Art History II Chapter 16 & 17 Quiz

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Who was Raphael's teacher?


In Masaccio's Expulsion of Adam and Eve from Eden Adam's feet clearly come into contact with the ground. Which of the following is the interpretation for this?

it marks the human presence on earth

Ghiberti's competitive panel for the Baptistery doors of the Florence Cathedral shows classical references that reflect influences of humanism. Which of the following is a classical reference seen on Ghiberti's panel?

naked figure of Isaac

Titian's altarpiece, Madonnna of the Pesaro Family, differed from High Renaissance compositions in central Italy in the _____________________________.

placement of the figures on a steep diagonal

The development of linear perspective is generally credited to ________________________.


Benvenuto Cellini was the artist who believed that the artist must proceed by first finding the idea - the image - locked in the stone and then release it by chipping away the stone.


Brunelleschi was the winner of the famous competition for the bronze doors of the Florence Baptristry.


The Sistine ceiling represents the history of the papacy.


Which Italian city played the most important role in the development of Renaissance ideas and art forms in the early fifteenth century?


Leonardo painted the Virgin of the Rocks, and it is said this work is a masterpiece in expressing emotional states. He modeled the figures with light and shadow - a technique he learned from earlier works. Which 15th century Italian artist would have influenced Leonardo?


His remarkable sense of color and his ability to convey light through color emerge in the altarpiece Assumption of the Virgin. Who was this artist?


Fra Angelico was the Dominican painter-friar who combined elements of the new style of art with traditional religious devotional works.


Leonardo broke with traditional iconography in Last Supper by the placement of Judas on the same side as Christ and the other Disciples.


Painters of the High Renaissance often used the shape of the pyramid as a favorite compositional device.


Savonarola denounced humanist philosophy.


The fifteenth-century Italian artist whose work showed the most influence of the International style was Gentile de Fabriano.


Tintoretto created dynamic compositions, often by means of swirling clouds and fitful light.


In Leonardo's Last Supper, the curved pediment above the head of Christ represents which of the following?

a halo

In Masaccio's Trinity, the vanishing point can be found at which of the following?

at the foot of the Cross

In Leonardo's Last Supper, the numerous preparatory sketches and studies he made for the work indicate how carefully he thought about this work as a complete entity representing the entire story and its theme. Based on this, which of the following would describe Leonardo's conceptualization of the figures from his Last Supper?

each figure was individualized

In Masaccio's Trinity, he embodies two principal Renaissance interests. One is realism based on observation. Which of the following is the other?

the application of mathematics to pictorial organization of perspective

Which of the following describes Ghiberti's use of the Medieval narrative method in his Baptistry panel?

the figures, in varying degrees of projection and postures, move gracefully through a convincing stage space

How did Michelangelo's David become a political statement?

the placement of the figure near the west door of the Palazzo della Signoria

How did Masaccio create a sense of bulk for his figures in the Tribute Money?

through modeling with a specific light source outside the picture

How has Michelangelo portrayed David?

with stern watchfulness before battle

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