Art History - Chapter 22 (Part 1)

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Which of the following is NOT true of Raphael's School of Athens? a. The two central figures in the painting are Christ and St. Peter. b. The scene is a fabrication, showing Greek philosophers who lived at different times together at a single gathering. c. The architecture in this painting is more Roman than Greek. d. Bramante's design for the new St. Peter's Basilica influenced the architecture in the painting.

A The two central figures in the painting are Plato and Aristotle, Greek philosophers who influenced the ideas of the High Renaissance.

Gardner's Question - Select all that apply - The artists most closely associated with the High Renaissance are: a. Raphael b. Botticelli c. Leonardo d. Michelangelo e. Donatello

A, C, D

Select the four general themes Raphael used for his paintings in the Stanza della Segnatura a. Theology b. Hedonism c. Philosophy d. Chastity e. Law/Justice f. Poetry

A, C, E, F

Prior to Leonardo's "Last Supper," most representations of the Last Supper look very similar. What key feature did Leonardo change in his version? a. Leonardo included Mary Magdalene, who was not normally present in paintings of the Last Supper. b. Leonardo placed Judas on the same side of the table with the other apostles. Traditionally he sits on the opposite side. c. Leonardo shows the Last Supper happening in a plain-looking room. Traditionally the room was highly decorated. d. Leonardo did not include any cups of wine. Traditionally there were always cups of wine for the Eucharist.


Gardner's Question - Select all that apply - In Michelangelo's sculpture, the artist is best known for employing: a. Spiritual detachment b. Massive musculature c. Anticipatory moments where the viewer waits for what is about to happen next d. Torque in the body e. Additive methods

B, C, D

Gardner's Question - The Catholic Church's response to the Protestant Reformation was the ________________ - Counter-Reformation - Papal Polemic - Document of Truth - Resolution of Trent.


Which of the following is NOT true of Leonardo's "Last Supper"? a. Judas holds his bag of silver, which he was paid to betray Christ. b. At the Last Supper, Christ informs the apostles that one of them will betray him. The apostles each react in a very different way. c. Christ subtly reaches for the bread and wine, anticipating the first Eucharist or communion. d. Leonardo includes all of the traditional symbols of the divine in this painting.

D Leonardo does not include any of the traditional symbols of the divine in this painting, such as halos

T/F In the "Virgin of the Rocks," Leonardo's interest in the details of the natural world is obscured by his use of sfumato.

F Leonardo pays particular attention to anatomical, botanical, and geological details which remain clear despite his use of sfumato.

T/F Raphael's "School of Athens" shows how the Catholic world rejected the classical world during the High Renaissance.

F Raphael's School of Athens shows how the Catholic world embraced the classical world during the High Renaissance.

T/F In Raphael's "Marriage of the Virgin," the traditional iconography of the divine was replaced with symbols derived from classical mythology.

F Symbols of the divine such as the heavy golden halos popular in 15th Century paintings have been replaced with the beauty of the natural world.

T/F Leonardo's "Last Supper" is the altarpiece for the main church space in Santa Maria delle Grazie.

F This painting is in the refectory, which was where the monks of the monastery would have eaten their meals in silence.


In painting, a full-size preliminary drawing from which a painting is made.


Italian, "drawing" and "design." Renaissance artists considered drawing to be the external physical manifestation of an internal intellectual idea of design

________________ , "the warrior pope," was the most notable patron of religious art during the Cinquecento Renaissance. - Pope John Paul III - Pope Julius II - Pope Francis - Pope Urban VIII

Pope Julius II

T/F In Raphael's "School of Athens," the gestures of Plato and Aristotle reference the ideas of these philosophers. Plato points to the heavens, as his writings dealt with intangible heavenly things. Aristotle points down because he was interested in observable, tangible, earthly things.


T/F Gardner's Question - Pope Julius II financed his art and architecture projects in part through military campaigns.

T Pope Julius II financed projects such as the rebuilding of St. Peters through his military campaigns.

T/F Leonardo's letter to the Duke of Milan tells us that court artists were engaged many activities, including engineering, not just painting and sculpting.

T Court artists did many jobs, which could include making canons and designing military defenses, not just painting and sculpting. Court artists might also be involved in agriculture and the transportation of water.

Raphael is painting the Stanza della Segnatura at the Papal Palace at the same time that Michelangelo is painting the ____________ - Last Judgment in the Sistine Chapel - ceiling of the Sistine Chapel - Capella Paolina.

ceiling of the Sistine Chapel

Gardner's Question - Ancient Greeks thought that geometry was _________________ - an expression of the torments of hell - an ideal monetary exchange system - an expression of the underlying chaos of the universe - an expression of the perfection of the divine realm

expression of the perfection of the divine realm

In the colossal statue of David, Michelangelo created a(n) ______________ body. - realistic - grotesque - idealized - elongated

idealized Michelangelo represents not a real body but an idealized, perfect one. Ideal beauty is one of the characteristics of High Renaissance art.


italian, "smoky." A smokelike haziness that subtly softens outlines in painting; particularly applied to the painting of Leonardo da Vinci


pardon for a sin committed

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