Art Final

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In medieval art history, the word "icon" means . . .

"image" and refers to religious images used in prayer and devotion.

The illustrations of the Lindisfarne Gospels show us that Hiberno-Saxon artists had . . .

- a knowledge of linear perspective - A sophisticated sense of design

The objects from the ship burial reflect a time of . . .

- political unrest - christianization

Who are the three men who stand behind Richard?

- st. Edward the confessor - St. Edmund - St. john the baptist

What characteristics of the early medieval period are suggested by the purse cover from Sutton Hoo?

-Animal forms provided decorative effect and symbolic value. -Individuals used luxury objects as status symbols. - Economic and cultural exchange occurred throughout Western Europe. -Skilled craftsman produced intricately designed decorative arts.

What do the objects from the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial tell us about England c. 700 C.E.?

-Christianity was spreading in England -it was a time of political unrest

Which statement explains why Carolingian rulers wanted to revive Classical traditions?

-The desire to reform and standardize the Church and society -The tendency to humanize spiritual ideals and beliefs

Compare these objects from the burial at Sutton Hoo. What attributes of early medieval art in Western Europe do they share?

-The use of art objects for personal adornment. -The combination of precious materials for decorative effect. -The emphasis on patterns and intricate linear detail. -The symbolic reference to strength and valor in battle. -The use of stylized animal forms.

A fibula is a brooch with all of the following features EXCEPT . .

A pendant

Which of the following is NOT true of the church of St. Denis?

Abbot Suger used rounded arches to achieve his desired effects in the ambulatory and choir.

Select the answer that does NOT relate to medieval manuscripts.

Books were not essential to the practice of Christianity, as they only contained texts by Ancient Greek and Roman authors.

The styles of Byzantine and barbarian fibulae were different, with Byzantine fibulae in simple shapes showing intricate patterns and the barbarian fibulae showing more elaborate forms. Please identify the two fibulae below.

Byzantine was the simple fibulae Barbarian was the luxurious fibulae

Many ancient texts survive because . . .

Charlemagne ordered scribes to copy, and therefore preserve, ancient texts.

Charlemagne instructed his artists at court to revive the artistic styles that were present in the days of


Which term would best apply to this page from the Lindisfarne Gospels?

Cross-carpet page

This ship burial was found on a farm in __________and was filled with ________.

England; treasure

Byzantine art changed radically during its history.


During the Carolingian Revival, artists tried to understand perspective and space and succeeded in representing these things accurately.


No important intellectual, educational, or political developments took place during the Middle Ages.


Tertullian and other Christian theologians sought to create a new Byzantine style.


The figures of Adam and Eve do not seem to care about the consequences of eating the fruit.


The illustrations of the Lindisfarne Gospels show us that Hiberno-Saxon artists had a unsophisticated sense of design and little interest in detail.


The man named Gislebertus mentioned in the inscription is the name of the artist responsible for carving the tympanum.


An inscription in the Lindisfarne Gospels tells us that Bishop Eadfrith created the book to honor____and _____, whose relics were at Lindisfarne Priory.

God; St. Cuthbert

The Lindisfarne Gospels was made at Lindisfarne Priory at a time of . . .

Invasions and political invasions

Please select the answer that does not relate to the content of medieval Bestiaries.

Medieval Bestiaries contain information about sacred places and buildings in the Holy Land.

Which of the following is NOT true of the Last Judgment tympanum, St. Lazare, pilgrimages, or relics?

Relics held spiritual power to get sinners out of hell and immediately into heaven.

Which of the following is NOT one of the messages of the Wilton Diptych?

Richard's authority to rule is in danger and he is in need of divine protection.

On the right, an angel holds the banner of _______, the patron saint of England.

St. George

This painting of the Wise and Foolish Virgins reflects the influence of which artistic tradition?

The Byzantine Empire

The north portal of Chartres Cathedral starts with the Creation story in the outer archivolts and ends with this scene in the tympanum . . .

The Coronation of the Virgin

Which of the following is not true about the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres?

The architect used rounded arches, thick walls, and massive piers to support the weight of the building internally.

The subject of this tympanum is associated with which series of events in the Late Middle Ages?

The crusades

The Lindau Gospels Cover shows the Crucifixion in the_____ Christ type


The Lindisfarne Gospel book was made at Lindisfarne Priory in the early 8th century, but later that century, the book was saved by the monks from potential destruction by . . .

Viking invasions

The Second and Third Crusades were announced at . . .


Medieval art can best be described as . . .


Look at the Cross-Carpet page from the Lindisfarne Gospels and identify the typical features of Hiberno-Saxon art.

animal hybrids, spirals, interlacing, knots.

The space around the altar is called the ______and the space behind the arches and columns is called the ______

choir; ambulatory

The apron scenes on either side of the St. Francis altarpiece show how Francis was like


The influence of the classical tradition is present in the . . .

cloth and drapery that the figures wear.

The intricate patterns and ornamental detail of this page from the Lindisfarne Gospels served to

encourage meditative contemplation

Images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their

eternal fate

Gothic architecture used mostly rounded arches.


Many of the objects in the burial are associated with cooking and eating, such as pots and drinking vessels.


The jewels on the cover of the Lindau Gospels show that this was used as currency between monasteries.


The architect of Chartres Cathedral created a new trend in Gothic cathedrals by including all of the following EXCEPT . . .

flat wooden roof

FIbulae are normally found in . . .

grave sites

Which of the following is not true of the central figure of Christ in the Last Judgment?

he stares out kindly and sympathetically

The increased use of stained glass created a space inside the church that medieval people would have described as


Byzantine Emperor Leo III initiated ______, a movement that sought to destroy religious images and remove them from Christian worship.


The stained glass in Chartres Cathedral reflected the new Gothic focus on ____ and _____

light; geometry

The almond shape that surrounds Christ is called a _____


All of the following features are typical of Hiberno-Saxon art EXCEPT . . .


This altarpiece is in a style that is a hybrid of the ________style and the ______style.

medieval Italian; byzantine

So many objects, including the body of the deceased man, have rotted over time. The only things that survived were made of


Charlemagne was the only medieval ruler to control . . .

nearly all of Western Europe

Pilgrimage stimulated the local economy for all of the following reasons EXCEPT . . .

pilgrims needed to pay entrance fees to the churches

The architect of Chartres Cathedral created a new three-part elevation made up of all of the following parts EXCEPT . . .

radiating chapels

The figures are examples of_______, which is a metalworking technique where the artist hammers out the image on the reverse side.


This altarpiece commemorates the life of St. Francis, who was a recent ________ in the Catholic Church when this altarpiece was made.


In this apse mosaic from Santa Prassede, Pope Paschal holds a small model of a church. This was a medieval way of showing . . .

that Paschal was the patron of the church.

Abbot Suger wanted to create an architectural style that would express the growing power of . . .

the French monarchy.

The three parts of the Gothic nave elevation are . . .

the arcade, the triforium, and the clerestory.

In Gothic architecture, light was a symbol for . . .

the divine

What detail of Luke's portrait page in the Lindisfarne Gospels suggests a Classical influence on Hiberno-Saxon art?

the figure's robes and posture

The eagle was a popular barbarian motif during the Middle Ages, representing _______to pagans and later, was an emblem of _______to Christians.

the sun god; St. John

Pointed arches allowed for ________ supports that did not need as much buttressing, allowing for the creation of a more elegant space.


Berlinghieri's St. Francis Altarpiece emphasizes the ways in which St. Francis is like Christ.


Images of heaven and hell caused medieval people to consider their eternal fate.


Relics were held to have spiritual power—to effect healing miracles and time off from Purgatory.


St. Denis served as the burial place for the French royal family.


The Byzantine Empire fell when the Ottoman Turks conquered Constantinople in 1453.


The façade of the Cathedral of Notre Dame de Chartres was organized according to the Golden Ratio.


The four evangelists (Matthew, Mark, Luke and John) are symbolized by four different winged creatures.


The term "Carolingian" is applied to Charlemagne and his successors.


This diptych was made for Richard II, King of England, who is pictured in the left interior panel and shown kneeling before the Virgin Mary on the right panel.


The spiritual power of this cathedral comes from the relic of the ______of the _______. This relic brought pilgrims to the cathedral.

tunic; virgin mary

Many of the objects in the Sutton Hoo Ship burial are associated with . . ..


Grave goods provide the most concrete cultural information about barbarians, who . . .

were mostly illiterate and did not leave behind written records

St. Francis was the first Catholic saint to receive the stigmata, which

were the marks of the crucifixion on his hands, feet, and side

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