AS 264 Exam #2

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What are 3 different factors that should be observed during an objective evaluation of newly arrived feedlot cattle?

1. fever 2. disposition - behavior 3. runny nose- watery eyes 4. segregation from the herd 5. have they been preconditioned 6. cough

What are 2 advantages that farmer-feeders have over larger feedlots?

1. home grown feeds 2. closer to feed 3. access to the cattle- feeding homegrown

1. What are the 3 components of the epidemiologic triad?

1. host 2. pathogen 3. environment

What are the 4 types of growth-enhancing technologies available for feedlot cattle?

1. implants 2. beta- agonist 3. ionophores 4. MGA

What are 3 things that processing does to kernels of grain that result in better animal performance?

1. increase surface area 2. break it- crack seed coat 3. gelatinize the starch

What are 3 different pricing methods used to market fed cattle?

1. live weight 2. hot carcass- in the beef 3. grid

What are 3 different types of sales that a seedstock producer can use?

1. private treaty 2. production sale 3. consignment sale 4. online

What are 3 different calf marketing alternatives available to cow-calf producers? I'm not looking for marketing channels, but the methods by which the calves can be sold.

1. sale barn 2. private treaty 3. online- video 4. board sale

What are the 4 factors that should be considered when developing an implant strategy?

1. size- type of cattle 2. feed- nutrition in diet 3. days on feed 4. potency of implant 5. marketing plan 6. market conditions

What is biocontainment? What are some examples of biocontainment that are used in production agriculture?

1.Minimizing exposure to germs already on the farm. Sandhills calving system, isolation of sick animals, removal at birth, early weaning, all-in-all-out production

What are the different components of "marketing"?

1.Pricing 2.Advertising 3.Promotion 4.Service

At what rectal temperature would a calf that had been pulled for respiratory issues be treated?


In normally healthy calves, at what respiratory score would a calf be pulled?


Intramuscular injections should be administered using a needle that is 1 inch or greater in length.


It is important to "read" feed bunks at the same time each day.


Liver abscesses are closely related to acidosis.


Mud in a feedlot pen will increase the animals' maintenance energy requirements.


Organic sources of trace minerals may be beneficial when receiving calves.


Stocker cattle can either be fed in confinement or grazed.


The vitamin E requirement for stressed calves is higher than it is for non-stressed calves.


When designing a feedlot, there should be a 2% to 5% slope from the feedbunk to the back of the pen.


When preconditioning calves, long-stemmed hay should be used for the first 4 to 7 days.


Which of the following vitamins is important to include in feedlot diets?

Vitamine A and Vitamin E

In the Sandhills Calving System, how frequently are the pregnant females moved?

7-10 days

What is the maximum amount of total diet fat that can be in a feedlot diet?


What are some different marketing channels that a cow-calf producer could use? Which are the most commonly used?

Auction barn, video auction sales, board sales, private treaty

What growth-enhancing technologies are available for cull cows?

Beta-agonists, implants, ionophores, melengesterol acetate

Which of the following feed additives is approved for use in cull cows?

Bovatec, Rumensin, and Optaflexx

What is a forward contract? How does it work? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Buyer and seller agree on: price, weight, weight conditions, delivery date, delivery cost, terms. Advantages: price is set Disadvantages: counter-party risk

What is an option contract? How does it differ from a futures contact?

Buyer pays a premium for the right, but not the obligation, to sell a futures contract.

Which of the following feeder calf risk management strategies allows the producer to take advantage in an upswing in the market?

Buying a put option or buying livestock risk protection

What preparations should be made prior to the arrival of feeder calves?

Feed bunks and waters should be located along the fence line, pen, building, feed bunks and water should all be clean, clean bedding, receiving pend should be around grassy area, cattle should have 1ft of bunk space and 100ft^2 of pen space per animal

What does it mean to "finish" cattle?

Feed cattle tell they reach their endpoint.

Who might own the cattle in a feedlot?

Feedlot, investors, cow-calf producers

What are the different types of adverse reactions that livestock can have to a vaccine?

Injection site reactions, anaphylaxis, endotoxin stacking, live vaccines can cause abortions

What length needle should be used for intermuscular injections? How does this differ for sub-cutaneous injections?

One inch or larger for IM SubQ less than one inch

Which of the following is a beta-agonist approved for use in feedlot cattle in the USA?


What is retained ownership? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Paying someone else to feed your calves, but you still own them.

Which cattle require the most amount of feedbunk space per animal?

Receiving Calves

What are 2 premiums and 2 discounts commonly associated with grid pricing?

Premiums 1. yield grade (under 3) 2. marbling (choice and prime) 3. CAB 4. non-hormone treated Discounts 1. Dairy type 2. yield grade (over 3) 3. Bad quality grade (low choice and select) 4. Carcass weight 5. Over 30 months 6. Dark cutters 7. Late cut bulls 8. Hard bone

Which of the following is true of wintering systems for calves?

Prepares calves to be grazed on pasture the following summer

What are the different types of seedstock sales? What are the advantages and disadvantages of each?

Private treaty consignment production internet

Which of the following strategies can be used to market cull cows during seasonal highs or add weight?

Sell cows that loose calves early. Sell early-weaned cows early. Feed the cows for a period of time.

What are 3 ways that a cow-calf producer can change the marketing time or add weight to cull cows to add value?

Sell cows that lose a calf early, sell early-weaned cows early, "feed cows"

What is Livestock Risk Protection? How does it work? How does it differ from futures or options?

Sold like crop insurance. Does not involve futures contracts.

What factors should be considered when objectively evaluating newly-arrived feeder calves?

Source of cattle affects stress prior to arrival and needs upon arrival, objective evaluation-shipping fever, Pre-arrival weight loss- shrink

What are the economic advantages of farmer-feeders relative to larger feedlots?

Source your own cattle, source or raise your own feed

Grazing yearling cattle is a terrific drought management strategy for ranches.


High sulfur concentrations are a concern when feeding distillers grains.


What are 3 things that can be done to prevent acidosis in feedlot cattle?

1. back off on grain 2. process grain less extensively 3. adaptation 4. bunk manage 5. buffer

How does the pathogen spreading of cows differ from calves?

1. Calves are more susceptible. 2. Pathogen in manure, cow lays in manure, manure on teat, teat in calves mouth

What are 3 advantages of feeding cull cows?

1. Delay marketing to more favorable time in price cycle 2.add weight 3.improve grade

What are some predisposing factors that make neonatal calves susceptible to scours?

1. Failure of passive transfer- the antibody (given to the mom) protection doesn't work. 2. Overwhelming pathogen exposure. 3. External stressors.

How can neonatal scours be prevented? Which part of the epidemiologic triad does each strategy address?

1. Increased resistance in host. 2. Nutritional support. 3.Dry environment protected from wind.

What % of a farm or ranch's annual income comes from the sale of culls?


High moisture grain should be harvested at what % moisture?

25% to 30%

In the SDSU Bunk-scoring System, which number has the most amount of feed remaining in the feedbunk?


Fed cattle futures contracts are based on what size lots?


What factors associated with the vaccine might prevent it from working properly?

Improper storage and handling, incorrect strain in the vaccine, improper dose used.

With respect to feedlot terminology, what is a "turn"?

A group of cattle that nearly fills a feedlot and will finish at approximately the same time.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of feeding calves yourself?

Advantages: control, use home grown feeds, take advantage of genetics, potential health benefits, feedlot and carcass information. Disadvantages: increased managerial responsibilities, need facilities and equipment, delayed income, increased exposure to markets.

What are 2 advantages and 2 disadvantages to retaining ownership of feeder calves? Advantages

Advantages 1. Capture genetics 2. Health benefits 3. No feedlot - not equipment 4. Information back 5. More marketing opportunities Disadvantages 1. increased exposure to market 2. delayed income more management

What are 3 different marketable products seedstock producers can sell?

Cattle, semen, embryos

What is a futures contract? How many lb does it cover? What are the advantages and disadvantages?

Contract = 50,000 lbs. price is set in a narrow window. May get margin calls if futures price increased.

What are 4 alternatives for marketing feeder calves?

Cost or production, cost of marketing, estimated revenue, tax implication

What is biosecurity? What are some biosecurity risks that could be encountered on a livestock operation?

Denying entry of new infectious agents People transporting pathogens, vehicles traffic, rodents, insects, wildlife, equipment contamination, feedstuffs, water, aerosol spread, entry of new animals.

What are the sources of cattle for feedlots?

Direct source Livestock auction Types of cattle Timing Ownership

Which of the following is true feedlot finishing diets?

Energy levels are typically between 60 and 70 MCal Neg/cwt

A beta-adrenergic agonist is an anabolic steroid that results in improved average daily gain in feedlot cattle.


Cull cows being fed for slaughter, must be fed a high-grain diet in a feedlot.


Feeding ionophores promotes the production of acetate in the rumen which improves average daily gain, and feed efficiency.


In wetter climates, cattle in outdoor pens should be allowed less pen space.


Metaphylaxis is most commonly used with calves that have been pre-conditioned.


More calves are marketed as certified organic than are marketed as age and source verified.


Supplemental thiamin is highly effective in preventing sulfur-associated PEM.


The largest cattle feedlots are generally located in the High Plains (CO, KS, OK, and TX) in order to be closer to their feed resources.


Tub and alley systems and Bud box systems both use closed sides to keep the animals from getting distracted.


The imaginary circle around an animal that can be used by an animal handler to make the animal move is called _____?

Flight Zone

What is the primary goal of a receiving program? What are the challenges that make achieving that goal difficult?

Get cattle on feed as quickly as possible

Which of the following is a result of feeding a beta-agonist to cattle?

Increased fat breakdown. Impaired new fat deposition. Reduced protein degradation.

What are the 3 primary factors that should be considered in the decision to sell or feed cull cows?

Seasonality of prices, Price difference between grades, cost of feeding

What vitamins and minerals are important in receiving diets?

K: lost during transport Cu, Fe, Se, Zn: for immunity Cr: improve performance Vitamin E: for stressed calves Vitamin B: calves that have been off feed

What are the primary differences between killed and modified live vaccines?

Killed- unable to replicate in host Modified/live- live and able to replicate

Which of the following might cause free-gas bloat in feedlot cattle?

Lack of ruminal motility

What type of feedlots feed the largest proportion of the cattle on feed?

Large scale feeding operations.

What are the 3 different types of feedlots and where are each of them commonly located geographically?

Large-scale feeding operations: High planes(CO, KS, OK, TX) or Corn belt (NE) Backgrounding: Farmer-feeder feedlots: Corn belt

When do the largest percentage of cattle typically go on feed?

Late winter/early spring and fall

What are the 3 initial goals associated with the nutritional management of feeder calves?

Maintain body weight, restore cattle health and weight, improve rumen function

Which of the following is a bacterial pathogen that causes BRD?

Mannheimia haemolytia

Where should injections be administered to beef cattle?


What is the Sandhills Calving System and how does it work?

Rotational, multi pasture calving system. Herd begins in one pasture; every 7-10 days pregnant cows move to new pasture and calves stay in pasture they were born in. After 4 weeks of age calves can be mixed.

Which type of feedlot requires the least amount of pen space per animal?

Slatted-floor confinement

What are the different ways that calf-feds can be brought up on feed?

Step-up diets or multiples of maintenance

What are the different ways that yearlings can be brought up on feed?

Step-up diets or multiples of maintenance

What factors in the animal might prevent a vaccine from working properly?

Stress, maternal antibodies, poor timing, malnutrition, and immune system suppression

What factors can reduce the viability of a modified live vaccine?

Time after reconstitution, heat, sunlight, freezing, disinfectant in syringes.

What are the different factors that affect price received at the sale barn? How does each affect the price?

Transportation, commission, lot size, gender, color, vaccination, natural.

Biosecurity is the prevention of new infection agents from entering an operation.


Black hided calves tend to bring higher prices at the sale barn.


Calves in hospital pens should be fed high-quality diets 2 to 3 times per day.


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