art test #1
This type of relief, which takes its name from the French word for low, does not imply great depth.
Bas Relief
Our word ceramic comes from this Greek word.
one of the first popular films to use color imagery was___________
The Wizard of Oz
which of the following is not a primary source for studying a work of art
a blog about painting
Memento mori refers to:
a symbol of mortality
when using a series of circles the are exactly the same shape, implied depth can be achieved by __________________
alternating vale, relative position, relative size, overlapping (all of the above)
the binding agent in encaustic paint is ________
when an artist wants to highlight the entire of surface of his or her work without regard for any particular are this is called _________
broad emphasis
When Raphael was preparing to paint his fresco The School of Athens he did a large drawing called ________ to help place the design on the wall.
samples of this drawing have been dated back to 30,000 BCE
the earliest existing printed artworks on paper were created in which culture ______________
3 kinds of unity are?
compositional, conceptual, gestalt
in the funeral of st. Bonaventure the artist used the principle of __________ to create emphasis and focal point
commercial painting is achieved through 3 primary colors and black. these primary colors are _______________
cyan, magenta, and yellow
By orienting lines so that they attract attention to a specific area of a work of art the artist is using ________.
directional line
when were the first successful photographs made
early 1800s
the binding agent for tempura paint is _______
the area covered by a pattern is called the __________
This is the specific part in an area of emphasis to which the viewer's eye is drawn.
foral point
If an artist were to draw a figure whose arm was pointing directly toward the viewer, what technique would the artist have to use when drawing the outstretched arm?
a two dimensional object is called a shape, a 3 dimensional object is known as ________.
A shape made of perfectly straight lines would probably be classified as ________ shape.
if an artist wanted to create an area of darkness using the medium silver point he/she would use the technique of _______________
These handwritten illustrated books were created during the Middle Ages.
illuminated manuscripts
when an artist employs visual clues to suggest movement in a work of art that is static and motionless, this is known as ___________
implied movement
another name for a free standing sculpture is _____________
in the round
which of the following is a printmaking process?
this architectural term describes a structure created from a pile of material
load bearing
the work of ___________ was a direct influence on the conceptual art movement
marcel Duchamp
A design repeated as a unit in a pattern is called a ________.
in ancient Egypt this part of the human body was used as a standard of measurement. six of these equaled a cubit.
the reassurance of a single element in a work of art is called _______
an artwork that consists of cutting off someones tie and pouring shampoo on his head would be best described as
performance art
Paint in its most basic form is composed of ________ and a liquid binder.
daguerrotypes are made on
polish metal plates
this is architectural construction consists of two uprights and crossbeams
post and intel
Sumerian votive figures were used as _______________
prayer figures
the size relationships between parts of an object, or its ___________, affects how a viewer will interpret it.
only be viewed from on side _________
this type of print making is done by carving part of a block in order to raised surface that can be inked and printed
the division between art and craft during this period
An artist might use a small scale for a portrait of a lover because it implies ________.
small scale intimacy
the opposite of emphasis is __________
as Eadweard muybridges experiments with the motion showed:
the camera can capture what the human eye cannot see
All sculptures have this characteristic in common:
they exist in three-dimensional space
this visual form printed letters, words, and text is called _________
what elements describe the imposition of order and harmony on a design?
complementary colors used next to each other they produce a visual anomaly called simultaneous contrast. the visual effect makes the color appear to ___________ along the boundary.
in josephs beuys's coyote, I like America and America likes me the artist:
wrapped himself in felt and lived for 5 days alone in an art gallery with a coyote
what does the word photograph mean
writing with light