Art History

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_________: Female artist whose works revolve around animal themes, as seen in Study of a Cow and The Horse Fair. Her works serve as a bridge between the Romantic era and the later genre of Realism.


_________: Polish Romanticist and patriot, who wrote light-hearted yet moving piano pieces such as the Polonaise and The Minute Waltz.


________'s painting The Hay Wain is one of his more popular to many viewers.


_________: Romantic landscape painter who pioneered the use of clouds as a way to diffuse sunlight in pastoral scenes. He created nostalgic farm scenes like Boat Building by the Flatford Mill in an era of heavy industrialization.


Which two artists did more than anyone else to establish landscape painting as a Romantic genre?

Constable and Turner

___________: Transitional painter who shared time in the Romantic and Realism eras. He was not afraid to display bold social commentary in his work. His famous pieces include The Burial at Ornans, The Artist's Studio, and the shocking The Origin of the World.


___________: Romantic painter from France who used bold colors to express intense emotions. The subjects of his paintings focus on literature and French history, such as Crusaders Entering Constantinople and Liberty Leading the People.


The first country where Romanticism bloomed and British Romantic writers were among the most prominent in Europe was _____.


Romanticism generally dismissed rationalism in favor of creativity, imagination, and above all, emotion, as a reaction against _____.

Enlightenment ideals of logic and reason

More people meant more competition for land, resulting in more and more people being forced off their land, especially in ___ and Ireland.


____________: Romantic painter who used extensive symbolism to represent intangible objects such as time, liberty, and passion. His difficult childhood served as an impetus for many of his melancholic works like Wanderer above a Sea of Fog.


__________: Best known Spanish artist of the Romantic era, and court portrait painter to the Hapsburg family. He depicted the Spanish uprising against Napoleon (and the French military's retaliation) in his works The Second of May and The Third of May, 1808.


Industrial Revolution got its start in ________.

Great Britain

___________: Painter who was easily perturbed by the unfair privileges of the upper classes. He did extensive research for his paintings, most notably The Raft of the Medusa.


_________: Romantic novelist who sympathized with the downtrodden figures of society in Hunchback of Notre Dame and Les Miserables. He was also a political activist against the regime of Napoleon III, and was eventually forced to flee France for his own safety.


The Romantic musician's main goal was to stir the _______ of the audience and take listeners on an emotional journey.


Turner's The Great Western Railway is considered one of the first links to the later art movement, _______.


________: Considered himself to be a Neoclassical painter of history, but his portraits embody more of the Romantic spirit of the time. He was a bitter rival to Eugène Delacroix. He painted Le Grande Odalisque and The Turkish Bath.


What are three facts about Rain, Steam, and Speed—The Great Western Railway?

realism and detail are eliminated to concentrate on the "impression" of the subject; artwork shows the "ideas" of speed, rushing wind, and light drizzle; artist used white primer on his canvasses instead of the normal buff-colored undercoat

The terrible social conditions created by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to the ideology of __________.


What ideology rose up due to the terrible social conditions created by the Industrial Revolution?


The ________ contributed greatly to the Industrial Revolution.

steam engine

Sturm and Drang is translated as _______ and ________ What is Sturm and Drang?

storm; stress; a literary movement that rose as a reaction to the overly cerebral forms of literature that existed during The Enlightenment.

The Romantics were enchanted by the natural world and respected the ______ that were behind it.

supernatural forces

Which of the following best describes the Gothic poetry pioneered by England's Coleridge?

supernatural stories that had kind of a creepy edge, but still celebrated the beauty of nature

From where did Romanticism get its "roots"?

the Reformation's reverence to God in his natural state; the Enlightenment's desire to share and discuss one's beliefs with the masses; individualism of the Renaissance

Landscape was considered an inferior subject for painting until ___.

the late 19th century

Besides the promotion of its own virtues, what else did England's Constable believe was seen in the displaying of nature in its true forms?

the moral presence of God

____________: Designer of Romantic architecture who produced a vast array of buildings that revived Gothic motifs and reflected fantasy. His style has come to be known as "picturesque," as seen in buildings like the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England, and the Houses of Parliament in London.


___________ was primarily a revolt against the heavy industry and the "progress" that was drowning the working class.


________ viewed God in his state of nature.


________: Pen name of the female Amandine Dupin. She advocated social reforms and shed light on the disparity between men's and women's rights in her early novels, like Indiana.


During the age of Romanticism, whose works became more popular than they even were when he was alive?


Romanticism glorified the emotional component of human nature, which was a stark contrast to the cold rationalism and restraint of _________.

The Enlightenment

______'s Shipwreck of the Minotaur is a strong representative of Romantic art.


_________: Romantic painter of landscapes and water scenes who depicted a spirited and never-say-die attitude in Fighting Temeraire and The Battle of Trafalgar.


Why were the early factories located next to rivers?

because they were a source of power

During the 18th century, large amounts of money were invested in ___ to speed up the flow of productivity.

canals; bridges; roads

Many people moved to the __________ for economic opportunities and more people were forced off their land and had to move to the cities.


What invention helped factories move away from the rivers?

coal-powered steam engine

The Romantic imagination turned toward the _____ of history with a passion.

color and diversity

Much like the art of the Neoclassic period, classical music featured _____.

defined structure and traditional styling

What was the common worldview of Romanticism?

desire to express their deepest and most turbulent emotions; desire for personal freedom; almost mystical reverence of nature; respect for Europe's more distant past

Rather than viewing religion from the perspective of submissive devotees, Romantics viewed religion _____.

from an artistic perspective

Romanticism ___________ the emotional side of human nature.


Not much consideration was given to ___ during the Industrial Revolution where many techniques were developed through trial and error.

health and safety

Painters like J.M.W. Turner and John Constable also lifted the status of landscape painting by giving natural scenes _________ themes and overtones.


Wordsworth, England's poet who wrote Tintern Abbey, believed that his poetry was driven by _____ and was lifted to even greater heights by God.

his impulsive spirit

Nearly all manufacturing was produced in __________ workshops prior to the Industrial Revolution.


What did the growing populations provide for the new industries?

labor force

Which of the following most helped facilitate the industrial progress in Great Britain?

land size

John Constable's goal in the painting of nature was to paint ________ in a way that would show the power they can have.


Man was no longer an independent producing unit since he lost the means of production to ___.


Other countries were able to follow Great Britain's example in regards to technology despite British attempts to ___.

maintain a monopoly

In the minds of the Romantic, both _________ and _________were seen as touched by the supernatural, and man could tap into this by relying on his instinct.

man; nature

Romantic musicians sought to stir the emotions and take listeners _____.

on an emotional journey

The Romantic artists did away with conventional standards and used new trends of _____.

passion, emotion, and nature in all forms and imagination and history

England's artist, Turner, shifted his painting topics from peaceful farms and serene countrysides to ___.

raging storms and man's struggle against the elements

What are three facts about Boat Building Near Flatford Mill?

Artwork shows the technique called "skying."; Artist consulted meteorological books to gain a better understanding of how clouds, temperature, and the atmosphere all interact with one another; Artist's driving goal was to conjure powerful emotions that could rival any Neoclassical piece.

______: Great Britain's first important woman novelist. She wrote about the daily lives of ordinary, middle class people and wrote satires about the lower classes. Her best known work is Pride and Prejudice, which was originally published anonymously.


________: Perhaps the most famous of all Romantic composers. He was a talented musician who wrote sonatas, concertos, operas, and symphonies. The Fifth Symphony is his most well-known and opens with those four recognizable notes that Beethoven likened to fate knocking at the door.


The Romantic artists did away with conventional standards and painted passionate, stirring works on ______ subjects.


The Romantics believed that all people have _______ and no object is too mundane to be respected.


The Romantic movement celebrated Europe's ____________, whereas their Enlightenment predecessors looked down upon the barbaric medieval past.

Middle Ages


Name of Artist


Name of Artist:


Name of Painter:

The Hay Wain

Name of Painting

Boat Building Near Flatford Mill

Name of Painting:

Rain, Steam, and Speed—The Great Western Railway

Name of Painting:

_____ was one of the more interesting side effects of the Romantic movement.


What are three facts about The Hay Wain?

Print is so popular that it adorns thousands of tourist souvenirs in East Anglia, England;Artist was the first to create oil sketches outdoors; Artwork shows the use of the technique called "skying."

Romantic artists typically ________ materialism.


Romanticism differed from _________ art in that it was darker and less lighthearted.


Romanticism encouraged individuality and _____ instead of conforming to traditional standards.


The Romantic artists embraced unconventional standards and painted _____ works on a variety of subjects.

unstated and subtle

Turner painted more _____ form of nature while Constable kept his scenes calmer.


Where was nearly all the manufacturing produced before factories were developed?


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