Art midterm 10/13

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After watching the video regarding Joan Snyder, what is incorrect about her?

She majored in fine arts

What is NOT correct about Artemisia Gentileschi?

Subject matter was depicted as indifferent

What is not correct about Byzantine art?

Art was realistic.

Which is not about Gothic churches?

Radiating chapels

What is the study of symbols?


What is NOT correct about Flemish art (art by Flanders)?

Unrealistic, decorative art

What is NOT correct about Caravaggio?

Upper class people were his models for saintly figures

What is correct about Caravaggio?

Used dramatic subject matter, Used intense realism and spirituality, Used intense realism and spirituality

A result of the way the object ( ) light determines color.


What does not count as a way to represent time in art?

all types of static art

What is the name of the "dark chamber" that is the origin of the camera?

Camera obscura

A Triptych is a common Christian painting comprised of three panels. Many contemporary artists use the triptych; which of the following explains this approach?

Manipulating Forms, Materials, and Processes

Which is the broadest approach to address spirituality in contemporary art?

Manipulating Forms, Materials, and Processes

Which of the following approaches was taken by Kiki Smith and Shahzia Sikander?

Manipulating Meanings and Minds

From the article included in the lecture, which of the Da Vinci's drawings was revealed under ultraviolet light?

Studies of hands for the Adoration of the Magi

What is not correct about camera obscura?

The projected image in the camera obscura is reversed, but not inverted.

Which of the following does create the illusion of spaces with shapes?

change in color, using a linear perspective, overlapping

What is not a technique for the illusion of space?

twisted perspective

Which perspective was commonly used in ancient Egyptian art?

twisted perspective

Which of the following does NOT create the illusion of spaces with shapes?

using curvy lines

What is a simulated texture?

visual texture

Which is NOT introduced as a way to embody time in art?

by fracturing a sense of time

Who was an early/mid Renaissance artist?


what is the typical western view of time?


Which of the following is the technique used for dramatic contrast between light and dark?


Which visual surface quality of line is related to the medium?

character of line

Which of the following indicates the brightness and dullness of a color?


Which of the following periods achieved the height of perfection in art?

classical period

What are colors that are directly opposite to each other on the color wheel?

complementary colors

What is correct about the Hagia Sophia?

it was converted to a mosque during the Ottoman Empire.

Which of the following artists revisits the past by exploring multiple histories?

kara walker

What is the natural value of the object in the absence of additional lighting?

local value

After watching the video (until 4:30), which of the following is NOT the reason why Maya Lin's Vietnamese Memorial provoked widespread debate?


Which of the following terms is included in the quote from Alfred Stieglitz?

Democracy, Science, religion

What is unique about baroque art in Holland?

Depicted everyday lives and activities

Which photojournalist artist recorded the Depression era?

Dorothea Lange

What was the agreement that allowed Christianity as a religion in the Roman empire, and who proclaimed this?

Edict of Milan, Constantine

According to the second video, which of the following countries houses several sculptures from the Parthenon?


What is not correct about the video regarding Rembrandt?

Expressing the emotional core of the subject matter was not the strength of the artist

What cities exemplified the early/mid, high, and late Renaissance?

Florence, Rome, Venice

What is considered the high art world?

Galleries and museums

How did Botticelli's painting differ from his contemporary artists?

He used a drawing approach in his painting

Zhang Huan's performance describes the complex feelings of immigrants. Which of the following is in line with his performance art?

In-between places

What is correct about Romanesque art?

It achieved the peak of Christianity and art; Feudalism, monasticism, and the Crusades were the foundation of Romanesque churches; It was mostly developed in Western Europe.

What is NOT correct about Martha Rosler's art, Semiotics of Kitchen?

It emphasizes the importance of women's suffrage.

What is correct about New York City, the center of the art world?

It governs the production, distribution, and reception of artworks

What is correct about place?

It has physical, historical, and cultural attributes It can be physical or imaginary, It is central to identity

What is NOT correct about place?

It is neutral and conflict-free

What is correct about photojournalism?

It was invented before photography was considered an art form.

In the video included in the lecture, whose pyramid was introduced?


What is Truman Lowe and Richard Misrach's approach to place?

Looking out for places

In its purest form, geometric shapes are ( ) shapes.


which country development first?

ancient Egypt

Which is different from the others?


What are organic or natural shapes made from rounded, curving, and undulating edges?

biomorphic shapes

How does Nam-Jun Paik's video art embody time?

by creating the illusion of movement

How can the mixing of images, objects, and styles from different contexts without logical relationships among them challenge a sense of time?

by fracturing time

Which is correct about religion and spirituality?

Religion and spirituality have a lot in common, Religion is the institutionalized practices of spirituality, Spirituality is the desire to probe the source of life and death, Art has been used to create objects and settings for worship and rituals, Both are interested in the nature of the universe, Both are interested in death and the afterlife

what is correct about ancient Egypt?

Religion focused on resurrection after death, Civilization arose on the Nile River, Strict conventionalism is the foundation of the arts.

What is NOT correct about the Renaissance in Italy?

Religious theme was the only theme

What is correct about the Renaissance in Italy?

Revived Classical themes in art and literature Renaissance is a French word, meaning rebirth; Previous cultural base of Europe used to be Gothic France

When was the Bayeux Tapestry made?

Romanesque art

What is a 3-dimensional field where your experience occurs?


Which of the following terms is NOT included in the quote from Alfred Stieglitz?


Which of the following is NOT an example of early Christian art?

St. Peter's Church

Which of the following is NOT from the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt?

Statue of Khafre

What is the concept that combines a sense of awe, horror, and supreme aesthetic pleasure?


What is the painting technique that emphasize high value contrast?


Which texture challenges our expectations of the familiar notions of texture?

Subversive texture

Which of the following statements is not correct?

3-point perspective has all three vanishing points inside the painting.

Which of the following is from the New Kingdom of ancient Egypt?

A relief sculpture of Akhenaton, Nefertiti, and three of their children. bust of queen Nefertiti, coffin of king Tutankhamen

Which is not a characteristic of baroque art in Italy?

A soft transition between shades

What determines the amount of light that enters a camera?

Aperture, shutter

What is NOT correct about the corporate support of culture?

Art can be context-specific and preserve the persona of the artist

What is correct about Byzantine art?

Art form was symbolic, Art was weightless and decorative, It was mostly developed in the Eastern Roman Empire.

What is NOT correct about Gothic art?

Art style is considered superior to other Christian art

What is the order of the development of these art styles?

Christian art - Renaissance - Baroque

What is not correct about Romanesque art?

Churches had high ceilings and large windows to let in light.

What is NOT the similar approach that both Cindy Sherman and Nikki S. Lee used to create their photography?

Criticized beauty ideals of women

Which is different from the rest of the approaches to art?

Cultural inclusion

In a video regarding Liza Lou, she said that she wanted to make a ( ) for ignored women and their work.


Which is a characteristic of baroque art in Italy?

Motion and Space, Time, Passionate theatricality

Which of the following is an example of early Christian art?

Old St. Peter's Church, Catacombs, Resembling Roman Basilica

Which is not correct about religion and spirituality?

People who do not practice a formal religion cannot realize spiritual life, Art regarding religion and spirituality needs to be rational

Which of the following approaches is used for art regarding virtual space?

Placeless spaces

According to the online reading as part of the lecture, what is NOT correct about vanitas?

The movement ended in the 1900s in Holland

What is correct about camera obscura?

The obscura box projects the image of an external object onto a screen inside, The light from an external scene passes through the hole of the camera obscura, The color and perspective of external scenes are the same in the projected image.

What is correct about Gothic art?

The origin is considered non-Roman, Art style is considered unique to other Christian art, Gothic is considered derogatory

According to Rosler, what is NOT correct about changes in the art world?

The promotion of high art, Dealing and self-promotion cannot determine the worth of artworks

According to the online reading as part of the lecture, what is correct about vanitas?

The vanitas movement began in 18th century Holland Artists showed that pleasures, money, beauty, power are only temporary properties Common objects include skulls, wilting flowers, and hour glasses

What is NOT correct about ancient Egypt?

There are an equal number of surviving artworks from the Old, Middle, and New Kingdoms.

Who was NOT included as a baroque artist?


What is NOT correct about Martha Rosler?

Traditional artist

The Flemish artist Robert Campin's altar piece is a:


Which technique is used to convincingly create an object's texture to trick viewers?

Trompe l'oeil

What is correct about Flemish art (art by Flanders)?

Trompe l'oeil, Followed medieval art

What are shapes made of curved lines?

curvilinear shapes

What is a type of drawing that is about the free association of mind?

gestural drawing

Which of the following is the last period of ancient Greek history?

hellenistic period

What is a pictorial space that exists virtually in visual arts?

illusion of space

Which of the following generates an overall gloomy, mysterious, and dramatic mood in visual art?

low key value

Who is the Palestinian-British artist whose work incorporates subversive texture?

mona hatum

What type of art is Nameless and Friendless, the painting by Emily Mary Osborne?

narrative art

In which art form does color specifically convey a concept, idea, and emotional experience?

non representational art

when was the warmer palette created?

old kingdom

What is a sense of line created by perception?

psychological line

What is a distinct characteristic of late Renaissance art?

reated oil paintings on canvas

What are the additive primaries?

red, blue, green

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