Art History Quiz #2

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Florence Cathedral Dome

Content: Florence cathedral made from 1420-1436 and completed in 1471 Content: the dome was extremely hard to approach and make but architect Filippo Brunelleschi discovers a way to build the dome up using removable wooden parts that were taken away the higher the dome was built


Format: "house of gold" was constructed between 1421-1437 in Venice Content: home of the wealthy nobleman Marino Contarini has a splendid front with three loggias facing the canal the palace was truly amazing with goods allowed to be traded directly into the palace from the water.

Niccolò da Tolentino Leading the Charge: Paola Uccello

Format: 1 of 3 part panel painting with tempera on wood panel made around 1438-1440 Florence Content: painting depicts the battle of Romano with general Romano holding a baton of command underneath a flowing banner shows off use of linear perspective

The palace at Urbino

Format: Luciano laurana finished constructing the palace in 1479. Content the palace userd linear perspective to its advantage and fixed the problem in courtyard design by the awkward juncture of the arcades at the four corners

Foundling Hospital

Format: a guild of silk manufacturers and goldsmiths in Florence established a large public orphanage which was completed in 1444 in Florence Content: the building housed a miracle working painting of the annunciation the building also had covered outside seating for the public with glazed terra-cotta medallions above the arches of infants

Palazzo Medici-Riccardi

Format: a palace made by Brunelleschi for the Medici family in Florence Italy in 1446 Content: It was used for more than a dwelling place it was used as a place of business/ company headquarters.

Scenes from the Life of St. Francis;altarpiece with nativity and adoration of shepherds

Format: altarpiece and frescos painted on the walls of the Sassetti family burial chapel in Florence around 1483-1486 Content: the frescos showed a life cycle of st. Francis commissioned by the manager of the Medici bank. The piece paints scenes of the confirmation of the Franciscan rule by the pope and an altar piece at the bottom of the nativity and adoration of shepherds in its original frame

Annunciation, Fra Angelico

Format: between 1438-1445, in the monastery of San Marco, Fra Angelico and his assistants-probably working under the patron Medici, created paintings to inspire meditation in each monks cell in the meeting room and even in the corridors. Content: this is a sacred vision rendered in a contemporary setting, welcoming the monks to the most intimate areas of the monastery and preparing them for their private meditations.

David- Verrocchio

Format: bronze sculpture with gilded details made around 1470-1475 for the Medici palace Content: medic commissioned from verrocchio a bronze statue of David for the palazzo Medici. He shows David as a triumphant and proud biblical hero

Hercules and Antaeus- Pollaiuolo

Format: bronze small sculpture made in Florence around 1475 Content: the study of complex interlocking figures has an explosive energy that can be viewed from every angle showing Hercules winning a wrestling match against Antaeus

The battle of the nudes

Format: engraving made in Italy around 1465-1470 Content: the engraving reflects two interests of renaissance scholars- the study of classical sculpture and anatomical research. It is a study in composition involving the naked human figures of men fighting

Trinity with the Virgin, St. John the Evangelist, and Donors

Format: fresco made for the church of Santa Maria novella in Florence around 1425-1427/1428 Content: Massacios fresco was meant to give the illusion of a stone funerary monument and altar table set below a aedicula (framed niche) in the wall. The scene shows Jesus on the cross flanked by the Virgin Mary and john the evangelist who contemplate the scene while members of the lenzi family kneel in front of the pilasters.

Christ Giving the Keys to St. Peter

Format: fresco on the right wall of the Sistine chapel in Rome made in 1481 Content: the piece is know for showing off its use of linear perspective and is meant to show off the artists representation of an ideal city

Last Supper (Andrea del Castagno)

Format: fresco painted for a convent of Benedictine nuns in 1447 Florence Content: the painting takes places in a non traditional setting for the scene in a upper room of a great palace with beautiful marble painted on the walls focusing over Jesus

Camera Picta, Ducal Palace, Mantua

Format: frescos painted in palace around 1465-1474 in Italy Content: the frescos in the tower chamber in Ludovico's palace was decorated. Around the walls the family-each member seemingly identified by a portrait of likeliness- receives in landscapes and in loggias the return of his son. On the domed ceiling painted using radical perspective in a technique going from below upwards.with angels and woman looking down below

Orsanmichele, Florence

Format: in 1339, 14 of Florence's most powerful guilds had been commissioned to fill the ground floor niches that decorated the exterior of Orsanmichele- a newly completed loggia that served as a grain market with sculpted images of the patron saints Content: by 1400 only three had fulfilled the assignment and in the new climate of republicanism and civic pride the government pressured the guilds to furnish their niches with statuary. Florence was blessed with beautiful sculptures from some of the best local practitioners

Competition pieces

Format: made in 1401 Florence the building supervisors of the baptistery of Florence cathedral decided to commission a new pair of bronze doors funded by the powerful wool merchants guild and instead of choosing a well established sculptor to make the piece a competition was announced for the commission Content: two competition panels survived by the apparent finalists of the competition; Brunelleschi and Ghiberti depicting the sacrifice of Isaac

The gates of paradise- Lorenzo Ghiberti

Format: made in 1425-1452 Florence out of bronze Content: after Ghiberti produced his bronze doors for the Florentine Baptistery post winning the famous competition he was praised for his work and was awarded in 1425 a commission for yet another set of bronze doors for the east side of the Baptistery. Ghiberti departed entirely from the old arrangement producing a set of ten scenes from the Hebrew bible showing scenes such as Jacob and Esau

St George sculpture- Donatello

Format: made in Florence around 1417-1420 from marble Content: one of Florence's lesser guilds- the armorers and sword makers called on Donatello to carve a majestic and self assured st George for their niche the original piece had him standing presumably wearing a metal helmet and sporting scabbard holding a metal sword.

David- Donatello

Format: made in Florence around 1446-1460 made from bronze by Donatello Content: the sculpture is first recorded as being in the courtyard of the medici palace in 1469 which store on a base. It is the first life size free standing nude since antiquity. Nothing is know about the circumstances of its creation although recent some art historians have stressed the homoeroticism in the piece

The Four Crowned Martyrs - Nanni di Banco

Format: made in Florence out of marble around 1409 Content: 1409 in Florence Nani di Banco, son of a sculptor in the Florence cathedral workshop, was commissioned by the stonecarvers' and woodworkers' Guild to produce the four crowned martyrs according to tradition the sculpture depicts four Christian martyrs who were sculptors they were executed for refusing to make an image of a a pagan Roman god for the empire

Battle of San Romano- uccello

Format: made in Italy around 1438-1440 tempera on wood panel Content: picture portrays the battle of san Romano focusing heavily on perspective

Equestrian statue of Erasmo Da Narni- Donatello

Format: made in Padua around 1443-1453 from bronze by Donatello Content: Donatello was probably called to Padua to execute and equestrian statue to commemorate the Paduan general of the Venetian army, Erasmo da Narni.

Cassone Made for the Marriage of Morelli and Nerli

Format: made with tempera and gold on a wooden chest Content: wealthy Florentine family's had great furniture chests called cassoni that were used to store clothing and other precious personal objects in a couples bedroom that were usually gifted to them on their wedding day as a set

Portrait of a Woman and Man-lippi

Format: made with tempera on wood panel around 1435-1445 in Italy Content: this painting is the earliest surviving double portrait of the Italian Renaissance. The picture shows possibly two newlyweds gazing out to unknowns locations without making direct eye contact. Little is know about the meaning of the piece

St. Francis in Ecstasy - Bellini

Format: oil and tempera on wood made in the 1470's Content: we see the saint standing bathing in the early morning sunlight but like most 15th century artists Bellini presents viewers with a natural world saturated in symbolism with a relationship between st Francis and Moses with the tree symbolizing the burning bush the spring liek the one Moses miraculously brought forth and other small details

Procession of the Relic of the True Cross Before the Church of St. Mark

Format: oil on canvas made in 1496 Italy Content: every year on the feast of St. Mark the confraternity of St. John the evangelist carried the miracle working relic of the true cross in a procession through the square in front of the church shown in the painting

Virgin and child enthroned with st Francis, John the Baptist, Job, Dominic, Sebastian, and Louis of Toulouse

Format: oil on wood panel made in 1478 Venice Italy Content: painted for the chapel of the hospital of San Giobbe exhibits a dramatic perspectival view up into a tunnel vault that leads to an apse with the figures painted central and below referencing Byzantine painting techniques

Battista Sforza and Federico da Montefeltro

Format: oil on wood panel made in Urbino Italy in 1474 Content: the painting shows the a couple painted in strict profile showing off the good side of his body and with an amazing landscape full of depth in the background

Sistine chapel paintings

Format: paintings on the side walls of the Sistine chapel around 1480-1482 Content: the pope called to the city a group of young Florentine and Umbrian artists to decorate the walls of his newly built chapel Botticelli and Ghirlandaio were Among the famous artists and the paintings included scenes like Christ giving the keys to Peter

Tribute Money, Masaccio

Format: part of the frescos he painted on the walls of the brancacci chapel in the church of Santa Maria del carmine in Florence made around 1427 Content: He portrays an incident from the life of Jesus that highlights St. Peter to whom this chapel was dedicated to. In the center scene a tax collector asks peter if Jesus pays the Jewish temple tax Jesus tells peter to cach a fish from the sea which has a coin in its mouth to use for the tax

The expulsion of Adam and Eve from paradise

Format: part of the frescos he painted on the walls of the brancacci chapel in the church of Santa Maria del carmine in Florence made around 1427 Content: in the expulsion he presented Adam and Eve as monumental nude figures combining his studies of human figure with an intimate knowledge of ancient Roman sculpture. The painting focuses on the mass of the bodies formed by bones and muscle structure with a single light source emphasizing their tangibility with modeled forms and cast shadows

Birth of Venus, Botticelli

Format: tempera and gold on canvas made in Italy around 1484-1486 Content: one of Botticellis most famous paintings in which the central image represents the Neoplatonic idea of divine love in the form of a nude Venus the goddess of love and beauty drawing attention to her sexuality


Format: tempera on wood panel made in 1482 Florence Italy Content: the painting shows Venus in the center surrounded by mercury, the three graces, flora, and zephyrus

Baptism of Christ- Francesca

Format: tempera on wood panel painting made in Urbino Italy around 1450 Content: the piece was commissioned by the graziani family. The central figure of Christ dominates the center of the painting with the dove/Holy Spirit floating above his head while John baptizes Jesus with his dish. The painting focuses heavily on linear perspective

Wall of Federico da Montefeltro's studiolo

Format: wood carved studiolo made in 1476 Italy Content: the elaborate scenes in the small room are created entirely of wood inlaid on flat surfaces. Each detail is rendered with convincing illusionism: pilasters l, carved cupboards with latticed doors, niches with statues, paintings, and built-in tables

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