Art Final

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Jackson Pollock's Autumn Rhythm is an excellent example of

Abstract Expressionism

Picasso combined lessons from Cezanne with ____ sculpture to produce Les Demoiselles d' Avignon


Modern art arrived in America by way of exhibitions and promotions through photographer

Alfred Steiglitz

What happened that caused the transition from modern art to post-modern art?

All 3

Decorated with stories about Vishnu, _____ is one of the most famous monuments of Cambodia

Angkor Wat

The purse cover from the Sutton Hoo Ship Burial illustrates on distinguishing characteristic of the art of migrating peoples of the Middle Ages that is based on


The Greek Parthenon was designed to honor ____, goddess of wisdom and warfare and protector of the city of Athens


Located outside Wiltshire England, Stonehenge was created to

Calculate solar and lunar movements

Early Christian art was created in private homes and burial chambers called


____ is an excellent example of Gothic Architecture.

Chartres cathedral

The Wall Painting of Animals is located in south central France at

Chauvet Cave

Fauve artists such as Henri Matisse extended the visual vocabulary of Post Impressionism by making ____ their primary subject matter for painting.


In his work called Monogram, Robert Rauschenberg put everyday objects together with collage and Expressionist paintings to form what he called

Combine Painting

Marcel Duchamp's L.H.O.O.Q. is an excellent example of


Le Dejeuner sur l'herbe (Luncheon on the Grass), by ____, was considered scandalous because of its loose brushwork and depiction of ordinary subjects.

Edouard Manet

Romantic artists emphasized ____ in their works


Native Australians believe that time- past, present and future - exists as

Eternal Dreamtime

Cindy Sherman was an artist who made photographs commenting on topics relating to men.


The post-modern art era came before the modern art era


The large installation, The Dinner Party, by artist Judy Chicago, illustrates the importance of ____ in art, which is considered a vital force of the 1970's.


In Jan Van Eyck's Arnolfini Portrait, the woman is wearing a green dress to symbolize


Islamic art is unlike western art because it prohibits

Figural art in religious context

Vik Muniz's Atlas (Carlao) was created by arranging _____ on his studio floor, photographing the arrangement, then painting from the photograph.


Michaelangelo's David has a naturalistic pose, called _____ and influenced by the classical sculpture of the ancient Greeks


The cultural flowering of the ______ brought the works of many African-American artists to the fore, such as Barbecue, by Archibald Motley Jr.

Harlem Renaissance

Claude Monet's Impression:Sunrise began the movement known as


The ____ are known for their skill at building with huge, carefully cut and fitted stones, as seen in Machu Picchu


Power figures of the Congo often have ___ added to them because it is thought to have symbolic meaning.


This artist reflects on identity and cultural heritage in works such as Revolution (Liberty, Social Equity, Unity).

Jaune Quick-to-see-Smith

This book illustrates the most respected form of Muslim Calligraphy, the writing of the words of this text


The Holy Trinity Fresco, by Masaccio, is considered to be the first painting based on the use of

Linear perspective

The indigenous peoples of New Zealand, the ____, built elaborate meeting houses for extended family gatherings and rituals.


Islam is one of the three major world religions, based on the teachings of _____


Fred Wilson is a contemporary artist who creates works by focusing on the common practice of ____ to communicate how this contributes to ideas about racism and class bias.

Museum Display

Combining the aggressive paint application of Abstract Expressionism with nineteenth century interests in history and mythology, Anselm Kiefer's Osiris and Isis is a good example of the _____ style


Angelica Kauffman's paintings, such as Cornelia Pointing at Her Children as Her Treasures, were in the ____ style, which was based on Greek and Roman models


The vessel Earthenware Beaker is from the _____ period

New Stone Age

The head from the ____ culture is one of the oldest surviving examples of sub-Saharan art.


The Hopewell culture built large mounds, such as the Great Serpent Mound, in what is now the state of


The works of Joseph Beuys and Ana Mendieta are examples of

Performance Art

______ universal elements were straight lines, primary colors, and rectangles.

Piet Mondrian's

Richard Hamilton's, Just What Is It That Makes Today's Homes So Different, So Appealing?, and James Rosenquist's F-111, are excellent examples of

Pop Art

The Terra Cotta Warriors were found in the tomb of Emperor ____, from whom China takes its name.


Portrait Head of an Old Man is an example of sculpture from the _____ portrait tradition


The indigenous religion of Japan is an ancient form of nature and ancestor worship called ____


The Hindu sculpture Nataraja depicts the god _____ as King of Dance


The first woman to gain widespread notoriety as an artist in the Renaissance was

Sofonisba Anguissola

The artist who painted Blue Mountain and Composition IV, Wassily Kandinsky, felt that abstract and nonrepresentational art led to a new


Rene Magritte's painting The Lovers depicts ordinary subject matter placed in absurd or unusual juxtapositions. The artist is part of the _______ movement.


Shah Jahan commissioned this structure as a tomb for his deceased wife

Taj Mahal

The image Woman of Willendorf is thought to be associated with

The Greek Mother Goddess

In the Netherlands, the major patrons of such artists as Vermeer and Rembrandt were

The wealthy merchant class

Kiki Smith's sculpture of an Ice Man was an actual casting of a real, intact stone age man.


The combination of theories of art, techniques and tools of art, and art history is the foundation for this course, Art Appreciation.


In Nigeria, the Yoruba continue their strong tradition of _____, as seen in Olembe Alaye's House Post

Wood Carving

The Mesopotamians built their temples, such as that of Ur-Nammu, on a type of structure called a(n)


The first World War led to the Russian Revolution, the rise of the Nazi Party, and Fascism, resulting in

artistic censorship and repression

Many Baroque characteristics developed as propaganda for the

counter reformation

Nude Descending a Staircase, No. 2 by Marcel Duchamp was influenced by

experiments in photography

The Native American Hopis and Zunis identify with invisible life force spirits known as


The Great Mosque is complete with a _____ to mark the building's location and allow the faithful to be called to prayer by a chanter


In the evolution of Buddhist architecture, early burial mounds led to the Indian


Like many contemporary sculptors, Martin Puryear, as seen in his Old Mole, seems to be asking questions about the

symbolism of shape

The Rococco style, with it's decorative and sensual qualities, was particularly suited to the extravagant and often frivolous life of the

the French court and aristocracy

Because of the twentieth century's rapid changes and discoveries, artist searching for new ways to express new realities felt they had to put aside their dependence on

the Renaissance

African Textiles, such as Kente cloth, feature long narrow strips of cloth that are ___ and ____ together to make garments or blanket

woven; sewn

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