control -Holy sites such as Bethlehem which is reached by a green path extending toward the est from the southern gate, appear around Jerusalem, and pilgrims approach the Western gate, as if arriving from a Europe. -In the lower portion, an armored knight charges forward on a white horse, carrying a shield with the crusaders red cross on a white ground -He impales a Muslim fighter, who bends his head fleeing toward Africa in defeat -The Hague Map blends biblical history, spiritual conquest, and the clash of armored knights into a potent symbol

On a mountain path

- Emperor Ningzong's poem inscribed in the upper right corner reads, "The wild flowers dance when brushed by my sleeves. Reclusive birds make no sound as they shun the presence of people -These lines of poetry describe the stillness and tranquility of wild flowers, only to be disturbed by the intrusion of a lofty scholar taking a walk, a golden oriole responding by taking off in flight -The painting fuses lyrical meanings as stillness and activity intersect at this moment. -As the bird takes flight, the branches of the weeping willow seem to blow in the breeze at the same time. -A child attendant carries a wrapped zither proceeding to the middle of the painting while the lofty scholar seems to have stopped in mid-step to ponder the beauty of Nature. - He twists his beard as if composing a verse, his view extending into the misty distance of the great void. The direction of the bird in flight and the movement of the willow branches naturally take the viewer's eyes to the imperial inscription and the poetic intent behind it. -Created by Ma Yuan a Southern Song Dynasty painter between 1190 and 1225 -This painting is made of ink and colors on silk. -You can see a man of letter lost in his thoughts. He is walking on a path followed by his servitor who carries the man's zither. -As denoted by the mans clothes he works for the emperor - The man is looking at two birds, one on the branch and one that has flown away. -The large part of blank left allows the spectator to imagine the river and the sky, while the mountain is far away --his artwork has a "one-corner" composition (specific of Ma Yuan) -Through the composition, our eyes meet the middle of the painting and there is a blankness, there is a philopsphical point even though thre is a much bigger human, there is still an idea of blnakness to ake us think about the way nature is and how it rvoles around -In the upper right corner there is a poem, it reads: "The wild flowers dance when brushed by my sleeves. Reclusive birds make no sound as they shun the presence of people." -n this painting, we can observe Ma Yuan's use of the paint brush. He uses a thick, clear line to delimitate the figures. -The clothing in this painting possess his "axe cut strokes". -Those kind of lines and the various shades he uses make the rocks look lighter than reality. -Another figure in the lower left, possibly a young man or even a servant, carries a qin, or Chinese zither. He is taking a step forward, in motion, while the scholar seems to have stopped in order to appreciate the beauty before him. -The scholar is looking at the nature as if the poetry is actuall writte

Sainte Chapelle

- In 1239 King Louis IX processed through the streets of Paris, barefoot and in plain clothes carrying a relic of the newly acquired Crown of Thornes -Since the crown had been placed on Christs head before the crucifixion is was a holy relic, and in the hands of King Louis IX it reminded onlookers that Christ was sanctified in his rule -Such an important relic required an impressive setting and soon after construction began on Saint Chapelle to contain and display the crown -Sainte Chapelle was built as a royal chapel connected to the king's palace in the heart of Paris -It enshrines the relic in a two-storied chapel that rises to ab 140 feet high with a seven-sided apse and a porch -Building costs are about 1/3 of what the King paid his cousin the Emperor of Constantinople for the relic instal

La Madeleine, Vezelay Christ Scene

- In the center, Christ dominates the tympanum with his arms outstretched and his holiness is indicated by his size and the modroa that surrounded him. -The sculpture was once painted, and it is possible that the frenetic repeating lines of the drapery were inspired by wall and manuscript paintings such as the Ebbo Gospels -Christ is shown in high relief, but his body is locked to the wall, marrying the sculpture to the architecture it enlivens -His hand reach past the mandorla in rays of light emanate from his fingers towards the apostles at his side -Christ charges them with spreading Christianity to the corners of the world - In turn, each apostle holds a gospel book that embodies chastise presences and their missionary tool - The meaning of this scene is layered, and it also depicts the Pentecost, an occasion when the apostles have filled with Gods holy presence his light, and evidenced by their new ability to speak many languages and thus to better convert all people described in the acts of the apostles.

Viewing plum blossom by moonlight

- Landscape- A man gone out for a moonlight walk, he stops in his path to appreciate a plum tree. -The way the jagged rocks are depicted, the tree branches are angular, asymmetry most of all. asymmetrical composition, yet balanced. lyrical painting (poetic mood, as opposed to awe-inducing monumental painting.) -It was made Southern Song dynasty (between 1190-1230) -The medium used was a fan mounted as an album leaf, ink, and color on silk. -A characteristic feature of many paintings is the so-called "one-corner" composition, in which the actual subjects of the painting are pushed to a corner or a side, leaving the other part of the painting more or less empty. -This painting was originally on one side of a round fan, but like most surviving fans, it was later mounted as an album leaf for purposes of preservation -The browns and blacks in the trees and rocks contrast with the light grayish hues of the cliff and mountain to suggest the mist-filled, moonlit atmosphere of an early spring evening. -The white-robed gentleman, framed by the dark angular forms of the landscape, perfectly counterbalances the moon in its setting of limitless space -Recalling a yin-yang cosmic diagram with its implication of positive within negative, light within dark, solid within void, the painting may be read as an emblem of man's dual nature: tied to the physical world, man's spirit is not contained by it but, like the plum, reaches upward to partake of the infinite.

St. Denis (Design)

- The Basilica of St. Denis, a few miles north of Paris, Cements the connection between the monarch and the church since it house saints tombs alongside the tomb of nearly every French king - Gothic style was born here, emerging from the rebuilding campaign and fuel by the ambitions of Abbot Suger -Suger described two accounts for building the church: the main reason was to construct heavenly Jerusalem on Earth -The basilica at St. Denis is important to mark the story of Gothic style because the choir with seven chappels has the three major architectural innovations, Ribbed vaults, Double Ambulatory and Pointed Arches -As did Romanesque churches, Saint-Denis required passage ways and added chapels around the apse for pilgrims venerating relics -Because of the steep slant, the lateral thrust or sideways pressure of the pointed arch is reduced, and the weight of the wallas and vaults is channeled more directly to the ground -Trapazoids, pentagons, and hexagons appear through St. Denis because the pointed arches can be stretched and condensed to span across spaces -The rips project from the ceiling held in place by the surrounding lightweight infill the ribs crisscross in linear patterns above the space and direct the weight of the stone into the free-standing columns and thick arrow shaped buttresses within the outer wallas -represents transition from Gothic to Romanesque

Chartress Remade

- a fire raged through the nave and then it has been considered blessed since the cathedral held the cloak believed to be worn by the Virgin Mary at Christs birth -The relic of the cloak survived the flames, but much of the church was lost -Construction of the new nave, transept, and choir began in 1250 by Louis IX -The western Facade and Eastern Crypy were preserved, and the new cathedral incorporated architectural innovations of the St. Denis - The new nave was more than 120 feet high and 54 foot wide -The nave was built with grey limestone and guides worshippers toward the altar while the vaults elevate their eyes toward the heavens -The nave is divided into rectangular units called bays with four ribbed groin vaults; each bay is marked by massive piers -The upper portion of the nave is called a clerstory and is filled with stain glass windows -The vaults are buttressed by side aisles, and the weight of the vaults is channeled into the ribs then into the flying buttresses attached to the exterior through arched bridges called fliers - Flying Buttresses are functional site they counteract the lateral thrust of the cathedral and sideways pressure fo the nave vaults and stabilize the roof against winds -Additionally, they allow sunlight through the stained glass windows; they are also decorative since they rise like exclamation points -Gargoyles appear within forest of buttress to carry water away from the building and protect the stone -The nave is 26 foot high and has bullet shaped windows called lancets in each bay with colored glass -The windows tell biblical and saintly stories and depict varied symbols such as zodiac signs -the lower portion of one nave portrays the local legend of the cult of carts where people from every class harness themselves to carts like oxen and transport building materials to the west tower for church construction -Folding tabernacle contain silver statutes of the Virgina nd child in the center -in contrast to the colorful pannels, the shrine is painted in grisaille shades of grey to represent the sculpture of a group of men wearing tunics indicating class gather with the man in front depositing an offering in a bowl before the virgin -below a kneeling man w deformed legs offers his cruths to the shrine as a healing miracle as -Men beside him process toward the shrine and the crow spills in the left panel with the heavily loaded carts -Each brings an offering to the virgins feet hoping to earn her favor w gifts -The cult of the carts was likely staged by clergy or was a folk lore because cathedral building has heavy tax burden and many church buildings in riots against the clerics who imposed these costs -The cult of carts reminds the 13th-century worshippers that generations before them literally had shouldered the burden of building to honor the virgin 415- 417 for pictures

Sixth Chan Patriarch Chopping Bamboo at the Moment of Enlightenment

-, this piece of Chinese art involves nature and man's close relationship with it. In this case, man is utilizing it for his own means, but still there it is not devoid of a respect for the natural elements. - The technique of painting on scroll has a double meaning when examined closely as well. The brushstrokes themselves resemble or echo the swift movement of chopping bamboo. -The observer is able to see the link between the motion of the painter and the motion of this Sixth Patriarch, a connection that would have pleased a Chinese audience of this time being that it unifies the picture. -For the Chinese observer, a particular pleasure of such painting is to recognize brush stroke common to both painting and calligraphy -For example, the tree trunk to the left and above Hui-neng is rendered in a calligraphy technique know as "flying white": a dry brush is moved rapidly across the surface of the paper so that white spaces are left between the light ink streaks.

Chartres Tympanum Reliefs

-2 reliefs below depict Navity, Jesus birth, with shepards lookin in amazemnat God Made humans, and -the Presenation at the Temple when teh priest Simeon and the prophets Hannah reconginze Christ's divinity. In the temple scene the child stands on the altar like an offering areminder ofthe sacrifiical reason for his birth -Female personifcations of liberal arts such as grammar geometry astronomy and music appear with their mist famous practioers in two rings of voussoirs around the tympanum -On the right side of the base of the arch the personificaitons of musci sounds bells demonstrating muscial rations while Puthagoras a philospehr for his math ratios bends over his desk in study -To the right Grammar holds a book and a withc to train the little students at her feet -Plotemy a astronmer appears above the head and gazes toward the sky -reading the tympanum and the voissours together the sculpture unites gods divine wisdom understood through faith and obiedence to the church teachings with human knowedge

Stupa at Sanchi + Monkey offering honey and the concept of aniconism

-Ashoka lived from 304 to 232 BC, and it is during this time that the stupa at Sanchi was originally built. It was rebuilt between 50 BC and 50 AD, and made about two times larger than it had been previously. -It's now about 120 feet in diameter, and 54 feet high -Stupas are essentially mandalas, or models of the universe. -The main body of the stupa, or anda, represents the world mountain, which rises through the center of the Buddhist universe. -The yasti, which rises through the top of the anda, symbolizes the axis mundi, the point at the center of the universe that connects heaven and Earth. -The three stone disks on the yasti, called chhatraveli (or chatras for short) represent the three jewels of Buddhism: the Buddha (Siddhartha Gautama), the Dharma (the Law) and the Sangha (the monastic community). -They're sometimes also called the Teacher, the Teaching and the Taught. -The yasti is surrounded by a small fence called the harmika. In Buddhist tradition, fences are used to gate off sacred areas. (That's why the entire stupa is surrounded by a fence.) - Finally, there are four gateways leading into the stupa called toranas, which are aligned with the cardinal directions. - Buddhists worship at the stupa by circumambulating it. -The toranas provide the main instructional areas, because they are covered with carvings of religious scenes and tales of the Buddha. -One final note about the Great Stupa - it is carved with the names of over 600 people who originally donated to its construction

St. Denis (light/Windows)

-Because the weight of the vaults are supported by columns and buttresses, stain glass and windows can fill the wall -What was a massive wall in a Romanesque church now became a slim column at the Gothic Saint Dennis, this change integrates the chapel and aisles into one open unit around the altar transforming the dim apse into a radiant space with large stain glass windows -The glowing walls of the choir evoke the jeweled walls of Heavenly Jerusalem transporting worshippers from the material world to the immaterial realm of god -Suger wanted people to feel as if they were surrounded by the light of God.

St. Sernin

-Built over the grave of St. Sernin, the martyred first bishop of the city -Toulouse was ruled by powerful Counts, whose wealth sponsored crusades and it sat on one of the main pilgrimage routes, bringing crowds to respect/venerate St. Semin's relics -The interior of the basilica reaches an astounding 375 feet the largest surviving from the era -The nave is bisected by a transept which expands around the high altar and transforms the rectangular basilica into a cross shape - the innovations of the pilgrimage chruch plan provides clear access to the holy relics for mokns, pilgrims, and local worshippers -Monks enter through side doors in the west facade or through doors at the end of tither transept, then move through the side aisles to reach the apse without disturbing the monks -Additional relics would be displayed on altars in the nine radiating additional aisles, called ambulatories which ring the transetp and apse -in the nave galleries, above the side aisles provide additional space for worshippers to observe the mystery of the mas -Rituals in this space engaged all senses with sound of chanting and bells, the smell of incense, and the touch of a finger to a reliquary, and the sight of the heavenly city of Jerusalem built into stone

Old trees song dynasty

-Guo Xi, the preeminent landscape painter of the late eleventh century, sought to give form to poetic images and emotions and was particularly interested in conveying the nuances of seasons and times of day -Old Trees, Level Distance,a variation on the classic "level-distance" formula of tall foreground trees set against a wide river valley, is probably a late work done for a fellow government official on the eve of his retirement. -In the final section of the hand scroll, the leafless trees and deepening mist impart a forlorn, autumnal air to a scene in which two elderly figures approach a pavilion, perhaps to join colleagues in bidding farewell to a friend. -After reading several poems about Guo Xi's work, it is agreed upon among many historians that the painting was a gift to Wen Yanbo, a long-time friend of Guo Xi, while he was waiting for permission to retire from officialdom. One of the old men in the painting is said to represent Wen while the other represents Guo - The natural order of the landscape mirros the governmental order of the song dynasty -The reforms that the adminstration was making, to make a more balance form among people,

Gloucester Cathedral (Tomb)

-However, the tomb of the infamous Edward II is located at Gloucester Cathedral, where it demonstrates how gothic architectural features were adapted to sculpture. -After a troubled reign, Edward II was deposed and stripped of the crown in rebellion in January 1327, and he died, possibly by violent murder in September -According to custom Edwards body was embalmed and disemboweled so it would decay slowly to be displayed at his funeral - However, by the time he was buried, the corpse was not presentable, and a wooden effigy or a sculpture of his body was crowned and dressed in coronation robes and was exhibited instead -The dead king's son in 1330 Edward III commissioned a tomb to be complete with an alabaster effigy surrounded by a limestone conpoy to rehabilitate his father's memory and thus strengthen his hereditary claim to the throne -In the effigy, Edward II's body is made whole with his hands holding a scepter and orb which are the symbols of the English Throne dominion, and his head cradled by angels displays the crown -The body is presented as a symbol of Kingship which serves any mortal

Two Finches

-Huizong was the eighth emperor of the Song dynasty and the most artistically accomplished of his imperial line. -Finches and Bamboo exemplifies the realistic style of flower-and-bird painting practiced at Huizong's academy. -Whether making a study from nature or illustrating a line of poetry, however, the emperor valued capturing the spirit of a subject over literal representation. - Here the minutely observed finches are imbued with the vitality of their living counterparts. -Drops of lacquer added to the birds'eyes impart a final lifelike touch. Painting by empreror, also it is a landscape and most chinnese landscapes did not have animals, also the stamp was to show that the artist made the work and the people who owned the art after it was bought would also stamp the painting. -The painter was the emperor, he was looking back at older models where he focoused on more specific subject matter

Chartres Queen Blanceh fo Catile and King Louis IX

-In Chartres north transept the Queen of France, Blanche of Castile, sponsored a wall-sized rose window around 1220 -The Virgin Mary and Christ Child float at the center surrounded by five rings of swirling panels, -In the innermost circle doves and angles carry incense burners and candlesticks like those used in the mass while in the next ring Old Testament Kings crowned and carried scepters and are enthroned in diamond-shaped panels -King David appears just above Mary, the kins of old appear again in the lancets below where they flank St. Anne who holds her daughter mary in center - the gospels of St. Luke and St. Matthew both describe Christ as a descendant of King David, so the whole window is read as a genealogical tree moving the form the outer parts )the king of Israel a St. Anne) toward the center with Christ and Mary -The genealogical tree continues as you trace the vertical axis form King David through the Virgin and Child, through St. Anne you will find the coat of arms of the French monarchy with the gold Lilly called the fleur-de-lis on a blue ground at the bottom -The French arms appear again in the diminishing lancets between the upper and lower section, this time together with the arms of Balcneh of the lancets between the upper and lower section, this time together with the arms of Blanche of Castile and then the gold castle on a red ground -The arms link the biblical king with the reigning monarchs, declaring that the queen and her son King Louis IX are gods chosen rulers

Notre Dame, Reims

-In the 6th century the first Capetian King Cloivis 1 was batpized with holy oil by Archbisp St. Remi in Remis 100 miles from Paris -The coronatiosn of French Kings when presnted with Charlaemgns corwn cause he was the kings of the franks occured and the Remis cathedral -The west facade of the cathedral built in several phases after a fire in 1210 provided a stunnning backdrop for the clergy and royals, proclaiming ther importance in the cathedral -In contrast to the flat stone of theChartres, the west facade at Remis has pointed arches and which punctures the towers, while scultprue and stained glass windows fill the rising wall -Even the butresses that support the structure have canopies with standing figures topped by ponted pinnacles -The center facade is anchored by a rose window so named because the panes of glass pin otuward in a circular design resembling a rose

The Bayeux Tapestry (Harold's Oath)

-In the climax of the first section, Harolds oath stands poised between to reliquaries to swear loyalty to Willaim -Harold rests his and on the smaller reliquary on the right while pointing to the left to William -William seated on his throne holding a sword foreshadowing fight -The latin inscription reads "Where Harold made an Oath to Duke William." -The doubled requires are visually prominent framing the two men relationship and guaranteeing the nativity of Harolds promise to support William

The Bayeux Tapestry (Comett Scene)

-In the embroidery after Harolds coronation, the assembled crowd turns to marvel at a star blazing across the sky -Astronomers have calculated Halley's comet appeared above England around the time in 1066 the star was interpreted as an omen sent by God to feel the war and terror of Harolds broken oath -On the right, the messenger informs the enthroned Harold of the omen while spectral ships float in the border below foreshadowing Viking style lingshops Duke William used to invade

La Madeleine, Vezelay Walking scene

-In the next scene, people of the world parade across the lintel so are kights wearing mail or some are pilgrims with cloaks and walking sticks which were familiar but the inhabitants of distant lands were only recognizable from books and repots of the crusade - The curved rectangular panels called voussoirs around the top of the portal show cosmological and zodiac symbols representing the greater cosmos in the outer ring - In the inner ring, the voussoirs show Christian conversions which unit all humanity and visually around Christ -Miracles such as blindness healed and demons expells accompany the conversion of familiar peoples like the Byzantine in the lower panes -the upper panes are populated by fantastic people such as dog-headed and pig snouted races who have not een converted

Notre Dame, Reims

-Just above a statute of the batism of clovis is at the cetner of teh Kings Gallery, the line of standing figures showing the sucessors that rune up the -The are three portals with a deep gabled porch and a standing glass windo in place of a sculpted tympanum - The virgin mary stands between the central doors wearing a crown as tall as her face and balancing Christ the child whose posture is so rigid and formal that he looks like a romaneseque statue -The virigns heavenly cornation is shown in the sculpted pinnacle above -Figures depicting stages of her life on the southside of the center portal" on the left the annucutation, when the Angel Gabriel appears to Mary and announces that she will bear the Chirst child and on the right where the vistiiation occurs which is when the pegantn mary vistis her aged cousin elazabeth who is miraculasy pregant with John Baptist -The two pairs move and gesture as if in conversation -All of the four figures stand free from the archetcual background and rather than matching the width of the columns behind them, like the kings and Queens for Chartres Royal portal, the figures are expanded to about five times the width of the columns -At least three of the masters produced these four standing figures between 1230 and 1255 -The vistiation group sculptor undoubledely know Roman statues and mics the ancient contrapposto stance, the deeply folded drapery and teven the portar faces =St. Elizabeth features are sharpended with age and weariness while Mary wving hair resembles that of a roman godess -The Virgin of the annuniciation bows he head accepting he angels holy message with intrpsection and humlitu -The angel beside her is in the Beautfiufl style with current Parisain court -The overlapping fabric empahsizes hte dancing sway of his hips -Because each was carved by different aritisans they are all diverse

Chalice of Abbot Suger

-Most of the furnishings at St. Denis were lost in the French Revolution when the Abbeys close ties to the monarchy became a serious liability. however, the Chalice of Abbot Suger survives -The chalice is small, 7 inches high, but densely layered -At the center of the 2nd-century cup made of Sardonyx, a stone believed to be petrified from water from Gods first creation, before Noahs flood -When Suger acquired the cup, he had it set in a gilded silver mounting with patters of reminiscent Medieval art -The mount and the cup connect Suger century to the time when Christ lived, his chalice could have been associated with the holy grail the cup believed to be used at the Last Supper and to have collected drops of Christs blood at the Crucifixion -Suger would have stood during ceremonies on the altar and raised this chalice filled with Eucharistic wine transfigured into Christs blood -As its pearls, gems, and glass gleamed against he gilded surface, reflecting the colored light of the windows in the Apse, onlookers including the King, archbishops, and foreign dignitaries might have imagined that SUger held in his hands an object transported from the biblical past and ultimately from Heaven. The bedallzying and ornateness signifiy his love of wealth and exuberance compared to old boaring blocky standarrd roman churches


-On the west facade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame at Chartres, 50 miles from Paris, the Virgin is honored in the right portal -The facade resembles Romanesque examples with its massive buttresses and towers (the south completed in 1170 and the north in 1507) as well as the once painted and sculpted tympana around the doors -In the center of the tympanum, the viring sits between angels with Christ on her lap in a pose that resembles the Romanesque "throne of wisdom" familiar from the Virgin and Child in Majesty - Charles was home to an important cathedral school for clerics, and the disciplines preserved and communicated there formed the foundation for early universities

Standing Buddha

-Some of the standing Buddhas (such as the example pictured) were sculpted using the specific Greek technique of making the hands and sometimes the feet in marble to increase the realistic effect, and the rest of the body in another material. - Shown here is a fine standing Buddha from Gandhara, a region northwest of India that comprises modern-day Pakistan and Afghanistan. -Many of the stylistic elements in the representations of the statue point to Greek influence: -The Greek himation (a light toga-like wavy robe covering both shoulders: Buddhist characters are always represented with a dhoti loincloth before this innovation) -He is wearing Buddhist monks clothes, -The measured quality of the face, all rendered with strong artistic realism (See: Greek art). The halo. -standing buddha = Once enlightenment has been achieved, the Buddha arises and travels to preach the Four Nobel Truths to fellow human creatures, indicating a sojourn of kindness -Normally a standing Buddha statue is a symbol of blessing -Buddha usually has a little bump on his head, and it looks like more of an inverted brain because he is enlightened --Google the things on the power point Ushnisha = The oval at the top of the Buddah, spirtual power of his enlgihment Uma = Tranquility Long Earlobes - because he is the enlightened one, the compassionate one. He is said to have the ability to hear the sound of the world. He hears the cries of suffering and responds accordingly to ease the suffering Halo or Sun - Enlightned one

Buddhist Temple in the Hills after the Rain co

-The Taoist idea of the insignificance of man when compared to the immensity of the Cosmos inspired the painters of the time, especially during the Northern Song period (960-1127 -Artist was Li cheng made between 960 - 1279 -. The Buddhist temple has been represented from a considerable distance, allowing us to appreciate the grandiloquence of the surrounding mountainous landscape. - The evident verticality is emphasized by the three powerful waterfalls that surround the temple and feed the mighty river that two men are crossing by the small bridge, represented with an exceptional naturalism. -The composition is a true masterpiece, and its small format does not reduce neither its force nor its effectiveness. - First time we see a bridge connecting people to nature and visually it gives your eye an entry point for the work and guides you around and shows you the path around the temple that you should be taking. Also it starts a tradition of presenting bridges. -We have varying view points, and it also shows the harmony and the balance of people and nature -Thinking about a man role in nature is very minsuclue, we are part of the bigger system, and it is harmonious and balanced

St. Etienne

-The facade of Saint Etienne at Caen reflects the balance of power between the church and its founder, the Norman Duke William the Conqueror - William founded Saint-Etienne and its sister monetary in exchange for the pope consent to his wedding with his flemish cousin Matilda. -William was a Norman or north man descended from Vikings who had settled in western France since Carolingian times. -The facade of St. Etienne which housed Williams tomb, stood imposingly as if daring a challenge to its bold authority -There are no added decoration to impeded the rise of the massive rectangular towers around the square core -The facade reimagines the Carolingian westwork from Aachen, eliminating the tribune gallery and protect -Instead, the divisions on the exterior are marked by the four buttresses and the horizontal moldings, precisely reflect the measurement of the interior nave and aisles, both in width and elevation -The nave is the same width of the central block while the nave arcades galleries and clerestories each rise to the same height as the exterior moldings -The stone vault roof which replaced the wooden roof around 1120 anticipates archeitcral developments of the Gothic style since the six-part vaults use pointed ribs, which channel wight more efficiently than rounded arches -Construction was financed with booty from Williams conquest of England from 1066

St. Lazare (Eve Scene)

-The figure of Eve from the intel survives -Eve is shown seduced and in the garden of Eden whispering to an enticement to the now lost Adam -She encourages him to eat the about being forbidden fruit, and her nude body is tempted to expose hair and breasts but looks serpentine, floating above the ground as if to recall the devil snake that inspired her sin -Her now partially shameful body is hidden by the leafy tree, and the hand at her cheek signals her fear and would dress in sackcloth to tearfully confess to the bishop -Like even the sinners presented themselves prostate on the knees and elbows, creeping toward the door of the church, seeking forgiveness and reentry.

St. Lazare

-The last judgment at the apocalypse was frequently in romanesque art. However most striking on the western, central port at the Cathedral of St. Lazare in Autun from Ca 1130-46 -Carvings were once brightly painted, on the tympanum, or semi-circular space above the door, but they still illustrate scripture for instance when Christ says "I am the door. By me, if any man enters in, he shall be saved." -At Autun, Christs pose is frontal and symmetrical -His elongated Boyd is presented and arranged in a series of dynamic triangles -four angles surround the mandoria, supporting the holo of light as if holding their heavy weight in their twisting, and angular limbs - Christs throne is decorated with arched openings which represent the architecture of heavenly Jerusalem from which he has arrived, and the carved arches mirror the arcades in the nave just beyond the door -On christs right remains the Virgin Mary enthroned in heaven with blessed souls peeking through the arcades - To her left, an angel blows a trumpet heralding the end of earthly world -At the sound of the trumpet the dead wawken and climb from their coffins on the intel, the long rectangular panel below Christ -Angels pill the righteous towards heaven, ignoring the desperate pleas of the damned -On christs left St. Michael weights the souls while greedy demons tug at the balance and hop into the pan or toss in a weighty toad to secure one more sinner for torture -Hooks ensure souls while demon to the right of the scale throw another soul into a cauldron already bustling with feet -One screaming man is plucked form the line by spindly demon claws; snakes suckle at the breasts of the miserable woman to his right -Christ stares past the souls, deaf to their repentance -The inscription below Christs feet speaks to the medieval Christian behind the door -It says "endless daylight will shine" for obedient Christians, but warns that " may this terror terrify those whom earthly error binds. For in truth the horror of these sighs announces what awaits them." -Two barefooted men, one carrying a bag with a scalloped shell badge an attribute to st James and one with a sign saying that they completed their journey to Santiago de Compostela where the satins body had been washed ashore walk past the intel =The pilgrims mirror the streams of people who came to venerate the relics hoping that his intercession might save them from hell -The inscription reads along the mandarin " I alone judge all." -The third description is "Gislebertus made it" but this is not a signature but rather refers to a Duke who deposited saint Lazarus relics at Autun

Moralized Bible, Paris 1226-1234

-The paintings in the Bible of St. Louis very likely commissioned by the Blanche of Castile during her regency for her teenage son King Louis IX glow with rich blues and reds as the rose window -In addition to the extensive paintings, the text excerpts Biblical passages that teach moral lessons. Hence the name moralized bible -While the young king was likely the primary viewer of the Bible of St. Louis, the book might also have been displayed to nobles, church advisers, and even subjects to demonstrate how the Young Kings education prepared him to rule morally -In a kind of visual title, the king's first teacher and his mother appear in the upper left gesturing toward the young, beardless rule who absorbs the lesson on the right -Both are entrhoned wearing gold crowns displaying the fleur-de-lis and dressed in rich flowing regalia -The pairs dress gestures and pose strongly resemble carvings of the viring mary and Christ enthroned in heaven a popular subject in Gothic Sculpture found for example of the Tympanum of the central port at Chartres north transept -In the manuscript, queen Blanche and King Louis IX sit like Christ and Mary in the tympanum beneath the arches supported by the columns indicating Paris and heaven -Mary is honored as her son's co-ruler and much like the queen Blanche alongside her son -In the lower half of the manuscript page a cleric with tonsured hair and an artist in a brown cap bend over a desk -The cleric points instructing the artist who holds a pen in his right hand a knife in his left -The vellum before him is laid out almost like the folios in the Bible of St. Louis that follow this title page suggesting that we are witnessing the production if the book

Asoka columns

-The pillars of Ashoka are a series of columns dispersed throughout the Indian subcontinent, erected or at least inscribed with edicts by the Mauryan king Ashoka during his reign in the 3rd century BC -Of the pillars erected by him, twenty still survive including those with inscriptions of his edicts. -Only a few with animal capitals survive of which seven complete specimens are known. -Several pillars were relocated later by Mughal Empire rulers, the animal capitals being removed. -Averaging between 40 to 50 ft in height weighing up to 50 tons each they were dragged sometimes hundreds of miles to where they were erected -The Pillars of Ashoka are among the earliest known stone sculptural remains from India. -All the pillars of Ashoka were built at Buddhist monasteries, many important sites from the life of the Buddha and places of pilgrimage. -Some of the columns carry inscriptions addressed to the monks and nuns -Some were of the spotted red and white sandstone from the region of Mathura, the others of buff-colored fine grained hard sandstone usually with small black spots quarried in the Chunar near Varanasi.

Fasting Siddhartha

-The statue of Fasting Siddhartha ranks not only as one of the finest specimen of Gandhara Art but also as one of the rarest antiquities. -This image shows an exceptional degree of Gandhara devices employed in the sculpture. -This sculpture depicts in a very moving and immediately felt manner the heroism of Buddha in his struggle to attain the answer to human suffering. Carved out of fine grained bluish achist stone, 33 inches high on a base 21 inches wide, the fasting Siddhartha is one of the most exquisite pieces of Gandhara sculpture housed in the Lahore Museum -The fasting Siddhartha represents Buddha's practical quest for truth in which according to Buddhist Cannons, Siddhartha ultimately succeeded when he attained complete enlightenment. -He travelled all over the land going through all Yogic exercises and at Gaya he finally undertook the last ordeal the six year long fast. -The physiological and anatomical details of the piece may not be true to life. - In fact, they do not have the graceful serenity of the face, the natural drop of the drapery on the shrinking body and stately recreation of Yogic absorption, the unarrested growth of the beard and body hair all are so superbly realistic in execution that they overlap all anatomical discrepencies. -The thin and a natural fall of the drapery folds the treatment of the statues base, the planeness yet dignity in the personification of the Buddha belong to the phase of maturity of the Gandhara art of sculpturing. -The body is almost osmalitiant between life and death, it looks like a skeleton but it is a living skeleton The ribs and ligments were crating patterns making the body looking very beatuiful -The base shows the sermon at sarva where he actually reaches enlightment -Extreme Realism in terms of treatment for the body, which is classic for the gandhara figure, also an idealized body that makes it look beautiful

Sainte Chapelle Floor Plan

-The walls and upper chapel were dematerialized and replaced by sheets of stain glass supported by the Skeleton Rib vaults, exterior buttresses, and iron tie bars -There is an encyclopedia of holy stories contained within the windows but while standing in the chapel individual scenes may be difficult to decohere -The panes meld into a display of kaleidoscopic color -The stones support between the windows are even painted rich red and blues, so they beldn with the class -The king could access from the chapel from his place, but it was also public pilgrimage site -Numerous indulgences, documents granting clemency from sins, were issued to penitents worshipping at the church on feast days from 1244 onward -The rituals performed in the space were particularly celebrated as Louis IX was king, so they were Comparing him to the biblical Kings and Christ, and the presence of adoring subjects was essential to promoting the idea of sacred kingship -Louis was canonized and made a saint in 1297 at only 27 years after his death

Early Spring

-This work, done in 1072, is Guo Xi's most famous masterpiece. -He entitled it "Early Spring," and, accordingly, auspicious clouds on an early spring day appear enveloping the landscape after just having emerged from winter—full of potential for life and renewal -Guo Xi arranged the main elements of the monumental landscape along the central axis of this vertical scroll. -Large landforms and pine trees in the foreground connect with the "S"-shape of the middleground. Following a break with the mist, the slope climbs up and continues into the winding central mountain in the back. Deep distance penetrates to either side of the mighty mountain as winding forms are complemented by the diagonal breaks of streams and waterfalls. - Lofty halls and pavilions along with a thatched-roof kiosk are tucked deep in the mountains to the right. - The flat distance to the left creates an expansive horizontal vista that complements the dizzying heights of the mountains. -The work demonstrates his innovative techniques for producing multiple perspectives which he called "the angle of totality." -Guo Xi's paintings often contained three types of trees. The lesser, bending trees Guo Xi described anthropomorphically as holding one's creeds within oneself; the crouching, gnarled trees were seen analogous to an individual clinging to his own virtues; and the vertical trees were compared to those individuals who remain abreast of their environmental conditions (politics) and flourish. - More than any other painting, it demonstrates the painter's special ability to exalt the rule of the emperor, a talent that set him apart from others in his early years at court -t. Guo Xi's consummate skills come to bear in Early Spring: its mountains are wrapped in mystery by obscuring mist while diminutive human figures play out orderly, subordinate roles. -He extends this metaphor to the prerogative of the "tall pine" (the Gentleman) over lesser trees and plants (men of lesser education and lower social standing).3 Thus the landscape painter employs images—mountains and certain tree species—to evoke hierarchical relationships, indisputable hierarchies dictated by nature itself. -Social class system -The painting represents an aexpression or a manifestation of political authority

Moses expelling the calf

-To medieval Christians, idol, statues of gods worshipped by Christians were not lifeless, but possessed by demons would work evils. -One of the most decorated column capitals from the nave of the Abbey of Ste- Madeleine de Vezelay shows Moses expelling a demon from the finely-wrought Golden-Calf the Israelites made and worshipped in his absence -Moses raises the double tablets of Gods law as the naked, flaming headed daemon erupts from the idol's mouth -The demon points a finger, with his cheeks pulled back and teeth bared as to be evil order, but he is banished by Moses commandments. -In contrasts to idols, D'Anger insist that Sainte-Foy's is only a memorial that allows worshippers to recall the saints holy presence -The statute itself is not worshipped. Instead, the relic inside is a means to access the heavenly saint whose spirit remains attached to earthly body -Whereas Dallas is crafted by non-christian artists and powerful because they are true to life, replicas are usually body parts, crafted by God venerated for their connection the holy person.

Virgin and Child

-To the medieval eye, free-standing naturalistic representations of the body would resemble pagan idols - dangerous man-made forgeries of Gods creation -As a response to this, monumental sculpture adapted an alternative style where bodies are purposefully distorted, made to look unreal, strangely proportioned, and flat to distinguish Christian styles from pagan -The distinctive romanesque body, which is more a symbol of a body than a representation of life-like human form, grows directly from the theological concepts it expresses -The statute of Virgin and Child in Majesty made of painted wood and about half life-size demonstrates how a familiar scene - a mother holding a child in her lap - is transformed to represent a Christian concept -Both figures stare straight ahead in strictly frontal poses. -Thier robes fall into rhythmic u shapes that create linear patters across the limbs ending in dancing lines on the hems -Mary's torso is elongated, and her thighs are shortened, and her calves extend -her body is shaped like a throne for Christ Child -The pose illustrates a theological concept called the Throne of Holy Wisdom which explains how God's Wisdom, an abstract supernatural concept became human, flesh, and bones, through Mary -Christ looks like a child size elder, complete with a receding hairline, to represent his dual nature: he is small and childlike human, yet he has the posture of a divine and wise man -Moreover the narrow empty cavity on the virgins shoulder, which likely held a relic such as a piece of mary's cloak or her hair -The paint on the virgins face, the flush in her cheeks, her pink lips, and the soft brown eyes suggest that her presence to worshippers especially when seen by flickering by candlelight on an alter -Since the statute is less than 3 feet tall, it could have been carried on processions and feast days to sput donations for church buildings or holy war.

Fontenay Abbey

-Translates Cistercian Asceticisim into Architecture -Its location is isolated, far from worldly temptations, but near fields where the monks toiled for their food and stream where they drew water -The plan is rigidly geometric, following a square module established by one nave bay, and includes the m ost necessary structure such as the church, dormitory, refectory, chapter house, and work rooms connected by a square cloister - Bernard criticised the vast heigh and length of churches as well as there curious carvings, and paintings which attract worshippers gaze and hinder attention, so instead Fontenay the church is a simple cross shape with a flat apse, a strange and two side aisles -Massive piers support a pointed arch barrel vault marked with pointed transverse arches -There is no added gallery in the nave wall since the Cistercians did not expect crowds -the floor was simply compacted earth and the only the area around the altar is paved -They avoided decoration but welcomed light through windows because they believed light was experiencing god - The clear proportions and geometry of Fontenay also contained resonant layered meanings -For instance, the arrangement of windows on the Western facade three above and four below refer to the three parts of the Christian god, the trinity, and the four gospel writers, also the 3:4 mimics monk chants

La Madeleine, Vezelay Interior

-Was a launching point for both a pilgrimage route to Santiago de Compostela and the Second and Third Crusades -Holds holy relics of St. Mary Magdalene, who was a fallen woman and a model for penitents, whether pilgrim or more solid -The sculpture above the portal of the narthex or forecourt would prepare both groups to enter the sacred nave to come into Christs presence

The Bayeux Tapestry

-When the Anglo-Saxon King Edward the Confessor died that year his half-brother Harold, who had previously sworn allegiance to Orman William, the Conqueror seized the throne -Incensed William invaded England, and the 2 fought a decisive battle at Hastings on October 14th -By sunset Harold was dead, and his army was in tatters, and William was beginning his march to London to be crowned King of England -One version of this conflict is illustrated on the Bayeux Tapestry made around 1070-1080, just after the events depicted -The tapestry is not woven, it is 20 inches high and 230 feet long made of linen that is embroidered, stitched with wool thread -Embroidery was considered feminine art, so it is likely that a female Parisians maybe even a Nobel lady made it -The embroidery describes the events of Norman conquests including Harold's oath Norman's warships setting sail, and the epic clash of fighters -Depicts 75 episodes, 600 humans, 200 horses, 32 ships, and 33 buildings, and 35 dogs among countless other details -The scenes read from left to right and are in order established by the accompanying Latin phrases that explain the action -It may have been commissioned by Bishop Odo, of Bayeux who was William, the Conquerors half-brother and at time the second in line to the English crown -It was long enough to hang around the great room in the great hall of a castle or even in the Nave of the Bayeux Cathedral to publicly assert the legitimacy of Williams claim to the English throne

Westminster Abbey

-When the English King Henry 111 visited Paris, he was awed by the recently completed Saint Chapelle -He returned to London in 1245 sponsored a building campaign at Westminster Abbey to replace the existing Romanesque edifice -Westminster Abbey had been the coronation site for English monarchs -Henry 111 remade Westminster into a shrine for the veneration of King Edward the COnfessor, the last Anglo Saxon King who was later made into a saint and a magnificient setting for his tomb - The building has a nave of over 100 feet, and it incorporates many of the features french gothic buildings had such as painted arches, flying buttresses, and the rose window -Westminster has a nave, transept, and choir ringed by single rather than double aisles, and there is an enlarged area at the end of the nave that provides a stage for coronations -Looking into the nave vaults, the ribs burst from one slim engaged column on the wall like fireworks then converge on a ridge rib or a continuous lateral rib that runs the length of the nave. -Instead of meeting at a central point and thereby dividing the nave into regular bays, Westminster such as at Chartres, at Westminster the ribs cover the vaults in a stunning explosion of line -Henry 111 was buried at Westminster, and most his successors were interred there as well

God the Architect

-Whereas in the earlier centuries, paintings of God creating the world tend to show the universe springing up to life with the point of the finger, in a 13th-century manuscript painting God physically shapes the creation as if he is an artist or architect - God stands before a glowing gold ground, in a spiritual space that texts beyond human understanding -His right foot steps behind the front frame towards the viewer bringing god spiritual realm to the viewers physical space -God holds the perfect circle fo the universe with his left hand and delicately shapes the unformed matter into the earth with his right -The fiery ball represents the sun, and it is separated from the moon, which is the same dull yellow as the earth -This shows God creating the universe with divine geometry and mathematical principles -He works with a compass, the tool employed by architects to mimic geometry in the design of sacred buildings -A gothic church is not simply an impressive stone construction, but rather a microcosm of Gods creation, building a gothic church was a religious act that could bring practitioners closer to comprehending the divine.

Gloucester Cathedral (Interior and Exterior)

-With the Gothic Spires and Ogee arches, pointed arches with a double curve, the tomb resembles a reliquary suggesting the Kings body is akin to a saintly relic -Over time stories of the Boyd working miracles were reported and the tomb became a popular pilgrimage site surround the church leading to modifications to allow pilgrims to venerate Edward II tomb - Edward III sponsored the remodeling of the Gloucester Cathedral around his father tomb -The Choir is built in the perpendicular style, so named because of its emphatic verticality - every line points like an arrow towards heaven -On the square east end, a typical feature for Gothic Church, windows fill an entire wall behind the altar with standing figures of the Virgin, Christ, and Saints -Lords who fought alongside Edward III in war also appear, honoring and memorializing his supporters -On the choir, walls engaged colonettes to stretch from the floor like tall plant stems that blossom into a bouquet of ribs across the ceiling -The tangle of ribs is entirely ornamental and conceals a continuous barrel vault constructed by the Normans in the eleventh century -Thus at Gloucester Cathedral, the line between architecture and sculpture is blurred as the rib is remade from a structural support into sculptural decoration.

Asoka columns (Lion and Lotus Capital)

-Written on these pillars, intertwined in the message of Buddhist compassion, were the merits of King Ashoka. -hey are cut from two different types of stone—one for the shaft and another for the capital. The shaft was almost always cut from a single piece of stone. -Most of the pillars were topped by sculptures of animals. Each pillar is also topped by an inverted lotus flower, which is the most pervasive symbol of Buddhism (a lotus flower rises from the muddy water to bloom unblemished on the surface—thus the lotus became an analogy for the Buddhist practitioner as he or she, living with the challenges of everyday life and the endless cycle of birth and rebirth, -The edicts were to announce Asokhas Kingship and territory, while some were made to spread the word of Buddhaism - Most pillars are topped with a single lion or a bull in either seated or standing positions. The Buddha was born into the Shakya or lion clan. The lion, in many cultures, also indicates royalty or leadership. The animals are always in the round and carved from a single piece of stone. -The lion, which is typically seen on the Ashokan pillars, is another. The wheel (cakra) is a symbol of both samsara, the endless circle of birth and rebirth, and the dharma, the Four Noble Truths.

Chartres Entrance

Biblical kings and queens from the Old testament surround the entrance supporting new testament scenes above -The statues bodies are jointed to the columns behind them like high reliefs -Their garments fall in shadow folds which emphasizes there elongated proportion, and each figure holds his or her limbs with the line of the column shaft -The monarchs wear 12th-century clothing with elaborate open crowns -Royalty dressed similarly entered the doors called royal portals jointing the procession towards the altar

The rock relief at Mamalapuram (including all possible interpretations of the subject matter)

Cats Judgement - Two qual like birds lived in a certain tree in the jungle, while one lived in on the branches the other lived in hole -They became good friends and spent long hours telling life stories, they spent thier time in happines, until one of them went away to try and find more birds with food -The bird that went searching did not return for several days, on nightfall one day a hare came to the tree and took shelter in the hole, leading the other bird to give up hope of the birds return -After a few days of the hare living in the hole, the other bird returned after getting fat with the plentiful food he found, and told the hare to leave hi house, the hare refused to leave the hole -Instead of arguing the bird suggested to the hare that they see someone holy and knowledgeable -Meanwhile, a wild tomcat became aware that they wanted to settle their dispute through a holy man. He quickly posed as a learned animal. He held a blade of holy Kusha grass in his paw and stood on the bank of a river, where he will be quickly spotted -They decided to speak to the tom cat but from a distance as they are his natural prey, they approached the tom cat and said that he can eat the one who sinned, the tom cat said that he denounces violence -Both the partridge and the hare were impressed. The wild tomcat continued, "But I am old, and cannot hear you from that distance. Fear not! I do not even harm a lice, bug or a mosquito. Come close, and explain the reason of your dispute. I shall make the most just settlement." therefore both the bird and hare came close to the tom cat to settle thier dispute As soon as they sat beside him, he jumped and seized one of them in his teeth and the other with his claws. He killed both of them and made a meal out of them - The meaning: Beware of a rascal who pretends to be holy Arjuns Penacne -After loosing thier whole kingdom to Duryodhan in the gamble, Pandvas went to the dwait forest with Draupadi -They lived in a place donated by Velotra Sun -Durodhan instaged sage Durvas to torment the Pandavas -The sage went to thier place, with thousands of his diciples and demand food from them -They could not get them the food that they needed, so Lord Krishana came to thier resuce and saved them from the disgrace -As a result the sage and his disciples went back statisfied and the Lord advisied the Pandvas to worship the Shiva but they neglected that advice and suffered more -One day another Sage Vyasa arrived there, the Pandvas gave a rousing reception -Vyas taught Arjuna to be the most captable among the pandvas and taght him the method of Parthiva worship -Later Arijuna went to the Indrakeel mountain to please Indra by his penance, Sage preached for him to remain firm on religouness -Arujunas penance created so much heat that all three worlds went to seek help from Indra -Then Indra went to Arijuna in a guise and aksed him why hes doing penance, and arjuna told him he wanted to defeat the Kauravas and Indra told Arjuna that it is not in in his capactity to help him achieve vitory becase of Aswathama who was partial incarnation of Lord Shiva -Indra advised arjuna to please Shiava by his penance in order to fulfil his wishes, - Indra then entrusted some of his men, the job of Arjuna's security and went back to his abode. Arjuna commenced his penance to please lord Shiva -Arjun did the penance by standing on one leg and concentrating his gaze on the sun, the dieities were very impressed and went to Lord Shiva and requested him to bless arjuna, the lord did that -Duryodhan had sent a demon named Mooka to kill Arjuna. Mooka had disguised himself as a boar. Arjuna was engrossed in his meditation, when suddenly his concentration got disturbed by a loud noise. He opened his eyes and saw Mooka being chased by a band of Kirats. In fact it was none other than Shiva who had appeared in the guise of Kirat -Both Arjuna and Lord Shiva struck the boar with their respective arrows at the same time. As a result the boar was killed. Lord Shiva sent his ganas, attendants, to bring back the arrow. Similarly Arjuna too went near the dead boar to bring his arrow. Arjuna found his arrow lying on the ground. He picked it up in his hand. Right then the ganas arrived there and asked Arjuna to return that arrow as it belonged to their master (Shiva) -ut Arjuna refused to part with his arrow. Instead he asked the ganas, to convey his challenge to their master to have a dual with him. The ganas went back to lord Shiva and narrated the whole story to him. -Lord Shiva accepted his dual and then fought him he was accompaned by his ganas, they were defeated by Arjuna however in the end Lord Shiva came foward to dual him and shiva was impressed by his valor and revealed his identitu which ashamed Arjuna bc he fought with Shiva, -Lord Shiva consoled him and gave his eapon Pashupat to Arjuna Ganges Decent Story -Described in the Mahakbaorta as the best river born of all sacred waters, the ganges is personified from the Goddess Ganga -Gangas's mother is Mena and her father is Hamavat, the personificaiton the Himalaya's -In one myth, ganga marries King Santanu but the relationship comes to a shattering end when the Goddess si disvoered to have drowned her own children - In the Mahabharata Ganga is the mother of Bhishma and in some myths Skanda (Karttikeya), the Hindu god of war, is her son with Agni, the god of fire. -The Ganges is considered a tirtha, which means a crossing point between heaven and earth. -In Hinduism, the Ganges river was created when Vishnu, in his incarnation as the dwarf brahmin, took two steps to cross the universe -On the second step Vishnu's big toe accidentally created a hole in the wall of the universe and through it spilled some of the waters of the River Mandakini. -Meanwhile, the great mythological king Bhagiratha was concerned to discover that 60,000 of King Sagara's ancestors had been incinerated from the stare of the Vedic sage Kapila. Wanting these ancestors to reach heaven, Bhagiratha asked Kapila how this might be achieved. The response was to pray earnestly to Vishnu and perform ascetic acts for a thousand years. - The great god, gratified by Bhagiratha's piety, agreed for Ganga to descend to earth where she might wash over the ashes of the 60,000, purify them, and permit them to ascend to heaven. There was a problem though, that if Ganga merely dropped from heaven her swirling waters would do untold damage. Therefore, Shiva offered to gently lower the goddess in his hair, which he did, rather cautiously taking 1,000 years. Safely arrived on earth, Bhagiratha guided Ganga across India, where she split into many subsidiaries, and successfully washed the ashes of Sagara's ancestors in her sacred waters. -The legend is re-enacted by devotees of Lord Shiva as they give a bath to the linga during worship. And for this reason, many devotees prefer to take a dip in the holy water of river Ganga on a Shivaratri day (auspicious day to worship the Lord Shiva beyond birth and death). -Furthermore, both stories were interpreted in a manner flattering to the Pallavas; the heroic Arjuna as a symbol of the rulers, and the Ganges as a symbol of their purifying power. -The composition of the relief includes the main elements of the story (left) and scenes of the natural and celestial worlds (right). -A natural cleft populated by nagas separates the two halves of the relief. - Water was poured down this cleft in order to simulate a natural waterfall (the Ganges' descent). -To the left, just above the shrine, Arjuna (or Bhagiratha) stands on one leg, his arms upraised, in a yoga posture. -Behind him appears Shiva, holding a weapon and attended by ganas. -To the right of the cleft, life-sized elephants protect their young below a scene of numerous other animals and flying celestials, all carved with the greatest vivacity, skill, naturalism, and joyousness. -The Pallava sculptors had conjured up the Mamallapuram rock as Govardhana hill and created a splendid row of sculptures depicting the life of cowherds and a majestic Krishna nonchalantly lifting the hill with his left hand. -And the lion decieving -FINISH THIS ONE LATER IT IS GOING TO TAKE SOME THOUGHT

Saint Etienne Facade


Monkey offering honey and the concept of aniconism

Monkeys offering honey to the Buddha (not shown, his presence implied by the platform beneath a bodhi-tree). -Such carvings predate any extant written texts. Carved in the sandstone railings, crossbeams, and in gateways of reliquary stupas at places like Bharhut and Sanchi, these early Buddhist carvings from India consistently avoid depiction of the Buddha in human form. -In other artwork, the monkey is shown dancing in joy when the meditating Buddha accepts the monkey's offering of a bowl of honey. -The reliefs at the stuppa, that scholars have related them to be related to the life to the buddah, oen being the monkey who brings, -In this period you never see the buddah, why? -They were concsiously not showing the buddah, they were showing things that connect hm to specific symbol Aniconism = refraining from depicitn the figure of the buddah because he is divine -Other scholars, say that we have full body images of the Buddah with the coin, what were looking at are figures and images taking place at the Stuppa

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