Art History Final

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In what year was the Foundling Hospital built?


Which of the following images is an example of a grotto?


What device is pictured above?

A baby carrier

What type of plan was used in the Tempietto?

A centralized plan with the tall drum

What is cobalt oxide?

A chemical compound

What is wattle and daub?

A construction technique using woven lattice of wood strips made from wet sand, soil, clay, animal dung, and straw.

What is seen in the image below?

A helicopter

What is horizontal log construction?

A method of construction used in Scandinavia during the Middle Ages

What is chiaroscuro?

A painting technique that means light-dark

What did many people believe was the cause of the Black Death?

A punishment for sinful humans

What type of stained glass window is shown below?

A rose window

What is the arcade in Ottonian architecture?

A series of arches supported by columns.

Summarize the Pomo legend, explaining the significance of the basket.

According to Pomo legend, the earth was dark until their hero stole the sun and brought it to the earth in a basket. He hangs the basket each day, moving its position because he cannot decide which light he likes.

Where is the above building located?

Agra, India

What was the focus of Renaissance art?

All of the above

Which of the following is true regarding the sculptures of David and Mary Magdalene by Donatello?

All of the above

The Aachen Gospels of Otto III, part of which is shown above, is an example of what kind of manuscript?

An Ottonian manuscript.

What Aztec symbols can you recognize in the image above?

An eagle perched on a prickly pear cactus.

What do the relief sculptures on the support poles, wall planks, and lower end of the rafters of the building above represent?


What does The Mouth of Hell painting from the Winchester Psalter depict?

Angels locking the doors to hell

What is the Land of Four Quarters?

Another name for the Inca Empire.

The "spirit of ___________" was an important aspect of literati painting.


How many Moai figures have been discovered on Easter Island?

Around 1,000

Why is the art of the Pacific Island cultures, such as New Zealand and Australia, similar in many ways?

Because the different islands are close together, they share many of the same artistic characteristics.

Which of the four plans of St. Peter's Basilica is represented in the image below?

Bramante's plan

Who engineered the self-supporting dome of the Florence Cathedral?


What is the term for the artistic writing that was popular in Chinese arts?


What is another name for the strips that join the glass together?


Who is pictured above?

Correggio (Jack Frost)

What was a court painting?

Court paintings were painted by court appointed artists for the emperor or other high officials.

What is the title of the image above?

Dharma and the God

Where was the first publishing house built?


What city is pictured below?


Where are The Gates of Paradise located?

Florence Baptistry

Why do you think Donatello chose to make Mary Magdalene have a haggard, emaciated look?

For psychological intensity, to add realistic qualities and emotion.

Which of these countries did the Vikings invade during the Middle Ages?


Which of the following artists only produced 4-5 paintings?


Who painted the image above?


Who is pictured above?

Giorgione (Merida From Brave)

What was the role of guilds?

Guilds acted as quality control amongst their members and supervised the education and apprenticeship process.

Why is Brunelleschi considered such a significant contributor to Renaissance architecture?

He developed the concept of linear perspective, and he had the ability to solve architectural problems using mathematics.

How does Perugino use the people in the background to create a sense of distance?

He draws them smaller than the people in the foreground.

How did da Vinci create a mood in The Mona Lisa?

He painted a dark, hazy, background of mountains to reinforce a mysterious mood.

Describe the technique the artist used in the image above.

He used a dry brush technique in which ink is applied to a dry brush allowing the paper to show through.

What was Abbot Suger's history with St. Denis that made him so interested in its preservation?

He was brought to the Abbey of Saint-Denis in 1091, at the age of ten, to be educated by the monks at the church school. He also worked as secretary to the abbot, provost of outlying properties, and envoy to the papal court before his appointment as abbot on March 12, 1122. After this, he devoted the remainder of his life to reforming the monastery and its monks, rebuilding the church, and enriching its treasury.

The style of the "______ Renaissance" was characterized by a sense of gravity and a balance of individual parts to the whole.


When worn, the buffalo-hide robe seen above would have transformed the warrior into a living representation of _______________________.

His exploits

What does The Small Cowper Madonna (above) demonstrate about Raphael?

His technical skills and style from his teacher Perugino

Which of the following is an example of how innovative Leonardo da Vinci was in his artwork?

His use of chiaroscuro

What were the most commonly used symbols in Flemish art?

Images of Christ

How does School of Athens (below) demonstrate classical revival?

It depicts many influential figures of the Greek and Roman times.

Why was Amiens Cathedral such an important building?

It housed the relics of Saint John the Baptist.

Where does the image below come from?

It is part of a larger painting about the Black Death.

What is the antependium?

It is the front surface of a block altar.

What language is used on the Bayeux Tapestry?


Which of the four plans of St. Peter's Basilica is represented in the image below?

Maderno's plan (Longest and most complicated)

Who is depicted in the image below?

Martin Luther

Who led the Protestant Reformation?

Martin Luther

Which of the four plans of St. Peter's Basilica is represented in the image below?

Michelangelo's plan

The three master artists of the High Renaissance were __________.

Michelangelo, Raphael, Leonardo da Vinci

What dynasty is the above silk painting from?

Ming Dynasty

What do the artist's modern art forms and colors represent in the image above?

Movement and change, not only in her own life, but in the life of the African people

Who is the artist of the above painting?

Nagasawa Rosetsu (Painting of a bull)

Which of the following tribes lived in the Southwest?

Navajo, Pueblo, and Anasazi

Which of the following statements about Raphael's work is true?

Near the end of his life, he had many assistants to help him, which produced uneven work.

Based on your knowledge from the lesson, what country is this man from?

New Zealand

What artist created this engraving?

None of the above

Which of the following is not one of Cennini's painting steps?

Paint a light wash over charcoal sketch

What technique does da Vinci use in The Last Supper to create depth?


Machu Picchu is located in modern day __________.


According to the Direct Instruction, what guild did Florentine artists most commonly belong to?

Pharmacist's guild

The three paintings below are examples of what type of religious depiction?


Which pope commissioned Raphael after the artist had gained fame in Florence?

Pope Julius II

Which of these best describes the view of the image above?

Powerful spiraling upward motion

What did people place on the altars?

Relics of the church's patron saint

What type of artwork is on The Gates of Paradise doors?


What themes were prevalent in Romanesque art?

Religious themes that were meant to both instruct and fascinate.

Which of the following features of the Cathedral of Saint James help identify it as a pilgrimage church?

Side portals

Which of the following best describes the Romanesque painting style?

Simpler and more spiritual than previous styles

Which of the following describes a scribe?

Someone who copies the work of the author by hand

What is a coffer?

Sunken panels located on the ceiling

The image below shows some of the necessary elements for creating ___________.


The centralized plan of ___________ is similar to the early Christian shrines which were built over martyr's relics.


In which century were woodcuts and engravings popular art forms?

The 15th century

At what building can the image below be found?

The Amiens Cathedral

What scene is depicted in Feast in the House of Levi?

The Biblical event of the Last Supper

What scene is depicted in Feast in the House of Levi?

The Biblical event of the Last SupperWhat is the term for the artistic writing that was popular in Chinese arts?

Why was the Book of Ebbo so unique in its style compared to Ottonian manuscripts?

The Book of Ebbo has a unique style that uses a style associated with Reims with its use of frenetic intensity and expressively colored lines.

How does the painting Pope Leo X with Cardinals reflect the high prestige of the papacy?

The Pope is dressed in magnificent clothing

What is pictured below?

The Salisbury Cathedral

How was Pseudo-Dionysius' idea that radiant light means divinity reflected in Gothic art?

The architecture had a sense of transparency

What unusual characteristic of St. James helped make the visitors feel more welcome?

The cathedral had no doors to open and close, it was open day and night.

What do the dots on the page above refer to?

The dots refer to the number of days in one aspect of the Mesoamerican calendar.

List three artistic tasks the monks and nuns performed.

The monks and nuns were dedicated painters, jewelers, carvers, weavers, and embroiderers.

What is a zither?

The most sacred of all Korean musical instruments.

Which of the following sentences contains the correct usage for virtuosity?

The musicians showed extreme virtuosity in their range.

How did Indian art change after the Indian Independence in 1947?

The nation welcomed modern art.

Why did Bramante's plans for the St. Peter's Basilica never come to fruition?

The pope died and political unrest followed.

What do the patterns on the wall panels seen above symbolize?

The potential and vigor of the person being initiated.

What does the Tomb of Rudolf of Swabia depict?

The story of a brave and heroic man who stood up for his beliefs, and paid for it with his own life

Why was the Salisbury Cathedral moved to its current location?

The wind on the hilltop howled so loudly that the clergy could not hear themselves sing.

How did art change as a result of the Black Plague?

There were new themes of death, suffering, and themes that reminded people of the reality of death.

What theme did all of the symbols in Flemish art possess?

They all had religious meaning.

How are the artistic styles of India, Nepal, and Tibet different?

They are marked by religious symbols that differ by region.

Who are B.P Mathur and Pierre Jeanneret?

They are the designers of Gandhi Bhavan.

Why do you think the gesture and gaze features of the Ottonian manuscripts are so important?

They demonstrate the emotion.

How did the Aztecs worship their deities in pyramids like the one seen above?

They offered human sacrifices.

What is the significance of the angles and curves on the building above?

They recall the ancient Sanskrit letter forms.

What is parchment?

Thin material made from sheepskin or goatskin, used for books or manuscripts

What significance did the painting above have on the future of art in Italy?

This painting became the hallmark of ceiling decoration in Italy during the next century and beyond.

What number theme does da Vinci use in most of his work?


What was the focus of art and architecture during the Gothic period?

To capture the splendor of the heavens with light

Why does the artist repeat the images in the background in the picture above?

To suggest the power of the image.

Woodcut engraving allows for much finer detail than metal engraving.


What is twining?

Twining is the sewing together of a vertical warp of rods.

The following page is taken from which manuscript?

Utrecht Psalter

What type of intricate hand work is seen in the image above?


Leonardo Da Vinci, also referred to as a Renaissance man, was a dedicated ________ and _________.


What is written on the scrolls above?

do no evil, perform every good

Zen gardens were the result of intense __________ and manual _________.

meditation; labor

According to Cennini, an artist should use ______ layers of gesso, and they should be burnished until they appear like ________.

nine; ivory

In which century were woodcuts and engravings popular art forms?

the 15th century

Traditionally, a tapestry is ____________, not _____________.

woven, embroidered

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