Art History Midterm

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1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): A Symposium Scene 2.(What is it): fresco from the Tomb of the Dive 3.(Where is it from): paestum located in Magna Graecia 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Classical Period 5. (What date): c 480 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Akehnaton, Nefertiti, and three daughters (Akhenaten and his Family) 2.(What is it): relief sculpture 3.(Where is it from): Amarna, Egypt. 4.(What period/and or culture group): New Kingdom, Amarna period 5. (What date): 1353-1336 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Athena Attacking the Giants 2.(What is it): frieze 3.(Where is it from): the altar of Pergamon 4.(What period/and or culture group): Hellenistic Period, Greek 5. (What date): c 1750-150 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Boxer at Rest 2.(What is it): bronze statue with copper inlays 3.(Where is it from): Rome 4.(What period/and or culture group):Hellenistic Period, Greek 5. (What date): Late 4th-2nd century BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Bull-leaping fresco 2.(What is it): fresco 3.(Where is it from): palace complex at Knossos (Crete), Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): minoan 5. (What date): ca 1450-1375 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Dancer and Diners 2.(What is it): wall painting 3.(Where is it from): Tomb of the Triclinium, Tarquina, Italy, 4.(What period/and or culture group):Etruscan. 5. (What date): c 480-470 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Denarius with Portrait of Julius Caesar 2.(What is it): coin 3.(Where is it from): roman empire 4.(What period/and or culture group): Roman republic period. 5. (What date): 44 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Dying Warrior 2.(What is it): pediment sculpture 3.(Where is it from):Temple of Aphaia, Aegina 4.(What period/and or culture group): Archaic Greek 5. (What date): c 500-475 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Great Pyramids of Khufu, Khafre, and Menkaure 2.(What is it):monument/pyramid 3.(Where is it from): Giza, Egypt 4.(What period/and or culture group): Old Kingdom 5. (What date):2575- 2450 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Guardian Figures (Lamassu), 2.(What is it): sculpture 3.(Where is it from): citadel of Sargon II, Iraq, Assyrian. 4.(What period/and or culture group): Neo-Assyrian 5. (What date): 721- 706 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Kouros (Metropolitan Kouros) 2.(What is it): marble statue 3.(Where is it from): Attica Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): Archaic Greek 5. (What date): c 600-590 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Great Sphinx 2.(What is it):monumental sculpture, funerary complex of Khafre 3.(Where is it from): Giza, Egypt 4.(What period/and or culture group): Old Kingdom. 5. (What date): 2520- 2494 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Palette of Narmer 2.(What is it):relief sculpture/palette 3.(Where is it from): Hierakonpolis, Egypt, Predynastic, 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Dynastic period, Egyptian. 5. (What date): C. 2950 BCE. ( c. 3000-2920 B.C.E.)

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Parthenon. Kallikrates and Iktinos 2.(What is it): Temple to Athena Parthenos, 3.(Where is it from): Akropolis, Athens 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Classical Period, Greek 5. (What date): 447-432 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Hatshepsut Kneeling 2.(What is it): statue 3.(Where is it from): from Deir-el-Bahri, Egypt 4.(What period/and or culture group): New Kingdom 5. (What date): 1473-1458, BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Patrician Carrying Portrait Busts of Two Ancestors, 2.(What is it): Marble sculpture 3.(Where is it from): rome 4.(What period/and or culture group):Roman republic period. 5. (What date):c end of 1st century BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Plan of a Roman house in Pompeii 2.(What is it): blueprint/design 3.(Where is it from): Vetti,Pompeii 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Roman Empire period 5. (What date): c 62-79 CE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Polykleitos, Spear Bearer (Doryphoros) 2.(What is it): Roman copy of original Greek bronze statue 3.(Where is it from): Rome 4.(What period/and or culture group): :Early Classical Period, Greek 5. (What date):c 450-440 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Portrait of A Roman General, 2.(What is it): sculpture 3.(Where is it from):Tivoli, Italy 4.(What period/and or culture group): Roman republic period 5. (What date): ca 75-50 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Portrait of a Married Couple 2.(What is it): wall paintings/fresco 3.(Where is it from): Pompeii 4.(What period/and or culture group): roman 5. (What date): mid 1st century CE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Praxiteles, Aphrodite of Knidos 2.(What is it): composite of Roman statues after original Greek marble 3.(Where is it from): Rome 4.(What period/and or culture group):Late Classical Period, Greek 5. (What date): c 350 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Reconstruction of the Palace at Knossos 2.(What is it): Reconstruction of a Palace 3.(Where is it from): (Crete), Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): Minoan 5. (What date): 1900 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Sanctuary of Fortuna Primigenia 2.(What is it): Large scale architecture/ sanctuary 3.(Where is it from): Palestrina, Italy 4.(What period/and or culture group):Roman republic period 5. (What date): Late 2nd century BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Sarpedon Krater or Euphronios vase. (death of sarpedona) 2.(What is it): Red-figure ceramic krater 3.(Where is it from): an Etruscan tomb not far from Rome 4.(What period/and or culture group):Archaic Period, Greek. 5. (What date): C 515 bce

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Snake Goddess 2.(What is it): sculpture 3.(Where is it from):from palace at Knossos (Crete), Greece, 4.(What period/and or culture group): minoan 5. (What date): ca 1600 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Statuary from the east pediment of the Parthenon, 2.(What is it): statues 3.(Where is it from): Temple to Athena Parthenos, Akropolis, Athens 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Classical Period, Greek 5. (What date): 447-432 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Stele of Hammurabi 2.(What is it): stele(basalt) 3.(Where is it from): Susa, Iran. Babylonian. 4.(What period/and or culture group):Babylonian 5. (What date): 1792-1750 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work): Wall Painting in the "Ixion Room," 2.(What is it): wall paintings 3.(Where is it from): vettii, Pompeii 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Roman Empire period 5. (What date): c 62-79 CE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Alexander the Great Confronts Darius II at the Battle of Issus 2.(What is it): floor mosaic 3.(Where is it from):Pompeii. Roman copy (early empire) 4.(What period/and or culture group): Late Classical Period, Greek. 5. (What date):310 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Exekias (potter and painter) Ajax and Achilles Playing a Game 2.(What is it): amphora 3.(Where is it from): Vulci, Italy 4.(What period/and or culture group): Greek Archaic Period. 5. (What date): c 540-530 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Figure of a woman 2.(What is it): figurine/ sculpture 3.(Where is it from): Cycladic Islands, Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): Cycladic. Early Cycladic II 5. (What date): 2600-2400 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Head of a Man (known as an Akkadian Ruler) 2.(What is it):sculpture 3.(Where is it from):From Nineveh (present-day Ninua, Iraq 4.(What period/and or culture group):Akkadian period 5. (What date): c. 2300 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Hirschfeld Workshop, Funerary Krater 2.(What is it): krater/vase 3.(Where is it from):Dipylon Cemetery, Athens 4.(What period/and or culture group): Greek Archaic Period 5. (What date): C 1750-735 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Inner coffin of Tutankhamen 2.(What is it): coffin made of gold 3.(Where is it from): Thebes, Egypt 4.(What period/and or culture group): New Kingdom. 5. (What date): 1332-1322 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Interior of Tholos, so-called Treasury of Atreus (tomb) 2.(What is it): tomb/tholos 3.(Where is it from):Mycenae, Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): The Mycenaean (Helladic) Culture 5. (What date): 1300-1200 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Lion Gate 2.(What is it): main gate/entrance to citadel 3.(Where is it from):Mycenae, Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): The Mycenaean (Helladic) Culture 5. (What date): 1250 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Riace Warrior 2.(What is it): bronze sculpture 3.(Where is it from): found of the coast of Riace, Italy 4.(What period/and or culture group): Early Classical Period, Greek 5. (What date): c 460-450 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):Temple of Aphaia 2.(What is it): aegina, doric order temple 3.(Where is it from): Agia Marina, Attica, Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): Greek Archaic period 5. (What date): c 500-475 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(Title of the work):The Theatre of Epidaurus 2.(What is it): theatre 3.(Where is it from): Peloponnese, Greece 4.(What period/and or culture group): Hellenistic Period, Greek. 5. (What date):4th century BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(title of the work): Stele of Naram-Sim 2.(what is it): Stele 3.(where's it from): Susa, Iran. 4.(what period): Akkadian 5.(Date): 2254-2218 BCE.

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(title of work): Twelve Votive Worshipers 2.(what is it): Sculpture 3.(Where is it from): Square Temple, Eshunna, Iraq 4.(period): Sumerian/ early mesopotamia 5.(Date):Ca 2900-2600 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

1.(title): Stonehenge 2. (What is it): megalithic monument 3. (Where is it): Salisbury, Wiltshire, England. 4.(period):Neolithic period 5.(date):Ca 2900-1500 BCE.

1( Title of work of art): 2.What is it: 3. From 4. Period: 5.Date:

1.Nude woman also called Venus or woman from Willendorf 2.small figurine 3. From Willendorf, Austria 4. Paleolithic period 5. 24,000 BCE

Palace at Knossos: When was it built, what culture group was responsible for its creation, and where is it? Who decided it was a palace and why?

Knossos was erected in about 1900 BCE. The Minoan people were responsible for building the palace. Located by Heraklion near the north coast of Crete, Greece. Sir Arthur Evans called it a palace because he discovered a complex network of corridors and rooms that reminded him of the legendary labyrinth of King Minos. He also believed that a succession of kings lived in the "palace". Gives his discovery greater importance.

How are Etruscan tombs and Egyptian tombs similar? Name at least 2 tombs (one from each culture) and describe at least 3 ways that the contents, construction, and/or view of death is similar.

La Banditaccia at Cerveteri-Etruscan tomb King Tut's Tomb-Egyptian Both Egyptian and Etruscan tombs have the bodies in a sarcophagus. Both groups also view death as another step in life, the period on Earth was only a small percent and the afterlife was most of life. Both groups also filled the tombs with things the person would need in the afterlife.

Perikles: Who was he, when did he live (century), where (city), and why is he important for the development of Greek art?

Perikles was a Greek politician and general who led Athens in the Peloponnesian War. He lived from 495-429. He is important to Greek art because he was a great patron to the arts, supporting the use of Athenian wealth for the adornment of the city and encouraging artists to promote a public image of peace, prosperity and power. Perikles reconstructed the Acropolis( including the Parthenon) after it was destroyed by the Persian troops.

Pyramids: Describe the development of pyramid architecture (what does it derive from) and explain at least two ways that this shape has been explained— in other words, what is the symbolism of the form? You should mention at least 2 sites in your answer.

Pyramids are derived from the ziggurats of Mesopotamia, the higher the figure the closer to god/ gods. King walks up form of the mountain to get to the afterlife. Ray of suns. Great Pyramids at Giza Step Pyramid at Djoser

Describe the iconography and significance of the Stele of Hammurabi

Hammurabi was a ruler in Mesopotamia. One of Hammurabi's achievements was a written legal code that detailed the laws of his realm and the penalties for breaking them. The stele was a systematic codification of Hamurabi's peoples rights, duties, and punishments for wrongdoing. The top of the stele is Hammurabi praying to the sun god and the god of justice.This imposing artifact, therefore, is both a work of art that depicts a legendary event and a precious historical document. Hammurabi stele was groundbreaking because he was regulating laws rather than leaving them to the whim of rulers.

Discuss verism and its significance for Roman Republican portraiture. Name 2 examples of this tradition.

verism—an interest in the faithful reproduction of the immediate visual and tactile appearance of subjects. Since we find in these portrait busts the same sorts of individualizing physiognomic features that allow us to differentiate among the people we know in our own world, it is easy to assume that they are exact likenesses of their subjects as they appeared during their lifetime. This new Roman ideal emphasized rather than suppressed the hallmarks of age and characteristics of an individual. PORTRAIT HEAD OF AN ELDER FROM SCOPPITO Aulus Metellus( The Orator)

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ________________________________

(Title of the work):Menkaure and Queen 2.(What is it): sculpture 3.(Where is it from): Giza, Egyptian 4.(What period/and or culture group): Old Kingdom 5. (What date): 2490-2472 BCE

1) title of work and name of artist (if known)___________________________ 2) what it is (sculpture, wall painting, etc)________________________________ 3) where it's from________________________________ 4) what period/and or culture group________________________________ 5) What date (date range) ______________________________

1. (title): Spotted Horses and Human Hands 2.What is it: Cave painting 3.From: Pech-Merle, France. 4. Period:Paleolithic period 5. 25,000-15,000 BCE.

Parthenon: When created, why, where? Discuss the history and present-day discussions about the sculpture that used to decorate the Parthenon. Where is it and why? Outline the points of view of the 2 main parties.

447 BCE. Created to honor the goddess Athena who was seen as the protector of Athens. There were sculptures in the round that adorned the pediment of the Partheon. The British Earl of Elgin acquired the marble sculptures and sent them back to England to be in his private collection. Now the marbles are at the British Museum. The Greek government has tried to get the marbles back but has been unsuccessful. In the Parthenon Museum in Greece, there is the other half of the marbles with some even missing part of the sculpture. The Greek Museum has had to fill in the missing pieces with plaster. The British Museum says they have a right to the marbles and provide an advantage for art and history lovers because they could go to Greece or England to see such famous and historic pieces of artwork. The Greek government says that the marbles were stolen and belong in Greece. They claim that the marbles were created in Greece and should stay there. They also wanted visitors to the museum to view the marbles and see the actual Parthenon in the distance.

Cave paintings(Discuss three theories regarding cave painting (may address meaning and/or manner of creation). Name 2 caves sites.-

Chauvet Cave and Lascaux Cave painting might just be aesthetic. People like to be surrounded by objects that are aesthetically pleasing. Cave paintings might be intended as knowledge for privileged groups of people. The paintings were sometimes very deep in caves not accessible to everyone. The paintings were intended to teach hunters about behavior and seasonal appearance of animals. There were hide colorings and animal feces in the caves. Shamanism is another possible meaning of cave art and is the belief that people can travel outside their bodies in order to mediate between the worlds of the living and the spirits. Lewis-Williams used comparative knowledge of art by hunter gatherer communities. Images conceived during the trancelike state would likely combine recognizable(the animals) and abstract( the nonrepresentational) symbols. Williams interprets the stenciled human handprints on the cave walls as traces of the non shaman participants in the ritual reaching toward and connecting with the shaman spirits traveling within the rock. Caves a place between earth and spiritual

Discuss the differences among the following: conservation, restoration, and reconstruction. You will refer to at least 3 works of art/sites as examples in your answer.

Conservation helps to preserve the art/ site. Prevents it from deteriorating .( Lascaux) Restoration depicts a property at a particular period of time in its history, while removing evidence of other periods. (Palace of Knossos), Snake Goddess Reconstruction re-creates vanished or non-surviving portions of a property for interpretive purposes.

The Hellenistic Period: Describe and discuss; when, where, why called Hellenistic? Name at least 3 examples of Hellenistic art and/or architecture) and describe how they demonstrate key characteristics of art produced during this period (may be helpful to think about this in comparison to the archaic or classical periods).

Spread of greek culture in the time period between the death of Alexander the Great to the death of Cleopatra When: 323-31/30 BCE death of Cleopatra Where: Greece/Macedonia Gaul Killing Himself and His Wife-tragic/emotional Athena Attacking the Giants on the Pergamon frieze-complex and theatrical interaction of space and form. Dynamic contrasts of light and shade. Laocoön and His Sons-death/action/ shows fear on the faces in the sculpture Artists in this period shifted focus away from a generalized artistic ideal and focused more on the individual and the specific. They stopped making art primarily focused on gods and started making art of mortals. Interest in humaising gods and heroes. The pieces in this period also showed emotion and expressive subjects and poses. Architecture became grander.

Stonehenge: What is this, when was it built, where is it? Describe at least two theories regarding the function of this monument.

Stonehenge is a megalithic monument and is on the Salisbury Plain in southern England. Made in Ca 2900-1500 BCE. Because it is oriented in relation to the movement of the sun, people have argued that it may have been an observatory or that it had special importance as a calendar for regulating early agricultural schedules. It is now believed that Stonehenge was the site of ceremonies linked to death and burial. Death rituals were practiced here This theory comes from evidence that looks not only at the stone circles but also nearby sites from when the Stonehenge was in use.

The Canon/Doryphoros: What is this? Who created it and what does it depict? What was the original purpose of this work of art and how does it exemplify art of the period in which it was produced?

The Doryphoros is a Roman marble copy from a bronze sculpture that embodies the ideal figure of a man according to the ancient Greeks. It was made by Polykleitos and it depicts an athletic young man who was once holding a spear. It creates a rule or law for other artwork. It was intended to capture the ideal proportions of the human body. Polykletios used a mathematical approach to create the perfect form. This sculpture represents the High Classical period because of its perfection, it was symmetrical, showed the ideal body, showed zero flaws, was an athletic body, young body, and showed no emotion which was typical of art during this time period.

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