ARTS 1023 BRCC: Amber Law
Calder; mobile
The American sculptor __________ was one of the early pioneers of the __________, the first form of art that made motion a basic element
Romans; glass containers
The ____ developed the process of glass blowing and thus made ____ commonplace.
femmage; Miriam Shapiro
The following image is an example of ______________, which was created by artist ________________ and elevates women-centered hobby crafts into fine artworks.
The surface on which drawings are made; ie paper, cardboard, etc
The vehicle of encaustic paint is
Traditional fresco painting played a major role in the visual culture of society during the Renaissance. ________________ was an Italian artist whose work was so highly regarded, that the pope commissioned him to complete the ceiling in The Sistine Chapel using the medium.
Marc Quinn
Used a non-traditional casting material, used blood for their artwork titled Self
Usually gray, but can be red or tan, Fired at 2,300 to 2,700 degrees F, Slightly porous, Used for dinnerware and ceramic sculpture.
Andy Goldsworthy's "Ice Star"
Was produced by using the artist's breath
ink wash
Which medium is being used in this photo?
Which of the following is not an additive sculptural process?
With this medium, the artist drags a metal tipped instrument over the surface and the particles stick to the ground.
fresco paint; visible seams
You can see that this artwork was created with ___________, because of the ________________ specific to that medium. Blues have a hard time adhering to the lime in this medium
a combination of powdered chalk, plaster and animal glue used as a ground in tempera
a light-sensitive gel applied to the screen during the photo silkscreen process
a method often used with tempera paintings that uses gold in a unique way and is often used to indicate a non-secular entity.
a photograph taken by an early photographic process employing an iodine-sensitized silvered plate and mercury vapor. Used a thin sheet of silver-plated copper and coated with light sensitive material.
also known as metal point. metal-tipped implement ran over a surface and the particles stick to the prepared ground
Bisqueware Clay
an initial bisque firing that removes moisture from the clay.
an inner skeleton normally made of metal used to help give clay additional strength
Site-Specific artwork
art that is produced for one location; the content and the meaning are linked to the site.
Digital Art
artists use computers to make digital art
the major difference between Fine art and craft
based on the historical and cultural context in which it was created.
Chalk (and pastel)
bound by gum Arabic then shaped into a workable stick; similar to charcoal in its workability
burnt pieces of wood or bone; long history dating back to prehistoric cavemen
chemical process that involves resin that etches areas of value (see mezzotint)
Cai Guo Qiang's "Transient Rainbow"
classic example of ephemeral art, came and went in about 15 seconds in June of 2002.
classified by the types of clay and the temperature at which they are fired; also refers to the stage of which the clay body has been fired.
Throwing Ceramics
clay is placed on a spinning wheel and shaped with your hands
comes from the Greek word meaning "to write with light;" both a science and an art
created by using metal plates nto which lines have been incised; run through a press
Janine Antoni
creates the 600-pound cube, titled Gnaw, is made of chocolate and the artist sculpted it using the carving method of sculpture with her teeth as the tool.
Buon fresco or true fresco
done on damp, lime plaster
dried clay, most fragile
form of constructed sculpture; pre-existing or found objects take on a new form as artwork
Constructed sculpture (Smith)
forms are built from materials such as wood, paper, string, sheet metal, and wire.
Printmaking Methods
how the ink is printed from its matrix; they are relief, intaglio, planographic, and stencil
Additive (sculptural processes)
in which material is built up to create form: Modeling, Casting, Construction
is a particular form of journalism (Links to an external site.) that creates images in order to tell a news story and is defined by these three elements: timeless, objectivity, and narrative
is a printing technique that uses a woven mesh to support an ink-blocking stencil (Links to an external site.).
Dorothea Lange's "Migrant Mother"
is an iconic image of its hardships and the human resolve to survive. puts a face on human tragedy.
Mariam Shapiro and Female
is one of the foremost pioneers in the feminist art movement in the United States. Through the use of large scale media and symbols emblematic of the female, she has battled to pay homage to women and their undervalued domestic traditions.
Graphic Design
is the process of visual communication and problem-solving through the use of typography, photography, iconography and illustration.
liquid metal material is poured into a mold to create a form; any material that hardens can be used
material upon which a design has been formed that is used to create a print; includes many surfaces ie metal, wood, stone, fabric, etc
Effective Logo Characteristics
must be memorable, timeless and appropriate
Venus of Willendorf
one of the oldest forms of art discovered, believed to represent fertility
or planographic printing - invented in the 19th-century by German playwright Aloys Senefelder; uses stone as its matrix
Fresco secco
painting on dry plaster
permanent hard ceramic
pots and other articles made from clay hardened by heat.
printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix- Intaglio
printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix- Lithography
printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix- Relief
Silk Fabric
printmaking technique with the material used to develop the matrix- Serigraphy
removing portions of a block of material to create a form; can use stone, wood, ivory, chocolate, etc.
the application of multiple layers of transparent films of paint to a surface
the art of painting on plaster; popular in the Renaissance; revived in Mexico after WWI
Albrecht Durer's relief print "Rhinoceros"
the artist had never seen the animal before and captured an accurate likeness from a written description.
the binding agent that holds the pigment to generate the paint
Egg Tempera
the egg mixture traditionally used as a vehicle in tempera
the technical term for designing and composing letterforms
Film (movies)
time-based mediums in which duration, or the passage of time, is a dimension. video cameras capture and record a series of still images that are constructed into a moving picture, but with video, sights and sounds are digitized—that is, transformed into electronic messages.
Digital photography
translates visual images to digital information, which is recorded on a disk
The story of Cecilia Giménez and the fresco she "conserved"
was unintentionally ruined in 2012 by a well-meaning octogenarian parishioner. hoping to restore the moisture-damaged painting to its former glory, painted over so much of the original that the fresco, which had hung in the church of Santuario de Misericordia for more than a century, became unrecognizable.
wax _________ combine ground pigment with wax as their binder; they are less apt to smudge
Subtractive (sculptural processes)
where material is removed from an existing mass, such as a chunk of stone, wood or clay: carving, unwanted materials are removed.
a growing middle class
By the 1850s, photographic portrait studios became quite popular and began to serve the needs of __________.
__________ is very likely the most demanding type of sculpture because the artist must have a clear concept of the final product from the very beginning of the process.
Camera Obscura
•Was literally a covered box or a darkened room with a pin hole to project light and an image on the opposite wall. The image was projected upside down and reversed. •Used to trace a scene and get correct perspective. •Believed to be used by painters such as Vermeer to create more accurate paintings
(Indian/China). fluid media used in wet media drawing techniques; carbon black and water; primarily used in pen and brush
Land Art
(site-specific) created by an artist within natural surroundings
A colored chemical compound that absorbs light, producing color.
A drawing showing technical details of a building, machine, final work, etc
A rapidly executed freehand drawing that is not intended as a finished work
Why portrait studios were important to the middle class
Affordable for families to go to studios and have their portraits taken. This was the beginning of the concept of a photo album. Before this time, portraits were reserved for the wealthy who could afford to have an artist paint them
After the daguerreotype, the next major advance in the history of photography was the development of the ____ process, an example of which is Young Lady with an Umbrella.
Components of Graphic Design
Branding, Page Layout and Typography
Broadly defined, ____ is the art of running an implement that leaves a mark over a surface.
George Segal's Three Figures and Four Benches
Casted human models. The expression and gestures of the figures suggest a strong feeling of isolation and loneliness.
tomb tiles of the Egyptian King Menes
Ceramic glazing dates back to around 3000 B.C.E. and has been found on ____.
Pop Art
Claes Oldenburg's Soft Toilet elevates an everyday object to a work of art and forces us to rethink its function in society. This is an example of __________.
Coiling ropes of clay are made and fastened together.
Walter de Maria's "The Lightning Field"
Considered a spectacular piece of land art
constructed sculpture
Deborah Butterfield's piece is an example of ______________ , which are forms built from materials such as wood, paper, string, sheet metal, and wire.
Derived from the Italian word cartone meaning paper; originally full-scale preliminary drawings for more permanent projects
the Great Depression
Dorothea Lange's Migrant Mother is a touching photograph taken during the period of ____.
Fluid media used in wet media drawing techniques originating in India and China.
Gilding is a method often used with tempera paintings that uses ____________ in a unique way and is often used to indicate a non-secular entity.
The camera obscura/lens
How an eye and a camera both work the same
make known the degradation of previous generations of Chinese women
In works such as her Untitled mixed-media print of Chinese girls, Hung Liu's purpose is to __________.
First Daguerreotype
Invented in 1829 by Niepce and Louis-Jacques-Mande Daguerre
fluorescent tubes
Light sculptor Dan Flavin primarily designs using __________.
stone slab
Lithography is a planographic printing process in which a __________ is used.
Michelangelo's The Cross-Legged Captive is an example of __________ sculpture.
religious imagery; spray
Murals have changed quite a bit since the middle ages. Subject matter has changed from mostly ________________ to individual expression and the reflection of the place's culture, and the medium has changed from fresco paint into _____________ paint.
Often overlooked, Egyptian portrait paintings were sometimes left in tombs of aristocrats and priests and often created using _________________ paint.
Japanese; Western
Roger Shimomura's acrylic painting show in the powerpoint depicts both ______________ and ______________ imagery, blending two cultures and styles into a single artwork.
in or for one location
Site-specific works are distinguished from other artworks in that they are produced ____.