Art History 001 Midterm

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Alexander Calder

"La grande virtesse" (1961)/ "the spinner" (1966) Grande is in sculpture garden in minneapolis. (site specific) in place owned by the public. Spinner is next to building- plop. on private $ went towards putting it in the private space

Hans Haacke

"Real Estate Holdings, real time social system as of May 1, 1971" 1971. Too political to expose men for holding buildings and not up-keeping them. Pics of black and white buildings. Kennecolt Copper Cooperation: US assassinates chillian leader to install a dictator in 1974. Are is printed piece of paper

Frederick Hart (1984)

"The Three Servicemen" 3 men with guns standing staring into the distance, made of bronze

Edward Kienholz

"back seat dodge" 1964. Small dodge car in museum @ LA county museum of art. Paper machete people having sex in the back of the car. VERY controversial for parents with children

Marc Morrel

"hanging" (1966) American flag stuffed to look like a body by a reuse. Meant to make you ponder, not just look at the art. participatory

Reginald Gammon

"harlem on my mind" (1969) history of the neighborhood of harlem. Controversial because no black people contributed to the art. Was the hash point of art and politics in communities. Jack johnson in the middle of the exhibition

Chris Ofili "The Holy virgin mary" 1969

(Displayed in "Sensation" 1999). Supposed to resemble the virgin mary. Pic was set on top of cow dung and had pornographic images cut out of magazines ad put by the virgin's head. Supposed to make you feel something towards the art.


1. To show something, to stand in for something visually 2. To stand for, uphold or give voice to, It is a representations conveyors of beliefs that works of art can be said to participate in or counteract ideology


A french military term meaning the advanced guard It was originally applied to works of art created in the 19th century that were considered to be at the cutting edge of artistic invention

En Loco Parentis

Acting as parents. When you allow only certain age groups of people to see certain art forms

abstract expressionism

Also known as the New York school An art movement that developed in the immediate postwar period in the US. A mode of painting characterized by large abstract canvasses, expressive brush strokes, heavy impasto, bold colors, and the "all over" composition American qualities such as freedom, expression, masculinity, and directness - ex: Jackson Pallock (ART)

Kate Millet "The american dream goes to the pot" (1970)

American flag is hanging out of a prison toilet


An artistic or architectural style that emulates ancient Greek and Roman precedents. Common US government architecture and official portrait painting and sculpture, the classical aesthetic is characterized by simplicity from order, harmony, balance, clarity, restraint, and proportion - ex. Museums built in classic style. George Washington monument- Heratio Greengough

Art in public places (1968-1969)

Art is an important public good and should be public because the money from us that goes towards towards it. Any public building built with public funds should have cost set aside to place are in them


Art movement which emphasizes simple geometric shapes, industrial materials, simple processes, and monochromatic paintings/sculptures. It challenged the traditional boundaries between sculpture and painting, monument and object, art and life.

site specific

Art that is made with serious concern of the site in which it will be located Art that incorporates elements of its surroundings and that would not exist outside of that context - ex. Mark Di Surrero "moto viget" (1974)


Art the primary focus of which is an underlying concept of idea. Such work, which may or may not be realized, in physical form, eschews visual properties and the aspiration to beauty Often taking the form of text, written or photographic documentation, performance, and math sequences. -ex. Hans Haake- "Real Estate Holdings, real time social system as of May 1, 1971" 1971.

Daniel Martinez - visitor badge for 1993 Whitney Biennial

Badge saying "I can't imagine ever wanting to be white" Controversial because art was all about police brutality. Video of black man being beat by 5 police officers playing in the background. Too political

Robert Maplethorpe: Perfect moment 1989-1990

Centerpiece exhibition of a controversy concerning federal funding of the arts and censorship

Lei Yixin

Chinese sculptor that created a memorial to MLK jr. (30 foot tall marble sculpture connected to block. Arms crossed). National mall, washington, DC) 2011

white cube

Common term to describe modern gallery exhibition spaces, which are usually simple cube-sapped rooms painted white. ex. Moma (Museum of modern art)

Hans Haake, "memromobiltian" 1985

Controversey- museums will use desire of corporate sponsorship to help with public relations problems. Supporting gov fires in Africa at the time. Flag with statements made by company about making money off of the unsettlement in Africa.

Robert Mills: George Washington monument (1848-1885)

Controversial because it did not seem honorable. Egyptian style, not American ideal reflection. Too much money.

Maya Lin (1982)

Created design for "Vietnam veterans memorial" (triangle in the hill meant to induce reflection in Washington DC. Lin and Hart had disagreements about which monument was more appropriate

Gaston Lachaise

Created floating bronze figure (1927). Large woman sitting sideways with large thighs, breasts. Women did not like the representation

Glenna Goodacre

Created sacagewea dollar txt entered circulation in 2000 & vietnam women memorial in 2008. Women's memorial had 1 woman holding dying man and another woman behind her looking to the stars (national mall, washington DC).

plop art

Description of public sculptures that are plopped in public spaces without regard for their physical contexts or audiences

George Dondero "Modern art (WORD?) Communism" (1949)

Didn't know much about modern art, but associated it with communism. Describes modernism as gross weapons of destruction.

Emanuel Leutze "westward the course of Empire takes its way- westward ho!" 1862

Displayed in national museum of art. American art, Washington DC. too political to be in the museum because it was too much or a record of unsettlement in our nation's history.

Hereto Greenough: "The Rescue" (DATE)

George Washington sitting in a chair. Looks very authoritarian, made of marble, partially nude, gesturing to the crowd (one hand raised, other holding a sword out to the crowd). Controversial because catholic people did not approve of the bare torso. Not democratic. People hated sculpture so it was moved to Smithsonian in Washington.

assemblage art/junk sculpture

Form of art making in which artists combined scavenged elements such as car parts, discarded household items, or broken furniture into sculptural forms. In 1960s this technique was associated with mercian artists and was seen as a commentary on the excesses of capitalism culture - ex. guitar by picasso (made out of cardboard)- not traditional material.

Andrew Wyeth "Christina's world" (1948)

Girl laying on the ground staring at a house in the distance Recognizable american naturalistic traditional art piece

William Bunguesieuo

Girl sitting on stoop. Very realistic. More academic French-Conservative style of art. Shift between academicism and modernism

Mark Di Surrero "moto viget" (1974)

Grand rapids, michigan, tire swing made using industrial material- represents the city well

Guerrilla Girls 1986

Group of artists that show ip anonymously in gorilla masks. They protest how art is displayed and discrimination within gallerys

blockbuster exhibitions

Large scale museum exhibitions which were designed to draw huge crowds and appeal to popular taste

George barnard: Abe Lincoln Monument (1917)

Large standing Abraham Lincoln- bronze Meek-looking, simple human looking. 2x the human size. Wrinkled coat, humble representation new, modern, American, public, democracy, relate-ability, direct, serving the people

Jackson Palock "Number 1" (1948)

Literal squiggles of brown tan and yellow. Modern, foreign, radical, abstract, communistic. Palock portrayed as "american artist" used by USIA to promote american individualism

James rosenquuist

Made F-11 (new fighter jet being made in 1960s). Art taking up 3 walls. Have references to popular culture. Controversial because it was seen as "bad" art placed next to good art. Low culture style of painting

Pablo Picasso "untitled/guitar" (1967)

Made sculpture in Chicago. He had no restrictions on what he was allowed to make. People were not pleased with the outcome. Weird angled sculpture and guitar made out of cardboard

Daniel French: Sitting Lincoln (1919)

Marble sitting Lincoln in Washington. powerful looking, flowyness to his outfit and body. Imported, classical, timeless, European, private/elite, symbolism

Amish Kapoor "Cloud gate (the bean)" 2004

Millennium park, chicago. British indian artist. 475,000 went into making the park. Public loved it. Not considered a public place but sculpture was funded by private corporations. People couldn't take pics because the art was not owned by the public

Whitney Museum of American Art 1931

Museum presents full range of 20th century contemporary american art. Known for its exhibition "the biennial " which are the most recent developments in american art

Hiram Powers: "Greek stance" (1846)

Naked woman in chains, not meant to be sexual- cannot dress herself, made of marble, nude against her will. Not obscene, calling to a higher power, was moved around


Naked: unclothed, realistic Nude: naked body txt is appealing to a higher power because it is supposed to be mythological -ex: The Greek slave -(ARTIST)

movements that came about in the 60s

Performance art: yoko ono cut piece 1964 had people come up onto stage and rip off clothing that was on her body Earth art: Robert smithison, spiral jetty 1970- a swirl made out of rocks in the water. Conceptual art: larrence weiner, "36 by 36 removal" 1968 installation art: Judy chicago and miriam shapiro "nutrient kitchen" where an abandoned house kitchen was renovated and had boobs put on the walls

Guggenheim Museum of Art

Private museum. designed by Frank Lloyd Wright in 1959. Spiral-designed at a slight incline. Art was displayed along the spiral as you climbed higher/walked down Architecture was seen as "over-taking" the art or visa versa. building was not memorable then, NOW iconic

Hirshorn Museum 1974

Public museum. Made my Skidmore, brings, and merrill. Described as a "giant bagel". People thought it was ugly and were concerned about the collection within the museum. (Washington DC)


Related to ehe word "cumulative" culture is associated with human society and efforts to conquer nature or put it to productive use Refers broadly to the best of human invention and creation, or more specifically to those products such as works of art, human creativity.

Chapman Brothers "zygotic acceleration biogenic de-sublimated libidal model" (1995)

Row of children morphed together. Was seen as disgusting and hard to look at. Controversial

Art Workers Citation (@ museum of modern art NY 1970)

Said hypocritical for US to house poster of dead vietnamese villagers. Too political. Pic was taken by Ronald Haeberle of the My Lai massacre. Very graphic


Sculpture, building or other structure erected to memorialize or help remember a personage, event or idea. Seek to inspire reflection in the viewer.


Sculpture, building, or other structure erected to honor a specific historical personage, event, or idea. Generally meant to inspire wonder


Sometimes used to describe a historical period roughly beginning in the early 19th century at the start of the industrial revolution and lasting until the second World War. Associated with the rise of industrial capitalism in Europe, expanding urbanism, and the growth of the middle class and the spread of photography


Sometimes used to describe a historical period, roughly beginning at the end of WW2 in which industrial capitalism is replaced by international commodity capitalism, and instantaneous global communications. Form of thought or cultural production characterized by deathlessness/loss of affect

Richard Serra "Train" (1985)

St Lewis, Minimalist artist. Broken looking triangle made of weather-beaten metal in a field

Miller Standard

Standard for evaluating obscenity that was put forth by the supreme court in 1973 ruling miller v. California - weather the average person would find the art unappealing - weather work lacks serious literacy, artistic, or scientific view

Jacob Epstein

Statue in a mall of a marble woman/goddess that is pregnant w/ hunched posture. Very unattractive Pople hated it because it was a man depicting an intimately female experience. Very disrespectful and insulting in some eyes. "Genesis" (1929)

Karen Finley

Sued NEA because ___ which lead to williams/coleman amendment in 1990- broke boundaries between theater/art. All artists are required to have decency. Performance artists were very controversial at the time.

Degenerate Art Exhibition (Munich Germany, 1937)

Supposed to be portray "bad art".


Term denoting an approach to art in which the artist represents objects as they are empirically observed, as they seem to appear, rather than in abstract manner - ex. Thomas Ekins- "The water hole" (DATE)

performance art

Term that describes a wide variety of art practices in which the artist, members of the audience, or performers engage in specified actions which may or may not relate to a theatrical plot or narrative Such actions might take place in theaters, but more often are designed for art galleries, city streets, private homes, or public buildings - ex. Yoko Ono "Cut Piece"


Term used in an art context in several ways: in general for processes of image making in which only see of the visual elements usually ascribed to the "natural world" For the description of certain works that fall only partially if at all into what is commonly understood to be representational

Thomas Eakins "The swimming hole" 1885

Tested boundaries between porn and scientific naturalism Stripped male model to be naked when taking pictures of boys jumping into a lake for a painting. very controversial


The United States Information Agency which existed from 1953 to 1999, was a United States agency devoted to public diplomacy.

Steve Dublin

Trained sociologist. Made "rally around the flag" and was an activist for free speech rights. Was asking the public "what is the right way to display the american flag?" caused a lot of controversy and unrest in the population

Judy Chicago "The dinner party" 1974-1975

Triangular table that is lined with plates and silverware. Plates had historical "forgotten" women's names engraved in them. Paintings on the plates were meant to resemble female genitals Triangle table represented womanhood People hated. Too closely related to pornography

Armory Show 1913

US came to exhibition and was mortified by horrified by modern art. Developed modernism/growing awareness of modernism in the US

Andres Serrano "Piss christ" 1987

Was very interested in bodily functions. Shown in Stux gallery in NY. Was a photograph of a crucifix in a jar of Andres' urine. VERY controversial. Latin interpretation was accepting of art while conservative christians despised it.

National Gallery of Art

Washington DC 2978 by I.M. Pei. Looks like a large "H". Changing patronage of who is going to see art

Historic Sites Act 1935

Where places are protected because of the art that is within it. (plaques on national parks/monuments, state forests, mt. rushmore, etc)

Ana Mendieta "Anima" 1976

Wire sculpture shaped like Ana (equal proportions) lined with fireworks around the mold. Had a burning heart in the middle of her chest. Body was on fire for artwork

Glen Ligon "Untitled- I feel most colored when I am thrown against a sharp white background" 1990

Words repeated over and over again with stencils on a white door with chalk. Reused same stencils so words became blurry the further you went down the door.

Henri Mattisse "The red madras headdress" (1907)

abstract colorful woman leaning on a chair. Not realistic. People did not like the art because it was modern and not traditional.


art institutions take up concerns such as race, gender, sexuality, and class in ad attempt to promote greater diversity in the art world Called "mixed blessing" in that is offer more opportunities for women, gay artists, and artists of coolr whole at the same time being a short-lived product of capitalism's tendency to seek diverse markets Diverse representation - ex: Ligon 'I feel most colored when i am thrown against a sharp white background'

earthworks or land art

artists located works in outdoor settings, often in remote areas such as the desert. Early art was strongly align with minimalism and conceptualism and such works were created in remote sites away from urban artistic centers and were designed to be ephemeral and change with climatic conditions - ex: Swirl jetty


can be seen as "effect"- society's total way of life "cause"- intellectual or artistic works that elevate moral/spiritual values "Artifacts"- objects that help identify a heritage of people "Resource"- property to be exploited for economic development

Sally Mann "the wet bed" (1987)

child laying naked in back in a bed "pornographic" because of the naked content and exploitation of the child (which was sally's)


describes a work of art that is designed specifically for a space which integrates features of that space into the meaning and function of the piece Also called installations


describes the tendency in the late 1960's toward ephemeral art practices such as conceptualism, performance, body art, and earth art.

Art in architecture program 1963

fine art should be incorporated in the designs of federal buildings with emphasis on the work of living American artists

What does art get funded by?

individual donors, federal gov through NEA/GSA, state gov sponsorship, state gov sponsorship, local gov sponsorship (city projects), corporate sponsors, collective donations

Andy Warhol

made "one dollar bill" 1962 on silk screen of dollar bills. Not painted- unique. Making a point/connection between art and $. Diamond dust shoes (1981) made connection between art, money, class. had literal silver dust on the silk screen

Robert Maplethorpe "(1980)

man with tail growing out of his b hole. His exhibition had 3 parts: naked black men, homosexual self portraits, flowers means to be sexual (all in cincinati)

American Family Association

non-profit organization based in the United States that promotes fundamentalist Christian values. It opposes same-sex marriage, pornography, and abortion.

How does public art get selected?

selection committee of art professionals, corporate personal, selection committee, gov agency, politician (mayors, people in office), committee of users of the proposed building or site, public referendum

installation art

works of art that are installed in specific locations/spaces in which architectural, natural, and historical conditions of the site are integral to the art

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