Art History Unit 6- Quiz 2

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1) John Constable's goal in the painting of nature was to paint ________ in a way that would show the power they can have.


1) The idea or philosophy of Romanticism that unifies the movement is the importance of the individual __________.


1) _______ thought traveling outside his home country might corrupt the purity of his art.

raging storms and man's struggle against the elements

10) England's artist, Turner, shifted his painting topics from peaceful farms and serene countrysides to ___.

the May 3rd incident

10) Spanish artist Goya became obsessed with depicting human suffering in his art after ___.

Symbolism in painting shows charity, faith, and hope. The scene is from the artist's honeymoon. Artist never traveled outside of his home country as he did not want to corrupt the purity of his art.

10) Title: check Chalk Cliffs on Rügen Artist: check Friedrich


10) _________________ was known for his Civil War photography.

wet-plate technique

11) Nadar experimented and was known for his _____________ in photography.

Using bits of these colors throughout the painting helped unify the scene.

11) Other than representing patriotism, purity, and freedom, what other reason did Delacroix use the red, white, and blue colors of the French flag in Liberty Leading the People?

his impulsive spirit

11) Wordsworth, England's poet who wrote Tintern Abbey, believed that his poetry was driven by ___ and was lifted to even greater heights by God.


12) Daguerre was credited for inventing a way to secure an image on a _____________ plate.

His vast debt prompted him to paint as many portraits as possible in a small amount of time.

12) How did Delacroix learn to paint at a rapid pace?


Despite British attempts to maintain a monopoly on new _____, other countries soon were able to follow the British example.


During the age of ___________________, Shakespeare's works became more popular than they ever were in his lifetime.


In the minds of the Romantic, both man and nature were seen as touched by the supernatural, and man could tap into this by relying on his _____.


Romantic _____ sought to stir the emotions and take listeners on an emotional journey.


Romantic artists, composers, and writers shared a new worldview: a willingness to express their deepest and most turbulent _____ , an awe of nature, a desire for personal freedom, and a reverence for Europe's history.


Romanticism encouraged _____ and uniqueness instead of conforming to traditional standards.

The Enlightenment

Romanticism glorified the emotional component of human nature, which was a stark contrast to the cold rationalism and restraint of _________.


Romanticism had its roots in the individualism of the ___________, the Reformation's reverence to God in his natural state, and The Enlightenment's desire to share and discuss one's beliefs with the masses.


Romantics viewed _____ from an artistic perspective, rather than from the perspective of submissive devotees.


Since man was no longer an independent producing unit, he had lost the means of production to ____


Steam engines powered by ______ removed the necessity of locating factories near rivers.


The Romantic artists did away with conventional standards and used new trends of emotion, ____ , imagination, history, and nature in all its forms.


The Romantic artists embraced _______ standards and painted unstated and subtle works on a variety of subjects.


The Romantic imagination turned toward the color and diversity of _____ with passion

the natural world

The Romantics were enchanted by ____ and respected the supernatural forces that were behind it.


The _____ movement celebrated Europe's Middle Ages, whereas their Enlightenment predecessors looked down upon the barbaric medieval past.


The increase in _____ would provide the necessary labor force for the new industries.


The main goal of Romantic musicians was to separate themselves from the ______ style.

Great Britain

The size of ____ also helped facilitate industrial progress.


The terrible social conditions created by the Industrial Revolution gave rise to the ideology of _______.


These early factories were located next to ______ since they were the source of power.

Ingres Delacroix

____ : Considered himself to be a Neoclassical painter of history, but his portraits embodied more of the Romantic spirit of the time. He was a bitter rival to Eugène Delacroix. He painted Le Grande Odalisque and The Turkish Bath. ____ : Romantic painter from France who used bold colors to express intense emotions. He chose subjects from Romantic literature and from history, such as Crusaders Entering Constantinople and Liberty Leading the People.

Bonheur Courbet

____ : Female artist whose works revolve around animal themes, as seen in Study of a Cow and The Horse Fair. Her works serve as a bridge between the Romantic era and the later genre of Realism. ____: Transitional painter who shared time in the Romantic and Realism eras. He was not afraid to display bold social commentary in his work. His famous pieces include The Burial at Ornans, The Artist's Studio, and the shocking The Origin of the World.

Constable Gericault Friedrich

____ : Romantic landscape painter who pioneered the use of clouds as a way to diffuse sunlight in pastoral scenes. He created nostalgic farm scenes like Boat Building by the Flatford Mill in an era of heavy industrialization. Géricault ____ : Painter who was easily perturbed by the injustices of the upper classes. He did extensive research for his paintings, most notably The Raft of the Medusa. Friedrich ____: Romantic painter who used extensive symbolism to represent intangible objects such as time, liberty, and passion. His difficult childhood served as an impetus for many of his melancholic works like Wanderer above a Sea of Fog.

Nash Turner Goya

_____: Designer of Romantic architecture who produced a vast array of buildings that revived Gothic motifs and reflected fantasy. His style has come to be known as "picturesque," as seen in buildings like the Royal Pavilion in Brighton, England, and the Houses of Parliament in London. _____: Romantic painter of landscapes and water scenes who depicted a spirited and never-say-die attitude in Fighting Temeraire and The Battle of Trafalgar. _____ : Best known Spanish painter of the Romantic era who excelled in portraits and everyday scenes. He depicted the Spanish uprising against Napoleon (and the French military's retaliation) in his works The Second of May and The Third of May, 1808.


4) ______'s The Sorrows of Young Werther was very popular during its day.


5) Both ______ and Beethoven had the same musical goal.

The public lost romantic notions of war and saw what military life was really like.

5) How did O'Sullivan's photography change how our culture viewed war?


5) Queen Victoria noticed _______ because of the strength found in her independent spirit.


5) Turner's The Great Western Railway is considered one of the first links to the later art movement, _______.

a lonely, melancholic, German painter of the Romantic era

6) Caspar David Friedrich was ___ who was not preoccupied with the magnificence of sunlight or the freshness of nature as were other Romantics in his field.

middle class affordable

6) Known historically for its practicality, the ____ loved how the images of photography were clear and understandable, and that the method for capturing them was at an ____ cost.


6) The first country where Romanticism bloomed and British Romantic writers were among the most prominent in Europe was ___.

idea that individual imagination is far more important than traditional artistic principles

6) What unifies the Romantic movement despite the vast differences between artists and styles?


7) Friedrich was a man of many layers whose works were meant to be interpreted through ___.

three-dimensional two-dimensional

7) One of the most intriguing aspects of photography was how a _____ object was transformed into a ____ one.

Constable and Turner

7) Which two artists did more than anyone else to establish landscape painting as a Romantic genre?

The Raft of the Medusa

7) With which painting did Géricault passionately and patriotically set for the French Romantic movement?

the moral presence of God

8) Besides the promotion of its own virtues, what else did England's Constable believe was seen in the displaying of nature in its true forms?


8) France's Géricault left a huge imprint on the Romantic world with his spirited handling of paint and storylines, although he exhibited only ___ paintings in his short career.


8) Many artists saw the camera as a quick and easy way to capture the ___________________ of an object that they would have spent hours, days, even months, and years, to capture accurately.


8) ___ rose above all German writers in the Romantic era.

the late 19th century

9) Landscape was considered an inferior subject for painting until ___.


9) The symphonies of Germany's composer, ___, draw heavily on imagery, such as in Ode to Joy.

horrible sickness that left him deaf

9) What event furthered Goya's disgust with humanity?

Durieu Delacroix

9) While many thought of photography as only a means to capture a fleeting image, the photographer _____ worked alongside painter _____ to create an image that also captured depth and mood.


4) ______'s Shipwreck of the Minotaur is a strong representative of Romantic art.

Troubling scenes and feelings from the artist's real life are seen in this painting. It was painted in 1835 after the artist had a stroke; the meaning of life and awareness of death were very much on the artist's mind. The lighting in this artwork creates a moment that evokes a mood of stillness, silence, and contemplation.

12) Title: check The Stages of Life Artist: check Friedrich

supernatural stories that had kind of a creepy edge, but still celebrated the beauty of nature

12) Which of the following best describes the Gothic poetry pioneered by England's Coleridge?


13) Bonheur, one of the most significant and prominent female French artists of the 19th century, focused her attention almost solely on ___.

calotype Talbot

13) The ______ , which depended on using negatives, was invented by ____.

Artwork shows the use of the technique called "skying." Print is so popular that it adorns thousands of tourist souvenirs in East Anglia, England. Artist was the first to create oil sketches outdoors.

13) Title: The Hay Wain Artist: Constable

Painting shows artist's attraction to the violence and wild nature in exotic culture. The intense colors and vivid light and shadow contrasts gives this piece a raw energy. Painting is based on a poem by Lord Byron.

14) Title: check Death of Sardanapalus Artist: check Delacroix

artwork shows the "ideas" of speed, rushing wind, and light drizzle artist used white primer on his canvasses instead of the normal buff-colored undercoat realism and detail are eliminated to concentrate on the "impression" of the subject

15) Title: Rain, Steam, and Speed - The Great Western Railway Artist: Turner

Artist's macabre style of subject selection was imitated in literature by contemporary authors. Light in the picture bounces and radiates symbolically from the clothing of the victims. It is part of a series of paintings that chronicled wartime atrocities by the French army in Spain.

16) Title: check The Third of May, 1808 Artist: check Goya

Artist's driving goal was to conjure powerful emotions that could rival any Neoclassical piece. Artist consulted meteorological books to gain a better understanding of how clouds, temperature, and the atmosphere all interact with one another. Artwork shows the technique called "skying."

17) Title: Boat Building Near Flatford Mill Artist: Constable

Artist wore a disguise to remain inconspicuous while painting this piece. Paintings furthered the Romantic theme that untamed nature is something very powerful and must be handled with care. Queen Victoria befriended this artist and became a patron of her art.

18) Title: check The Horse Fair Artist: check Bonheur

Artist aimed to evoke a feeling of helplessness in his viewers. Artist believed that the power of nature was far more incredible than the human mind could fathom. Viewer is placed right in the center of the picture as if one's own emotions are being tossed about like a ship on the verge of disintegration.

19) Title: Shipwreck of the Minotaur Artist: Turner

They saw the camera as a quick and easy way to avoid the hours it took to paint; it was like taking "shortcut" with their art. They argued that talent and expertise was being replaced by a machine.

2) Why were some artists resistant to the concept of photography?


2) _______ is considered by many to be the first modern painter.


2) ________'s painting The Hay Wain is one of his more popular to many viewers.


2) __________'s introspective view is represented in his heavy use of symbolism.

Artist died at age 32, having only publicly exhibited three paintings; yet still left a huge imprint on the Romantic world. Artist prepared for this painting by studying forms in morgues and asylums. Picture was based upon a news report that was rampant in the local newspapers, pubs, and coffee houses.

20) Title: check The Raft of the Medusa Artist: check Géricault

Artist sketched a storm and then created this masterpiece from what he saw. Some art historians consider this piece to be an Englishman's jab at France and Napoleon. Mighty Mother Nature is the star of this painting.

21) Title: Snow Storm: Hannibal and his Army Crossing the Alps Artist: Turner

Creator of this portrait felt that true artists felt agony in their work, yet were still consumed with the need to create. Artist always painted at a rapid pace, bragging he had created enough compositions for two lifetimes. Controversial painting commemorates the political uprising in Paris in July, 1830.

22) Title: check Liberty Leading the People Artist: check Delacroix

Creator of this piece did not always try to portray his subjects in a flattering and creative way. Artist painted himself into the portrait. Pompousness was exposed in this satirical painting.

24) Title: check Charles IV of Spain and His Family Artist: check Goya

Portrait was painted on this artist's dining room wall. Painting possibly shows an allegory for Time. It is part of a series of paintings known as the "black paintings."

26) Title: check Saturn Devouring His Son Artist: check Goya


3) Both _______ and Goya used a similar technique to help them capture their more political paintings.


3) Turner painted more _____ form of nature while Constable kept his scenes calmer.

He used the wet-plate technique that allowed for a richer and greater variety of tones in the photography.

3) What sort of influence did Nadar have on the art world?


3) _______'s work is unique, a factor which can also make it difficult to classify him as a Romantic.


4) Which type of camera is being described? Photographers would take the camera obscura and use chemicals to bring the picture forward and secure the image in order to stop the darkening process.


4) ______'s Liberty Leading the People was considered controversial for its time.


As a reaction against Enlightenment ideals of logic and reason, Romanticism generally dismissed _______________ in favor of creativity, imagination, and above all, emotion.


As more people were forced off their land or simply moved to the cities for economic opportunities, the conditions of the _____ rapidly deteriorated.


As the eighteenth century closed, large amounts of money were invested in _____, canals, and roads, all designed to speed up the flow of traffic.

Lesson 4

Lesson 4

Lesson 5

Lesson 5

Lesson 6

Lesson 6

health or safety

Many of the techniques used during the Industrial Revolution were developed through trial and error, but there was not much consideration given to _____.


More people meant more competition for land, resulting in more and more people being forced off their land, especially in France and ____


Much like the art of the ________________________ period, classical music featured structure and traditional styling.

Royal Pavilion Nash

Name of building: Name of architect:


One of the more interesting side effects of the Romantic movement was the promotion of ____


Painters like J.M.W. Turner and John Constable also lifted the status of _____ painting by giving natural scenes heroic themes and overtones.

Industrial Revolution

Prior to the development of the _____ , the workshop was the place where nearly all of the manufacturing was produced.

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