Assessment Strategies Unit 9 (Chapter 14)

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Alternative Assessment

A method of assessing learning other than through testing.

True/False; Multiple Choice; Matching; Fill in the Blank/short answer; Identify/label; Essay

List the types of questions generally used in traditional test.

course evaluation

Making judgments about how well a course meets its goals and identifying suggestions for improvement.

Assessment Strategies

Tools used to assess student learning


a characteristic of assessments that measures learning consistently and fairly, even with different groups or under different circumstances


a characteristic of assessments that usually measures the learning objectives

Student portfolio

a collection of a student's work selected to show growth over time, highlight skills and achievements, or to show how well the student meets the standards

Informal Assessment

a form of assessment that focuses on the content and performance of the students; usually a project writing sample, quiz, or homework; not data driven

Formal Assessment

a form of assessment that is data driven & used to measure overall achievement; usually a standardized test that measures students' performance under the same circumstances. Results can be broken into subgroups to compare


a scoring tool that lists the criteria for judging a particular type of work. It also describes levels of quality for each of the criteria and is often organized as a chart, with the criteria (characteristics that count for scoring) on the left, followed by columns that describe different levels of quality for each characteristic


a simple list of items to be noted, checked, or remembered when evaluating learning

Authentic Assessment

a type of assessment in which students perform a real-world task by applying learned skills, such as taking a driver's test, building a model, designing a floor plan, implementing a lesson plan,

Summative assessment

a type of assessment used at the end of instruction to evaluate student learning


an adult who commits to a long-term relationship with a student to provide support, guidance, and help

Formative Assessment

form of assessment used throughout student learning to provide feedback on student understanding; used as guide to direct the instruction


helpful information or constructive criticism that is given to students to help improve their performance


means for improving instruction and learning


students' assessment of each other's learning


students' assessment of their own learning

Standardized tests

tests that measure students' performance compared to that of thousands of other students

Mastery learning

the process of mastering each instructional objective before moving on to the next objective

Performance-based assessment

type of assessment used to measure a student's ability to perform certain learning tasks by applying skills, knowledge, and work habits; measures how well a student can apply knowledge to performance. Ex. Writing Essay, Giving a Speech, Experiments, Interpreting maps

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